[2-A-b-2]第25 回ちびっ子イングリッシュコンテスト英語暗唱部門 課題文

第 25 回ちびっ子イングリッシュコンテスト英語暗唱部門
対象 : 小学 3∼6 年生
A large box arrived for Ginny. It was from her cousin Peggy and packed full
of used clothes. Peggy was a year older and a little bit bigger than Ginny.
She was always sending Ginny the clothes she had outgrown.
“Mother, do I have to wear Peggy’s old clothes again this year?” complained
“Don’t you like the nice things Peggy sends?” asked Mother.
“How about these denim overalls? I thought you liked them when Peggy wore
them to your birthday party. And here’s that cute vest you admired.”
“They’re okay,” Ginny admitted. “I’d just like to have something new, too.”
“I understand,” said Mother. “How would you like to go to Giant Mart on
Saturday? We can get you a new shirt to go with the overalls and maybe a
skirt to wear with the vest. Would that make you feel better?”
Ginny jumped up and gave her mother a huge hug.
“Yes, that will make me feel much better.”
“I have another hand-me-down to show you,” said Mother. She went to her
jewelry box and took out a locket. “This locket was handed down from your
great-grandmother to your grandmother. Your grandmother handed it down
to me. Someday I will hand it down to you. So you see how precious a
hand-me- down can be.” Mother opened the locket to show Ginny the pictures
of her great-grandparents.
Adapted from “Hand-me-downs” by Evan-Moor Corp.