損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 書 名 発行地,発行年 Alfred M Best Company Campbell,Alexader Colin Best’s lnsurance Reports ; Fire,Marine and Miscellaneous,30th annual edition New York,1912. lnsurance and Crime New York,1902. Campbell,Alexader Colin lnsurance and Crime New York,1902. Carey,F.H Marine lnsurance ; A Series of Lectures. Crobaugh,Clyde J. Handbook of lnsurance New York,1931. Dover,Victor and lst (1922)ed.,London. A Handbook to Marine lnsurance,4th London,1936. Dover,Victor A Handbook to Marine lnsurance,3rd London,1929. Dover,Victor A Handbook to Marine lnsurance,2nd London,1924. Dover,Victor A Handbook to Marine lnsurance,1st. London,1922. Eke,J.Alfred The Principles of lnsurance and their Application London,1924. Geroge,David Lloyd The People's lnsurance London,New York and Toronto,1912. Gow,William Marine lnsurance ; a Handbook London,1917 Gow,William Marine lnsurance ; a Handbook London,1917 Gow,William Marine lnsurance ; a Handbook London,1917 Gow,William Marine lnsurance ; a Handbook London,1910 Gow,William Marine lnsurance ; a Handbook London,1931 Gregg,David W.&MCGi11,Dan M. World lnsurance Trends Philadelphia,1957. 1 損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 書 名 発行地,発行年 Hendricks,Francis Forty Fifth Annua1 Report of the Superintendent of lnsurance of the State of New York Albany,1904. Hopkins,Manley A Manual of Marine lnsurance London,1867. Huebner,Solomon S. Marine lnsurance New York,1920. Huebner,Solomon S. Marine lnsurance New York,1920. Huebner,Solomon S. Marine lnsurance New York,1920. Huebner S.S. Property lnsurance,new ed. New York and London,1927. Huebner,Solomon S. Life lnsurance ; A Textbook New York and London,1927. Kitchin,F.Harcourt Bourne' s lnsurance Directory, New Series London,1903. Kitchin,F.Harcourt The Principles and Finance of Fire lnsurance London,1904 Kitchin,F.Harcourt The Principles and Finance of Fire lnsurance London,1904 Lay,H.G Marine lnsurance a Textbook of the History of Marine lnsurance including the Functions of Lloyd' s Register of Shipping London,1925. Lindley,Harold W.&Saunders,Sidney A Guide to Marine lnsurance Claims. Michelbacher,G.F. Multiple-LineIlnsurance London,1936. New York,Toronto and London,1957 Moore,Francis C. Fire lnsurance and How to build New York,1903. Moore,Francis C. Fire lnsurance and How to build New York,1903. 2 損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 Mowbray,Albert H.& 0wen,Douglas 書 名 Ilnsurance ; its Theory and Practice in the united States,4th ed. 発行地,発行年 New York,1955. Marine lnsurance Notes and Clauses,3rd ed. London,1890. Poole,Frederick W.S. The Marine lnsurance of Goods London,1928. Riegel,Robert&Loman,H.J. Sneath A.W. ` Spicer,Ernset Evan&Pegler,Ernest Templeman,Frederick& lnsurance Principles and Practices,3rd ed. New York,1923. lnsurance ; a Glance at its Principles and Practice Manchester,1920. Underwriter' s Acconuts, 2nd ed. London,1910. Marine lnsurance ; its Principles & Practice London,1934. Templeman,Frederick& Templeman,Frederick Templeman,Frederick Templeman,Frederick Templeman,Frederick Marine lnsurance ; its Principles & Practice London,1951. Marine lnsurance ; its Principles and Practice,3rd ed. London,1917. Marine lnsurance ; its PrincFples and Practice, 3rd ed. London,1918. Marine lnsurance ; its Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. London,1909. Marine lnsurance ; its Principles and Practice London,1903 Walford,Cornelius The lnsurance Guide and Hand-Book, 3rd ed. London,1900. Walford,Cornelius Walford,Cornelius The lnsurance Cyclopaedia ; Being a Dictionary,Vol. Ⅳ London,1880 The lnsurance Cyclopaedia ; Being a Dictionary,Vol.Ⅳ London,1880 Winter,William D. Yonug,T,E Arnould,Joseph Marine lnsurance ; its Principles and Practice,1st ed. New York,1919. Insurance a Practical Exposition for the Student and Business Man,3rd ed. London A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and Average,2nd ed.,vo1.Ⅰ 3 London,1857. 損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 Arnould,Joseph 書 名 A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and Average,2nd ed.,vo1.Ⅱ 発行地,発行年 London,1857. Arnould,Joseph A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and Average,vol.Ⅰ London.1848. Arnould,Joseph Chalmers,M.D.&Owen,Douglas A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and Average,vol. II London.1848. A Digest of the Law relating to Marine lnsurance,2nd ed London,1903. Chalmers,M.D.&Owen,Douglas A Digest of the Law relating to Marine lnsurance,2nd ed London,1903. Chalmers,MD.&Owen,Douglas A Digest of the Law relating to Marine lnsurance London,1901. Chalmers,MD.et al. Chalmers,MD.et al. The Marine lnsurance Act 1906 London,1906 The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,2nd London,1913 Chalmers,MD.et al. The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,3rd London,1922 Chalmers,MD.et al. The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,3rd London,1922 Chalmers,MD.et al. The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,4th London,1932 Cole,Sanford D. lnsurance Law London,1920. Cole,Sanford D. lnsurance Law London,1920. Crump,F.0ctavius The Principles of the Law relation to Marine lnsurance and General Average London,1875. Dover,victor Analysis of Marine lnsurance Clauses,7th ed. London,1956. Dover,victor Student’ s Analysis of lnsurance Clauses, 5th revised edition London,1936. Gow,William Sea lnsurance according to British Statute London,1914. 4 損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 Gow,William 書 名 Sea lnsurance according to British Statute The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,with Notes Hart,Edward Louis&Simey,Ralph The Marine lnsurance Act 1906,with Notes Hart,Edward Louis&Simey,Ralph 発行地,発行年 London,1914. London,1907. London,1907. Hughes,David A Treatite on the Law relating to lnsurance New York,1833. Hurd,Howard B. The Law and Practice of Marine lnsurance. London,1930. Lowndes,Richard MacGillivray,E.J. MacGillivray, E.J.&Browne,Denis May,John Wilder A Practical Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance,2nd ed. London,1885. Insurance Law relating to All Risks other than Marine London,1912. The Law of lnsurance as applied to Fire, Life,Accident,Gurantee and other Non-Maritime Risks,4th ed.,volⅠ Boston,1900 May,John Wilder The Law of lnsurance as applied to Fire, Life,Accident,Gurantee and other Non-Maritime Risks,4th ed.,vol.Ⅱ Boston,1900 Morrell,Charles Francis l Insurance ; a Manual of Practical Law. London,1892. Macgillivray on lnsurance Law relating to All Risks other than Marine,3rd ed. London,1947. Park,James Allan A System of the Law of Marine lnsurance, 6th ed.,vol.1 Park,James Allan A System of the Law of Marine lnsurance, 6th ed.,vol.2 Parsons,Theophilus A Treatise on the Law of Marine lnsurance and General Average,vol.1 Picard,MP. Elements of lnsurance Law Porter,James Biggs&Morgan,T.W. Richards,George London,1809. London,1809. Boston,1868. London,1935. The Laws of lnsurance ; Fire,Life,Accident and Guarantee,7th ed. London,1925. A Selection of Cases on the Law of lnsurance,2nd ed. New York,1923. 5 損害保険事業総合研究所図書館に譲渡した蔵書のリスト(洋書) 著 者 書 名 Schively,J.H. Insurance Code of the State of Washington 1911 Olympia,1911. Turner,Harold A. The Principles of Marine lnsurance England.’ Zartman,Lester W, Property lnsurance Marine and Fire London,1921. Maclachlan,David. Arnould, on the Law of Marine lnsurance 3rd ed, vol.Ⅰ London,1866. Maclachlan,David. Arnould, on the Law of Marine lnsurance 4th ed, vol.Ⅰ London,1872. Maclachlan,David. Arnould, on the Law of Marine lnsurance 4th ed, vol.Ⅱ London,1872. Munich,Bruders. The Marine Underwriter an International Marine lnsurance Review,vol.Ⅰ Berlin,1922. Yonug,T,E & Masters,Richard. Insurance Office Organisation,Management,and Accounts. London,1904 Huebner,Solomon S. The Economics of Life Insurance. New York and London,1927. Raynes,Harold E. A History of British Insurance London,1950 Trenerry C.F The Origin and Early History of Insurance London,1926 The Post Magazine The Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor vol.LXIV London,1903 ? Five Lectures on Insurance ? 6 発行地,発行年
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