APPROACH 中学英語総復習から 高校英語 TO 重要な文法事項に配慮 特に、文型を支える動詞 英文法・読解・作文 三位一体入門講座 最高レベルまで 英語構文の理解と運用に重点を置く Contents 1 文 (5文型・文の種類) 2 動詞 (be,have,do・現在形・過去形・未来形・完了形と各進行形/受動態・ 助動詞・仮定法) 3 準動詞 (不定詞 ・分詞 ・動名詞 ) 4 関係詞(関係代名詞・関係副詞) 5 比較・否定 6 各品詞の意味と用法(名詞・代名詞・形容詞・冠詞・副詞・接続詞・前置詞) 7 句と節(名詞・形容詞・副詞の各句と各節) 8 文の転換(重文・単文・複文と直接・間接話法) 9 倒置・強調・省略 10 名詞が中心の表現形式(無生物主語・名詞構文) 11 付録(群動詞) PART 1 文 PART 1 文 5文型 5文型 A A 次の基本文20文を5文型に分けなさい。 第 1 文型 S+V 1. Tom walks to school. 1. Tom walks to school. 2. I will stay at home on Sunday. 2. I will stay at home on Sunday. 3. She will get well in a few days. 4. Bill looks strong. 第 2 文型 S+V+C 3. She will get well in a few days. 4. Bill looks strong. 5. We have studied English for three years. 第 3 文型 S+V+O 6. Jane will invite us to her party. 5. We have studied English for three years. 7. He took off his coat. 6. Jane will invite us to her party. 8. Tom likes swimming in the sea. 7. He took off his coat. 9. I don’t know what to buy for Nancy. 8. Tom likes swimming in the sea. 9. I don’t know what to buy for Nancy. 10. She thinks that we are sisters. 10. She thinks that we are sisters. 11. The man asked where the station was. 11. The man asked where the station was. 12. I gave Tom a book. 第 4 文型 S+V+O1+O2 13. My father bought me a new bicycle. 12. I gave Tom a book. 14. He asked her some questions. 13. My father bought me a new bicycle. 15. I asked him how to use the key. 14. He asked her some questions. 16. He told us why he was late. 17. We told her to be careful. 15. I asked him how to use the key. 16. He told us why he was late. 17. We told her to be careful. 18. She calls her cat Sally. 第 5 文型 S+V+O+C 19. I found the box empty. 18. She calls her cat Sally. 20. He left the window open. 19. I found the box empty. 20. He left the window open. 1 B 次の文の空白に下の動詞から1つを選んで、正しい形にしなさい。 B 例 go → The boys ( went ) home an hour ago. 1. Please ( 1. tell → 2. get → getting 3. break → broke 4. look → 5. win → won 6. call → 7. stay → ) several weeks in London. 8. open → opened ) the curtain and looked out of the window. 9. find → found 10. give → ) me the way to the park. 2. Let’s go home. It’s ( ) dark. 3. He fell on the ice and ( ) his arm. 4. Why does he ( ) so sad? 5. Our team ( ) the baseball game yesterday. 6. Her name is Elizabeth, but we ( 7. They’re going to ( 8. I ( 9. We went to her house, but we ( 10. If you are a good boy, I’ll ( ) her Betty. ) her out. ) you a nice toy. [ call, find, get, give, break, look, open, stay, tell, win ] C かっこ内の動詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 C 1. ぼくたちの学校は8時半に始まります。(start) 1. 2. 私は寒いのです。(feel) 2. 3. 私は昨日学校で時計をなくしました。(lose) 3. lost 4. あなたにサンドイッチを作ってあげましょう。(make) 4. make +人+もの 彼らはその犬にミッキー(Mickey)という名をつけました。(name) 5. name +O +名前 5. 2 文の種類 2. A 次の文を否定文と疑問文に変えなさい。 A 1. His brother is good at mathematics. 3. 2. Bob can lift this heavy box. 3. George brought his brother with him. 4. Mr. Wilson is sitting at his desk right now. 5. The students bring their lunches to school every day. B かっこ内の動詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 文の種類 brought → bring B 1. 君は眠くないかね。(be) 1. 「~ないかね」→ Aren’t you ~ ? 2. 口を大きく開けなさい。(open) 2. 「大きく」→ wide 3. 彼は2時前にはここに帰らないでしょう。(get) 3. He won’t ~ あなたの国では地震がありますか。(have) 4. Do you have ~ ? 4. 5. What do you ~ ? 5. この花は英語で何と言いますか。(call) C ► when I’m not sleepy と when nobody sees it C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 A child wants reasons for the things he is told to do. “Why should I go to bed の when 文の前後関係によっては「…(な)のに」あるいは「…だから」の意味になることがある。 * the things he is told to do 「するように言われること 」⇒ 訳参考 when I’m not sleepy?” “Why do I need to wash my neck when nobody sees it?” “Why can’t I go out in the rain?” * in the rain 「雨の中を 」⇒ 「雨が降っているとき 」 * reason 「理由」 <訳>「子どもは何かをするように言われると、理由を聞きたがるものである。『眠くな いのにどうして寝なければいけないの』『誰も見るわけではないのにどうして首筋を洗 う必要があるの』『どうして雨が降っているときは外へ出てはいけないの』というよう に。」 3 PART 2 動詞 PART 2 動詞 be, have, do ・現在形・過去形またそれぞれの進行形 be, have, do ・現在形・過去形またそれぞれの進行形 A be, have, do から1つを選んで正しい形にし、英文の空所に入れなさい。 A 1. 2. 3. ゆうべはパーティーで楽しみました。 1. have → had We ( 2. do → did 3. Do, have → Do, have ビルは試験に落ちるだろうと彼らが言っていたが、合格してしまった。 4. have → have They said Bill wouldn’t pass his exam, but he ( 5. Do, be → Don’t, are 6. be, have → am, had ). 静かにしてくれ。僕は頭が痛いんだ。 ( 4. ) a good time at the party last night. ) be quiet! I ( ) a headache. 1. * have a good time at ~ = enjoy oneself at ~ = enjoy ~ 3. * 「頭が痛い」○ 正 人+have a headache / □ 誤 人’s head is painful. 週末にはお客さんが数人みえることになっています。 We ( 4. * We have several guests coming over …… ) several guests coming over the weekend. S + V + O + C ( ~ing) の第 5 文型である。 5. マイクと喧嘩するのはよしなさい。あなたより大きいのだから。 ( 6. ) fight with Mike. He is bigger than you ( [O が~している状態を持つ] が have の基本的な意味 ). 私はもう叔母さんよ。ゆうべお姉さんが赤ちゃんを産んだのですもの。 I( ) an aunt now; my sister ( ) a baby last night. 参考 I won’t / can’t have their dog running all over my flower beds. 「犬を花壇で走りまわらせておくわけにはいかない。」 won’t / can’t ……とともに使われて「~させておくわけにはいかない」、 さらに will ……「(自分が教えるなどして)~するようにさせる」の意味になる。 4 B かっこ内の動詞を現在形・過去形またはそれぞれの進行形に変えなさい。 B 1. 時制の一致 1. She was smiling, but her eyes said she ( be ) unhappy. 2. I must watch my waistline; I ( get ) fat. 9. 現在形は過去から未来にわたって習慣的に行われている動作、日常的に行わ 3. You can’t see Dick now; he ( take ) a bath. れている動作であって、現在という一瞬だけの事実ではない。 4. と 5.は過去のある時点における動作?それとも進行中の動作? 注意:次の文の意味の区別ができるだろうか? 4. When I first met him, he ( work ) in a restaurant. ① What are you doing (now)? 5. I ( run ) downstairs when I slipped and ( fall ). ② What do you do (for a living)? 6. I won’t go out now as it ( rain ) and I ( not have ) an umbrella. 7. While I ( look ) for my passport, I ( find ) this old photo. 8. She waved at us happily as soon as she ( see ) us there. 9. Mrs. Anderson usually ( talk ) to us in Japanese, but today she ( speak ) English. 10. Who ( make ) that terrible noise? ― It’s my sister. She ( practice ) the piano. C 日本語の部分を英語に訳しなさい。 1. (この車は変な音を出している). Do you think it is all right? 2. When the alarm rang,(彼は素早くベッドから飛び起きた). 3. There are ten minutes(店が開くまでに). C 1. * 「変な音を出す」→make a strange noise / make funny noises 2. * 「飛び起きる」→jump out of bed 3. 4. * be always ~ ing * always, constantly, all the time などの副詞を伴う。E の 1.を参考に。 4. 5. He never listens to me.(いつも何かほかのことを考えているのだ). 5. * 「降りる」→get off (私がちょうどバスを降りようとした時), someone tapped me on the shoulder. 5 D 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 D 1. There is not much difference between ‘I have to be there at eight’ and ‘I must be 2. 13 が不吉とされるのは、キリストが処刑される前夜に 12 人の弟子と最後の 晩餐(the Last Supper)を共にしたことに由来する。 there at eight’; but there is a difference, and a native speaker can tell what it is and when to make it. 2. Do you know there is no Gate 13 at most of the airports throughout the world? Thirteen is an unlucky number. There may be no Room 13 in hospitals in the United States. Why do Americans avoid the number 13? E 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 E 1. I shared a room with him when we were students. He was always complaining 1.* He was always complaining … 「彼はいつも文句ばかり言っていました。」 about my untidiness. 過去の動作の反復を表す always[ふつう], all the time [いつも], constantly[絶えず] などの副詞を伴い、[困ったものだ]というような話し手の非難、軽蔑、迷惑などの気持 ちを含むこが多い。 2. Americans today are marrying at an earlier age than their parents and grandparents 2.* did (=married) did. 動詞の代用をする do Cf. Her husband can cook as well as she does(=cooks). 3. Dogs make better pets than cats because they are more friendly. They understand 3.* Dogs make better pets … Cf. Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer. and obey their masters, but cats like to live their own lives. 「絶好の飲み物になる」 6 未来形 未来形 A 意志未来は will と be going to のどちらでもよい場合もあるが、前もって考えて A いた意図を表すには be going to が使われる。 このことを前提にして、次の文のか 前もって考えていた意図を表すには be going to が使われる。また、ふつう何かが起 っこ内の動詞をどちらかの形に変えなさい。 こりそうな徴候があり、それから判断して近い未来に「~しそうだ」という予測を表す。 1. If you have no money with you, I ( lend ) you some. will は単なる未来の予測、その場の状況によって生じた意志を表す。 2. John is studying very hard; he ( try ) for a scholarship. 3. I’ve borrowed these books from the library. 4. There’s someone at the door. ― All right. I ( go ) and open it. I ( work ) on my report. B B 単語 1 語を加えて、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 1.2.3.は前置詞、4.は副詞 今晩は夕食に帰りますか。 (be, dinner, evening, home, this, will, you) 2. トムが 6 時に私を駅に迎えに来てくれることになっています。 (at, is, me, meeting, station, six, the, Tom) 3. あれがあなたの捜している家でしょう。 1. 夕食に 2. 6 時に 3. 捜している 4. だいたい (are, be, house, looking, that, the, will, you) 4. 準備はだいたいできたが、このスーツケースがなかなか閉まらないんだ。 (am, but, close, I, ready, suitcase, this, won’t) C 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 Children these days do not understand the real value of Christmas. C All they talk * All ( that ) they talk about 先行詞に all, any, every, no など、または much, little, few を含むとき主に関係代 about is how many presents they are going to get. None of them is aware of the 名詞 that が使われる。目的格の省略が可能なことは普通の場合と同じである。 sacrifices parents have made to make their Christmas a pleasant one. 7 完了形 完了形 A かっこ内の動詞を適当な完了形または完了進行形に変えなさい。 A 1. I don’t know your friend Smith. I ( never meet ) him. * 現在完了進行形は【現在までの動作の継続】を表す。 * 現在完了が現在を基準にしての【完了・経験・継続】なら過去完了は過去を基準に 2. The fire ( spread ) through the house before the fireman arrived. した表現である。 3. If I don’t get there before six, they ( eat and drink ) everything. * 過去完了は過去のある時よりも前に起こった事柄を表す。「過去の過去」と考える 方がわかりやすい。 4. Why are you crying? ― I ( cut up ) onions for the last ten minutes. B 次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 B 1. ゆうべ彼に電話を入れた時、彼はもう寝てしまっていた。 1. When I called him (up) last night, he already ( go ) to bed. When I (tele-)phoned him last night, … 2. 私は北海道へ行ったことがないので、この夏行くつもりです。 3. 原先生は何年くらいこの学校で教えているのですか。 2. I’m going to Hokkaido this summer because I never ( be ) there. 3. How long (=How many years) Mr. Hara/Ms. Hara ( teach ) at this school? 4. 私は子供のころ3年間京都に住んでいたことがあります。 4. When a child, I ( live ) in Kyoto for three years. C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 C Jane, our daughter, died on June 25. She wanted no funeral, but asked that we 動詞の過去形と過去完了形の使い分けに注意。 * make up for ~ should instead give a party in the garden, to make up for the 25th birthday party she had missed because she was in the hospital. It was a beautiful day. All her friends 「~を埋め合わせる」 * the 25th birthday party she had missed 「彼女がお祝いをしてもらえなかった25回目の誕生日のパーティー」 came, and the doctor and nurses, and all the people who had helped during her illness. We made more friends during those few months than we had made for years. 8 受動態 受動態 A 次の文の態を変えなさい。 A 1. A famous architect designed this building. 3. You must … 2. People often take her for her sister. 4. We will never hear … 3. Your answers must be written in English. 4. Her fine voice will never be heard again in this hall. 5. We saw him go out of the room about ten last night. 6. He was made to sign the contract against his will. 7. For a long time people believed that the earth was flat. 8. Before they invented printing, people had to write everything by hand. (2 箇所) B かっこ内の語句を主語にして、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 5. He was seen … 6. They made him … 7. For a long time It was believed that … For a long time the earth was … B 1. be crowded with 2. blow down 3. be said to be この木は樹齢 300 年と言われています。( this tree ) 4. be well spoken of 4. 彼は友達みんなに評判がよかった。( he ) 5. be told / advised … to 5. 私はもっと野菜を食べるようにお医者さんに言われました。( I ) 1. 駅は週末のスキーヤーで混雑していた。( the station ) 2. 彼らは風でテントを吹き倒されました。( they ) 3. C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 At present, about 45 percent of the coffee produced in Japan is regular, about 55 percent instant. C regular (coffee) 「普通の(コーヒー)」 But while almost all of the instant coffee is used for home consumption, only about 15 percent of the regular coffee is consumed at home. The major portion of the regular coffee is consumed at coffee shops. 9 助動詞 助動詞 A 次の文のかっこの中から適当なほうを選びなさい。 A 1. Let’s not wait any longer. He ( 2. 4. must 「違いない」、この否定形は cannot 「はずがない」 2. His story ( 3. You ( can’t, mustn’t, mustn’t needn’t 4. He’s just gone out, so he ( 5. Something ( must, may, must ) not come. 5. * must+完了形は「したに違いない」、should(ought to )+完了形「するべきだった ) be true. He often tells lies. (のにしなかった」の意味になる。 cannot +完了形は「したはずがない」 ) strike a match; the room is full of gas. can’t, should mustn’t 6. could は「能力・可能性」を表し、was/were able to「能力・可能性+実行」を表す。 ) have gone so far. 参考 ①He could pass the test. ) have happened to the phone; I can’t get a dial を比べてみると、 ①は能力・可能性があったというだけで、実際に合格したか不明である。 tone. 6. The boat sank, but as he could swim he ( ② He was able to pass the test. ②は実際に合格したという意味が含まれる。 could, was able to ) reach the bank safely. B かっこ内の助動詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 私はあなたを父に紹介したいと思います。( would ) 2. この本を買うくらいなら図書館で借りる方がいい。( might ) 3. あの 2 人の男の子はよく似ている。 兄弟にちがいない。( must ) 4. 彼はまだ帰っていない。 いつもの電車に乗り遅れたのかもしれない。( may ) 5. 君はまた同じ間違いをした。 もう少し注意すればよかったのに。( should ) C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. I am one of those unfortunate people who have an extremely poor sense of B 3. * 「似ている」 → look alike 4. * 「いつもの」 → usual * 「電車に乗り遅れる」 → miss the train 5. * 「間違いをする」 → make a mistake C 1. * manage to ~ 「なんとか~する」 direction and I may have visited a place time after time, but I still manage to get lost on my way there. 10 2. It used to be thought that if a person had a job that was unpleasant, or that he did 2. * used to 「以前は~であった(が、現在は~でない)」 * carry on 「続ける」=continue not like, his duty was to carry on without complaint. Young people no longer believe that. They will not take such a job, or will agree to do it only in return for high * 注意: used to と be used to ~ 「~に慣れている」と混同しないこと。 I’m not used (=accustomed) to country life. 「私は田舎の生活に慣れていません。」 wages. 11 仮定法 仮定法 A かっこ内の動詞を適当な形に変えなさい。 A 1. Girls often wish they ( be ) boys. 2. It’s getting late; it’s time we ( go ) home. 1. 現実と反対の願望は仮定法過去が使われる。 2. It is time … に続けて「もう当然…している時間なのに(まだ~している)」。 3. 可能性のある条件の場合は、仮定法は使わない。 3. If the baby ( wake ) up, give him some warm milk. 4. If men ( be ) more reasonable, there would be no more war. B 指示にしたがって、全文または斜体の部分を書き換えなさい。 B 1. It’s a pity that you can’t join us. ( I wish … ) 2. * but for (= if it were not for ~「もし~がなければ」、if it had been for ~「もし~がな 2. But for my life jacket, I would have been drowned. ( If … ) 3. If he had a little more patient, he would have been able to complete his task. かったら」) 4. * otherwise 「さもなければ」(手術を受けなければ) ( With … ) 4. Mr. Parker must have an operation, otherwise his condition will become worse and worse. ( if … ) C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. 高校時代にもっと勉強をしておけばよかった。 2. 値段がもう少し安ければ、そのステレオを買ったのだが。 3. 仮に人生のやり直しができるとすれば、君はどうするかね。 4. 彼はまるでぼくたちに何の関係もないような顔をしていた。 C 2. 「ステレオ」 → stereo 3. * 「人生をやり直す」 → live one’s life over again 4. * 「~と関係がある」 → have something to do with ~ 12 D 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 D * downtown 「市の中心街」 (日本語の【下町】とは感じが違う) In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called “Bike for a Better City.” They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines. 13 PART 3 準動詞 (不定詞 ・分詞 ・動名詞 ) PART 3 準動詞 (不定詞 ・分詞 ・動名詞 ) A ( )内の動詞を適当な形に変えなさい。必要に応じ to をつけなさい。 A 1. 特に 4~11 は動詞の用法に注意。その 1 例が 11 である。 I think you had better (not worry) about your son. 11. * seat は「着席させる」という意味の他動詞である。 2. She was heard (run) up the stairs with light steps. 例文 The waitress seated us in a corner. 「ウエイトレスが私たちを隅の席に案内した」 3. Before he let us (go) he made us (promise) (not tell) anyone what we had seen. 15. * to look か、それとも looking か? 4. Traveling by night train is very (tire). 5. We had our picture (take) in front of the statue. 6. We were splashed by a car (go) at a terrific speed. 7. Can you walk in a straight line with your eyes (close)? 8. We often hear it (say) that Germans are good workers. 9. It is very (refresh) to take a quick shower after (play) tennis. 10. I became very (confuse) and forgot what I wanted to say. 11. A student (seat) in the front row stood up and asked a (puzzle) question 12. I’m looking forward to (see) you again. 13. He pretended (not see) us and passed by without (speak). 14. After (get) (know) him better, I regretted (judge) him unfairly. 15. When you are reading English, don’t stop (look) up every word you don’t know in your dictionary. 14 B 書き換え B 書き換え (ア) 1-2 は指定の語句を使い、3 は指示にしたがって、全文を書き換えなさい。 (ア) 1. You are too young to be a boy scout. (so ~ that) 3. * It seems that S + V … = S seems to 2. He is quite well, and can go out again now. (enough to) 3. It seems that the crime was committed by a left-handed man. (The crime を主語に … して) (イ) 動詞を動名詞にして、斜体の部分を書き換えなさい。 (イ) 1. * On ~ing 1. As soon as she arrived home, she set about preparing a meal. 2. * of / about … 2. The girls complained that their workroom was too small. 3. * There is no ~ing … 4. * In ~ing 3. It is impossible to deny that women are weaker than men. 4. When I judge his work, I must allow for his lack of experience. C 次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 (ア) 単語 1 語を加えて、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 日本語は外国人が習うには難しい。 (a, difficult, foreigners, is, Japanese, language, learn, to) 2. C (ア) 1 語を加えるポイント 1. 外国人が 2. 必ず...する 3. ~しないように 4. よしなさいと注意した 部屋を出る前に必ず明かりを消しなさい。 (be, before, leave, lights, off, room, sure, the, the, turn, you) 3. ぼくは少しでも音を立てないようにつま先で歩いた。 (any, as, I, make, noise, not, on, tiptoe, to, walked) 15 4. 私がよしなさいと注意したのに、その子は石を投げたのです。 (a, boy, him, I, stone, the, though, threw, to, told) (イ) 日本文の意味を表すように、空所に適当な語を入れなさい。 1. 1. Don’t keep him waiting. He’s in a hurry. 2. She was busy weeding the garden. 3. Can you make yourself understood in English? ) for her trip. 4. She sat there waiting hopefully for the phone to ring. 私は身振りで自分の意志を通じさせようとしました。 5. Your hair looks awful. Go and get (= have ) it cut right now. )( I tried to ( 4. ). )( )( ) understood by gestures. 子供は遅くまで起きてテレビを見ていてはいけません。 Children should not ( 5. ) you ( 彼女は旅行の準備で大忙しです。 She is busy ( 3. 次の例文を参考に、空所に適当な語を入れてください。 お待たせしてすみません。 I’m sorry to ( 2. (イ) ) up late ( ) television. 君は髪をもっと短く刈ってもらったらいいじゃないか。 Why don’t you ( ) your hair ( ) shorter? (ウ) かっこ内の動詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 部屋の掃除を終わりましたか。 (finish) 2. ぼくはいま何も食べたくありません。 (feel like) 3. 私はひとりで生活するのは平気です。 (mind) 4. このベンチはペンキを塗る必要がある。 (need) (ウ) * 不定詞を使う場面があるだろうか? 16 D 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 D The ‘Do-It-Yourself Movement’ began with home decorating but has since spread ‘Do-It-Yourself Movement’ 「手作り運動」 a fifteen-foot sailing boat 「15 フィートの帆船」 into a much wider field. (a) Nowadays there seem to be very few things that cannot be made by the ‘do-it-yourself’ method. (b) A number of magazines and handbooks exist to show skillful men of all ages just how easy it is to build anything from a coffee table to a fifteen-foot sailing boat. E 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 E 1. We began to learn our language by imitating what those around us said, and soon 1. * pick up 「自然に覚える」 picked up enough of it to make our wants known and then to talk with others. cf. Where did you pick up your excellent English? 2. Getting on a bus, a kindergarten teacher sat down next to a man who appeared 2. この話のどこがおもしろいかを考えよう。 familiar to her. Smiling pleasantly, she turned as if to speak to him. the father of one of my children の意味の取り違えがこの話のポイント。 Noticing his lack of response, she said, “Oh, excuse me. I took you for someone else. I thought you were the father of one of my children.” 3. If atomic power could be used in a car, one small piece of uranium would keep the 3. science-fiction-like 「SF のような」 engine running for twenty years or more. But is this science-fiction-like picture of the atom exploding peacefully beneath the bonnet of a car possible? * In theory it is (possible). In theory it is. 17 PART 4 関係詞 A 次の文の( PART 4 関係詞 ) 内に適当な関係詞を入れなさい。 A 1. Radium, ( ) is a rare element, is used in medicine. 2. I know a wood ( ) you can find wild strawberries. 3. Mrs. Hill, from ( ) I take piano lessons, is a good teacher. 4. He said he had never seen her before, ( 5. Never put off till tomorrow ( 6. The period in ( 5. 「今日できることを明日まで延ばすな」 ) was untrue. ) you can do today. ) man learned to make iron tools is called the Iron Age. B 下線の部分にかっこ内に示す関係詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. その男の子は見るもの何にでも興味をもった。( whatever ) 2. 君が心に思っていることを率直に私に話しなさい。( what ) 3. 人間は火を利用できる唯一の動物です。( that ) 4. ここから富士山がはっきり見える日は多くはありません。( when ) 5. 車の運転を覚えたものはだれでも、自分の車が欲しくなるものだ。( who ) B 1. The boy took interest in whatever he saw. 2. Tell me frankly what you have in mind. 3. Man is the only animal that can make use of fire. 4. There are not many days when we can get a clear view of Mt. Fuji from here. 5. Anyone who has learned driving wants to have his own car. C C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. Have you ever stopped to wonder why children get excited about many things 1. * stop to wonder 〈改めて(なぜだか)考えてみる〉 which leave adults cold? Whatever they do, wherever they go, children always anticipate a thrilling experience. They expect miracles. Every minute is to them a * cold=unexcited * pleasant surprises 「意外な喜び」 promise of a better tomorrow, and life is full of pleasant surprises. 18 2. An unwelcome modern invention is that electronic device set into the door-post 2. * that electronic device : いわゆるドアホン(インタホン)のこと into which the visitor must shout his name and business before the door is electrically * shout into ~ 「~(の中)に向かって大声で言う」 unlocked. But there are still bells and door-knockers in use, by the design of which * by the design of which…and by the handling of which の 2 つの which の先行詞は? the house-owner may express his individuality, and by the handling of which the visitor can signal both his character and his mood. 19 PART 5 比較・否定 PART 5 比較・否定 比較 比較 A a) と b) がほぼ同じ意味になるよう空所に適当な語を入れなさい。 A 1. 3. X rather than Y = not so much Y as X a) I prefer mutton to beef. b) I like mutton ( 2. )( )( ) peak in Alps. a) She is a singer rather than an actress. b) She is not ( 4. 他の例: the length of 「長さ」、 the amount of 「量」 a) Mont Blanc is higher than any other Alpine peak. b) Mont Blanc is ( 3. 4. the size of 「大きさ」 ) beef. )( ) an actress as a singer. a) The brain of a bee is about the size of a grass seed. b) The brain of a bee is about ( )( ) as a grass seed. B 次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 4 と 5 はかっこ内の語句で始めること。 1. けさはいつもより 10 分早く家を出ました。 2. 彼女は和服を着ると年よりふけて見えます。 3. 冬でもこちらでは日本の春と同じくらい暖かです。 4. 戦争ほど人間を不幸にするものはありません。(Nothing) 5. 年をとればとるほど、外国語を習うのは難しい。(The older) B 1. * ten minutes earlier 2. * 「和服を着ると」→in Japanese clothes 3. * 「日本の春と同じくらい...」→as … as it is in spring in Japan 4. * make + O + 形容詞「不幸な」 5. * The 比較級 S + V, the 比較級 S + V. C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 C 1. There are more ants than any other kind of land animal in the world. A million 1. ants can live in a few trees, and there may be a quarter of a million in one colony. * colony 「(アリなどの)集団」 The total weight of all the ants in the world is far greater than that of all the human * pollution 「(環境)汚染、公害」 beings. 20 2. As road traffic has increased, noise has become a major cause of pollution. Thirty 2. years ago, people were no more worried about noise outside the house than inside. * were no more worried ... than inside 否定 否定 A かっこ内の語句を使って、次の文を書き換えなさい。 A 1. He didn’t pay any attention to my advice. ( no attention ) 1.2. not …any = no… 2. She doesn’t live here any longer. ( no longer ) 4. not (または never) … without ~ 「...すれば必ず~する」 3. He is not an excellent artist at all. ( far from ) 4. Every time he came to see us, he brought a present for each of us children. ( never …without ) B かっこ内の語句を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. ひどく暗かったので何も見えなかった。( nothing ) 2. 冬の登山はいくら注意してもたりません。( cannot ) 3. 秀才が必ずしも世の中で成功するとは限らない。( always ) 4. 寝床で目をつぶったとたんに、電話が鳴った。( hardly … when ) C 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 B 2. * 「冬の登山」は「冬に山に登るとき」と訳す。 3. * 「秀才」→a bright student C * jog 「ジョギング(jogging)をする」 One woman with a high-pressure job told me that she often feels totally worn out at the end of the day. “When that happens,” she explained, “I drag myself home and jog * It’s the last thing … * work〈動〉 「(薬などが)効く」 * than before a couple of miles before starting dinner. It’s the last thing I feel like doing, but it really works. I feel much more energetic after running than before.” 21 PART 6 各品詞の意味と用法 PART 6 各品詞の意味と用法 名詞 名詞 A 次の文の誤りを訂正しなさい。 A 1. How many peoples are you going to invite? 2. My father’s this coat fits me well. 3. We have a lot of homeworks in English today. B 次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 B 1. 鶏肉は牛肉よりも安い。 1. 「鶏肉」→chicken 「牛肉」→beef 2. トムの片方の靴に穴があいています。 4. 「チョーク 1 本」→a piece of chalk 3. ぼくはいま叔父の家に泊っています。 4. チョークを 2 本と黒板ふきを持って来てください。 C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 C There is an old joke about a man who said that his trousers were singular at the top and plural at the bottom. 代名詞 代名詞 A A 次の文の空所に適当な代名詞を入れなさい。 1. Will you answer the phone? ( 2. He found ( * 5.の最初のかっこは、場面によっては my, your, his にもなる。 ) difficult to live on his small salary. 3. Help ( ) to these grapes. ( 4. The dream was so vivid that I felt ( 5. I put ( ) may be your mother. * thought it was ( ) are good. ) to be awake. ) pencil here, and Nancy took ( ) by mistake. She ). 22 B 次の文のかっこの中から適当な語を選びなさい。 1. If you want a knife, I’ll lend you 2. You can take ( another, ( it, either, 3. This apple is bad. May I have one, other ( another, B other 1. ) 1.2. other は the other(s)というように the が前につく。また、every other day「一日おき ) of these two shovels. one, other 4. If planes are dangerous, cars are much more ( either, 5. This year’s fashions do not differ much from ( one, に」のような表現を覚えておけば対応できる。 )? so, that that, 不定のものをさす one、特定のものをさす it の区別に注意が必要。 ). those ) of last year. C かっこ内の語句を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 私が日本に来てから 3 年になります。( It is … ) 2. このテーブルはぼくひとりでは動かせません。( myself ) 3. 駅まで歩いて 10 分以上はかかるまい。( It won’t … ) 4. これはいい絵ですね。 君が自分でかいたのですか。( yourself ) 5. このラジオはどこか具合が悪いらしい。( It seems … ) D 次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 君は何を見ているんだ。 2. 僕は 1 日おきに風呂に入ります。 3. 子供たちはお互いに言い合いをしていた。 4. 君は彼が正しいと言うが、ぼくはそうは思はない。 5. 君のクラスではだれがいちばん水泳がうまいと思いますか。 C 4. * 絵の具でかけば paint, ペンや鉛筆でかけば draw である。 D 3. * 「言い合いをする」は quarrel, かわりに argue でもよい。 4. * 後半を but I don’t think so. でも but I don’t think he is (right). でもよい。 23 E 次の文の 1 は下線の部分を、2 は全文を日本語に訳しなさい。 E 1. The telephone is like a stranger who forces his way into your house and will not 1. * will not go away go away until he is satisfied that you are not at home. The telephone takes it for granted that it has the right to break in on you at any hour of the day. It does not care * break in = interrupt * priority「優先的に扱われること」 * your employment = what you are engaged in whether you are sleeping or eating or working. It claims priority above all your employment, and gives a false sense of urgency to the most trivial message. 2. When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. 2. * put on 「(服などを)着る/身につける」 Then notice which one you put on first on other days. You may discover that you * deal with 「処理する」 tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that if you are right-handed you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. 24 形容詞 形容詞 A かっこの中から適当な語句を選びなさい。 A 1. A ( large, many ) number of people came to see the exhibition. 2. Won’t you have ( any, some ) of this cake? It’s quite good. 3. This work takes a ( great, much ) deal of my time. 4. I don’t want ( any, many, much, some ) sugar in my tea. Just ( a few, a little ), please. 5. We spent only ( a few, a little, few, little ) hours in Kyoto, because we had ( a little, little ) time for sightseeing. B 次の文の 1 は全文を、2 は下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. Everyone has a right to keep a dog if he wishes, but far too many people these days do so without any sort of regard for their neighbors. B 2. * bother to 〈ふつう否定文で使う〉「わざわざ~する」 * when they do * the better … the more 2. (a)Not a few Japanese complain that foreigners do not bother to learn Japanese and at the same time consider it strange or unnatural when they do. An American scholar points out the difficulties encountered by foreigners who speak Japanese well. (b)It would appear that the better a foreigner learns Japanese, the more suspiciously he is regarded. He is called a “strange foreigner.” 25 冠詞 冠詞 A 必要に応じて空所に冠詞を入れなさい。 *不要な場合、×を入れなさい。 A 1. What is _______ tallest building in _______ United States? 4. 2. There’s _______ cat by _______ window. It isn’t _______ one I saw yesterday. * the milkman なら「いつもくる牛乳屋さん」、a milkman なら「初めての牛乳屋さん」。 3. Is it true that _______ salt water is easier to swim in than _______ fresh water? さあここではどちらを使うか? 4. When _______ milkman comes, tell him that we want _______ extra bottle today. 5. Before going to _______ bed, _______ little girl kissed her father on _______ cheek and said _______ goodnight. 6. Bob has _______ job in _______ daytime and goes to _______ school at night. He wants to be _______ engineer. B 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. Man is an animal so far as his body is concerned, but he differs in one very B 1. * man〈無冠詞〉「人間」 2. * good-sized 「かなりな大きさの」 important respect from all other animals. He is able to think and reason and does not rely upon instinct alone. 2. A shoe should be long enough so that you can put a good-sized almond in the toe. Even with the almond in the toe, you ought to be able to wear the shoe for an hour or so without real discomfort. If you cannot do this, your shoes are almost certainly too short. 26 副詞 副詞 A 空所に適当な語(1,2 は副詞、3,4 は疑問副詞)を入れなさい。 A 1. If a question is easy, we can answer it ( 2. He is a quick worker. He always does his work ( 3. Do you have any idea ( 4. You need more exercise. ( B ). ). ) much this hi-fi will cost? ) don’t you buy a bicycle? かっこの中から適当な語句を選びなさい。 B 1. ( How, What ) do you pronounce this word? 2. ( How, What ) do you think of the service at this hotel? 3. The tickets were sold out a week ( ago, 4. Don’t eat these pears ― they aren’t ripe ( before already, ). yet ). C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 Indians believed in life after death, but there was no especially wonderful place C * believe in ~「~の存在を信じる」 * the dead (= dead people) called heaven nor an especially dreadful one called hell. There was just one place called the “land of the dead,” a place very much like their own Indian villages. 27 接続詞 接続詞 A 次の文の空所に適当な接続詞を入れなさい。 A 1. Excuse me, ( ) which is the way to the zoo? 2. He asked me ( 3. Set your alarm, ( ) I had seen the film. ) you won’t oversleep. 4. Shall I turn off the radio ( B ) are you still listening to it? かっこ内の語句を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 彼女は歌も踊りもできる。( both … and ) 2. この傘を持っていきなさい。さもないとぬれるよ。( or ) 3. 君はいっしょに来てもいいし、ここにいてもいい。( either … or ) 4. どこかへ行きたいが、金もなければ時間もない。( neither … nor ) B C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 C 1. Parents feel two ways about television. They like the fact that it keeps the 2. * run out (of) children occupied and out of trouble, but they are concerned about possible harm to the * more ~ than ever before children’s eyes and minds. 2. The world is running out of oil, and there could be serious shortages in ten years’ time. Not only is each individual using more oil than ever before, as the standard of living in industrialized countries rises, but the population explosion means that each year many more people will be using oil in some form or other. 28 前置詞 前置詞 A 次の文の空所に適当な前置詞を入れなさい。 A 1. There is an island right ( ) the middle of the lake. 2. Don’t depend too much ( ) other people. 3. Your story is different ( ) the one I heard. 4. They drove away ( ) the direction of the sea. 5. She was wearing a wedding ring ( ) her third finger. 6. His speech was brief and ( ) the point. 7. I’m not particularly food ( ) animals. 8. Look ( ) the second line ( 9. He was angry ( 10. ( ) the bottom. ) his brother ( ) first she was nervous, but ( ) breaking his watch. ) a few minutes she felt relaxed. B 下線部に at, by, for, in, on, with のうちの 1 つを使って英訳しなさい。 1. 彼はぼくよりも首だけ大きい。 2. 夏休みは 7 月 20 日から始まります。 3. 次の駅で電車を降りて、空港行のバスに乗りなさい。 4. ぼくは弟の宿題を手伝っているところだが、30 分で終わるよ。 B 1. He is taller than I by a head. 2. The summer vacation starts on July 20th. 3. Get off at the next station and take a bus for the airport. 4. I’m helping my brother with his homework, but I’ll finish in half an hour. 29 C 下線部がひとつの句( Phrase )になるように、空所に前置詞を入れなさい。 Recently, I became acquainted ( eighty who seemed to look ( ) an old gentleman ( ( * ) a single day ( ) * 語法上、7 番目のかっこは省略が可能である。 ) least twenty years younger. He told me proudly that if doctors had to depend ( patients, they would all go out ( C ) people like him ( ) ) business, for he had never sick ) his life. D 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 D It is quite common nowadays to find boys and girls studying, or doing homework, * genuinely「純粋に」 * get on one’s nerves「人の神経にさわる」 with a transistor radio beside them loudly playing pop music. They say, and genuinely mean, that (a)they feel more comfortable with the music playing, and that it helps them to work. Older people, on the other hand, who are not used to the constant noise, often find that (b)it gets on their nerves until they can think of nothing else. 30 PART 7 句と節 PART 7 句と節 A かっこ内の語句を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 A 1. 計画は予想どうりにうまくいった。(as) 1. The plan worked out as we expected. 2. いい席が取れるように、早めに出かけよう。(so that ) 2. Let’s go early so that we can get good seats. 3. 自分が悪いと知っているのに、なぜ君は謝らないのだ。(when) 3. Why don’t you apologize when you know you’re wrong? 4. 食べ過ぎさえしなければ、何でも好きなものを食べていい。(so long as) 4. You can eat anything you like as long as you don’t eat too much. 5. I was so absorbed in a comic book that I rode past my station. 5. あんまり夢中になって漫画本を読んでいたので、ぼくは電車を乗り越していまっ 6. As soon as he left high school, he went over to Brazil where his uncle ran a farm. た。(so ~ that) 6. 彼は高校を出るとすぐ、叔父さんが農場を経営しているブラジルへ渡った。(as soon as , where) B おかしさがどこにあるかを考えながら、次の笑い話を読みなさい。 A little girl was going to her friend’s birthday party, and before she left home her B * remember to ~ * her hostess = her friend’s mother mother told her to be a good girl, and to remember to thank her friend’s mother for the nice party before she returned home. * Don’t mention it. は相手の Thank you. に対して使うことばで、日本語の「どういた しまして」に相当する(イギリス英語で、アメリカでは You are welcome.が普通)。 この 表現を文字どおりに解釈すると? When the little girl got home, her mother asked her if she had remembered to thank her hostess. The little girl replied, “Oh, no. I heard another little girl thanking her for the nice party, and the hostess replied, ‘Don’t mention it,’ ― so I didn’t.” 31 PART 8 文の転換 PART 8 文の転換 重文⇔単文⇔複文 重文⇔単文⇔複文 A a) と b) がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適当な語を入れなさい。 A 1. a) The shelf is so strong ( b) The shelf is strong ( 2. ) it can hold all these books. ) to hold all these books. a) Did anything happen ( ) I was out? b) Did anything happen during my ( 3. a) We went out although it was raining. b) We went out ( 4. )( )( a) These oranges are so sour ( b) These oranges are ( 5. ) the rain. ) we cannot eat them. ) sour ( a) I waited outside on the chance of ( b) I waited outside on the chance ( B )? ) eat . ) you. ) I might see you. かっこ内の指示にしたがって、全文または斜体の部分を書き換えなさい。 B 1. Charles insisted that he would pay the entire bill for dinner. (動名詞を使って) 2. At the age of five Dorothy could play simple pieces by Mozart. (接続詞を使って) 3. It is necessary that you should go over the contract very carefully. (不定詞を使っ て) 4. The moment I closed the door, someone started knocking on it. ( I had no sooner で始めて) 5. The water pipe being blocked, we could not use the bath all day. (接続詞を使っ て) 32 直接話法と間接話法 直接話法と間接話法 A かっこ内の意味を表すように、節( Clause )を続けて文を完成しなさい。 A 1. We all thought (彼は大学生であると). 2. I was sure (彼が時間どおりに来るだろうと). 3. He wished (彼女の電話番号を知っていればと). 4. She wondered (なぜ息子が毎晩遅く家に帰るのか). B 次の文の話法を変えなさい。 1. “Your headache is not serious,” the doctor said to me. 2. “I have been shopping all morning,” she said. 3. “Where did you meet Yom?” I asked him. 4. “Wipe your shoes before you come in, Jack,” said Mary. 5. She asked me if the kettle was boiling. 6. The boy told his grandfather that it was the same story that he had heard the day B before. C 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 Some people still argue that conservation policies are not really necessary. (a)In the past raw materials never ran out, so why, they ask, should they in the future? There was once a man in a canoe like this. When people from the shore warned him C 下線部(a)は直接話法と間接話法が混合した形で、(b)は shouted back を伝達動詞と する間接話法である。 * conservation「資源保護」 * why … should they (run out) in the future? that there was a huge waterfall round the next bend, (b)he shouted back he had encountered no such thing so far along the river, and went paddling on. 33 PART 9 倒置・強調・省略 PART 9 倒置・強調・省略 A 次の文の斜体の部分を普通の語順に書き換えなさい。 A 1. Never before have I been asked to accept a bribe. 2. Hardly had I finished eating when I felt hungry again. 3. Had I known what was going to happen, I would never been left her alone. B 省略に注意して、次の文を読みなさい。 1. While in Africa, I went on a lion hunt. 2. I’ve explained twice and I’m not going to again. 3. Which would you prefer ― red wine or white? 4. Nobody knows how language began, how long ago, or where. B C 次の文の 1-2 は全文を、3 は下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 C 1. 2. * get on with ~「~と仲がうまくいく」 Whether or not television can reduce the reading habit to the point where 3. この話のどこがおもしろいかを考えよう。 publishing becomes unprofitable and dies, only time will tell. * run for ~「~に立候補する」 2. If I had to make a list of the causes of sadness in my life, close to the top would be *(b)は仮定法過去の典型的な例。 the fact that I did not get on with my father. 3. (a)A politician running for office got very angry at remarks which had been made about him by the town paper. He burst into the editorial room and exclaimed, “You are telling lies about me in your paper and you know it!” “You have no cause for complaint,” said the editor. (b)“What on earth would you do if we told the truth about you?” 34 PART 10 名詞が中心の表現形式 PART 10 名詞が中心の表現形式 A a) と b) がほぼ同じ意味になるよう空所に適当な語を入れなさい。 A 1. a) He danced up and down because of the acute pain. make, cause, compel, oblige, allow, take, bring, give, prevent, keep, remind, show, b) The acute pain ( suggest, cost, save, spare, frighten, excite など無生物主語に伴う動詞を覚えよう。 2. a) I saw from his fine color that he was in good health. b) His fine color ( 3. ) that he was in good health. a) Tears came to her eyes when she heard the sad news. b) The sad news ( 4. ) him dance up and down. ) tears to her eyes. a) The roof fell in under the weight of the snow. b) The weight of the snow ( ) the roof to fall in. B 斜体の部分またはかっこ内の語句を主語にして、次の文を書き換えなさい。 B 1. On account of his poor health he had to give up his job. 1. His poor health obliged him to give up his job. 2. When I hear her voice, I am reminded of her mother. 2. Her voice reminds me of her mother. 3. What made him lose his head and slap you? 4. Her modesty did not allow her to make her feelings known to him. 3. Why did he lose his head and slap you. (What) 4. She was too modest to make her feelings known to him. (Her modesty) 35 C 次の文の下線の部分を日本語に訳しなさい。 C 1. In any rapidly changing society the young are more at home than the old: it is 1. * at home「気楽に(順応する)」 easier for them to learn for the first time than for the old to unlearn and learn again, for * unlearn「(前に覚えたことを)わざと忘れる」 a second or third time, especially when nostalgia for their own youth makes the old * nostalgia「ノスタルジア、郷愁」 * even to try(to unlearn and learn again) disinclined even to try. 2. Memory, in its broadest sense, refers to the effects of a person’s past on his present. 2. * persisting modifications「持続的修正」 The person is modified, changed by what he does and experiences. And, these * otherwise = if they did not enable him to accomplish it persisting modifications affect what he does and experiences on later occasions; they enable him to accomplish much which would otherwise be impossible. 3. Learning another language is important, because (a) it enables us to communicate 3. 下線部(a) と (b) の it は両方とも learning another language を受けている。 with people in a different country and to learn more about that culture. importance of learning another language goes even deeper. relativity of our cultural values. But the real (b) It makes us realize the In this way, we come to understand that our way of looking at reality is not the only way, that our values may not be the only ones. 36 名詞構文 名詞構文 A 斜体の語を動詞または形容詞に直して、下線の部分を書き換えなさい。 A 1. She had to cancel the appointment because of her illness. 接続詞を用いて書き換えよう。 2. He gave his body to the hospital before his death. 3. He insisted on my regular attendance at his class. 4. How can you prove the truth of your statement? B 次の文の下線の部分にはどんな文が組み込まれているかを考えなさい。 1. Your parents won’t like your plan to live abroad. 2. His demand for a raise in salary was turned down. 3. My grandfather was known to all his neighbors for his fondness for gardening. 4. He owes his escape from death to the immediate arrival of an ambulance. C 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1. 私の父は車の運転が慎重です。(be) 2. 彼女は怒った顔で私を見ました。(give) 3. この通りは右折ができません。(make) 4. この魚のにおいを嗅いでみてください。(take) B 例えば 3.を取り上げると、「園芸に対する彼の好み」は意味が分かるが、なんとなく不 自然な感じが否めない。英文和訳の場合には、その名詞をもとの動詞・形容詞に戻し て考える習慣をつけよう。 C 1. My father is a careful driver. 2. She gave me an angry look. 3. You can’t make a right turn on this street. 4. Take a smell at this fish, please. D 次の文を日本語に訳しなさい。 D 1. Japanese workers’ pride in their work and loyalty to their company are reflected in 1. * pride ⇒Japanese workers are proud of their work. their capacity to produce goods that are not only competitive in pride but reliable in * loyalty ⇒They are loyal to their company. quality. * capacity ⇒They are capable of producing … 37 2. In children one of the healthiest signs is the possession and exercise of an 2. * possession and exercise ⇒Children possess an abundant curiosity and exercise it. abundant curiosity. The possession of this usually indicates that they are mentally * The possession of this… ⇒If they possess this, it … and physically in harmony with their surroundings. So with wild animals ― the * display ⇒Wild animals display a lively curiosity. display of a lively curiosity is the surest indication of their well-being. 群動詞 (付録) 群動詞 (付録) A 次の各組の a) と b) の空所に同じ語を入れなさい。 A 1. a) I can’t make ( ) what he is trying to say. b) Things have turned ( 2. a) The boy put his hand ( ) well. ) to ask a question. b) The actor went to his dressing-room to make ( 3. a) Please help me look ( b) I’ll call ( 4. 5. ) you at nine o’clock at your house. ) running. ) his glasses to read the letter. a) Don’t give ( ) to temptation. b) Please don’t break ( 6. ) my book; I’ve lost it. a) I shouted to him to stop, but he kept ( b) He put ( ). ) on our conversation. a) I’m so busy that I have to put my vacation ( b) Shall we break ( ). ) and continue this afternoon? 38 B かっこ内の動詞を使って、次の文を英語に訳しなさい。 1. 最終列車の時間を時刻表で調べなさい。(look) 2. 彼はよく徹夜をします。(sit) 3. 私はこの暑さにはもう我慢ができません。(put) 4. 彼は父親よりむしろ母親に似ている。(take) 5. 試験の答案は提出する前に(turn)、よく点検しなさい(look)。 C 次の小話をあるフランス人の体験として読みなさい。 I once heard someone shout, “Look out!” I put my head out of the window and a B C * Look out (= Be careful)! だが... bucket of water fell on me. It seems that “look out” may mean “don’t look out.” 39
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