2014年度 英 語 最初に、以下の注意事項をよく読んで下さい。 1.問題用紙は監督者の指示があるまでは開かないで下さい。 2.監督者の指示により、最初に解答用紙に受験番号・氏名を記入し、さらに 問題用紙にも受験番号・氏名を記入して下さい。 3.試験開始1分後に、リスニングテストが始まります。 4.試験問題の内容に関する質問には応じません。それ以外の用事があるとき は、手をあげて下さい。 5.受験中気分が悪くなったときは、監督者に申し出て下さい。 6.問題および解答用紙は持ち帰らないで下さい。 氏 名 受 験 番 号 HE 2月10日 Ⅰ. これから放送される対話を聞き、後の質問に対する正しい答えをそれぞれ1つ 選び、その記号を書きなさい。対話文と質問は2度放送されます。放送中メモを 取ってもかまいません。 1. A.He was left alone on the train. B.He left his mobile phone on the train. C.His mother told him to stop using his mobile phone. D.Maybe his mobile phone was stolen on the train. 2. A.He had short blond hair. B.He had short white hair. C.He had long white hair. D.He had long blond hair. 3. A.dark frame glasses B.a long black coat C.a gray hat D.a blue cap 4. A.taller than John B.taller than Kevin C.as tall as John D.as tall as Kevin ─ 1 ─ HE 2月10日 Ⅱ. 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。ただし、*のついた語句には、最 後に[注]があります。 Have you ever ① heard of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Machu Picchu in Peru or the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt? Some of you may say that you’ve heard of some of them. Some of you may say that you’ve been to some of them. All of them are not only very famous places but also *World Heritage sites. “World Heritage” is *inscribed by *UNESCO. UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. ② It means UNESCO is a part of the United Nations. “World Heritage” is the name given to places that are considered to have “*outstanding universal value” and must be handed down to the next generation. So UNESCO has the ③ right to decide what places are “World Heritage sites” and helps to protect them. Last year on June 26, Mt. Fuji finally became a World Heritage site. But it was not easy to be inscribed as a World Heritage site. At first, the Japanese government planned to *recommend Mt. Fuji to be a World Natural Heritage site, but in 2003 the Japanese government found that it would be very difficult. One of the reasons is the bad *environmental problem. This is caused by the *illegal throwing of garbage by some factories and tourists. (Every year many ④ volunteers help to clean up Mt. Fuji. In 2012 almost 14,000 volunteers cleaned up garbage around Mt. Fuji. They collected nearly 134 tons of garbage.) Another reason is UNESCO’s rule that “Once a World Heritage ⑤candidate site is *rejected at a UNESCO *conference, this site cannot be a candidate site any more.” These are the reasons that the Japanese government gave up their recommendation( ⑥ ) Mt. Fuji has been thought of as a *sacred site for centuries, so the Japanese government decided ⑦ to recommend Mt. Fuji to be a World Cultural Heritage site. The World Heritage sites are made up of three categories: Cultural Heritage, ─ 2 ─ HE 2月10日 Natural Heritage and Mixed Heritage. Well, what is the difference( ⑧ )the three? World Cultural Heritage sites are usually buildings, monuments, or cities and World Natural Heritage sites are usually mountains, lakes or forests. World Mixed Heritage sites have both cultural and natural *features. In 2013, UNESCO members *screened 29 Heritage candidate sites and 19 of ⑨ them were officially inscribed as World Heritage sites. They are 14 Cultural sites and five Natural sites. Today there are 981 World Heritage sites in the world, including 759 Cultural sites, 193 Natural sites and 29 Mixed sites. A total of 160 countries have a World Heritage site or sites. CHART 1 is a list of 15 countries with the most World Heritage sites. CHART 1 Country TOTAL Cultural Natural Mixed 1 Italy 49 45 4 0 2 China 45 31 10 4 3 Spain 44 39 3 2 4 France 38 34 3 1 4 Germany 38 35 3 0 6 Mexico 32 27 5 0 7 India 30 24 6 0 8 The United Kingdom 28 23 4 1 9 Russia 25 15 10 0 10 The United States 21 8 12 1 11 Australia 19 3 12 4 11 Brazil 19 12 7 0 13 Canada 17 8 9 0 13 Japan 17 13 4 0 13 Greece 17 15 0 2 According to CHART 1, Italy has the most Cultural Heritage sites. ( ⑩ ) has 10 fewer Cultural Heritage sites than Italy and is tied with France for fourth place in the total number of World Heritage sites. ─ 3 ─ HE 2月10日 About Natural Heritage sites, the United States and Australia have the most. The United States has 12, which include the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite National Parks, and two that face the Canadian border. Australia( ⑪ ) has 12, which include the Great Barrier Reef and Shark Bay. The Natural Heritage site with the largest area is the Great Barrier Reef, which is covered with coral reefs. CHART 2 World Heritage Sites in Japan Name Location Year of Inscription Natural / Cultural 1 Buddhist Monuments in the Hōryū-ji Area Nara Prefecture 1993 the World Cultural Heritage 2 Himeji-jō Hyōgo Prefecture 1993 the World Cultural Heritage 3 Yakushima Kagoshima Prefecture 1993 the World Natural Heritage 4 Shirakami-Sanchi Aomori/Akita Prefecture 1993 the World Natural Heritage 5 Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto Kyoto/Shiga Prefecture 1994 the World Cultural Heritage 6 Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama Gifu/Toyama Prefecture 1995 the World Cultural Heritage 7 Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) Hiroshima Prefecture 1996 the World Cultural Heritage 8 Itsukushima Shinto Shrine Hiroshima Prefecture 1996 the World Cultural Heritage 9 Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara Nara Prefecture 1998 the World Cultural Heritage 10 Shrines and Temples of Nikkō Tochigi Prefecture 1999 the World Cultural Heritage 11 Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu Okinawa Prefecture 2000 the World Cultural Heritage 12 Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range Mie/Nara/Wakayama Prefecture 2004 the World Cultural Heritage 13 Shiretoko Hokkaidō 2005 the World Natural Heritage 14 Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape Shimane Prefecture 2010 the World Cultural Heritage 15 Ogasawara Islands Tokyo 2011 the World Natural Heritage 16 Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land Iwate Prefecture 2011 the World Cultural Heritage 17 Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration Shizuoka/Yamanashi Prefecture 2013 the World Cultural Heritage ─ 4 ─ HE 2月10日 CHART 2 is a list of World Heritage sites in Japan. Before Mt. Fuji was inscribed, Japan had( ⑫ )World Heritage sites, and 12 of them were Cultural Heritage sites. Japan’s inscribed Natural Heritage sites are Shirakami-Sanchi in Aomori and Akita, Yakushima in Kagoshima, Shiretoko in Hokkaido, and the Ogasawara Islands, which were inscribed the same year with Hiraizumi. Let’s see some information about Mt. Fuji. ⑬ Mt. Fuji is Japan’s highest mountain. It is 3,776 meters high and it is west of Tokyo. This *volcano’s last eruption was in 1707 during the *Edo era. *Trails to the top of Mt. Fuji are open from early July to early September. Every year during a two-month period, around 300,000 tourists climb the mountain. Women have only been *allowed to climb since ⑭ 1868. So during the Edo era, women couldn’t climb Mt. Fuji. People who lived in the Edo era loved to see Mt. Fuji and named some slopes Fujimi-saka. It means the slope( ⑮ )we can see Mt. Fuji from. Now, over 24 Fujimi-saka exist in Tokyo. But, these days, many high-rise office buildings and apartment buildings are built all around Tokyo and block the view of Mt. Fuji from many of them, but ⑯ we can still see Mt. Fuji from some of them. Where is the *farthest prefecture we can see Mt. Fuji from? According to the photographic evidence, it is said that the farthest west one is Wakayama prefecture, which is over 300km away from Mt. Fuji. The farthest north one is Fukushima prefecture, which is almost 300km away from Mt. Fuji. In fact, our school song *lyrics say, “The top of Mt. Fuji is watching how we young *Obiriners are and what we young Obiriners do.” ⑰( can / it / you / what / understand / means )? Yes, we can see Mt. Fuji from the 3 rd and 4 th floor classrooms of Obirin Junior High school on a clear, sunny morning. How happy we are to study at Obirin with a view to one of the World Heritage sites! ─ 5 ─ HE 2月10日 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ [注] *World Heritage site: 世界遺産 *inscribe: を登録する *UNESCO: ユネスコ,国連教育科学文化機関 *outstanding: 顕著な *recommend: を推薦する *environmental: 環境の *illegal throwing of garbage: 不法なゴミの投棄 *reject: を却下する *conference: 会議 *sacred: 神聖な *feature: 特徴 *screen: を選別する *volcano’s last eruption: 火山の最後の噴火 *Edo era: 江戸時代 *trail: 登山道 *allow: を許す *farthest prefecture: もっとも遠い県 *lyric: 歌詞 *Obiriner: 桜美林の生徒 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ A.① heard の下線部の発音と同じ発音を含む語を下から選び、その番号を書きな さい。 1.heart 2.tear 3.early 4.fear B.下線部②とほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に最も適切な語を書きなさい。 It means UNESCO( ) ( )the United Nations. C.下線部③の本文における意味を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.右側 2.権利 3.公正 4.真相 D.下線部④で、最も強いアクセントのある音節の番号を書きなさい v o l - u n - t e e r s 1 2 3 ─ 6 ─ HE 2月10日 E.次の文は下線部 ⑤ candidate site を英語で説明したものです。 解答欄の空欄に合わせて漢字2文字で書きなさい。 “A World Heritage candidate site” is a site which is recommended to be a World Heritage by its country’s government and UNESCO members screen it. F.本文の内容から、( ⑥ )に入る最も適切な英語を下から選び、その番号を書き なさい。 1.and it had to change its plan. 2.but it recommended Kamakura to be a World Natural Heritage site instead. 3.and it never recommended Mt. Fuji again. 4.because it was proud of Mt. Fuji at that time. G.下線部⑦と同じ用法が含まれる文を下から1つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.It is a lot of fun to play tennis. 2.He came to see me last week. 3.Do you have a DVD to watch in the next class? 4.I am happy to visit Kyoto with you. H.下線部⑧に入る最も適切な語を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.from 2.during 3.while 4.among I.下線部⑨は何を指しているか、英語で答えなさい。 J. ( ⑩ )に入る国名を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.Russia 2.Spain 3.Australia 4.Germany K. ( ⑪ )に入る適当な副詞を1語で書きなさい。 ─ 7 ─ HE 2月10日 L. ( ⑫ )に入る最も適切な数字を書きなさい。英語ではなく数字で書くこと。 M.下線部⑬とほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に最も適切な語を書きなさい。 Mt Fuji is higher than any( ) ( )in Japan. N.下線部⑭の年号を英語で書きなさい。 O.下線部⑮に入る最も適切な語を下から選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.it 2.which 3.whose 4.on which P.下線部⑯とほぼ同じ意味になるように下の( )に適当な語を書きなさい。 Mt. Fuji can still( ) ( )from some of them. Q.下線部⑰が文脈に合うように、( )内の語句を並べ替えなさい。ただし、文頭 にくるべき文字も小文字で記されている。 R.表1、2の内容に合うように、次の各問の下線部に入る最も適切な答えを下から 1つずつ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.Greece does not have World Natural Heritage sites. 1.a 2.any 3.no 4.none 2.Spain has World Cultural Heritage sites as Japan. 1.a third as many 2.a third more 3.three times as many 4.three times more 3.Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan have the number of Natural World Heritage sites. 1. least 2.fourth 3.four 4.same ─ 8 ─ HE 2月10日 S.本文の内容と一致するものを下から2つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.Mt. Fuji was inscribed as a World Natural Heritage site last year on June 26th. 2.UNESCO can decide only World Cultural Heritage sites. 3.The Japanese Government helped to clean up Mt. Fuji. 4.Mt. Fuji was rejected to be a candidate site of the World Heritage once by UNESCO. 5.In 2013, 10 candidate sites were officially inscribed as World Heritage Mixed sites. 6.In fact, the United States has 10 World Natural Heritage sites because the Grand Canyon and Yosemite national parks are Canadian World Natural Heritage sites. 7.Only men could climb Mt. Fuji during the Edo era. 8.From all of Fujimi-saka in Tokyo, we can see Mt.Fuji easily. 9.Some pictures of Mt. Fuji were taken from both Fukushima and Wakayama. 10.We can see Mt. Fuji from the 3rd and 4th floor classrooms of Obirin Senior High School building every morning. ─ 9 ─ HE 2月10日 Ⅲ. 次の対話文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。ただし、*のついた語句には、 最後に[注]があります。 Yumi : Tom, have you ever been to Australia? Tom : Yes, I have, Yumi. I lived in Australia when I was a child. Yumi : Oh, that’s great. I’m going to Australia next year, but I don’t know( ア ) about the country. ( い ) Tom : Actually, I lived there when I was only five years old so I don’t remember very much about it. ①( of /would / what / like / kind / advice / you )? Yumi : Well, I was hoping you could tell me about the weather, food, shopping, you know, things like that. Tom : OK. When are you going? Yumi : We’ll be going in February. Tom : Did you say “we”? Oh,( ろ ) Yumi : I’m going with some friends. Tom : Oh! That’s nice. Are they school friends? Yumi : Well, actually we’re old friends from elementary school. Tom : Sounds nice! Anyway, if you’re going in February, it’s going to be summer time in Australia. So you’ll only need light clothes. You should bring lots of shorts and T-shirts. Oh, you have to bring sunscreen. Yumi : Great, thanks. Do you have any other advice? Tom : Not really. Oh, maybe you can bring( イ )things from Japan. You can show them to the people you will meet in Australia. Yumi :( は ) Tom : Pictures of your family, some Japanese food, popular music or maybe some Japanese *souvenirs. Yumi : That’s a great idea. Thanks, Tom. Tom : Don’t forget ②(bring)back some souvenirs from Australia, too. Yumi : Oh, yeah! What should I buy in Australia for my family and friends in ─ 10 ─ HE 2月10日 Japan? Tom : Hmm... How about a ③ didgeridoo? That’ll be a great souvenir. Yumi : A didgeridoo? Is that a kind of animal? Tom : No ! It’s a musical instrument. It is played by native Australians who live in the outback. It is made of wood ④(eat)by ants. Yumi : Oh, I see. It’s like a long pipe that you blow into, right? I saw( ウ )on TV. Tom : That’s right. Its sound is interesting, too. Yumi : Great idea! Just one more question, Tom. Where is the outback? Is that the back garden of houses in Australia? Tom : No. Australians call a part of the countryside “the outback”. It’s a huge desert, but there are some famous places like Ayers Rock. Yumi : Oh, I see. Sorry, I know nothing about Australia. Tom :( に )If you need any( エ )advice, please tell me. Yumi : Okay. Thank you very much for all your help, Tom. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ [注] *souvenir: おみやげ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ A.空所( ア )〜( エ )に入る最も適切なものを選び、その番号を書きなさい。 ただし同じ選択肢は2度使えないものとする。 1.something 2.one 3.more 4.some 5.anything 6.first ─ 11 ─ HE 2月10日 B.空所 ( い )〜( に )に入る最も適切なものを選び、その番号を書きなさい。 ただし、選択肢では、文頭にくるべき文字も小文字で記されている。 1.when did you go there? 2.who are you going with? 3.that must be interesting. 4.can you give me some advice? 5.such as ... ? 6.no problem. C.下線部①が本文の内容に合うように、( )内の語句を並べ替えなさい。 D.下線部②、④を適切な形に直しなさい。ただし、2語になることもある。 E.③とは何か、漢字2語で答えなさい。 ─ 12 ─ HE 2月10日 後の問いに答えなさい。 Ⅳ. A.次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に入る最も適切な語を書きなさい。 1.She swims very well. = She is very( ) ( ) ( ). 2.Who is your favorite actor? = Who is the actor( ) ( )the best? 3.When did you come to Machida? = How long( )you( )in Machida? B.次の a. b. c. の( )に入る共通の語を書きなさい。 a.Write( )your parents once a month. b.We danced( )the music for many hours. c.His brother gave a nice book( )him. C.次の英文のうちで正しいものを1つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。 1.Mika and Taro enjoyed to talking with each other. 2.Mother told not me to eat too much every day. 3.When have you and a friend of yours been to Canada? 4.The news of his return from the war made her happy. ─ 13 ─ HE 2月10日 Ⅴ. 次の日本語を英語で書きなさい。 1.彼らはどちらのバスに乗るべきか分からなかった。 2.向こうで歌っている女の子たちは、私の妹です。 3.こんなにつまらない映画は今まで見たことがない。 Ⅵ. クラスで「私の家族」という題で英語のスピーチをすることになりました。 あなたならどのような内容を話しますか。4文以上、合計 20 語以上を用いた 英語で書きなさい。 ─ 14 ─ HE 2月10日 解 答 用 紙 英 語 I 1 2 A B D E H I II J K 3 ( )( ) C 世界遺産 地 F G L M ( ) ( ) O N P 4 ( ) ( ) Q 2 R 1 3 ・ S A(ア) (イ) (ウ) (エ) B(い) (ろ) (は) (に) III C D ② ( ) ・ ( ) ・ ( ) 2 ( ) ・ ( )B C 1 IV A 3 1 V 2 E ③ ④ ・ ( ( ) ) 3 VI 得 点 氏 名 受験番号 フリガナ HE 2月10日
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