AGEs - Advanced Glycation Endproducts 《新製品》研究用 AGEs(後期糖化反応生成物)は、糖尿病疾患、心疾患、腎疾患、骨そしょう症、神経性疾患など、加齢と関 係性のある疾患の誘発に極めて重要な要因となります。細胞中のAGEsのレベルは、glycometabolic と oxidative stress となる証拠の裏付けとなり、神経系の合併症の予見に重要な役割を果たします。 AGEsは一生涯にわたり蓄積されますが、糖尿病、腎疾患、心疾患のある患者は、より顕著に蓄積促進さ れます。AGEsの蓄積は、それらの疾患の合併症を促進させる重要な要因になります。細胞のAGEsは、糖 尿病の状態において、腎臓、目、神経の病気と密接に関係があり、将来心疾患の疾病率や死亡率の予見す るのに重要な要因になります。新薬は、 AGEsの形成の予防や破壊を目指しており、 現在臨床開発中です。 AGE Reader TM AGEsを非侵襲で、わずか60秒で測定します。 《AGEsの年齢別平均データ》 Age is usually the most important factor determining AGE content in different organs. Skin AF as measured by the AGE Reader is also influenced by age. The reference values for skin AF have been based on 456 measurements in Caucasian subjects without cardiovascular disease (smokers and non-smokers) [Lutgers et al., Diabetes Care 2006, and Koetsier et al, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, accepted, 2010]. Table 2 shows the mean values of the AF for several age decades. Values of skin AF are in arbitrary units ± 1 standard deviation. N represents the number of subjects in the respective age groups. References 1. Lutgers HL et al. Diabetologia. 2009; 52(5): 789-797. 2. Gerrits E et al. Diabetes Care. 2008; 31(3): 517-521. 3. Lutgers HL et al. Diabetes Care. 2006; 29(12): 2654-2659. 4. Mulder DJ et al. Atherosclerosis. 2008; 197(1): 217-223. 5. Smit AJ et al. Cur Med Chem. 2004; 11: 1241-1253. 6. Meerwaldt R et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005; 16: 3687-3693. 7. Hartog J et al. Transplantation. 2009; 87: 1069-1077. 8. Hartog J et al. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 2008; 14(7): 596-602. 9. Ueno H et al. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental. 2008; 57(10): 1452-1457. 10. Mulder DJ et al. Circulation. 2005; 112: II-371. 11. Mulder DJ et al. Netherlands Heart Journal. 2009; 17(4): 162-168. 12. Meerwaldt R et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2008; 36(2): 125-131. 13. Meerwaldt R et al. Diabetologia. 2004; 47: 1324-1330. 14. Meerwaldt R et al. Diabetologia. 2005; 48: 1637-1644. 15. Meerwaldt R et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005; 1043: 299-307. 16. Meerwaldt R et al. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2008; 7: 29. For an up-to-date list of publications regarding the AGE Reader and AGEs, please visit our website. *本システムは、 予告なく仕様・価格を改訂する場合があります。 2011/MAY ● 糖尿病疾患 ● 心疾患 ● 腎疾患 ● 骨粗鬆症 ● 神経性疾患などの研究に AGEリーダーは、 糖尿病疾患などで加速的に生成が亢進されるAGEs:後期糖化 反応生成物 (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) の測定を、 非侵襲にて計測で きる新しい研究用測定ツールです。 AGEリーダーは、蛍光分光方式で、皮膚・皮下の血管壁に蓄積されるAGEsを Autoflourescence (AF) として検出し、 その積分データをAGEs値として算出す る画期的なシステムです。糖尿病疾患・心疾患・腎疾患・骨粗鬆症・神経性疾患な どの研究に応用が期待されています。 Convenient, easy and validated A cardiovascular risk assessment tool ,20 =PLOP] ƭ¯വࣛમƨୢాݶѻ¯ࢄݶѻ¯ࢥݶѻ¯ژƛƕDžƄ࠻¯ְࣛ ݶѻƨƧƬٰ࢚ࡧԹǐනখƗljƑƦƩඈƩƝƟƼƗ°ঁਞƭ¯Ґಲƥ¯ƕƉǀ ࡿ߅ƥַখƗljƑƦƊƥƋƼƗ° ఇౢƩ੦ਭƗlj,20^Ƭޝ़հসƥƀljݡϒֶصǐ்Ɨlj಄×ݷȋȤǹǨǩ Ȥ¯ ǠȞǪțȤ¯ȅȞȅțǩȤƨƧØ Ƭพǐ¯ ֶصᴯصখصƥַখƕ¯ >VTY ,1ਕ ƦƕƤహݞƂƝƕƼƗ°ƑƬ>VTY ,1ਕƬઐӂમƨȓǼǰÉƭ¯ƛNJƜNJƬ ³ਞظϖƬܰఴƦƕƤඈƩƝƟƼƗ° ★Results within a minute★ AGE Reader in diabetes AGE Reader SU : ,20=PLOP]ഔসƭ¯ 7L[?Z[;.ƦऊঝƕܠළƕƼ Ɨ°ַখƭ;.ƥࣗؤƓNJ¯ַখƓNJƝǸÉǰƭच ළǮȆǹƩdžơƤϼࣽ¯ ǡȚȆహݞƓNJƼƗ°ƼƝ¯ ǸÉǰƭݡમƩಷঢƓNJ¯ǙǠǬȜƨƧƥƬ୕ ݗϼࣽƊώƥƗ° AGE Reader CU : ,20=PLOP]®ഔসƩƭ¯ ֟ȓǼǰÉƊළ̣ƓNJ¯ ǰǴDzȂǾȜݦƥ६ۨƊƥƋƼƗ°ഔসƩƭ;. ƊୄঌƓNJljǪǰȤǺǓȞÉȤǰǕȈƥƗ°@>ǐְටƕƤ¯ߒොƬdžƄƩনƬ;.ƥǸÉǰƬ୕ݗ ϼࣽǀώƥƗ° ✽ Best single risk predictor of cardiovascular risk incombination with UKPDS risk score, except age1. ✽ Independent predictor of microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes2. ✽ Reflects vascular damage in the diabetes outpatient clinic and identifies diabetic patients who are at risk of developing complications3. AGE Reader in renal disease ✽ An independent predictor of cardiovascular disease associated mortality in hemodialysis patients6. ✽ Strong and independent predictor of mortality and chronic graft loss in renal transplant recipients7. ✽ AGEs correlated to arterial elasticity and diastolic function in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients8,9. 【仕 様】 ■ഔসૉ´/.", ■´®صB@A, YX! YX;PLV ■࠺ރԱ´B ■ǦǕǫ´#Bì /ì 3XX ■ߙ®พ´6R® ■ૉ®´A,.³!, 【仕 様】 ■ഔসૉ:/.", ■®ص:B@A, YX! YX;PLV ■࠺ރԱ:B ■హݞҵ: "ǕȤDz?1?ǰǴDzǪǠțÉȤ ■ǦǕǫ:$$B× /× 3XX ■ߙ®พ:#6R ■ૉ®:A,.³!, ■ୄঌૉ:ߐૉݦțDzǗȑૉୄঌ!!,S AGE Reader in cardiovascular disease ✽ An independent marker for acute myocardial infarction10. ✽ A non-invasive marker for inflammatory stress in stable coronary artery disease11. ✽ AGEs predict future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in STEMI patients11,12. * For references, see backside of this brochure. AGE Reader in comparison with conventional risk engines (SCORE, Framingham, UKPDS and IMT) ✽ A viable and economical assessment tool that adds value to conventional risk engines1. ✽ Related to early (IMT) and clinical artherosclerosis (cardiovascular morbidity and mortality) independent of conventional risk factors and engines (SCORE, Framingham and UKPDS)1,4. ✽ AGEs reflect pathogenetic pathways not covered by conventional risk factors5.
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