Draft Otsukimi 2014 flyer JW

s TH
Join us to celebrate Otsukimi, the Harvest Moon Festival in Japan.
Discover and learn about the CULTURE and HISTORY through
music, craft, bilingual traditional storytelling and more!
会場 Venue
Held In a traditional teahouse located in the beautiful Rikugien
Garden. Take a stroll in the Garden after the workshop!
Is the moon a symbol of beauty or mystery? What do
you see in the moon? Share your cultural ideas and
traditions as we learn about Otsukimi.
対象年年齢 Age
3-9 歳のお⼦子様および保護者 ご家族皆さまでどうぞ!
Most suitable for children between 3-9 years old with
parents/guardians. Please bring your whole family!
六義園 心泉亭 文京区本駒込六丁目
JR 山の手線・東京メトロ南北線 駒込駅 徒歩 7 分 都営三田線 千石駅 徒歩 10 分 Rikugien Gardens, Sinsen-tei Teahouse
7 min walk from Komagome Station
(JR/Tokyo Metro Namboku Line)
10 min walk from Sengoku Station (Toei Mita Line)
Sign up
費⽤用 Cost
5,000 円 1 家族(お⼦子様 1 ⼈人分)対象年年齢のご兄弟等いらっ
しゃる場合はお⼀一⼈人につき 1000 円追加。別途六六義園⼊入園料料
⼤大⼈人 1 ⼈人 300 円。
5,000 yen for a family with one child. Additional child
participating in the activities – 1,000 yen per child.300
yen Rikugien Garden entrance fee per adult.
⼈人数に限りがあるため、参加ご希望の⽅方はお早⽬目に http://bit.ly/1t1iwXF にご連絡下さい!
Due to limited space, please register at http://bit.ly/1t1iwXF ASAP to secure your place!
和なびジャ パンの学び合いワ ークショップ WaNavi Japan’s “Shared Learning”
い機会にもなります。慣れ親しんだ日本の行事も、外国人の目を通して見てみると発見がたくさん!外国人ファミリーと季節の行事を楽しくお祝いしませんか? This is a cultural workshop aimed at bringing Japanese and International communities closer together. It will be facilitated by our Japanese and International
members. Get involved in a Japanese Festival with this fun bilingual event, meet International and Japanese friends and enjoy a morning of family fun and