Deanne Learning a language in a classroom environment can be a challenge. It quickly becomes a jumble of grammar, words and phrases swimming around the student’s head, while they struggle to make sense of it all. At times when students don’t understand, it is easy for their native language to step in to save them. For this reason, they often find themselves lacking confidence with an irrational fear of making mistakes, two things they never experienced whilst learning their mother tongue. A passionate teacher can motivate, encourage and engage students, however it is always the practical experience which will captivate them and give them the self-motivation they need to improve. Going abroad is a fantastic way to reinforce the practicality of learning a second language therefore I was delighted to find out that the students of Taishi Senior High School would embark on a study tour to my hometown Perth, Australia. Having met the students for the first time post-tour, I could see they had enjoyed themselves. It was great to instantly have something in common with the students. Everyone spoke English with confidence and we enjoyed not only getting to know each other, but sharing stories about Perth as well. I could see how much the trip abroad had opened their eyes to a different lifestyle, new experiences and a new appreciation for why they are studying English at Taishi Senior High School. It is evident that the practical experience they had on the study tour has enabled them to realise just how valuable having a second language can be whilst travelling abroad. Studying English enables students to have a global passport to study at university, develop a career and to travel the world. I hope Taishi Senior High School continues with their study tour for years to come to ensure many more students are able to enrich their experience of learning English by going abroad. 初めまして。7月に西オーストラリア州のパースから着任した Deanne Couanis と申しま す。教室での英語学習には多くの困難が伴いますが、頑張って取り組んでいきたいと思っ ています。 外国に行くことは、言語学習の大きな動機になり、励みになります。太子高校の17名の 生徒の皆さんが、この夏に私の故郷のオーストラリアのパースで語学研修をしてくれたこ とを知り、とても喜んでいます。 初めて、生徒達と出会ったオーストラリア語学研修の事後研修で、私は、生徒の皆さんが オーストラリアでとても充実した時を過ごしたことを知りました。生徒の皆さんとの共通 の話題が多くあり、とても楽しくお話をすることができました。 英語を勉強することは、進学や就職、そして海外旅行にも役立ちます。太子高校の皆さん がオーストラリア語学研修やオーストラリアの交流校との交流、そして授業を通じてより 多くのことを学んでグローバルな人になってもらいたいと思います。
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