Title ユークリッド環についての注意 Author(s) 尼野, 一夫 Citation [岐阜大学教養部研究報告] vol.[20] p.[13]-[15] Issue Date 1984 Rights Version 岐阜大学教養部 (Dep. of Math., Fac. of Gen. Educ., Gifu Univ.) URL http://repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/handle/123456789/47553 ※この資料の著作権は、各資料の著者・学協会・出版社等に帰属します。 13 A N OT E ON E U CL I D E A N RI N G Dedicated to Professor K . Y amamoto on his 60th birthday K azuo A M A N O Dep. of M ath. , F ac. of Gen. (Received Oct. 1 12, E duc. , Gifu U niv 1984) l ntroduction. A ring tit is called a Euclidean ring if there is a map t of tit into a wen-ordered set I F such that, given a, bE R , b≠ 0, there exist q and y in 尺 such that ど z= 匈 + y, and r = O or 7(y) く 7( ろ). T he map g is called a E uclidean algorithm in R 。 N ow, let ヵ be a rational prime, and let Qg be the p-adic completion of the field Q of all rational numbers. W e call the ター adic limit of a sequence of rational inte- gers ター adic integer, and we denote by Z7, the ring consisting of the ター adic integers. T hen, it is w e11-known [5, Prop. 5] that Zr, is a E uclidean domain with a E uclidean algorithm 7 (x) = 1 十 zノ(x) , where z・ denotes the normalized ヵ-adic valuation in Q. 0 n the other hand, 乙 is the projective limit of the projed ive system { Z/ y Z O= 1, 2, ‥ 。}, 昿 : Z/芦 Z- Z/ダZ} 。 Zp ≧ 11m Z/ y Z, where Z denotes the ring of rational integers. M oreover Z/ y Z is a E uclidean ring with an algorithm t which is defined by : 7(x) = min{ ¦列 レ E x十ダ Z, x十ダ Zと Z/ダ Z}. By m ean of above argument, we can establish the following problem in general ; £d { 7?μ77こ 1, 2,‥・}, 鵬 : Rm→ Rn(ring hQm.) } h a 隙ojec面esyste琲 of 沁lgsRn. 仔辿 侑e Rn aR EMd 面四 百紹s, 侑四丿 s 侑e y ojec面 e l泌 = lim Rn a EMdidea11 riug P ln the present paper, of above problem . we will give an another example which shows a validity N amely, K azuo A m ano 14 T HEOREM. L d g a 叩tio皿 口 ㎡ egey 切hich is Mot 岡皿 口 o 犯 tiom l j) yime. T heu, 山e 加伽 d紬八 i面 t Z90f the 鈴融 d面 sが em { Z/が Z印= 1, 2, ‥ ・} , πら: Zソが Z一 Z/が Z} . Zg= 迦 Z/がZ, is α E Mclideau y鏑g sud tk l il is ilot alx integral domαiu ayld j oγally m卯 l- : Zg→ (the set of Mou一 麗即 t加e 鏑t昭eys) c 皿 肴ot be a EMdide皿 ri昭 . N The血dor gro呻 Z/が Z is ㎡so a E ud ideall riug Joy .ll = 1, 2, ‥ 二 2. P roof of theorem. lt is trivial that Z/ が Z is a E uclidean ring with an algorithm φ defined by : φ(x) = 肩肘 に㈱ yE x十がZ, ズ十が ZE Z/が Z} . Let ヵ1, 1)2, ‥ ・ , 九 be distind primes, and let g= 斑1‥. 夕v ahd が= 耳1‥. 1)に where the eχponent y1, ‥ . , ら , 汀 , ‥ . , りに are positive integersバ T hen we have g - adic (resp. が-adic) completion Qg (resp. Qy) of Q. are not essentially distinct [31. The ring qg and the ring qg, べ Ve may therefore assume that g= 九 ‥ . 九 . T hen, by Chinese remainder theorem, w e have Z/が Z ⊇ Z/班Ze ‥ . eZ/詞Z for 刀= 1, 2/ ‥ . Passing to the projective lim it, w e obtain Zg≧Zか (D ‥ . (DZ八 ・ P、 Samuel showed that a product of a finite number of E uclidean ring is a Euclid- ean ring [5, Prop. 6]. Since the ring of the 良 一 adic integers Zg is a Euclidean do- main, w む get that Zg is a E uclidean ring. 0 f couse, Zg is not domain since it has zero-divisors. 0 n the other hand, C. R . F letcher showed that, if a ring 尺 is a Euclidean and 7? = 7? 1(D . ‥ (Dtita where カ > 1, then 7? f is a bounded E uclidean ring for i= 1, 2/ ‥ , k, where a E uclidean ring 7? is said to be bounded if it possesses an algorithm z・: £ 一 N w ith property that r ( y) is bnunded for all non-zero yE R [2, Prop. 51. T here- fore, if w e assume that Zg is a E uclidean ring with an algorithm 9 : Zg→ N , we have that Zゑ is a bounded E uclidean domain. A bounded E uclidean domain is a field [2, Prop. 3]. But Zg is not a field. This is unreasonable. 3. R emarks. (1) The customary range of a Euclidean algorithm istheset N of the non-neg- ative integers. algorithm . P. B ut we used a w en-ordered set W enlarged the class of Euclidean rings [51. fonowing 閻 ; as the range of a E uclidean Samuel asked whether the passage from N to a we11-ordered set W F or the qustion, M . N agata proved the こ Theye is a EMdidea11 r緬g R such thd (i) R is aM 紬 t昭 rd doma泌 alld (ii) か r 皿 y m呻 で : 7? → N ca11 Mot bc a EMdideaM r泌g. A N OT E ON E U CLI DE A N RI N G 15 T herefore, our theorem shows that w e got an eχample such that it is not an integral domain. (2) A characteristic of a Euclidean ring isthat it isprincipal ideal ring. A ring in which every finitely generated ideal is principal is called a B6zout dom ain. N .I . Dubrovin showed that, under a condition, a projed ive limit of B6zout domain is a B6zout domain [11。 R eferences 田 N,I. Dubrovin, The projedive limit of rings with elementary divisors, Math. USSR Sbornik 47 (1984), 85- り0. 1 1 1 3 E 4 E r a E [2] C. R . Fletcher, E uclidean Rings, J. L ondon M ath. Soc. , 4 ( 1971), 79- 82. K . M ahler, lntroduction to p-adic numbers and their functions, Cambridge U niversity Press, 1973. M . N agata, 0 n E uclid A lgorithm, T ata lnst. Fund. Res. Studies in M ath. , 8 ( 1978), P. Sam ue1, A bout E uclidean R ings, J. of A lgebra, 19 ( 1971) , 85 - 90. 175- 186.
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