Form 1/様式 1 ID No.: (外特 2014) 必ず ID 番号を記入すること Be sure to enter your ID number JSPS Fellow Name: Date: 採用期間開始・初回金受領方法通知書 Fellowship Commencement and Initial Allowance 1. I plan to commence my fellowship in Japan on (date) (Month/Day/Year) upon my arrival at (name of airport) by (flight). My tenure will be for months, ending on . (Month/Day/Year) 2. □ I request JSPS to remit my initial monthly allowance to my bank account, which I will open after my arrival. (外国人特別研究員本人口座への振込希望) or □ I request JSPS to remit my initial monthly allowance to my Host's bank account. (受入研究者の口座への振込希望) JSPS Fellow Signature: 受入研究者 Host Researcher 所属機関・職名: 氏名: (印) Note: 1. When allowance is to be deposited in Fellow’s account, it will be transferred a few weeks after JSPS receives a signed Form 3. 2. When allowance is to be deposited in Host’s account, please fill in his/her bank account information on Form 3 and send the form to JSPS. Your allowance will be transferred about 3 weeks after receiving the form. As the second deposit will be made into your own bank account, be sure to open an account upon arriving in Japan and resubmit Form 3. 3. If the Fellow already resides in Japan, it is not necessary for him/her to enter the name of the arrival airport or flight number. 4. Send this form to JSPS via your Host one month prior to your arrival date in Japan in order to receive your allowance and insurance benefits without delay. 注1.受入研究者は氏名欄に記名押印又は自署してください。 注2. 受入研究者の口座へ振込希望の場合、あるいは研究員が既に日本の口座を開設している場合は、様式3も 併せて提出してください。
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