The Committee on Supervision and Evaluation of the Specified Nuclear Facilities (25th) Extract from Material 1 Progress of blocking water at connection of trenches and the Units 2 / 3 reactor facilities July 23, 2014 Tokyo Electric Power Company 00 1. Trench location at Units 2 and 3 ■Plan seaside N 既閉塞済 Vertical立坑B shaft B Vertical 立坑B shaft B Unit2号機海水 2 Seawater 配管トレンチ Piping Trench Tunnel B ト ン ネ ル A Tunnel A Tunnel A ト ン ネ ル C トンネルB Tunnel C ト ン ネ ル A Tunnel C トンネルB Tunnel B 立坑Cshaft C Vertical 立坑Cshaft C Vertical ト ン ネ ル C Unit 3 Seawater 3号機海水 配管トレンチ Piping Trench 立坑D Vertical 立坑A shaft A 立坑Ashaft A Vertical Freezing started 2号機タービン建屋 Unit 2 Turbine Building Vertical 立坑D shaft D Under excavation 3号機タービン建屋 Unit 3 Turbine Building Under excavation Freezing started Open-cut duct 開削ダクト Unit 2 Unit 3 Vertical shaft A Freezing started (April 28) Vertical shaft A Excavation started (July 2) Open-cut duct Freezing started (June 13) Vertical shaft D Excavation started (May 2) 1 New approaches to removing trench water Purpose Measure Install additional pipes to carry coolant around the trench Install additional coolant pipes inside the trench -Excavate new holes Upgrade the cooling -Use holes in which thermometers are installed capacity of the Change coolant operation freezing system -Increase coolant flow speed -Change temperature of coolant -Change coolant material -Use liquified nitrogen as coolant Add ice Suppressing Add dry ice the flow of the water Install additional coolant pipes in vertical shaft Progress adopted (under preparation) PLAN difficult to implement adopted (under preparation) implemented difficult to implement difficult to implement difficult to implement adopted (preparation completed) adopted (preparation completed) under discussion 立坑部 Lowering water temperature A A Upgrade cooling capacity 2号機 Unit 2 2号T/B タービン建屋 Inject liquified nitrogen inside the building frame under discussion Install additional "packers" (nylon bags filled with adopted (under preparation) Exploring other cement) adopted methods of Fill space with grout (reviewed) lowering the adopted Fill space with other materials water's (reviewed) temperature Other measures to suppress water flow within adopted the buildings (reviewed) Suppressing water flow 2 Schedules for Unit 2 Vertical shaft A 8月 August 7月 July 項 目 Measure 20 30 10 20 30 preparation 投入準備 STEPⅠ ①氷投入 Add ice Add 投入ice Test 試験投入 preparation 投入準備 Add dry ice ①ドライアイス投入 Test 試験投入 Installing pipes 凍結管交換 Add dry ice 投入 Freezing 凍結運転 ②既設測温管を凍結管へ変更 Install additional coolant Add thermometer *currently reviewing points 測温管追加設置 ※現在,設置位置含め検討中 pipes Build trestle 架台設置 ③躯体外側への凍結管設置 Install additional coolant Insert pipes 凍結管挿入 pipes around the trench Build trestle 架台設置 STEPⅡ Install additional ④追加パッカー設置 “packers” Build trestle/excavation 架台設置・削孔 Freezing 凍結運転 Excavation/confirm 削孔・内部確認 inside Insert “packer” パッカー挿入 Prepare plant プラント準備 Fill space with filling ⑤間詰め材の投入 material Add material 材料投入 *The schedule is due to change according to the weather and progress of each measures. 3 (Reference) Sampling results of water inside seawater piping trenches Place of sampling Radioactive material density(Bq/cm3) Sampling date Cl (ppm) Cs-134 Cs-137 Unit 2 T/B 2013/07/22 約100 1.1×104 2.5×104 Unit 2 Vertical shaft C 2013/07/31 700~ 7,500 1.1~3.0 ×105 2.3~6.5×105 Unit 3 T/B 2013/06/13 約200 1.5×104 3.1×104 Unit 3 Vertical shaft C 2013/07/31 16,000~ 17,000 1.0~1.3 ×105 2.2~2.6×105 4
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