1. ISNAC Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

1. ISNAC Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist in 2014
ISNAC offers an "ISNAC Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in 2014" at the International
Symposium on Nucleic Acid Chemistry.
Two winners will be selected and receive a
certificate. Researchers who are 35 years old or younger (on March 31, 2014) are encouraged
to participate in the “ISNAC Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist”.
ISNAC では、若手優秀講演賞"ISNAC Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist
in 2014"を募集いたします。若手優秀講演賞は 3 件を予定しており、受賞者には、賞状を授与する予
定です。35 歳以下(2015 年 3 月 31 日時点)の研究者はふるってご応募ください。
1) The applicant must be 35 years old or younger on March 31, 2015 (the eligible applicant
become 35 years old or younger after next year). Reapplication is possible except for the award
winners in ISNAC2014.
応募者は、2015 年 3 月 31 日で 35 歳以下の研究者に限ります(来年以降は35才以下の研究者
2) The applicant must be the first author responsible for the presented results on oral
presentation submission.
The organizing committee will accept up to 18 applicants. But if too many applicants are
submitted to this award, we will pre-select the candidates by reviewing the submitted abstract
and inform all the applicants of the result of pre-review by e-mail. The award winners will be
selected from the candidates who give an oral presentation. The presentation time for award
competitor will be the same as that for a normal oral presenter. We will not set a special session
like “award competition session”.
最大 18 名を受け付ける予定ですが、申し込み者が多数の場合は、組織委員で要旨の内容を基に事
The candidates are required to select “Oral (award application)” at the Preference in the
application form.
(応募者は、 申し込みの際に“Oral (award application)” を選択してください)
Award Criteria/審査基準
The winners are selected by the reviewers according to 1) scientific quality, 2) quality of the oral
presentation, and 3) quality of discussion.
受賞者は、審査委員が 1)研究内容、2)口頭発表の内容、3)質疑応答
ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award in 2014
ISNAC offers an "ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award in 2014" at the International Symposium on
Nucleic Acid Chemistry. Four or Five winners will be selected and receive a certificate. Doctor
course students and post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to participate in the “ISNAC
Poster Award”.
ISNAC では、優秀ポスター賞"ISNAC Outstanding Poster Award in 2014"を募集いたします。ポスタ
ー賞は 4-5 件を予定しており、受賞者には、賞状を授与する予定です。博士課程の学生とポスドク研究
1) The applicant must be a doctor course student or a post-doctoral researcher.
2) The applicant must be the first author on a poster submission.
3) The past winners are not eligible to award.
The candidates are requested to select the “Poster (award application)” at the Preference in the
application form.
(応募者は 申し込みの際に、“Poster (award application)” を選択してください)
Award Criteria/審査基準
The winners are selected by the reviewers according to 1) scientific quality, 2) quality of the
poster presentation, and 3) quality of discussion.
受賞者は、審査委員が 1)研究内容、2)ポスター発表の内容、3)質疑応答を審査して決定されま