Lesson10 Lesson 10, 10, Part 1 単語・熟語 品詞 意味 1 divorce 動詞 離婚する 2 sadden 動詞 悲しませる 3 separation 名詞 別離,分離 4 nickname 名詞 ニックネーム,愛称 5 pop 形容詞 ポピュラーな,通俗的な 6 crisis 名詞 危機 7 decade 名詞 10 年間 8 oppression 名詞 圧制,弾圧 9 Communist 形容詞 共産主義(者)の 10 forward 形容詞 進歩的な 11 tank 名詞 戦車,タンク 12 come to power 政権につく Lesson 10, 10, Part 2 単語・熟語 品詞 意味 1 competition 名詞 競争,(音楽などの)コンクール 2 theater 名詞 劇場 3 fame 名詞 名声,有名であること 4 invade 動詞 侵入する,侵略する 5 citizen 名詞 市民,国民 6 arrest 動詞 逮捕する 7 invasion 名詞 侵入,侵略 8 protest 動詞 抗議する,異議を唱える 9 stress 動詞 強調する,力点を置く 10 non-violence 名詞 非暴力 11 risk 名詞 危険(性) 12 oppress 動詞 迫害する,圧力をかける 13 resist 動詞 抵抗する 14 It was not long before ~ まもなく~した 15 in the background 背景[背後]で[に] 16 shut down ~ ~を閉鎖する,~を止める 17 win back ~ ~を取り戻す 18 come with ~ ~と一緒に起こる,やって来る 19 be forced to ~ ~せざるをえない 20 give in 降参する,屈する Lesson 10, 10, Part 3 単語・熟語 品詞 意味 1 Western 形容詞 西側(諸国)の 2 remake 動詞 作り直す 3 lyric 名詞 歌詞 4 Czech 形容詞 チェコの 5 marvelous 形容詞 すばらしい,驚くべき 6 cruel 形容詞 残酷な,冷酷な 7 release 動詞 (CD,本などを)発売する 8 album 名詞 アルバム 9 anthem 名詞 賛歌 10 law 名詞 法律 11 smash 動詞 こなごなに壊す 12 destroy 動詞 破壊する 13 loss 名詞 喪失,紛失 14 supporter 名詞 支持者,支援者 15 in a short time 短時間で 16 yearn for ~ ~を熱望する,~を求める 17 ban … from ~ing …が~することを禁じる 18 in horror ぞっとして Lesson 10, 10, Part 4 単語・熟語 品詞 意味 1 democracy 名詞 民主主義 2 violence 名詞 暴力(行為) 3 liberation 名詞 自由化,解放 4 hall 名詞 ホール,会館 5 rally 名詞 (政治的・思想的)集会 6 audience 名詞 聴衆,観客 7 echo 動詞 反響する 8 expression 名詞 表現,表情 9 pride 名詞 誇り,自尊心 10 dignity 名詞 威厳 11 overcome 動詞 打ち勝つ,克服する 12 come down 取り壊される,崩れ落ちる 13 draw close 近づく 14 be sure that ~ ~を確信している 15 lift one's spirits 人を元気づける 16 carry out ~ ~を実行する Lesson 10 Part 1 Another Hey Jude [ 1 ] 次の英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (2 点×10=20 点) ① divorce (動詞) ② sadden ③ oppression ④ Communist ⑤ forward (形容詞) ⑥ 別離,別居,分離 ⑦ 愛称 ⑧ 危機,重大局面 ⑨ 10 年間 ⑩ 戦車 [ 2 ] 日本語の意味になるように,( ① )に適切な語を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) ビートルズは 1960 年代前半にイングランドでデビューした. The Beatles made their debut ( ② )( ) a short ( )( ) pop music. ) with my classmate on the way home. こんなところであなたに会うなんて夢にも思いませんでした. Never ( ⑤ ) in England. 私は帰り道クラスメートと少し話をした. I( ④ ) early ( 私の両親はポピュラー音楽が好きだ. My parents ( ③ )( )( )( ) that I would see you in such a place as this. 保守党が再び政権に就くかもしれない. The Conservative Party may ( )( )( ) again. [ 3 ] 本文の内容に合うものには○を,合わないものには×を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) ① Paul McCartney wrote Hey Jude to encourage his son. [ ] ② “Jude” came from the nickname of John Lennon’s son. [ ] ③ The Beatles knew that Hey Jude would have the power to change the [ ] [ ] [ ] world. ④ The people in Czechoslovakia got more freedom when a new leader came to power in 1968. ⑤ “Prague Spring” ended when Soviet tanks came into Czechoslovakia. 得点 / 50 年 組 番 氏名: Lesson 10 Part 2 Another Hey Jude [ 1 ] 次の英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (2 点×10=20 点) ① competition ② fame ③ invade ④ protest (動詞) ⑤ non-violence ⑥ 市民,国民 ⑦ ~を逮捕する ⑧ 危険性 ⑨ ~を迫害する,圧力をかける ⑩ 抵抗する [ 2 ] 日本語の意味になるように,( ① まもなく彼女の息子もプロの歌手になった. It was ( ② )( )( )( )( - I hope ( ). 成功は努力にともなって起こるものである. Success ( ⑤ ) stands Mt. Everest. 明日は雨が降るかな.-降らないといいけど. Will it rain tomorrow? ④ ) her son also became a professional singer. 背景にはエベレストがそびえ立っていた. ( ③ )に適切な語を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) )( ) effort. 最終バスが出てしまっていたので,私は歩いて帰宅せざるを得なかった. I( )( )( [ 3 ] 本文の内容に合う英文になるように,( ) walk home because the last bus had left. )に適切な語を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) ① Marta Kubisova won a singing competition and became a ( ② When Marta was ( ③ During the invasion, many citizens were ( ④ Marta protested against the government through ( ). ) years old, the Soviet army invaded Czechoslovakia. ) and many others were killed. ) and stressed the importance of non-violence. ⑤ The new government supported by the Soviet Union began to oppress artists and writers, but Marta never ( )( ) to them. 得点 年 組 番 氏名: / 50 Lesson 10 Part 3 Another Hey Jude [ 1 ] 次の英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (2 点×10=20 点) ① remake (動詞) ② lyrics ③ marvelous ④ anthem ⑤ smash ⑥ 残酷な,冷酷な ⑦ (CD・本など)を発売する ⑧ ~を破壊する,破滅させる ⑨ 喪失,紛失 ⑩ 支持者,支援者 [ 2 ] 日本語の意味になるように,( ① )に適切な語を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) その女優はあっという間に人気が出た. That actress became popular ( ② )( )( ). ) is peace. ) using cell phones in the meeting rooms. 子どもたちは恐れて走り去った. The children ran away ( ⑤ )( 私たちは会議室で携帯電話を使用することは禁止されている. We are ( ④ )( 彼らが切望しているものは平和である. What they ( ③ )( )( ). 彼らは自由のために戦うのをやめなかった. They never ( )( ) fighting for freedom. [ 3 ] 本文の内容に合うものには○を,合わないものには×を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) ① Marta’s version of Hey Jude had a secret message of protest in it. [ ] ② Unfortunately, her message did not reach as many Czechoslovakians as she had [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] expected. ③ Marta was not allowed to sing in public and people were not allowed to own her records. ④ Marta was so angry at the Soviet Union and the new government that she smashed her records. ⑤ Marta lost her career as a singer, but not her belief in her country. 得点 / 50 年 組 番 氏名: Lesson 10 Part 4 Another Hey Jude [ 1 ] 次の英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (2 点×10=20 点) ① violence ② liberalization ③ rally (名詞) ④ pride ⑤ echo (動詞) ⑥ 民主主義 ⑦ 聴衆,観客 ⑧ 表現,表情 ⑨ 尊厳,威厳 ⑩ ~に打ち勝つ [ 2 ] 日本語の意味になるように,( ① )に適切な語を書き入れなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) 学校祭が近づいている. The school festival is ( ② ). 私はこの道を行けばきっと駅に出られると思う. I am ( ③ )( )( ) this road leads to the station. あなたの励ましのことばにいつも私は元気づけられます. Your words of encouragement always ( ④ )( ) is not much time ( [ 3 ] 本文の内容に合う英文になるように,( ② ③ ④ ⑤ ). ) the project with their help. 時間があまり残っていません.急ぎましょう. ( ① )( 私たちは彼らの援助を得てプロジェクトを遂行できた. We were able to ( ⑤ )( ). Let’s hurry up. )から適切な語(句)を選びなさい. (3 点×5=15 点) In 1989, the spirit of ( communism / democracy ) spread to Czechoslovakia when the Berlin Wall came down. University students led a protest movement, using peaceful tactics, and asked Marta to sing ( the national anthem / her version of Hey Jude ) at their meetings. The movement spread through the country and helped to end the ( oppression / liberalization ) of Czechoslovakia. At a rally celebrating their freedom, Marta sang ( with tears in her eyes / with pride and dignity ) before thousands of Czechoslovakian people. Hey Jude, which was originally written for an English boy, gave the Czechoslovakian people the ( courage / opportunity ) to overcome their difficulties. 得点 年 組 番 氏名: / 50 小テスト解答 Lesson 10 Another Hey Jude Part 1 [ 1 ] ① ~と離婚する ② ~を悲しませる ③ 圧制,弾圧 ④ 共産主義者,共産党員,共産主義(者)の,共産党の ⑤ 進歩的な,前方(へ)の ⑥ separation ⑦ nickname ⑧ crisis ⑨ decade ⑩ tank [ 2 ] ① in the, 1960s ② are fond of ③ had, talk ④ did I dream ⑤ come to power [3] ① × ② ○ ③ × ④ ○ ⑤ ○ Part 2 [ 1 ] ① 競争,(音楽などの)コンクール ② 名声,有名であること ③ ~に攻め込む,侵入する ④ 抗議する,異議を唱える ⑤ 非暴力,反体制的抵抗 ⑥ citizen ⑦ arrest ⑧ risk ⑨ oppress ⑩ resist [ 2 ] ① not long before ② In the background ③ not ④ comes with ⑤ was forced to [ 3 ] ① singer ② 27 ③ arrested ④ music ⑤ gave in Part 3 [ 1 ] ① ~を作り直す,リメイクする ② (歌の)歌詞 ③ すばらしい,驚くべき ④ 賛歌,代表歌 ⑤ ~を粉々に壊す ⑥ cruel ⑦ release ⑧ destroy ⑨ loss ⑩ supporter [ 2 ] ① in a short time ② yearn for ③ banned from ④ in horror ⑤ gave up [3] ① ○ ② × ③ ○ ④ × ⑤ ○ Part 4 [ 1 ] ① 暴力(行為) ② 自由(主義)化,解放 ③ (政治的・思想的)集会 ④ 誇り,自尊心 ⑤ (音などが)反響する,響き渡る ⑥ democracy ⑦ audience ⑧ expression ⑨ dignity ⑩ overcome [ 2 ] ① drawing closer ② sure that ③ lift my spirits ④ carry out left [3] ① democracy ② her version of Hey Jude ③ oppression ④ with pride and dignity ⑤ courage ⑤ There, 評価問題 Lesson ◆読解総合問題1 10 Another Hey Jude A.次の英文を読んで質問に答えなさい. One day in the late 1960s, (1)Paul McCartney was driving his car to see his friend’s son. Paul’s friend John Lennon was going to divorce his wife. John’s young son, Julian, was greatly saddened by his parents’ separation. (2)Paul ( ( ) very ( ) ) Julian and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with the boy, whose nickname was Jules. While he was driving, a song started to form in Paul’s mind. He began to sing, “Hey Jules, don’t make it bad, take a sad song and make it better ....” As Paul developed the song, “Jules” was later changed to “Jude.” And (3)the classic pop song, Hey Jude, was born like this. * This song had the power to change the world in a way The Beatles could not have imagined. In 1968, the same year that this song was born, Czechoslovakia was facing a crisis. After several decades of oppression by the Communist Party, (4)a forward thinking leader came to power in Czechoslovakia in January of 1968. He made some positive changes and gave the people more freedom during this time. It was called “Prague Spring.” This “season” only lasted for a short time until August of that same year, when (5)Soviet tanks suddenly crossed the Czechoslovakian border. 問1 下線部(1)に対する質問の答えとして適切なものを,次のア~エから選び記号を○で 囲みなさい. Why did Paul want to see his friend’s son? ア. To talk with the boy about music. イ. To talk with the boy about their feelings honestly. ウ. To give the boy a new nickname. エ. To give the boy a new song written for him. 問2 下線部(2)が Paul liked Julian very much の意味になるように( )に適切な語を 入れなさい. Paul ( 問3 ) very ( )( ) Julian 下線部(3)の like this を so に変え,全文を書きかえなさい. And the classic pop song, Hey Jude, was born like this. → And so____________________________________________________________ 問4 次の質問に対する答えとして適切なものを,ア~エからすべて選び記号を○で囲み なさい. In the same year Hey Jude was born, what was going on in Czechoslovakia? ア. A forward thinking leader came to power. イ. People enjoyed more freedom. ウ. Soviet tanks crossed the Czechoslovakian border. エ. After several decades of “Prague Spring,” the Communist Party left the country. 問5 下線部(4)に対する次の質問の答えとして適切なものを,次のア~ウから選び記号を ○で囲みなさい. What did the new leader give to the people of Czechoslovakia? ア.more fear 問6 イ.more oppression ウ.more freedom 下線部(5)に対する次の質問に日本語で答えなさい. What happened when Russian tanks crossed the Czechoslovakian border? _____________________________________________________________________ ◆読解総合問題2 B.次の英文を読んで質問に答えなさい. One day, she heard a new song on a Western radio station. That song was The Beatles’ Hey Jude. (1)Upon hearing the song, Marta decided to remake it with new lyrics as a message of protest against the Soviet Union and the new government. In her song she used the name “Jude,” which is a girl’s name in the Czech language, and through her lyrics Marta sent a message that only people of her country could understand. ☆ ☆ ☆ The government feared the influence of Marta’s songs on the public, so (2)they banned her from singing in public in 1970. Stores were forced to stop selling her albums, and it was against the law even to own any of her records. ☆ ☆ ☆ One day, Marta, now 46, was visited by several university students who supported liberalization. They wanted her to sing at one of their meetings to encourage the other students. ☆ The students (3)( ) ( ☆ ☆ ) many protests with Marta’s Hey Jude as their anthem. The movement spread through the country and helped to end the oppression of Czechoslovakia. At the end of 1989, it became a free country again. At a rally celebrating their freedom, Marta stood before an audience of thousands and opened her arms wide to them. She began to sing in a strong voice that echoed through the large hall. (4)There was nothing in her peaceful expression that suggested the difficulties of her past experiences. She appeared to be filled only with pride and dignity. Her singing of Hey Jude brought back memories to many people in the hall. They remembered how the song (5)[ give ] them the courage to overcome their many difficulties during the years of oppression. Now everyone was singing Marta’s Hey Jude with her. A song originally meant to cheer up a broken-hearted English boy took on a new meaning that gave hope to millions of Czechoslovakians. 問1 下線部(1)とあるが,どのようにリメイクしたのか,日本語で答えなさい. _____________________________________________________________________ 問2 下線部(2)の英文を読んで次の質問に英語で答えなさい. Why did the government ban Marta from singing in public? _____________________________________________________________________ 問3 空所(3)に入る語句を,次のア~ウから選び記号を○で囲みなさい. ア.gave up 問4 イ.carried out ウ.put down 下線部(4)を日本語になおしなさい. _____________________________________________________________________ 問5 下線部(5)が, 「彼らはその歌が彼らにどれほど勇気を与えてくれたかを思い出した」 になるように, [ ]内の動詞を適切な形に変えなさい. _____________________________________________________________________ 問6 次の質問に対する答えとして適切なものを,次のア~エから選び記号を○で囲みな さい. Which is true of Marta’s Hey Jude? ア. It was a great hit all over the world. イ. It became the national anthem of Czechoslovakia. ウ. It was a protest song against the new government. エ. It was the song that Marta wrote to celebrate the freedom Czechoslovakia finally got. ◆語彙問題① 【発音】 C.次の各問に答えなさい. (1) 下線部の発音が同じものを3つ選び番号を○で囲みなさい. pop ① ② son fame ③ island yearn ④ crisis ⑤ year stamp law audience ⑥ draw sauce (2) 次の各語の最も強く読む部分の記号を○で囲みなさい. ① de-moc-ra-cy ア イ ② ウ エ o-ver-come ア イ ウ ◆語彙問題② 【単語の意味と用法】 D.日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい. (1) この国は深刻な食糧危機に直面している. This country is facing a serious food ( ). (2) その国の人びとは長い間圧制に苦しんだ. The people of the country suffered from ( ) for a long time. (3) 警察は昨夜 3 人の男を逮捕した. The police ( ) three men last night. (4) マハトマ・ガンジーは非暴力主義の正しさを信じていた. Mahatma Gandhi believed in ( ). (5) 今優勝チームの国歌が演奏されている. The national ( ) of the winning team is being played now. (6) 戦争は私たちの町,私たちの国,私たちの家族を破壊する. War ( ) our town, our country, and our family. (7) 民主主義を求めて戦っている人びとがたくさんいる. There are many people fighting for ( ). (8) 私たちの先生は自分の仕事を誇りにしている. Our teacher takes ( ) in his work. (9) すべての人間は生まれながらに自由であり,尊厳と権利とについて平等である. All human beings are born free and equal with ( (10) 恐怖心に打ち勝つのはたやすくはない. It is not easy to ( ) your fears. ) and human rights. ◆語彙問題③ 【派生語・関連語】 E.( )の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい.最初の文字が与えられているものはそれに続けて書 くこと. (1) sad (動詞) (2) separate (名詞) (3) oppress (名詞) (4) compete (名詞) (5) famous (名詞) (6) invasion (動詞) (7) lose (名詞) (8) support (人を表すことば) (9) country (同意語) n (10) original (副詞) ◆イディオム・表現 F.日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい. (1) その新しい政党は前回の選挙で政権に就いた. The new political party ( )( )( ) in the last )( ) my father comes back from election. (2) まもなく父は仕事から戻るだろう. It will not ( )( work. (3) この通りにあった多くの店は経済的な理由で閉鎖された. Many shops on this street were ( )( ) due to economic reasons. (4) 民衆はついに自由を取り戻した. The people ( )( ) liberty at last. (5) 奴隷は砂糖のプランテーションで強制的に働かされた. Slaves ( )( )( ) work on sugar plantations. (6) 私は両親に一人旅をさせてほしいと頼み続け,とうとう彼らは折れた. I had kept asking my parents to let me travel alone, and they finally ( ( ) ). (7) あなたは日本の子どもたちがどんな仕事にあこがれているか知っていますか. Do you know what jobs Japanese children ( )( )? (8) この病棟は立ち入り禁止である. You are ( )( ) entering this ward. (9) その老木は強風に耐えられず,倒れてしまった. The old tree couldn’t stand the strong wind and ( )( ). (10) 先月私たちが行なった調査が興味深い結果を示している. The survey which we ( results. )( ) last month shows interesting ◆文法問題① 【倒置】 G.英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (1) I’m interested in history, and so is my brother. _____________________________________________________________________ (2) Only recently have we begun to think seriously about global warming. _____________________________________________________________________ (3) Not until we lose it do we realize the importance of health. _____________________________________________________________________ (4) 彼女が歌い終えるとすぐに聴衆は彼女に大きな拍手を送った(give ~ a big hand). _____________________________________________________________________ (5) 彼が私に話しかけてくるとはまったく予期して(expect)いなかった. (Never ~) _____________________________________________________________________ ◆文法問題② 【省略】 H.英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (1) While in Paris, he visited a lot of museums. _____________________________________________________________________ (2) Please join our activities, if possible. _____________________________________________________________________ (3) Are you going to the concert? - I’d like to, but I can’t. _____________________________________________________________________ (4) 必要であれば,私は明日来ますよ. _____________________________________________________________________ (5) 彼女はそのパーティーに行きたくなかったが(even though),出席した. _____________________________________________________________________ ◆文法問題③ 【there を用いたさまざまな表現】 I.英語を日本語に,日本語を英語にしなさい. (1) There is somebody coming toward us. Who is it? _____________________________________________________________________ (2) Is there anything wrong with Mary? _____________________________________________________________________ (3) Once upon a time, there used to live a great king in this country. _____________________________________________________________________ (4) 教室に生徒が数人残っている(remain). _____________________________________________________________________ (5) この問題を解く別の方法(another way)があるかもしれない. _____________________________________________________________________ 評価問題 Lesson 10 Another Hey Jude ◆読解総合問題1 問1 イ 問2 Paul (was) very (fond)(of) Julian 問3 And so was born the classic pop song, Hey Jude. 問4 ア,イ,ウ 問5 ウ 問6 “プラハの春”が終わった. ◆読解総合問題2 問1 歌詞をソビエト連邦と新政府に対する抵抗を表すメッセージにリメイクした. 問2 Because they feared the influence of Marta’s songs on the public. 問3 イ 問 4 彼女の穏やかな表情の中には,彼女が過去に経験したさまざまな苦難を思い起こさせる ようなものは何もなかった. 問5 had given 問6 ウ ◆語彙問題① 【発音】 (1) ② ⑤ ⑥ (2) ① イ ② ウ ◆語彙問題② 【単語の意味と用法】 (1) crisis (2) oppression (3) arrested (4) non-violence (5) anthem (6) destroys (7) democracy (8) pride (9) dignity (10) overcome ◆語彙問題 【派生語・関連語】 (1) sadden (2) separation (3) oppression (4) competition (5) fame (6) invade (7) loss (8) supporter (9) nation (10) originally ◆イディオム・表現 (1) came to power (2) be long before (3) shut down (4) won back (5) were forced to (6) gave in (7) yearn for (8) banned from (9) came down (10) carried out ◆文法問題① 【倒置】 (1) 私は歴史に興味がありますが,弟[兄]もそうだ. (2) 私たちが地球温暖化について真剣に考え始めたのはつい最近のことだ. (3) 私たちは健康を失ってはじめてその重要性がわかる. (4) No sooner had she finished singing than the audience gave her a big hand. (5) Never did I expect that he would speak[talk] to me. ◆文法問題② 【省略】 (1) パリにいる間,彼は多くの美術館を訪れた. (2) 可能であれば私たちの活動に参加してください. (3) あなたはコンサートに行きますか.-行きたいのですが,行けません. (4) I will come tomorrow, if necessary [if you want (me to)]. (5) She went to the party even though she didn’t want to. ◆文法問題③ 【there を用いたいろいろな表現】 (1) 誰かが私たちの方へ来ます.誰でしょうか. (2) メアリーはどこか具合が悪いのですか. (3) 昔々この国にすばらしい王様が住んでいました. (4) There remain some students in the classroom. (5) There may be another way to solve this problem.
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