ISExpress International School Eastern Seaboard September 26, 2014 Dear ISE Community, As we move toward the end of the first quarter of the school year and our Student Led Conferences on October 15 and 17, I wanted to bring you up to date on the search for our new school Superintendent. The process to hire the new Superintendent at ISE began several weeks ago. In meetings with the Board of Directors, it was decided that we would conduct our own search rather than use an outside agency. This is the approach we have taken for the last two school head searches. We have used our contacts in the region to spread the word about the position. We are listing the position with TIE On-line website which has a worldwide reach. I have notified EARCOS and ISAT about the opening. There are a number of candidate who have already applied from each of these organizations. We are asking candidates to apply by October 19, 2014. Khun Charlie and I will conduct personal interviews with the candidates where possible, and Skype interviews otherwise. This process has already begun. We will also interview at the EARCOS Leadership Conference in Malaysia at the end of October. We hope to bring finalist candidates to ISE before the Christmas holidays and will plan a full schedule of meetings and interviews with all segments of the community. After those visits, the Board will make the decision on my replacement. I will write updates on the search as we proceed. I would be happy to chat with anyone about this if you wish. Sincerely, Robert Brewitt Superintendent Dear Parents, Thanks for attending the PTA general meeting on Wednesday. It was a pleasure to share the life of Bonnie Schulz and her family and discuss the great work the PTA has done to support the Bonnie Schultz Fund. After School Activities ASAs are well underway and the children are enjoying their activities. If you have not already paid, please send your payment to the elementary office as soon as possible. Conferences and Progress Reports On Wednesday, October 15 and Friday, October 17, 2014 the Kindergarten to Grade 6 classes will be holding their first student-led conferences of the year. Pre-Kindergarten will have regular conferences. If you cannot attend on either the Wednesday or Friday please let the office know. We hope that you enjoy learning about your child’s progress at school. MAP Test The Measure of Academic Progress tests are currently being completed. If you have any questions about the results please come and see me anytime. Results will be sent home as soon as they are complete. The tests are taking longer this year as we have moved to a web-based test. We will have a parent meeting in May to look at student growth from the MAP data. Class Photos A letter is in your child’s Friday Folder about class photos. They will take place from October 14-16 this year. Please feel free to have a family shot. Bake Sale The PTA is organizing a bake sale for Tuesday, October 30. Please donate some baked goods on Tuesday morning and don't forget to send small change with your child to purchase some goodies. Dates to Remember: Sept 30 Oct 15 & 17 Oct 18-26 ES Birthday Table Dress down day Bake Sale Student led conferences for KG –Grade 6 October Break – No school Warm regards, Heather Naro Principal 2 ISEPTA EXPRESS – SEPTEMBER It has been a busy month for the PTA! With Family Fun Fair just over 9 weeks away, planning for the day is well underway. Of course, we always look to our ISE Family for help and would encourage you to speak with any member of the PTA if you feel you could contribute a little of your time. It is the biggest event in the PTA calendar. So please consider helping us make it another successful, fun-filled day! We have all been busy chatting about various ideas and by now you will have received a request for a favorite recipe which means something to your family. PTA thought it would be fun to have our very own ISE PTA Cookbook, but we need YOU to help complete our project. If you have not already done so, please forward your recipe with a photograph of your family and a little explanation of why it’s a favorite. Attach a photograph of the dish (you can download one from the Internet if it’s easier) and forward it to [email protected] – thank you! Next Tuesday, ISEPTA is holding a Bake Sale. This will take place in the music room opposite the cooking lab. For this Bake Sale we are hoping to receive some home-made cookies, tray-bakes, cakes or whatever from our Elementary Parents. The sale is open to parents, teachers and students alike. But why just come and buy, sit down with us and have a coffee and a chat. It would be great to see you! Our PTA section of the ISE website is now fully operational. Please take a look and feel free to post any ideas, suggestions or questions to us at [email protected] Enjoy the October holiday! ISEPTA The Student in IB Student-centered learning is an integral part of the IB program. When learning is student-centered, the teacher goes beyond just delivering the course content, but looks at the needs of the students and considers how to make the learning relevant and meaningful to the students. It is also about ownership of learning. Students are responsible for their own learning and are active in it. What matters is the interaction between students and teachers. The teacher should engage the students in instruction and activities that challenge and develop their understanding. The IB program requires the students to show understanding in order to get good marks, not just remember the facts. Our IB students in grade 12 are now working on the extended essay, the theory of knowledge essay, and internal assessment research projects. These types of research assignments require students to independently develop a methodology to solve a problem and demonstrate sustained, in-depth, and structured inquiry. This is an essential skill they will need as they progress into a university level education. This is why independent research skills are a trait valued by universities during the admissions process. In other words, the work students are doing now will be a strong asset to them in the future. I wish all of our students success in their research and learning. Timothy Overacker IB Diploma Coordinator 3 September 26, 2014 Dear Elementary and Intermediate School Parents, The PTA is looking to you for your help. On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 we would like to hold a Bake Sale and are hoping that you would donate a delicious, sweet and sticky surprise! The proceeds of the Bake Sale will go towards our plans for 2014/2015 which are noted below: The continued development of the Elementary Play Facility right up to Grade 6 The provision of picnic tables and benches in the upper field area for use by Middle & High School Students, a place to call their own More bleachers in the upper field area Bonnie Schultz Fund Plans and pricing are in progress but our target is a big one! With your help, we can work together and give our students a fun, relaxing area to enjoy their downtime. Our motto is ‘Back To School’ – what we as Teachers, Parents and Students pay out, goes straight back in!! Please help by donating to our Bake Sale. You can drop your goodies on Tuesday morning from 7:30 am to 9:00 am, via your children to the ES MP room. Stay and join us for a coffee and of course sample what is on offer. We will be there until 1:30 pm! Sales for students will be from 9:50 am to 10:10 am in the ES MP room. Please label your food item along with the container with your child’s name and grade so that we can return it to you. Most importantly, don’t forget to send some pocket change with your child on Tuesday so that they can purchase the baked goods. Please support our ‘Back To School’ Bake Sale.Your help is very much appreciated! Sincerely, ISEPTA 4 Student Council News September 11 - 14, the main Student Council officers as well as a class rep represented ISE by participating in the 2014 MRISA Leadership Summit held at Northbridge International School Cambodia (NISC). This year’s MRISA Leadership Summit revolved around the theme of Opportunity of Equality and requested the representatives of each school to come up with a workshop that could demonstrate and give insight into the theme. The ISE Student Council decided to host a “Perspective Monopoly” workshop in which you played monopoly as different stereotypical ethnicities who have both advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this was to show how different ethnicities may or may not have the opportunities that others may have. The ISE Student Council is now currently discussing on the upcoming school wide Spirit Week which will run from October 6th to the 10th.The purpose of Spirit Week is essentially to show school spirit by dressing up, each day according to a particular theme. The themes for spirit week are nerd day, twin day, sports day, pajama day and classy day. Students are encouraged to dress up accordingly to each day and prizes will be awarded to the classes that have the highest dress up count in addition to those who went above and beyond the call of duty. Walk-A-Thon is also coming up which is the annual fund-raising event in which students go around asking for donations with the incentive of sponsoring the school for doing a round golf-course walk. The Walk-A-Thon will be on November the 12th and the Student Council is currently designed the banner that will hang over the assembly in addition to event schedules. The Student Council is also working out the color code selection for each grade level, this time being more focused on being class chosen instead of Student Council decided. Volunteers Needed for Project in the Library To ensure the best organized accounting of our resources, in the elementary library we are currently transferring many textbooks from one cataloging, inventory system to a more efficient one. This project requires a lot of scanning, very similar to the library inventories we conduct each May. We need workers! No English is required, and feel free to bring a friend to help. If you have some extra time to scan materials, please contact Mr. Pahls, K.Goong or K.Karn in the library, or watch in the Friday folders for a sign up sheet. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are days in particular when some help would be appreciated. Thank-You, Mr. Pahls K-12 Librarian [email protected] 081-157-5718 5 Japanese Luncheon The Genki restaurant we went to is located in Pattaya Soi 4. The type of food we ate there is called Chanko nabe. They had many drinks. It took a little longer for the food to be cooked. I was very hungry by the time it was cooked. The air conditioner had a little problem. We were hot!! All the customers in the restaurant at that time were students learning Japanese. We all enjoyed eating Chanko nabe. The ingredient and the soup in the hot pot were very tasty! By Wednesday Japanese for non-Japanese club On the 4th of September 2014, the Japanese Class went to a restaurant in Pattaya called Genki. It was a small hotpot place near Beach Road with the biggest hotpot you will ever see. The hotpot was originally for one sumo wrestler. Some of the tables didn’t even finish, only one table finished the hotpot. For me I would recommend it to others because the hotpot is fantastic even though it’s huge. Also that waiter are really nice and it feels like a pleasant place to stay. Max Grade 10 げんきのり ょ う り 九月四日、 日本語ク ラスの学生は日本り ょ う り 屋に行きました。 日本語クラ ス皆は日本人じゃ ないで すから、 外国人の学生と いっ しょ に食べました。 このレストラ ンの名前は“元気”です。 元気にはちゃ んこ鍋があり ます。 ちゃんこ鍋を食べたこと がなかっ た人がたく さんがいました。 これは私もはじめ てです。 いつも私はタイのMKすき焼きをたべますが、 ちゃんこ鍋と すき焼きのちがいがわかり ませ ん。 だから、 この日は私のあたら しのけいけんです。 ちゃ んこ 鍋の鍋は本当に大きいです!びっ く り した。 それから、 おでんもあり ました。 ちゃ んこ 鍋が好きです。 でも、 レストランはと ても暑かっ た です。 ヤバいです!たく さ ん人がいましたから。 この日はたく さんのこと をべんきょ う しました。 やっ ぱり 、 日本語のクラスのフィ ールドトリ ッ プは いつもおもしろいです。 来年のフ ィ ールドトリ ッ プも楽しみにしています。 Grade 11 ベル 6 7
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