X 線回折をもちいた物質の電荷および磁気秩序の - 理研ビームライン

X 線回折をもちいた物質の電荷および磁気秩序の研究
Study for electric and magnetic ordered system by x-ray diffraction
田中良和(石川 X 線干渉光学研究室)
Yoshikazu Tanaka (Ishikawa X-ray Optics Laboratory)
E-mail [email protected]
序状態を X 線回折によって明らかにすることは重要で
ある.本研究では,X 線回折(特に軟 X 線回折)を用い
究を推進した.BL17SU では,円偏光 X 線を用いて水晶
実験,重い電子系物質の Yb4As3 の電荷秩序を共鳴軟 X
線回折で観察する実験,BL29XU では価数揺動物質 SmB6
の電荷秩序を共鳴 X 線回折によって観察する実験を行
以下に水晶のカイラリティを円偏光軟 X 線共鳴回折
左結晶が存在する.一般的な X 線回折を用いて左右の判
別はできない.我々は,SPring8 BL17SU ビームライン
において円偏光軟 X 線による Si (Al) 1s 共鳴の ATS 回
あるベルリナイトを用いた.入射 X 線の円偏光状態は
undulator で切り替えた.図1にα-水晶の 001 反射強
度の方位角依存性を示す.ここで方位角原点を 100 の方
001 反射強度は,結晶構造の対称性を反映し,120°周
期の方位角依存性を示す.また右左円偏光(RCP, LCP)
を入れ替えることによって,右左水晶(R-, L-quartz)
の 001 反射強度の比が逆転することが明らかになった.
挿入図は,Ψ=0 の時の 2scan profiles である.
polarization measured at energy E=1848 eV. The
energy corresponds to the white line of Si (1s)
absorption edge. The origin of =0 is defined by
a* axis when it is perpendicular to the scattering
plane. As shown in Fig. 1, the intensity of 001
reflection has 120 degrees periodicity according to
the crystal symmetry. Moreover the ratio of the
intensity for right- and left-quartz is reversed by
switching the polarization of the incident x-ray
beam. The inset shows the 2 scan profiles
measured at =0.
Strongly correlated electron system including high
TC materials show novel properties due to the spin,
charge, or orbital degrees of freedom. They show
phase transitions associating with various
orderings due to correlation effects.
It is
important to clarify such a ordering which can be
investigated by x-ray diffraction.
In our present project, we have measured low quartz
crystals and a berlinite crystal to make clear that
resonant x-ray diffraction is able to differentiate
the handedness of chiral material, Yb4As3 to measure
the charge ordering with resonant soft x-ray
diffraction, and SmB6 to observe the charge ordering.
In this report, we show the results of right- and
left-low-quartz. The circular polarization was
switched by the parameter of the undulator of
beamline 17SU.
Figure 1 shows the azimuth angle dependence of the
intensity of 001 reflection for right- and
図1.Intensity of 001 reflection measured for right
(R-quartz) and left quartz (L-quartz) as a function
of azimuthal angle Here RCP and LCP represent
right and left circular polarization of x-ray beam.
Inset show the 2 scan profiles measured at =0.
[参考文献 / References]
Y. Tanaka, et al. PRL, to be published in April 2008.