MEMORANDUMOFUNDERSIANDING BEIWE亘N NEWENERGYAND夏NDUSIRIA見IECHN0ι. DEVE工OPMENTORGANIZATION OFJAPAN AND A11MOP、1HEISRAE工INDUSIRYC亘NIERFO R&D OFIHESIAIEOFISRAE見 CONC亘RNING C.OPERA110NONINDUSTR夏A見R豆SEARCHAND 亘VE工OPMENI The New Energy a11d lndustrialTeclm010gy Development organization ofJapa11(hereina負er referredto as "NEDO") and MATIMOP・The lsrae11ndustry centerforR&D ofthe state of Israel(hereina丘errefened to as "MATIMOP"); RECALLING the Memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Economy, Trade al)d Industry, Japa11, and the Ministry of Economy,1Srael, signed in Jerusalem, on July 6,2014 (hereina丘errefenedto asthe "cooperation MOC"); Hereby agree to enter into this memora11dum of understanding (hereina介er refened to as "MOU") as f0ⅡOWS: Article l: objectives and Adm加istration Ihe main objective of this Mou sha11 be to facilitate a11d promote bilatera1 1ndustrial R&D (defined below) activities and in particularjoint lndustrial R&D projects, between Private sector 丘rms from Japan a11d fiom the state of lsrael.1ndustrial R&D projects Should demonstrate the teclm010gical contribution ofthe participants from both sides. Forthe purpose ofthis MOU,"1ndustrialR&D" means,inter alia, research, development and demonstration activities intended to develop new products or processes to be Con血ercialized in the globalmarket. 2.1he administration a11d promotion ofthe objective ofthis Mou as specified above, may include the f0110wing activitiesto be undertaken by the partiesto this MOU: (a) Facilitate the identiflcation of specific projects, partnerships or c011aborations between private sectorfirmS 丘om Japan a11d from the state oflsraelthat could lead to IndustrialR&D cooperation. (b) Search for private sector firms in Japan and in the state of lsrael, which could C011aborate in lndustrial R&D projects and provide assistance in matching private Sector 負rms from Japan and from the state oflsrael forthis purpose. (C) Upon agreement ofthe padies,issue ca11S for proposals for private sector 丘nnS 負'om the respective countries. NEDo and MATIMop shaⅡ mutua11y agree on the content, topics, pubHcation malmer and any other matters relating to such ca11S by either party. The caⅡ for proposals wi11be the primary mechanism to promote and encouragejoint applications, as set forth in the accompanying "1mplementation Mechanisms" (AttaC1血ent 2) (d) Publicize the activities ofNEDo and MATIMop underthe fiamework ofthis MOU tl)rough seminars, publications or 圦lebsites. (e) Exchange of infonnation on mechanisms, tools, pla廿onns or programs for the Promotion ofcooperation in lndustrialR&D. ① Each party may infonn the other with respect to events in its respective c0山ltry that may facilitate and enhance cooperation between private sector 丘nnS 丘'om Japan and from the state oflsrael. It is acknowledged by NEDo a11d MA11Mop that in accordance with their Competencies, the administration of requests for approvals of joint lndustrial R&D Ptojects between private sector 負rms from Japan and fiom the state of lsraelincluding 丘nance of such requests, sha11 be canied out by NEDo in Japan a11d the office of the Chiefscientist ofthe Ministry ofEconomy, on behalfofthe state oflsrael. 4. Each party sha11 Comply with a111aws, regulations a11d guidelines applicable to its activities under this MOU.1n the event of any amendment to such laws, regulations and/or guidelines which affects the activities hereunder, the relevant pady sha11 notify the Other, and the parties sha11 Cooperate in good faith to address any reasonably necessary Changesto the temls hereof. Article 2: cooperation and Areas ofcooperation 1. NEDo and MA11Mop agreeto cooperate in accordance withthe provisions ofthis MOU. 2. The areas of cooperation which sha11 be given preference under this Mou shaⅡ include energy and envir0111nent・related teC1Ⅱ)010gies and industrialtecl)11010gies. 3.1he information to be exchanged between NEDo and MATIMop underthis Mou sha11be in the English language and sha11 be limited to information which ca11 be disclosed to the general public. 4. The areas of cooperation may be changed as necessary by the mutual agreement ofNEDO andMATIMOP. Article 3: Exchange oflnformation NEDo a11d MA11Mop shaⅡ excha11ge infonnation regarding teclm010gy trends, research interests, etc. in Japan and lsraelin the areas of energy and enviromnent・related teclm010gy and industrialteclm010gies and other fields 2. NEDo and MATIMop shaⅡ Cooperate to promote mutual understanding regarding tecml010gy development management methods and the direction of lndustrial R&D Strategies in Japan and lsrael. Article 4: costs NEDo and MA11Mop sha11 each bear their own costs for paniCゆating in the cooperative activities under this MOU, except as may otherwise be agreed in separate written documentation Concluded betweenNEDo a11dMATIMOP. Article 5: Appointment ofcoordinators NEDo and MA11Mop shaⅡ each appoint a coordinator as set forth in the accompanying "coordinators"(AttaC111nent り to facilitate cooperation deaned by this MOU. Ifeither NEDo or MATIMop intends to change its coordinator,it sha11i1111nediately notify the other party in writing ofsuch change. Article 6: validity and Amendment 1.1his Mou shaⅡ enterinto force upon the date ofits signing byNEDo and MATIMOP, and Sha11remain in force for a period oft11ree (3) years. 2. NEDo or MATIMop may terminate this Mou at any time by notifying the other party in 工刃riting atleastt11ree (3) months in advance ofsuch tennination. 3. NEDo andMA11Mop mayamendthisMoubymutua1町近enagreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, duly authorized representatives of NEDo and MATIMop have executed two (2) original copies of this Mou on the date indicated below, with each original being equa11y valid. NEDo and MATIMop sha11each retain one (D original. Executed on July 6,2014 in Jerusalem,1Srael j ノ Chai an M ingDirector KazuoFU川kawa Michel Hive武 New Energy arld lndustrial Tecl〕11010gy Development organization MATIMOP ・ 1he lsrae11ndustry center Japan State oflsrael ForR&D Attachmentl Oordinators 八4r Kenji Nlatsuoka, Director General, 入h. AviLuvton, Executive Director, Asia Intemational Affairs Department Mr satoshiNakajima Deputy Director,1ntemational Affairs Paci負C MS. Hadas KroitoN, program Manager, Asiapaci丘C Desk Department NewEnergy a11d lndustdalTechn010gy Development organization MATIMOP ・ The lsrae11ndustry center ForR&D Attachment2 Im lementation Mechanisms In order to advance the objectives of the MOU, NEDo and MA11Mop wi11 make mutual decisions regarding the implementation mechanisms of the cooperation, including the establiS111nent of a Japan-1Srael Bilateral R&D cooperation pr0又ram, under which Cooperation promotion activities and ca11S for proposals (CFP) ca11 be managed. A11y such mutual decisions wiⅡ be set forth in writing and signed by both parties a11d wi11 be subject to Change uponmutua1町itten agreementbyNEDo a11d MATIMOP. 1.1'aunching a caⅡ forproposals A caⅡ for proposals is a11invitation to private sector 丘nns in Japan and the state oflsraelto apply for funding for cooperative industrial R&D projects, under the framework of the Cooperation program. CFps should be r山10n a consistent basis to be agreed upon between the padies and in compliance 、Nith a1110calrules and regulations appHcable to each party. Beforethelaunch ofa caⅡ forproposals, NEDo and MA11Mop wiluointly decidethe cFP Iaunch date, releva11t deadlines (submission, Evaluation period, Notification, Joint Committee Date), the scope of the cFp in terms of preferences for teclm010gical sector, eligibility requirements for companies, promotion activities for the cFP, and other relevant items,in line with the below guidelines atld principles: GeneralGuide1加es for caⅡ for proposals: i. Each cFP, fiom launch date to the notification to companies of results, Should be agreed in advance through discussions between NEDo and MATIMOP. ii. Each cFP,丘om la山Ch date to the application deadlines wiⅡ be agreed in advancet11rough discussions betweenNEDo and MA11MOP. iii. The bilateral program is open to a11industrial/commercial compa11ies Performing lndustrial R&D, from sta丘・ups to multi・nationals. Academic and research institutions, hospitals, and other non・profit entities may IV. Participate as sub・contractors. Ihe bilateral program suppods commerciaⅡy・focused lndustrial R&D Projects between Japanese companies and lsraeli companies in a11fields of techn010gy, althoughNEDo a11d MATIMop may chooseto emphasize or Offer a preference to energy a11d envirolm)ent・related teC1111010gies and industrialteC1111010gies. Generalcriteria for companies applying: i. The parties anticipate that at least one science and teC1111010gy company fiom each ofthe respective countries should express a desire to cooperate in the research and development of a new a11d teclm010gica11y ilmovative Product or process. ii. Furthermore, eachproject may involve more than one company from each Side; academic/research entities are eligible to join as sub・contractors Only. Moreover, the product should be highly ilmovative with signi丘Cant Commercial potential. The joint lndustrial R&D project should aim at development of products/processes leading to commercialization in the global market. iv. The project partners should agree in advance on the lp rights and on the Commercialization strategy ofthe product or process. 111. C. Preparation & publication ofcFP Materials: i. NEDo and MATIMop shouldjointly agree upon deadlines and guidelines and prepare the f0110wing materials priorto the launch ofthe cFP: 1. ca11 0r pro osals G所deliπes: A single documentthat almounces the opening of the cFp and outlines the relevant deadlines, guidelines and criteria for companies. 2. phase 1冱 licali0π For1π Which companies must 丘Ⅱ Outtogether Prior to submission of their 6.111 application, providing a general S山111nary of the joint project, including the techn010gy ilmovation and commercial aspects, as we11 as the nature of the cooperation and profiles ofthe padicipating partners. 3. partπer・search or"1 Which companies must 丘Ⅱ Out in the case they are requesting partner・matching assistance. ii. The counterpart agencies should launch the cFp on the same date in each Country by publishing details and publicizing widely - inviting compa11ies to apply. Eachparty hereto should almounce andpubHcizethe launchofthe Ca11 for proposals to industries in its respective country via databases, relevant websites, media, newspapers, consultants, non-pr0丘ts, padner Organizations, networking, B2B meetings, conferences and t11rough associated organizations to maximize distribution, a11 as the relevant pady deems appropriate. 2. partnerMatchingAssistance The program wiⅡ assist companies on a regular basis in finding potential partners in both Countries, in order for them to c011aborate on developing a joint project and eventua11y applying for 会.1nding through the program framework. This can occur prior, during, or a丘er the period that a ca11 for proposals is open. Indeed, as soon as a company makes such a request to the entity's relevant coordinator, a Partner search Fonn wi11 be sent in order to process the matC111naking. Forms should be exchanged between NEDo a11d MATIMop and a partner・matching process should be implemented. Please note that a bottom・up approach is emphasized here: project concepts are initiated by the companiesthemselves. Program managers wi11 facilitate the partner・matching process and provide potential matches based on the company requests. F0ⅡOW-up should focus on encouraging the companies to apply for 会.1nding during the open ca11 for proposals. 3. phaselApplication under cFP a. phase l Application: compal)ies that already have partners must submit a phase l Application Fonn, which should be completed together by the padner companies,to both NEDo a11d MA11Mop by the speci丘ed mutual deadline for phase l Submissions. Each partner should submit an identical form to the agency in its Country (NEDo or MATIMOP), f0ⅡOwing the instructions of the relevant body.1n addition to the phase l Application Form, applicants should submit a letter ofintent With regards to lp rights, as we11 as cvs ofthe lead partners ofthe project. b. companies are then notified that they are eligible to move on to phase 11. Instructions and/or relevant application forms for phase 11 Should be provided. Notification ca11be provided either on a r011ing basis, or in a timely malmer f0110wing the end ofthe submission period for phase l. 4. phase11(FUID Application (NationalFormaり Under cFP a. Application submission phase 1夏: A丘erreceiving notification, companies should Submit the 6.111 会.1nding application forms provided by the respective funding authority in each country, by the specified deadline. These application fomls are to be 負11ed out separately by each partner company arld submitted to the 員lnding authority according to the local Nles a11d regulations specified. companies generaⅡy have one month a丘er they receive notification in order to prepare 員1Ⅱ application fomls, butthis time ca11 Vary as may be agreed upon by NEDo and MATIMOP. Deadlinesshould be mutual. Note: submission by lsraeli applicants to the ocs is tl)rough a110nline system, including application form and budget fonn. Xvhile national forms are separate, it is recommended that the application fonns include similar fields and questionsto ensure thatthe criteria on which applications are judged are similar in both jurisdictions.1t is also recommended that the application forms include the salne phase l Application Foml、Nhich is to be Completedtogetherbythepartnercompanies andisto be submittedby eachpartner to its respective 員lnding authority in each country. b. 1ΞValuation submission: Evaluation of application forms is conducted independently but in para11el by both parties hereto, according to the rules and regulations of the funding body. projects are evaluated on the basis of teclm010gical, commercial and financial parameters as we11 as the quality of Cooperation between the partner companies. The evaluation process should take between l-4 months. Evaluation criteria include: i. Teclm010gical aspect - The product's level ofteclm0108icalinventiveness and uniqueness, teclm010gical obstNctions, development prospects vs. risks, creation of inte11ectual propedy in the program, teC111)010gical Contribution to Japa11ese and lsraeli economies, etc. ii. Business/Economic aspect - Market needs, contribution to the economy (employment, export, added value, etc), world・m雛ket size, prospected Company market share, segregation from competitors, etc. 111. Company's capabilities - company's positioning in its field, company'S Strategy, production competence, management・business and marketing Competence, competence of the company'S R&D team, financial Competence, company s pastperfomlance, etc. iv. Application's clatity and data completeness. The company should pay attention to these subjects while submitting the application and 丘11ing out the questiolmaires. V. Quality of cooperation - for intemational projects, the committee Considers the added value ofthe intemational cooperation and the synergy between the compa11ies. Each side should make a decision on whetherto support or rejectthe project, a11d how much 6、1nding to a110t. 5. Jointcommittee a. The evaluation results from each side wi11 be shared at a Joint c01111nittee Meeting, including panicipation of representativeS 丘om both sides. This Committee meeting can take place in Japan or lsrael, based on the decision of Progra111 managers.1t is recon11nended to altemate locations per ca11 For Proposals. A video conference or a telephone conference is also an option. b.1he Joint committee should include representatives from the implementation, evaluation, and 会.1nding bodies involved from both sides. For each Joint Committee, each party is entided to select the representatives panicipating on its behalf, but there is prior good faith coordination to ensure the appropriate representatives are pa丘icipating. C. At the Joint committee, the results of the evaluations on both sides are shared. Projects that received approval on both sides are mutua11y approved. projects approved in lsrael but not approved in Japan camlot receive 6.1nding in lsrael, according to the applicable lsraelilegal regulations. d. A丘er the Joint c01111nittee is gathered to decide the jointly approved projects, the Partners whose projects have been selected are infonned of the result and the amount of 会、11)ding for the succesS会.11 Projects by their respective implementing Organization in a "1etter ofapproval".1n lsrael, final results are given by the ocs Only, f0110wing the results ofthe Joint c01111nittee. compa11ies may be obligated to provide a number of materials, including a signed letter of c011Ⅱnitment and 丘nal budget for the project, before funding is distributed, based on the local Nles and regulations. 6. FundingDistribution a. The amount ofthe grant or loan awarded to the partner companies is determined according to the regulations and policies in each country, and can be either a fixed amount or a percentage ofthe approved R&D project expenses (plus regional or Other incentives if relevanり.圦lhether the gra11t is "conditional", i.e. must be repaid if the project results in actual colmnercial sales, is detennined in accorda11Ce with the regulations ofeach country. b. NEDo and ocs should each separately decide the alnount of 員lnding to the Companies in its respective country. C. certain almualreports may be required fiom the approved compa11ies for release Of 員lnding, and for ongoing monitoring of the project, based on local rules and regulations. Each party is entided to require approved companies to provide the relevant repods.
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