教員の公募について 鳥取大学国際乾燥地域研究教育機構(仮称)設置準備室 鳥取大学における全学の研究力,教育力を集結し,乾燥地や開発途上国等に関する研究,教育及び社 会貢献を推進し,本学の研究及び教育の基盤強化を図ることを目的として,平成27年1月に国際乾燥地 研究教育機構を設置します。その専任教員を下記のとおり公募します。 記 1.募集人数 准教授 1人 2.所属 鳥取大学国際乾燥地研究教育機構 3.勤務地 鳥取市浜坂1390 4.職務内容 1.乾燥地で問題となる疾病や乾燥地に起因する人の健康に関する研究 2.乾燥地の保健・医学に関する教育 3.海外への渡航及び海外からの帰国・来日に関する健康管理 5.勤務形態 常勤(任期あり) 6.処遇 給与等雇用条件は本学の規則による。 7.採用時期 平成27年4月1日 8.任期 平成32年3月31日まで(再任不可) 9.求める人材 1. 医師免許を有する人 2. 医学博士の学位を有する人 3. 以下の①から③の業務を遂行できる経験と能力のある人 ①乾燥地で問題となる疾病や乾燥地に起因する人の健康に関する研究 ②乾燥地の保健・医学に関する教育 ③海外への渡航及び海外からの帰国・来日に関する健康管理 4. 講義や研究指導を英語でおこなえる語学力・コミュニケーション能力を 有する人 10.提出書類 以下の提出書類は日本語又は英語で記入してください。 1. 調査書(別紙所定の様式に従って作成のこと) 2. 調査書記載の項目4(著書),項目5(論文),項目6(総説・論評 等)の全ての別刷(論文が印刷中の場合は,論文掲載通知等の写), および項目7(特許)の証明 3. 主要研究業績概要(乾燥地および渡航の医学に関わるものを中心に) (A4版用紙,2枚以内) 4. 今後の研究に対する抱負(国際乾燥地研究教育機構における研究の抱負 (研究計画)について,A4版用紙2枚以内) なお,上記の提出書類は返却しませんのでご留意ください。 11.選考方法 書類による第1次審査で選考後,面接による第2次審査を行います。 12.応募締切 平成27年1月16日(金)必着 13.応募書類の 〒680-8550 鳥取市湖山町南4丁目101番地 国立大学法人鳥取大学 総務企画部企画課 宛 ※封書の表書きに「鳥取大学国際乾燥地研究教育機構 教員公募書類在中」 と朱書きし,書留郵便で送付してください。 提出先等 14.問合わせ先 鳥取大学国際乾燥地域研究教育機構(仮称)設置準備室 副室長 恒川 篤史 E-mail:[email protected] 15.備考 鳥取大学は男女共同参画を推進しています。女性の積極的な応募を歓迎 します。また,鳥取大学及び鳥取県は家族を大切にし,働きやすい環境づく りを進めています。 ・鳥取大学男女共同参画推進室 URL:http://www.sankaku.tottori-u.ac.jp/ ・鳥取大学医学部附属病院ワークライフバランス支援センター URL:http://www2.hosp.med.tottori-u.ac.jp/worklife/ ・鳥取県の「子育て王国とっとり」 URL:http://www.kosodate-ohkoku-tottori.net/ 調 査 書 現在の身分 写 ふ り が な 氏 名 真 縦 4cm×横 3cm 年 月 日生(満 歳) 現住所(郵便番号,住所,電話番号,E-mail アドレス) 勤務先住所(郵便番号,住所,電話番号,E-mail アドレス) 1.学 歴 ○○○○年○○月 年 月 年 月 年 月 年 年 年 ○○大学○学部○学科卒業 ○○大学大学院○○研究科修士課程(○○専攻)入学 同上修了 ○○大学大学院○○研究科博士課程(○○専攻)又は ○○大学大学院特別研究生前期入学 同上修了 ○○大学○○学部研究生又は専攻生入学 同上修了 月 月 月 2.学 年 年 年 位 月 月 月 ○○学士(○○大学) ○○修士(○○大学) ○○博士(○○大学) 3.職 年 年 年 年 歴 月~ 月~ 月~ 月~ 年 年 年 年 月 月 月 月 又は 又は 又は 学士(○○ 修士(○○ 博士(○○ ○○大学) ○○大学) ○○大学) 株式会社○○○○○○○○ ○○大学助手○○学部 ○○省○○○試験所○○技官 独立行政法人○○○研究所○○研究員 4.著 書 1)著者名,書名,ISBN 番号(分担執筆の場合は,執筆部分の章・節等の項目, ページ),版数,編者名,出版社,発行地 (年) (例) 1) Jones, D. E., Baum F. and Tottori, I.: Nitrogen fixation in cropping systems in dry lands. In Dryland Science―Today and Tomorrow (Edited by Walker, S. et al. ISBN 987-6-5432-1098-7). Academic, Tokyo, pp. 36-56 (2006) 2) 鳥 取 一 郎 : 砂 漠 化 対 処 の 現 状 . 乾 燥 地 科 学 ( 浜 坂 太 郎 ら 編 , ISBN 123-4-5678-9012-3).砂漠書店,東京,pp.172-204 (2010) 5.論 文 A.SCI 誌に掲載または受理された論文 1)著者名(全著者),論文名,誌名,巻,ページ, インパクトファクター(2012), (年) (例) 1) Tottori, I., Hamasaka, T. C. and Tanaka, J.: Enhanced tolerance to drought stress in transgenic plants overexpressing dehydroascorbate reductase in cytosol. Journal of Physiology, 10: 234-244, IF=1.709 (2010) B.SCI 誌以外の学術誌に査読を受けて掲載または受理された論文 1)著者名(全著者),論文名,誌名,巻,ページ,(年) (例) 1) 鳥取一郎・浜坂太郎:乾燥地における水管理技術.乾燥地研究,61:779-784 (2008) C.博士の学位論文 6.総説・論評等 7.特許・イノベーション等 (1) 特許 (2) イノベーション等 8.その他参考となる業績・実績 (1) 参考となる学術的業績 (2) 海外研究機関との研究交流の実績 (3) 教育・人材育成活動および社会貢献活動の実績 9.所属学会等における活動状況 10.学会賞等の表彰の状況 11.最近10年間の外部資金獲得状況 12.応募者について所見を伺える方,2名とその連絡先 個人調査書の記載要領について ・ 年月の記載は,西暦とする。 ・ 氏 名・ふりがな 氏名(ふりがなを含む)は,自筆とする。 1.学 歴 大学卒業以降の学歴を記載し,これに該当しない場合は,最終の学歴を記載 する。 2.学 位 学士以降の学位を記載する。 3.職 歴 研究員等の資格により,国内外において留学した期間は記載しない。 4.著 書 全著者(本人名にアンダーラインをひく),書名,ISBN 番号(分担執筆の場 合は,執筆部分の章・節等の項目,ページ),版数,編者名,出版社,発行地, 年の順に記載する。なお,著書とは,著者の専門領域に関する学術的ないしは 技術的な出版物(出版社または研究機関の刊行)で定期刊行物を除く単行本を いう。また,教科書,参考書,翻訳書,事典などを含む。 出版年の古いものから順番に記載する。 5.論 文 A.SCI 誌に掲載または受理された論文 SCI 誌とは,Thomson Scientific 社(旧 ISI 社)の提供する Web of Science の SCI (Science Citation Index),SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) データベースに含まれている学 術誌のことをいう。 インパクトファクター(2013 年)とは、JCR (Journal Citation Reports) に 記載されている当該雑誌の引用度のことをいう。 全著者名(本人名にアンダーラインをひく),論文名,誌名,巻,ページ,イ ンパクトファクター, (年),の順に記載する。 掲載年の古いものから順番に記載する。 B.SCI 誌以外の学術誌に査読を受けて掲載または受理された論文 全著者名(本人名にアンダーラインをひく),論文名,誌名,巻,ページ,年 の順に記載する。 掲載年の古いものから順番に記載する。 6.総説・論評等 記載様式は,著書および論文と同様とする。 7.特許・イノベーション等 (1) 特許:応募者が発明者として含まれているものについて,国名,公開番号, 名称を記載する。 (2) イノベーション等:応募者が発明・開発したイノベーション・技術につい て、その概要を記載する。 8.その他参考となる業績・実績 (1) 参考となる学術的業績 ・4~7に記載された業績以外で参考となる学術的業績(調査報告書・学会 発表要旨等)について記載する。記載様式は,著書,論文,総説・論評等 と同様とする。 ・主要なもの10編以内とする。 (2) 海外研究機関との研究交流の実績 ・期間,対象地,相手方共同研究機関,参加した研究プロジェクト名,プロ ジェクトの中での役割(コーディネーター等),研究内容,対応する研究 業績等について記載する。 ・主要なもの5件以内とする。 (3) 教育・人材育成活動及び社会貢献活動の実績 ・国内外における教育・人材育成活動(担当授業科目,研究指導実績等)お よび社会貢献活動(学会活動をのぞく委員会活動,諸団体における活動等) について記載する。 ・主要なもの5件以内とする。 9.所属学会等における活動状況 所属する学会・協会等の学術団体名とその団体における活動状況(会長・理 事・評議員・会誌編集委員等及びその就任期間)を記載する。 10.学会賞等の表彰の状況 学会賞受賞等の学術的表彰及び社会における特別表彰等,特記すべき事項を 記載する。 11.最近10年間の外部資金獲得状況 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金,奨学寄附金等の種目,採択年度,研究課 題名,代表・分担の別等について記載する。 12.応募者について所見を伺える方,2名とその連絡先 氏名,所属および連絡先(住所,電話番号,email アドレス等)を記載する。 International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University Vacancy Announcement 1. Job title and the number of positions available: Associate Professor, 1 position 2. Affiliation: International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University 3. Work location: Hamasaka 1390, Tottori, Japan 4. Job content (1) Research on diseases in drylands and human health attributed to drylands (2) Education on health and medical science relevant to drylands (3) Health management related to overseas travel and return/visit from overseas 5. Working arrangements: Full-time staff 6. Remuneration: Conditions for employment including salary are subject to the regulations of Tottori University 7. Expected date of start of employment: April 1st 2015 8. End of employment: March 31st 2020 (Full-time position with a term of five years. No extension of the term.) 9. Qualifications and other requirements (1) Medical license (2) A doctorate degree of medical science (3) The applicant must have experience and ability to accomplish the following duties: a. Research on diseases in drylands and human health attributed to drylands b. Education on health and medical science relevant to drylands c. Health management related to travel abroad and return/visit from overseas (4) The applicant is required to have language and communication skill in English good enough to give lectures and research guidance in English. 10. Documents needed: (1) Dossier (use the attached form); (2) All reprints or copies of “books”, “refereed publications” and “reviews, research reports, proceedings, etc” listed in the Dossier. If publications are in print, you should submit copies of acceptance letters from the Journals or publishers. For “patents”, documents describing the publication number of your patent should be provided; (3) A summary of your main research achievements mainly related to land degradation and land management (2 pages of A4 size) and (4) Your future research plan in International Platform for Dryland Research and Education (2 pages of A4 size) Please note that the documents submitted are not returnable. 11. Screening system: The first selection will be based on documents submitted. The final selection will be based on the personal interview. 12. Application deadline: January 16th 2015 (Friday) 13. Mailing address for application: Planning Division,General Affairs and Planning Department, Tottori University 4-101, Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori, 680-8550 Japan * Please send the documents by “Registered Delivery Mail”, and the envelope should be marked in red with the following: “Enc. Application for a Position in International Platform for Dryland Research and Education” 14. Inquiries about the position can be made from: Prof. Atsushi TSUNEKAWA Acting Head, Preparatory Office, International Platform for Dryland Research and Education E-mail: [email protected] 15. Others: Tottori University promotes realization of a gender-equal society. Therefore, we strongly welcome applications from female researchers. Also, Tottori University as well as Tottori Prefecture give high value for family and always try to create a working environment conducive to people who want to keep a happy balance between work and family. < Reference > - Tottori University Office for Gender Equality (Japanese only) URL: http://www.sankaku.tottori-u.ac.jp/ - Support Center for Work-Life Balance, Tottori University Hospital (Japanese only) URL: http://www2.hosp.med.tottori-u.ac.jp/departments/center/worklife-balance-suppot/ - Tottori Prefecture web site (Japanese only) URL:http://www.kosodate-ohkoku-tottori.net/ DOSSIER (Form) The name of the current position held: Full Name: (Please write the name in handwriting.) Birthday (Age): Home Address, Zip code, Phone number, E-mail address: Office Address, Zip code, Phone number, E-mail address: 1. Educational records / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) Photo 4 X 3cm B.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation M.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Admission M.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation Ph.D. : University / Faculty / Department Admission Ph.D. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation * Please start from the period after graduation. If you cannot, then start from the period of your last education. 2. Degrees obtained / (Year/Month) B.Sc. : / (Year/Month) M.Sc. : / (Year/Month) Ph.D. : (University) (University) (University) 3. Employment record reflecting teaching & research experience From To name of the employing institution, and the title of the job / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) *Please give the duration of employment, name of the employing institution, and the title of the job. *Do not include the period of your stay abroad while listing the duration of experience for the position you were holding when you went abroad. 4. Books or chapter in a book Books mean independent academic and/or technical material published by a publisher or research institution, such as a textbook, a book of reference, translations and dictionaries, excluding periodicals. Please list the names of all authors (underline your name), Title, ISBN, (If co-authored, please describe the chapter, paragraph and pages you contributed), Publication number, Editor(s), Publisher, Place of Publication and Year. Please follow the example below: 1) Jones, D. E., Baum F. and Tottori, I.: Nitrogen fixation in cropping systems in dry lands. In Dryland Science―Today and Tomorrow (Edited by Walker, S. et al. ISBN 987-6-5432-1098-7). Academic, Tokyo, pp. 36-56 (2006) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. 5. Refereed Publications A. Published or accepted articles in academic journals of the Science Citation Index (SCI). Please provide the following. 1) Names of all authors (underline your name), Title, Name of Journal, Volume Number, Page range, Impact Factor(2013) (Year) Please follow the example below: 1) Tottori, I., Hamasaka, T. C. and Tanaka, J.: Enhanced tolerance to drought stress in transgenic plants overexpressing dehydroascorbate reductase in cytosol. Journal of Physiology, 10: 234-244, IF=1.709 (2010) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. B. Published or accepted in any journal other than SCI journals. Please provide the following. 1) Names of all authors (underline your name), Title, Name of Journal, Volume Number, Page range (Year) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. C. Title of your Doctoral Thesis. 6. Reviews, Research Reports, Proceedings, etc Please describe them as in items 4 & 5. 7. Patents and Innovations (1) Patents Patent must include your name as the inventor. Please indicate country name, publication number and title. (2) Innovations Please describe about innovations and/or techniques invented/developed by candidate. 8. Other Achievements and Performances (1) Appreciable academic achievements including Research Reports, Abstract of Academic Conference, etc categorized according to each subject. Please describe them as in items 4 & 5 and equal to or less than 10. (2) Experience of academic exchange with foreign research institutes. The period, region, institution of oversea country, name of the project, title of the position held in the project such as coordinator, research content and corresponding achievements should be described. Five achievements or fewer should be described. (3) Achievements of educational activity, human resource development and social action program: Please describe your achievements of educational activity, human resource development and social action program. For example, subjects in your charge, research guidance, activities in committee outside of an academic society and activities in any associations. Five achievements or fewer should be described. 9. Membership and Services in Professional Societies Names of Academic Associations and Groups, your position and period should be described. (e.g. Chairman / Director / Editor and the period) 10. Outstanding Achievement Recognitions by Academic Society, Prizes won, Educational and Research Activities abroad and Collaborative Activities should be described. 11. External Research Funds Raised Please list the external funding grants received, including funding period, project title and your role in the project (e.g. project leader or member) for the last 10 years. 12. Contact Persons who know the candidate well Please list two contact persons and give their contact information such as mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University Vacancy Announcement 1. Job title and the number of positions available: Specially Appointed Associate Professor, 1 position 2. Affiliation: International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University 3. Work location: Hamasaka 1390, Tottori, Japan 4. Job content (1) Research on sustainable land management and combatting desertification; (2) Education and capacity building on sustainable land management and combatting desertification and (3) Liaison and coordination with overseas institutions on international collaborative researches 5. Working arrangements: Full-time staff (annual salary system) 6. Remuneration: Conditions for employment including salary are subject to the regulations of Tottori University 7. Expected date of start of employment: April 1st 2015 8. End of employment: March 31st 2020 9. Qualifications and other requirements (1) A doctorate degree (2) The applicant must have experience and ability to accomplish the following duties: a. Research on sustainable land management and combatting desertification b. Education and capacity building on sustainable land management and combatting desertification c. Liaison and coordination with overseas institutions on international collaborative researches (3) The applicant must be familiar with the environment and society of drylands. (4) The applicant must have significant academic achievements on sustainable land management and combatting desertification, with particular willingness to conduct dryland studies in foreign countries. (5) The applicant must be a native English speaker or have equivalent English ability. 10. Documents needed: (1) Dossier (use the attached form); (2) All reprints or copies of “books”, “refereed publications” and “reviews, research reports, proceedings, etc” listed in the Dossier. If publications are in print, you should submit copies of acceptance letters from the Journals or publishers. For “patents”, documents describing the publication number of your patent should be provided; (3) A summary of your main research achievements mainly related to land degradation and land management (2 pages of A4 size) and (4) Your future research plan in International Platform for Dryland Research and Education (2 pages of A4 size) Please note that the documents submitted are not returnable. 11. Screening system: The first selection will be based on documents submitted. The final selection will be based on the personal interview. 12. Application deadline: January 16th 2015 (Friday) 13. Mailing address for application: Planning Division, General Affairs and Planning Department, Tottori University 4-101, Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori, 680-8550 Japan * Please send the documents by “Registered Delivery Mail”, and the envelope should be marked in red with the following: “Enc. Application for a Position in International Platform for Dryland Research and Education” 14. Inquiries about the position can be made from: Prof. Atsushi TSUNEKAWA Acting Head, Preparatory Office, International Platform for Dryland Research and Education E-mail: [email protected] 15. Others: Tottori University promotes realization of a gender-equal society. Therefore, we strongly welcome applications from female researchers. Also, Tottori University as well as Tottori Prefecture give high value for family and always try to create a working environment conducive to people who want to keep a happy balance between work and family. < Reference > - Tottori University Office for Gender Equality (Japanese only) URL: http://www.sankaku.tottori-u.ac.jp/ - Support Center for Work-Life Balance, Tottori University Hospital (Japanese only) URL: http://www2.hosp.med.tottori-u.ac.jp/departments/center/worklife-balance-suppot/ - Tottori Prefecture web site (Japanese only) URL:http://www.kosodate-ohkoku-tottori.net/ DOSSIER (Form) The name of the current position held: Full Name: (Please write the name in handwriting.) Birthday (Age): Home Address, Zip code, Phone number, E-mail address: Office Address, Zip code, Phone number, E-mail address: 1. Educational records / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) / (Year/Month) Photo 4 X 3cm B.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation M.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Admission M.Sc. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation Ph.D. : University / Faculty / Department Admission Ph.D. : University / Faculty / Department Graduation * Please start from the period after graduation. If you cannot, then start from the period of your last education. 2. Degrees obtained / (Year/Month) B.Sc. : / (Year/Month) M.Sc. : / (Year/Month) Ph.D. : (University) (University) (University) 3. Employment record reflecting teaching & research experience From To name of the employing institution, and the title of the job / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) / (Y/M) *Please give the duration of employment, name of the employing institution, and the title of the job. *Do not include the period of your stay abroad while listing the duration of experience for the position you were holding when you went abroad. 4. Books or chapter in a book Books mean independent academic and/or technical material published by a publisher or research institution, such as a textbook, a book of reference, translations and dictionaries, excluding periodicals. Please list the names of all authors (underline your name), Title, ISBN, (If co-authored, please describe the chapter, paragraph and pages you contributed), Publication number, Editor(s), Publisher, Place of Publication and Year. Please follow the example below: 1) Jones, D. E., Baum F. and Tottori, I.: Nitrogen fixation in cropping systems in dry lands. In Dryland Science―Today and Tomorrow (Edited by Walker, S. et al. ISBN 987-6-5432-1098-7). Academic, Tokyo, pp. 36-56 (2006) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. 5. Refereed Publications A. Published or accepted articles in academic journals of the Science Citation Index (SCI). Please provide the following. 1) Names of all authors (underline your name), Title, Name of Journal, Volume Number, Page range, Impact Factor(2013) (Year) Please follow the example below: 1) Tottori, I., Hamasaka, T. C. and Tanaka, J.: Enhanced tolerance to drought stress in transgenic plants overexpressing dehydroascorbate reductase in cytosol. Journal of Physiology, 10: 234-244, IF=1.709 (2010) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. B. Published or accepted in any journal other than SCI journals. Please provide the following. 1) Names of all authors (underline your name), Title, Name of Journal, Volume Number, Page range (Year) * Please list your publications in order from the oldest one to the latest one. C. Title of your Doctoral Thesis. 6. Reviews, Research Reports, Proceedings, etc Please describe them as in items 4 & 5. 7. Patents and Innovations (1) Patents Patent must include your name as the inventor. Please indicate country name, publication number and title. (2) Innovations Please describe about innovations and/or techniques invented/developed by candidate. 8. Other Achievements and Performances (1) Appreciable academic achievements including Research Reports, Abstract of Academic Conference, etc categorized according to each subject. Please describe them as in items 4 & 5 and equal to or less than 10. (2) Experience of academic exchange with foreign research institutes. The period, region, institution of oversea country, name of the project, title of the position held in the project such as coordinator, research content and corresponding achievements should be described. Five achievements or fewer should be described. (3) Achievements of educational activity, human resource development and social action program: Please describe your achievements of educational activity, human resource development and social action program. For example, subjects in your charge, research guidance, activities in committee outside of an academic society and activities in any associations. Five achievements or fewer should be described. 9. Membership and Services in Professional Societies Names of Academic Associations and Groups, your position and period should be described. (e.g. Chairman / Director / Editor and the period) 10. Outstanding Achievement Recognitions by Academic Society, Prizes won, Educational and Research Activities abroad and Collaborative Activities should be described. 11. External Research Funds Raised Please list the external funding grants received, including funding period, project title and your role in the project (e.g. project leader or member) for the last 10 years. 12. Contact Persons who know the candidate well Please list two contact persons and give their contact information such as mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.
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