2014 MASTER’S THESIS Title ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ritsumeikan University MASTER'S PROGRAM MAJOR in STUDENT ID N U M B E R N A M E 2014 MASTER’S THESIS Title ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ritsumeikan University MASTER'S PROGRAM MAJOR in STUDENT ID N U M B E R N A M E 指導教員 Application for Conferment of Degree (学位授与申請書) Date: DD 7 MM 2014 YYYY Date of Submission TO: Professor Kenichi KASAHARA Dean, Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ritsumeikan University As per the regulations of Ritsumeikan University, I wish to apply for conferment of the degree of Master of ( ); and I hereby submit two copies of my thesis for evaluation. Engineering or Science Name: Student ID Number: Major: Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Signature and Hanko) CONTENT Hanko Thesis Title: (Ritsumeikan University) Indonesia Linkage ONLY Record of Conferment of Master’s Degree (論文等審査報告書) Graduate School of Science and Engineering Name Date of Birth Student ID Number Type of Degree Master of ( ) / DD / MM 19 YYYY Date of Enrollment 26 September 2013 Date of Conferment 23 September 2014 Engineering Title of Master’s Thesis Examiners Chief Result of Thesis Examination Final Result of Examination 印 Vice 印 Record of Conferment of Master’s Degree (論文等審査報告書) Graduate School of Science and Engineering Name Date of Birth Student ID Number Type of Degree Master of ( ) / DD / MM 19 YYYY Date of Enrollment 26 September 2012 Date of Conferment 23 September 2014 Engineering or Science Title of Master’s Thesis Examiners Chief Result of Thesis Examination Final Result of Examination 印 Vice 印 Submit this if applicable Consent Form for Use of Master’s Thesis or Equivalent (修士学位論文等利用承諾書) day month 2014 year Date of Submission I accept the request made by the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University regarding the use of my Master’s thesis or equivalent and give my consent to the items listed below relating to its use. Title of Master’s thesis or equivalent Graduate School: Graduate School of Science and Engineering Major: Student ID Number: Name: [Hanko] Academic advisor: [Hanko] Items for which your consent is sought 1. Use of master’s thesis or equivalent in print format ・To place your Master’s thesis or equivalent in Ritsumeikan University’s libraries to make it available for consultation 2. Duplication ・To provide a photocopy of your Master’s thesis or equivalent to users, upon request, for academic and research purposes 3. Conversion to electronic format and online publication ・To convert your Master’s thesis or equivalent to electronic format (PDF, etc) ・To make your Master’s thesis or equivalent available in electronic format (PDF, etc.) online via the Ritsumeikan Research Repository (R-Cube) x[Receipt for Master's thesis] (Administrative Office copy / 事務室控) stamp Title Supervisor Student ID No. [Receipt for Master's thesis] Name (Student’s copy / 学生控) We acknowledge receipt of your Master’s thesis. stamp Title Supervisor Student ID No. Name Graduate School of Science and Engineering
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