i. 壊れたパソコン ii. 推薦図書 iii. 隠れた動機 iv. 干し椎茸 v. ピカピカに

Composition H – Unit 7 – Useful Phrases for Procedural (Instructional) Essays (17 October 2014)
Kris Sullivan
Useful Phrases for Procedural/Instructional Essays
1. a) Giving detail with “adjectives”: It’s important to give much detail in Procedural Essays.
We can use adjectives to do this. Adjectives can come before or after a noun. “Nouns” and
“participles” can also act like adjectives. Decide whether the following phrases are
“adjective + noun”, “noun + noun” or “participle + noun”, and write them in the table below.
tightly-closed jar
coffee beans
non-dairy creamer
filtered water paper filter
adjective + noun
ground coffee fresh cream
noun + noun
electric grinder
bottled water
spring water
participle + noun
b) Create “(adverb) past participle + noun” sets to describe the following:
i. 壊れたパソコン
ii. 推薦図書
iii. 隠れた動機
iv. 干し椎茸
v. ピカピカに磨いた靴
vi. 手動機械
vii. 最近雇用された労働者
viii. よく書けたエッセイ
ix. 染みができているシャツ
x. 焼きたてのパン
xi. 最近導入された政策
xii. 指定[予約]席
xiii. …………………………………………
xiv. …………………………………………
Composition H – Unit 7 – Useful Phrases for Procedural (Instructional) Essays (17 October 2014)
Kris Sullivan
2. Showing emphasis: In our essays, some steps are more important than others. It is
important to make this clear. We can do this by using phrases like:
* Make sure (that) you warm up before exercising.
* Be sure to warm up before exercising.
* It’s important to warm up before exercising.
必ず~しなさい, することを忘れないで,
~するように気を付けなさい, ~するように
synonyms of important: ___________________
* The most important thing is to warm up before exercising.
* Don’t f__ __ __ __ __ to warm up before exercising.
* R__ __ __ __ __ __ __ to warm up before exercising.
Use these phrases to write 2 important steps to follow when writing an essay for Kris’s class:
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
3. Give ideas for alternatives and options:
* Add milk and sugar if desired. (お好みで、お好みならば、必要なら、必要に応じて)
* Add salt and pepper to taste. (好みに合わせて → USED ONLY FOR FOOD)
* If necessary, consult a doctor before starting your new exercise program. (必要であれば)
* If preferred, use fresh cream instead of milk. (その方が良ければ)
Use these phrases to introduce 2 options/alternatives when writing an essay for Kris’s class:
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
Composition H – Unit 7 – Useful Phrases for Procedural (Instructional) Essays (17 October 2014)
Kris Sullivan
4. Be specific about purpose:
Change the adjectives, nouns and
verbs as necessary!
* For best flavor, it should take 4.5-5 minutes for the water to pass through the filter.
* To achieve the best flavor, use high quality coffee beans.
* In order to make great coffee, it’s important to use filtered water.
* So as not to burn your coffee grounds, make sure you allow the boiled water to cool.
Use these phrases to introduce 2 pieces of advice for when writing an essay for Kris’s class:
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
5. As always, you need to be careful with articles & determiners. Fill in the gaps with the
correct article (冠詞:a/an/the) or determiner (限定詞:my/this/that/some/etc etc).
Here is a recipe for a delicious egg sandwich, perfect for a light lunch or snack. First, buy
__________ eggs, bread, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and __________ saucepan if necessary.
When you start feeling hungry, begin your preparations. Fill __________ saucepan with 3
cups of water and bring to the boil. Add __________ eggs, and boil them for 10 minutes.
6. Translate the following sentences, keeping in mind the language rules for “how to” essays.
a) にんじんと玉ねぎは5mm厚さの輪切りにする。小鍋にバター大さじ2を溶かし、にんじんと
Composition H – Unit 7 – Useful Phrases for Procedural (Instructional) Essays (17 October 2014)
Kris Sullivan
b) 開封後はすぐに早くお召し上がりください。
c) 乳幼児の手の届かないところで保管してください。
d) Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Next week’s class:
Î Business Writing
1. Read the 3 “example essays” to get a better understanding of this essay genre
2. Plan your essay