求 人 事業 Name of the Organization: 所名 Kurume City Office 公 開 カ 職種 年齢 住 所 Address: 15-3, Jonan-machi, 採用 Kurume, Fukuoka 830-8520 人数 Phone: 0942-30-9000 就 従業 員等 業 Number of the Staff: 2200 場 所 職員 住宅 通勤 Housing for Employees: None 加入 Employees’ pension plan 保険 Accident Compensation その 他 2015 Announcement of the result: 10 days 担 当 者 Person in charge: Okamura(Japanese) School Education Section Person in charge: Sakaguchi(English) ℡ 0942-30-9215 0942-33-1285 Main duties: To teach English with Japanese teachers of English at Kurume Commercial High School Educational Background: 歴 Cf. Implementation Guidelines 業 after the interview Educational Personnel Department ℡ 学 間 Things to bring: writing materials Kurume, Fukuoka April 1, 2015 ~ March 31, 2016 休 暇 等 考 1-chome 1-1, Minami-machi, Period of Contract: 時 選 Kurume Commercial High School 期間 容 14, Work Place: 雇用 就 Interview Date: Saturday, February Number of Vacancy: 1 Full-time teacher 内 Interview for selection Age Limit: None 形態 事 Contract can be renewed annually Teacher (ALT) Type of Employment: 仕 Retirement allowance: None Job type: Assistant Language 雇用 Commuting by Car: available Insurance: Employment and Health ー ド Duty hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Recess: 45 minutes Overtime Work: None Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, national holidays Yearly Paid Leaves: 20 days Year End and New Year holidays: 12/29~1/3 賃 Basic Salary: 300,000 yen per month 金 Travel Allowance: None ・ Housing Allowance: None 手 Pay Raise: None 当 Bonus: None
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