Script for Vote Counter Note: Tentatively, we present the following awards: 当面、次の賞を発表します。 1st 2nd 3rd Tabletopics speaker / テーブルトピックススピーカー 1 位,2位,3位 Best evaluator / エバリュエーター1 位 Best prepared speaker / 準備スピーチ 1 位 Note: Please ask help to your next seated member. 隣の席のメンバーに開票と集計の手伝いをお願いして下さい。 [Stand up] Thank you, *Mister/Madam Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters, and welcome Guests! (*Note: chose Mister or Madam, depending to gender of "Toastmaster of the evening". "Toastmaster of the evening" が男性なら Mr. 女性なら Madam でお願いします。) As Vote Counter, I will collect and count the ballots (hold up a ballot as an example) when the audience votes for Best Speaker, Best Table Topics Speaker, Best Evaluator. I will record which person wins in each category. I will not cast a ballot myself, except in the case of a tie, in which case I will cast a vote to break the tie. I will not announce a tie vote. Place your vote in one of these containers (show container) on each table. At the end of the meeting, I will announce the winners of the votes. The ballots also have space to write comments to each speaker, evaluator and Table Topics participant. Please place comments in the containers and I will deliver them to the appropriate speaker. *Mister/Madam Toastmaster (*Note: chose Mister or Madam, depending to gender of "Toastmaster of the evening". "Toastmaster of the evening" が男性なら Mr. 女性なら Madam でお願いします。) [Sit down]
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