【申込方法】 「My もみじ」にアクセスし、「アンケート」の中の 「【国際交流

「My もみじ」にアクセスし、
【国際交流/International Exchange】冬のバスツアー参加申込/Application for Winter
Bus Tour」に、必要事項を記入の上、1 月 20 日(水)までにお申込み下さい。
【How to Apply】
Please submit the application form through My momiji―Surveys―Survey Responses―
【国際交流/International Exchange】冬のバスツアー参加申込/Application for Winter
Bus Tour」.
The application deadline is January 20th (Wed).
※In case of too much application, a lot will be held. Then, we will give priority to
freshmen and students who have not participated in Bus Tour before.
※Considered about the ratio of Japanese and International students.