Shizuoka University, Graduate School of Engineering Full-time faculty position available at the Associate or Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering Description: The Graduate School of Engineering, Shizuoka University (, invites applications for a faculty position in Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, at the associate or assistant professor level, beginning at October 1st, 2014. This faculty position is entitled to a university research fund of three-million JPY per year for the first three-years of the appointment. Applicants should have a doctoral degree and a substantial record of publications in such areas as Applied Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering. Applicants must be non-Japanese and capable of offering courses in English. Preference will be given to those applicants fully qualified at the associate professor level. However, the assistant professor level may also be considered for promising candidates with satisfactory qualifications. The successful candidate will conduct research and teach some major subjects in Applied Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering in English. Furthermore, the successful candidate is expected to teach “Academic English for Engineering” which focuses on technical writing and reading, and also speaking and listening in technical English. The English teaching load is two classroom courses per year. Expectations include cooperating with others in developing international exchange programs in both undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment will be made on a three-year fixed-term contract basis. This three-year fixed-term contract is renewable, only upon mutual agreement, in the form of either a non-renewable two-year fixed-term contract or an indefinite-term (i.e. tenured) employment. Remuneration is commensurate with qualifications and experience, according to Shizuoka University Remuneration Regulations. Application instructions: Interested candidates should electronically submit Prof. Kazuhide Kimbara ([email protected]) (, a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of selected papers, a statement of research and teaching interests, and two letters of recommendation. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to visit Shizuoka University for interview and lecture. The final decision will be made shortly after the interview. Applications should be submitted by May 31st, 2014. Inquiries should be directed to Committee of foreign scholar affairs ([email protected]). All application documents, which are used only for selecting a qualified candidate, will be destroyed after making the final decision. 静岡大学大学院工学研究科 化 学 バ イ オ 工 学 専 攻 常勤准教授または講師 公募概要: 静岡大学大学院工学研究科は化学バイオ工学専攻常勤准教授または講師を募集する. 採用者には年間 300 万円の研究費を 3 年任期期間大学から支給する.採用時期は 2014 年 10 月 1 日とする.応募者は博士号を有し,応 用 化 学 、生 物 工 学 、化 学 工 学 の分野 に優れた業績がなくてはならない. 応募者は外国籍を有し英語で授業ができる者とする.充分な資格を有する准教授レベ ルに相応しい候補者を優先するが,ある程度の資格を有し将来性のある講師レベルの 人材も採用対象とする. 採用された者は応 用 化 学 、 生 物 工 学 、 化 学 工 学 分野の研究をすると共に専門の講義 を英語で行う.また,技術英語における読み書きおよび会話を重視する“アカデミッ ク英語”の講義を毎年2コマ担当する.さらに他と協力し合い学部および大学院レベ ルの国際交流プログラムを発展させる. 本契約は 3 年任期雇用である.この 3 年任期雇用は,双方の合意があった場合に限り, 2 年任期雇用または終身雇用へと更新が可能である.報酬は資格および経験を勘案し, 静岡大学の給与規則に従うものとする. 応募方法: 応募希望者は化学バイオ工学専攻教授金原和秀 ( site:に E メールで,添え状,履歴・業績書,代表論文 の別刷,研究・教育に対する抱負,2 名の推薦状を送付する.書類選考,インターネッ トインタビューを経て最終候補者は静岡大学にて,面接および模擬授業が課せられる. 最終決定はこれらが終了後,速やかに下される.応募書類の提出締切りは 2014 年 5 月 31 日である.応募に関する問い合わせは外国人教員採用委員会(Committee of foreign scholar affairs)にて [email protected] で受け付ける.応募書類は候補者 を絞る目的だけに使われ,最終決定が下された後,消去・破棄される.
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