Guidelines for Research Support Allowance A research-support allowance is available to the host researcher for the purpose of covering expenses incurred in hosting a Fellow under the JSPS Summer Program. JSPS will make reimbursements for actual expenses of up to 100,000 yen based on requests from host researchers. 1. Requesting Reimbursement Payment will be made based on requests from host researchers. Host researchers who wish to request reimbursement are to submit the documents listed below: - Reimbursement Request for Research Related Expenses (Form 1) - List of Expenses (Form 2) - Documentary Proof (for details, refer to “3. Documentary Proof of Payment”) *These forms can be downloaded from the program website: Maximum Amount The maximum amount of reimbursement is 100,000 yen. Date of Submission Requests should be submitted along the required documents by September 16, 2011. Contact Overseas Fellowship Division, International Program Department Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 8 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8472 TEL: 03-3263-4098 / FAX: 03-3263-1854 Please note that this research-support allowance only covers expenses incurred during the fellowship period (i.e. between June 14 and August 24, 2011). Expenses for related research activities conducted before or after the fellowship period are not covered by this allowance. 2. Expenses to be covered The table below lists the kinds of expenses that are (are not) covered by the research-support allowance. Reimbursement will be made in Japanese currency. If the cost was paid in foreign currency, the exchange rate on the date of payment is to be applied in converting the amount into Japanese yen. Categories Items covered Consumables Costs of consumables supplies; that is, items that cannot endure long-term use such as chemicals, materials and stationeries Items not covered × Purchase of books ,software, PCs or equipment × Purchase of cash vouchers such as phone cards, prepaid cards or gift coupons × Purchase of mobile phones Printing Cost of printing and publishing research results × Cost for printing or publishing research papers not directly related to research conducted under this program Communication and Mailing -Postage (stamps) × Costs for sending baggage -International phone call and facsimile charges between Fellow’s host institute -Shipping and delivery of research materials and Fellow’s home country or the venue of research report presentation meeting (Tokyo). × Charge for mobile telephone service Meeting Costs -Rental of meeting rooms or equipment -Light refreshments Wages and Remunerations Remunerations or wages of persons assisting in Fellow’s research activity. Included are the following functions: data processing, experiment assistance, documentation assistance, specialized knowledge provision, distributing and collecting questionnaires, gathering research materials, etc. Notes - The work content is to be explained in advance to the person who performs the assignment. The work is to be done with the person’s agreement to the terms. - The amount of wages and terms of the work are to be set as follows. Guide for Amount of Wages - For arranging documents or assisting in experiments: about 7,600 yen per day (based on an estimated 8 hours of work per day). For a half-day’s work, this amount should be halved. × Dining expenses such as reception or lunch costs × Cost of the assisting person’s transportation Term of Work - The work is to be performed during the fellowship period (i.e. between June 14 and August 24, 2011). As a rule, work should not be assigned on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. Miscellaneous -Cost of photocopying, photographic Costs development -Contract fee with agents (professional translator, etc.) 3. Documentary Proof of Payment The documents listed below are required as evidence of payments. If it should be impossible to submit all the required documents, at a minimum receipts must be submitted. Documentary Proof Category Estimate Delivery Slip Invoice Receipt Other material required Consumables ○ ○ ○ ◎ Printing ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎ List of Stamps (Form 4) ○ ○ ○ ◎ Minutes and participant list of the meeting - - - ◎* *Monthly Work Report and Payment Receipt (Form 5) ◎ For cost incurred in attending conference, documents that show the content of the conference. (For air travel, enclose receipts and air ticket stubs. Attach a receipt when claiming lodging expenses.) Communication and Mailing Meeting Costs Wages and Remunerations Miscellaneous Costs ○ ○ ○ 1) Be sure these documents are dated and stamped with the company’s seal. 2) A duty stamp is required on receipts of more than 30,000 yen. 3) For postage stamps, attach post office’s stamped receipt and the “List of Stamps (Form 4)” indicating their usage. In the case of international calls and facsimiles, provide invoices and receipts, noting on them the date of transmission, name and affiliation of other party, and content of call/fax. 4) For wages or remunerations, the days and/or hours worked should be verified on the last day of the person’s assignment. Also, be sure to prepare a time record that indicates the per-day/hour rate, duration (days/hours), and work contents. The time record must be stamped with the worker’s seal so as to confirm the time worked and payment received. 5) Receipts for photocopy costs should indicate the contents of the copied materials. The materials must be related to this program. 6) For reimbursement of travel expenses incurred in accompanying a fellow to conferences or on fieldwork, a receipt or other documentary proof of payment must be submitted, including a summary of the meeting or fieldwork schedule and receipts indicating the dates and itinerary during the period in which travel costs were incurred. JSPS will calculate reimbursement of travel costs in accordance with its regulations. Based on receipts, lodging expenses are covered up to ¥11,000 per night. Per diem is not provided. 7) Even when a person other than the host researcher advances travel money, JSPS will reimburse the host researcher. Therefore, evidence should be provided of the money flow, starting from the cash advancer. 8) If it is difficult to obtain a receipt from an institution in charge of accounting on behalf of a host researcher, attach a document showing the date of the payment (e.g., a copy of payment data page of its financial accounting system). 9) As proof of payment, be sure to attach a proper receipt. (A cash register slip (receipt) will not suffice.) Without a proper receipt, reimbursement cannot be made. When other documents, such as an estimate, delivery note or invoice, cannot be obtained, be sure to attach a receipt that itemizes the items purchased. 様式 1 (Form 1) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 日付(Year / Month /Date) 2011 年 月 日 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 経理課長 殿 (To: Head, JSPS Accounting Division) 請求研究者(所属・職・氏名) (Affiliated Institution/Position/Host Researcher’s Name) 印(Signature) 調 査 研 究 費 精 算 請 求 書 (Reimbursement Request for Research-related Expenses) 2011 年度 JSPS サマー・プログラムに係る調査研究費を、下記のとおり支出願います。 (Please reimburse the cost of my expenses under the Summer Program 2011 into the following bank account.) 記 1.参加研究者名・ID (Fellow’s name / ID): 2.請求金額(Amount Claimed): (SP11 _ _ _) 円(YEN) 3.支払先振込銀行口座(Bank account number): 銀行名(Bank Name) 支店名(Branch) 口座番号(Account Number) (総 合 / 普 通 / 当 座)(Multipurpose・Savings・Checking ) (ふりがな)(Hiragana) 名 義 人(Account Name) 自宅住所(Home Address)* (*銀行口座が個人名義の口座である場合にご記入ください。なお、銀行に登録 してある住所ではなく、ご自宅の住所となりますのでご留意ください。) (*Enter name of account holder in case of individual bank account. Enter address where you live, not the one registered for the bank account.) (請求金額の内訳を別紙「調査研究費支出簿」を用いて一覧表とし、必要とされる証拠書類とともに添付し て下さい。 ) (Attach a research expenditure ledger iteming costs along with coinciding receipts.) 様式 2(Form 2) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 調 査 研 究 費 支 出 簿 (List of Expenses) 整理番号 日 付(Date) (領収書の日付と (Item 一致のこと) Number) (Should coincide with receipt.) 費 目 名 (Item type) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 合 計( Total) 費 目 の 内 容 (Item name) 支出金額(円) (Unit cost,YEN) 様式 3(Form 3) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 調査研究費証拠書類貼付用紙 (Receipts) 整理番号(Item Number): ( 領 収 書 等 貼 付 欄 ) (Paste receipt or other evidence of payment for this numbered item here.) 様式 4(Form 4) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 切 手 等 受 払 簿 (List of Stamps) 整理番号(Item Number) 切手種別(Type of Stamp) 円切手(¥ stamp) * 切手の単価毎にコピーして作成すること。用途欄には通信相手及び送付物の概要を記入のこと。 * Use one Form 4 sheet for each type of stamp. Enter the receivers of mail packages sent and their contents. 日 付 受領枚数 使用枚数 残 枚 数 用 途 (Date) (Purchased) (Used) (Remaining) (Purpose) 計(Total) 様式 5(Form 5) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 2011 年(平成 23 年)出 務 表 及 び 領 収 書( 月分) (Work Report and Payment Receipt) 整理番号(Item Number) *月ごとに作成して下さい。(*Please prepare these documents each month.) *出務した日の空欄に、出務者本人が押印して下さい。(*Have worker stamp block of work days left blank.) *時給で支出した場合は、必ず勤務時間数を記入し、 「謝金日額」のかわりに「時給単価」、 「日数」のかわり に「時間数」を記入して下さい。プログラム期間以内とし、土日祝祭日を除きます。 (*When hourly wage is paid, be sure to enter the number of working hours. Chose one: daily or hourly wage.) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Week 謝金日額/時給 6/22 23 24 25 Daily wage/hourly wage 印 印 印 印 ○ ○ ○ ○ ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 6月 円(YEN) June 26 27 28 29 30 7/1 2 印 印 印 印 印 印 印 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ( )時間 ( 3 印 ○ ( )時間 7月 July )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( 8月 August )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 )時間 )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 )時間 )時間 )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 )時間 )時間 )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 )時間 )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 ( )時間 日(Days) / 時間(Hours) )時間 )時間 30 印 ○ ( 合計額(Total Amount) 円(YEN) )時間 6 印 ○ ( )時間 13 印 ○ ( 19 印 ○ ( )時間 23 印 ○ 12 印 ○ ( 日 数/時間数 No. of days/No. of hours 16 印 ○ 5 印 ○ 事由(Type of Work) )時間 20 印 ○ ( )時間 23 印 ○ ( )時間 上記のとおり相違ないことを確認する。(Date:yy/m/dd) 平成 23 年 月 受入研究者(Host researcher’s name) 出務者 (本人 記入) ( 29 印 ○ 18 印 ○ ( )時間 )時間 9 印 ○ 22 印 ○ 11 印 ○ ( ( 15 印 ○ 4 印 ○ 17 印 ○ ( ( 28 印 ○ 10 印 ○ ( )時間 )時間 8 印 ○ 21 印 ○ 3 印 ○ ( ( 14 印 ○ 27 印 ○ 16 印 ○ ( )時間 )時間 7 印 ○ 20 印 ○ 9 印 ○ ( ( 13 印 ○ 2 印 ○ 22 印 ○ ( ( 26 印 ○ 15 印 ○ 21 印 ○ ( )時間 )時間 )時間 6 印 ○ 19 印 ○ 8 印 ○ 14 印 ○ ( ( 8/1 印 ○ 7 印 ○ ( )時間 ( 12 印 ○ 25 印 ○ 31 印 ○ ( ( 18 印 ○ 24 印 ○ ( )時間 )時間 5 印 ○ 11 印 ○ 17 印 ○ ( ( 4 印 ○ 10 印 ○ ( )時間 日 印 住所(Worker’s home address) 氏名(Worker’s name) 領 収 書(Receipt) 独立行政法人日本学術振興会経理課長 殿 (To: Head, JSPS Accounting Division) 下記金額を、謝金として上記受入研究者より領収しました。 (This is to confirm that I have received wage in the following amount.) 金 円(YEN) (Date) 平成 23 年 月 日 氏名(Name) 印 印 記入例 様式 1 (Form 1) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 日付(Year / Month /Date) 2011 年 8 月 31 日 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 経理課長 殿 (To: Head, JSPS Accounting Division) 請求研究者(所属・職・氏名) (Affiliated Institution/Position/Host Researcher’s Name) 半蔵門大学 理工学研究科 学振 太郎 教授 印(Signature) 調 査 研 究 費 精 算 請 求 書 (Reimbursement Request for Research-related Expenses) 2011 年度 JSPS サマー・プログラムに係る調査研究費を、下記のとおり支出願います。 (Please reimburse the cost of my expenses under the Summer Program 2011 into the following bank account.) 記 1.参加研究者名・ID (Fellow’s name / ID): 2.請求金額(Amount Claimed): Newton S. Isaac 13,003 (SP11 5 1 1) 円(YEN) 3.支払先振込銀行口座(Bank account number): 銀行名(Bank Name) 一番町銀行 支店名(Branch) 麹町支店 口座番号(Account Number) 12345678 (総 合 / 普 通 / 当 座)(Multipurpose・Savings・Checking ) (ふりがな)(Hiragana) 名 義 人(Account Name) 半蔵門大学 自宅住所(Home Address)* (*銀行口座が個人名義の口座である場合にご記入ください。なお、銀行に登録 してある住所ではなく、ご自宅の住所となりますのでご留意ください。) (*Enter name of account holder in case of individual bank account. Enter address where you live, not the one registered for the bank account.) (請求金額の内訳を別紙「調査研究費支出簿」を用いて一覧表とし、必要とされる証拠書類とともに添付し て下さい。 ) (Attach a research expenditure ledger iteming costs along with coinciding receipts.) 記入例 様式 2(Form 2) 外国人特別研究員(夏期) (JSPS Fellowship Summer Program) 調 査 研 究 費 支 出 簿 (List of Expenses) 整理番号 日 付(Date) (領収書の日付と (Item 一致のこと) Number) (Should coincide with receipt.) 費 目 名 (Item type) 費 目 の 内 容 (Item name) 1 2011 7 26 消耗品費 無水エタノール 500ml 2 2011 8 10 雑役務費 交通費 学振太郎(8/5) 支出金額(円) (Unit cost,YEN) 1,393 (内税) 11,610 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 合 計( Total) 13,003
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