31, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-728, Korea Tel : 82-2-789-2825 Fax : 82-2-782-0293 For more details : http:// content.mbc.co.kr E-mail : [email protected] Jang Jun-ha (Ma-ru) | Actor Nam Gung-min Kang Min-soo | Actress Koh Joon-hee Lee Seung-chul | Actor Lee Gyu-han Despite his excellent grades, he was teased mercilessly by the kids because his father was mentally retarded while his stepmother was deaf. When Mrs. Tae Hyun-sook tells him to come to her if he ever needs anything, he takes up her offer. He also meets her son, Dong-ju, who confides his disability to him. Ma-ru leaves Korea together with Dong-ju and also changes his name to Jang Jun-ha. Smarter than most girls, she wears fashionable clothes, and is meticulous about her looks. She is approached by Jun-ha to invest in his new cosmetics company. She gets to know Jun-ha and Dong-ju, and detects that they share a secret, 江敏秀 | 高俊姬饰 His parents raised chickens on a farm. He grew up in the same neighborhood as Bong Woo-ri since they were kids and watched her grow into an attractive young lady. Despite knowing that his parents would be horrified about his intentions to marry Bong Woo-ri, he decides to win her heart first. But all of a sudden, some very eligible bachelors with respectable jobs appear out of 头脑敏锐,穿着大胆,个性强而很有感觉的女孩。 nowhere and start wooing Woo-ri. 张俊河 | 南宫民饰 学习虽然很好,但因为父母有残疾而被人指指点 点。因为需要帮助而去找泰贤淑女士,在那得知东 周失聪的秘密,并以张俊河这个新名字与东周一起 离开…… チャン・ジュナ | 俳優:ナムグン・ミン 学校の成績は常にトップだったが、障害を持つ両親 のせいでいつも後ろ指をさされた。援助を約束して くれたテ・ヒョンスク女史を訪ねた病院で、ドンジ ュの聴覚障害の秘密を知り、ドンジュと一緒に姿を 消す。そしてチャン・ジュナという新しい名前で帰 ってくるが…。 which she intends to find out. 因为韩国新兴化妆品公司的俊河提出向她投资,她 回到韩国。回国后结识了俊河和东周……她觉得他 李承哲 | 李奎翰饰 们俩之间好像有什么秘密,因此渐渐感到好奇…… 养鸡场主人的独生子。不知不觉中觉得从小就当邻 居的奉友利越来越好看,甚至觉得她父亲也很可 カン・ミンス | 俳優:コ・ジュニ 頭脳明晰、派手なファッションに身を包む個性満点 のイケてる女。 韓国の新生化粧品会社に勤めるジ ュナから投資話を持ちかけられ帰国する。帰国後に 知り合ったジュナとドンジュ…。この二人の間には 何か秘密がありそうだ…。 爱。他下定决心,哪怕被父母打死也要和奉友利结婚, 但不知从哪来了个英俊男孩总在奉友利周围徘徊。 イ・スンチョル | 俳優:イ・ギュハン 養鶏場の一人息子。近所の幼なじみウリにいつの間 にか心惹かれる。両親に殴られる覚悟でウリとの結 婚を決意するが、突如現れたイケメンがウリにまと わりつく。 Woo-ri’s mother has hearing impairments, but despite her disability and single mother status, she marries mentally retarded Bong Young-gyu, Ma-ru’s father. This is how Woo-ri becomes a stepsister to Ma-ru (Junha). However, Woo-ri is left alone with her stepfather after her mother dies in an accident and Ma-ru runs away from home. Dong-ju loses his hearing in an accident caused by his stepfather, but hides his disability from his parents. He returns to Korea and carefully plans a way to get revenge on his hateful stepfather. Ma-ru, after running away from his family, grew up to become a doctor and is hired as Dong-ju’s personal doctor.This coming-of-age story of three young people and their love triangle will warm the hearts of viewers. 因为有听力残疾的妈妈美淑和有智力残疾的爸爸奉英九结婚,友利和人麻娄由此成为兄妹。妈妈死后,麻娄离家出走,而友利和弱智的爸爸生活在一起。友利 儿时的朋友,富家公子东周因为与养父有关的事故而双耳失聪,但隐瞒了这一真相。东周决心报复养父回到韩国,而离家出走的麻娄也成为东周的主治医归 国……有所欠缺的人们渐渐学习爱情真谛的感人爱情故事。 耳の不自由な母親ミスクと、知恵遅れのポン・ヨンギュとの結婚で家族となったマルとウリ。 ミスクが亡くなった後、マルは家を出てしまい、ウリ は知恵遅れの父親と二人きりで暮らすことになる。幼い頃にウリと仲がよかった裕福な家の息子ドンジュは継父絡みの事故で聴力を失う が、その事実を隠し、継父に対する復讐を胸に秘めたまま生きていく。そして家を出たマルはドンジュの主治医となって帰ってくるが…。 愛とは何かを学ぶ愚かな人々が繰り広げる感動のヒューマン・ラブストーリー。 Screenwriter : Moon Hee-jeong / Director : Kim Sang-ho 导演 : 金尚浩 / 编剧 : 文熙贞 脚本 : ムン・ヒジョン / 演出 キム・サンホ Characters ✣ 剧中人物 ✣ 登場人物 Cha Dong-ju | Actor Kim Jae-won Bong Woo-ri | Actress Hwang Jung-eum He is confrontational, cold and dismissive of others. He lost his hearing in an accident when he was little. Since his hearing disability could undermine his position as the heir to the family fortune, he painstakingly learned to cope with his disability and appear as if he has normal hearing. At the age of 25, she cares for her stepfather who has the intelligence of a 7-year-old. When she was a child, her mother was killed in a car accident and her stepbrother went missing afterwards. One day, she meets a young man who has a striking resemblance to her missing stepbrother. 车东周 | 金载沅饰 奉友利 | 黄静茵饰 直截了当而冷若冰霜,喜欢出语伤人。 二十五岁的少女,奉养智力相当于七岁孩子的爸爸。妈妈再婚后成为她哥哥的麻娄在妈妈出事 儿时从屋顶坠落,因此失聪。为掩盖在继承家产时会成为致命弱点的听力残疾,他通过含辛茹 故时离家出走。而她有一天遇到很像麻娄的东周…… 苦的努力假装自己听得见声音。 ポン・ウリ | 俳優:ファン・ジョンウム チャ・ドンジュ | 俳優:キム・ジェウォン ストレートで氷のように冷たい毒舌家。幼い頃に事故に遭い、聴力を失った。後継者にとっ て致命的な弱点になりうる聴覚障害を隠すために、血のにじむような努力を通じて聞こえる ふりをする。 精神年齢7才の父親を育てながら生きる25歳の乙女! 母親の再婚で兄となったマルが、母親の 事故を境に姿を消した。そしてある日、マルに似たドンジュに出会うが…。 60 mins x 30 eps DRAMA
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