3M 5 f i B % , Sci. Rep. Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery, (45) : 57-59 (1991) [Short Paper) New Records of the Parasitic Copepod Salmincola stellatus from Sakhalin Taimen (Hucho perryz) in Hokkaido, with a Note on Its Attachment Site *' Kazuya NACASAWA and Shigehiko URAWA *2 Salmincola stellatus is a lernaeopodid copepod parasitic on salmonids of the genus Hucho. Markevich') described this species taken from Siberian taimen, H. taimen c=H. hucho tairnen (Pallas, 177311, f r o m a market in Vladivostok, eastern USSR. In 1986, a half century a f t e r t h a t original description, Kabata') redescribed this copepod based on the ovigerous female specimens discovered f r o m Sakhalin taimen, H. perryi (Brevoort, 18561, f r o m Ilokkaido, Japan. Although S. stellatus has been frequently cited (e. g., K a b a t a 3 ' ) , there a r e virtually only two published records and little is known a b o u t i t s geographical distribition, life history, and ecology. Moreover, since H. perryi h a s been regarded as one of endangered species in J a p a n , there a r e few chances to examine t h e parasites of this r a r e salmonid. Recently a t o t a l of 41 H. perryi was made available f o r parasitological examination and we obtained some d a t a on prevalence, intensity, and attachment site of S. stellatus. The known r.. ......................... inUnlnfested i :u ............................ Infested 30 Fig. 1. Map of Hokkaido showing collection localities for Hucho perryi. 1, Sarufutsu River; 2, Sarobetsu River; 3, Koetoi Hiver; 4, Otsu Fish F a r m ; 5, Lake Toro; 6, Bekanbeushi River. 35 Fig. 2. 45 50 55 60 65 FORK LENGTH (CM) 40 70 i .: 75 Size frequency distribution of Hucho perryi from the Sarufutsu River. jL'&ZZ3 M . & $hlCEBX%E% 331 F *'Hokkaido Fisheries Experimental Station, 238 Hamanaka-cho, Yoichi, Hokkaido 046, J A P A N (E@+Ut!? : ~t.&SIZw?7kEX%kFJ). *'Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery, Fisheries Agency of J a p a n , 2-2 Nakanoshima, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo 062, J A P A N (,fi$OZrZ : 7kBEk&Z 3 C f f $A!k%). - 57 parasites of H. perryi in J a p a n have been listed earlier4’and some of nematode parasites f r o m our material of H. perryi have been described elsewhere. 5, Materials and Methods Forty-one H. perryi, with a fork length (FL) range f r o m 16.2 t o 73.8 cm, were taken f r o m six localities in Hokkaido (Fig. 1) : 32 f r o m the Sarufutsu River on August 1, 1986 ; t w o f r o m the Sarobetsu River on September 27, 1980 ; one f r o m t h e Koetoi River on September 28, 1980 ; one f r o m the Otsu Fish F a r m , Tsurui-mura, on M a y 10, 1977 (this fish had strayed t o the f a r m f r o m the Ashibetsu River, a tributary of the Kushiro River) ; one from Lake Toro on July 10,1981 ; and three f r o m t h e Bekanbeushi River on June 23, 1982 and April 23, 1983. The fish were deeply frozen or fixed ,in 10% formalin and brought t o the laboratory. The body surface, gills, fins, buccal (oral) and branchial cavities were examined and, when copepods were found, their attachment sites were recorded. The scientific and English names of Hucho spp. a r e those listed by Holcik e t a L 7 ) Voucher specimens of S. stellatus have been deposited in the National Science Museum, Tokyo (NSMTCr 10957) and additional specimens retained in the personal collection of the junior a u t h o r (S. Urawa) . Results and Comments Eleven (34.4%) of the 32 H. perryi f r o m the Sarufutsu River were infested with 1 7 adult female S. stellatus with a n intensity range of 1-3 (mean 1.5)- The infested fish ranged in FL from 34.8-55.2 cm (Fig. 2 ) . Also, t w o adult female S. stellatus were found on one H. perryi f r o m the Otsu Fish F a r m . These findings constitute both the second record of S. stellatus f r o m H. perryi in Hokkaido and the f i r s t record from wild populations of this salmonid. However, the fish f r o m the other localities were not infested. As t o the site of infestation, all specimens of a d u l t female S. stellatus were attached t o the walls of the buccal cavity. Of t h e 17 Sarufutsu River specimens, 11 and 6 were found near the teeth of the roof and floor of the buccal cavity, respectively (Fig. 3 ) . No other sites such Fig. 3. 58 Distribution (solid circles) of SulmLncolu stellatm on the roof ( A ) a n d floor (a) of the buccal cavity of Hucho perryi from the Sarufutsu River. a$ the body surface,fins,gills,and branchial cavity were stellatus shows When a site preference S. stellatus originally described, the attachment was infested. to the buccal cavity, not to the skin Thus, adult female S. aS reported by Kabata2@ site was recorded a$ unknown15. 1n addition,although Kabata21 reported that his material was obtained fn "a hatchery", the host fish HOkkaido Hatchery, and see Nagasawa et Acknowledgements Shimazu, fn fact from were Fish the Sun Piazza Aquarium, N. Okada, Sun We Nagan0-ken grateful to Dr. K. Ogawa, are N. Okada, University Of TOky0, and Junior COllege, for supplying the material Of S. stellatus. Oceans, for assistance Mr. (T. Awakura, personal communications ; also [email protected],p. 40 fo0tnote). also due to Dr. Z. Kabata, Pacific Biological and Sappor0, HOkkaido Piazza Aquarium, Sun Station, Canada Department fn obtaining literature, and to Dr. T. Awakura, Piazza Aquarium, for information On Dr. T. Thanks are of Fisheries and HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, S. stellatus fn HOkkaido References 1 ) Markevich, A. P. (1936): Inst. ZO01. Bio1. AN SSR, Ukr. Zbirnik Prats ZO01. Mus., (17), 103- 105. (In Ukrainian). 2) Kabata, Z. (1986): Can. 3) Kabata, J. ZO01., 64,1852-1859. Z. (1969): J. Fish. Res. 4) Nag-asawa, K., S. Urawa, and BOard Can., 26,2987-3041 T. Awakura (1987) : Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Salmon Hatchery, (41), 1-75. 5) MOravec, F. and 6) MOravec, F. and 7) HOlcik, J., K. Largest K. (1989a) : FOli0. Parasito1., 36,127-141. Nagasawa K. Nagasawa (1989b): FOlia Parasito1., 36,143-151. Hense1, J. Nieslanik, salmon Of the world. Dr. and W. L. Skacel (1988) Junk : The Eurasian Pub1., DOrdrecht, huchen, Hucho xiv+239 hucho p. 北悔 道産イトウからの 寄生件カイ アシ類 SMm 而 COL SfeZZofuS の 新記録と寄生部位にっいて 長 澤 札 也 ・ 浦 札 茂 彦 北海道の猿払川 , サ n べ @yJll, 芦問山.鶴店村大津養魚場, 塘路湖および別基辺牛川で採集したイトウ 4l 尾を調べ,猿払川と大津養魚場から得たイトウにヵイアシ類の―憧 , Sa[m 而 cola atp.1Zatuso@)寄生を認 最 めた. これは,本寄生虫のわが国における第2 番目の記録であると同時に,北海道産野生イトウからの 初の記録である . また,本種は皮盾に寄生すると 報告されていたが,寄生部位はn 腔壁であることが判明 Kaba 、8a (1986) は北海道産イトウから 本種を再記載した 際,宿主の採集場所を「 隅化場」と した.なお, 記したが,それはサンピア ザ 水族館 (札幌市) O@ 誤りであることをtE 摘した・ 59
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