Lesson 8 評価問題 問題 A 1 もっとも強く発音する部分を答えなさい。 (5 点) 1. dam-age 2. op-er-ate 3. cul-ti-vate ア イ 4. ar-ti-fi-cial ア イウ エ ア イ ウ ア イ ウ 5. par-tic-i-pate ア イウ エ 2 各組の下線部の発音が同じなら○,異なっていたら×を書きなさい。(4 点) 1. weapon:evil 2. remove:tomb 3. dozen:touch 4. torchbearer:appear 3 指定された文字で始めて,次の定義にあてはまる英語 1 語を書きなさい。 (10 点) 1. a period of ten years (d) 2. a problem or subject that people discuss (i) 3. an area of countryside or land, considered in terms of how attractive it is to look at (l) 4. a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result, especially in politics or business (c) 5. behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically (v) 4 次の語を指示された形にしなさい。(4 点) 1. explode(名詞形) 2. shoot(名詞形) 3. encourage(反意語) 4. destroy(名詞形) 5 ( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. )に適語を入れなさい。 (5 点) Someone stepped ( ) my foot in the train during the rush hour this morning. We haven’t heard ( ) him since then. Can you tell a duck ( ) a swan? As the night came on, the children headed for their home hand ( ) hand. The lecturer went ( ) speaking in a monotone, which made the audience bored. 6 日本語を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。(20 点) 1. 千人もの人がその交通事故の現場に集まった。 As ( )( ) one thousand people came to the spot where the traffic accident had happened. 2. 彼らは会議中ずっと黙っていた。 They ( )( ) during the meeting. 3. どんな人も一人ではその机を動かせない。 ( )( ) man can move the desk without any help. 4. その事務所で多数の偽造免許証が発見された。 Large ( )( ) fake driver’s licenses were found at the office. 5. あなたは早急に何かをする必要がある。 You need to ( ) something going immediately. 6. 中でももっとも驚いたのは,ジムは僕よりずっと年上だということだ。 Most surprising ( )( ), Jim is much older than I. 7. 私見だが,もっとも素晴らしいワインはフランス産だと思う。 In my opinion, the finest wines are ( ) from France. 8. 本を貸してください。面白ければ何でもいいです。 Please lend me a book. Any book will ( ) as long as it is interesting. 9. どんなにけんめいに走っても私はバスには追いつけなかった。 No matter ( )( ) I ran after the bus, I could not catch up with it. 10. ご兄弟が議長だという事実があっても自分の決心を変えてはいけません。 The ( )( ) the chairperson is your brother should not affect your decision. 7 ( )の指示に従って次の文を英語にしなさい。 (15 点) 1. その事故は運転手が不注意だったため起こったと報じられている。(The accident で 始めて) 2. 仕事を全部終えてしまったので,彼は定刻に会社を出た。(Having で始めて) 3. 向こうに見える橋は現在建設中です。(The bridge で始めて) 4. 家に着いたら,私は駅に傘を忘れたことに気がついた。 5. ここが私がずっと探していた本を見つけたまさにその本屋です。 8 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (20 点) Redglare: One person who is working to remove landmines is Sakamoto Ryuichi. He made a CD called Zero Landmine. (Turning to Sakamoto) When did you become interested in the landmine problem, Ryuichi? Sakamoto: Like everyone else, I had heard ( ア ) the problem, but ①( what / me / really got / about it / was / thinking ) a TV program about Chris Moon. ②Having lost both his arm and his leg to a landmine in Africa, he had every reason to get discouraged, but he never gave up. He got an artificial arm and leg, and began to walk, finally to run. ( イ ) the end, he was able to run a full marathon. Most surprising ( ウ ) all, Chris was chosen to be the torchbearer for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games. (Cut to video clip of Chris Moon running; Moon’s voice is heard) Moon: Landmines are evil. ③They lie active in the ground for years after the fighting has stopped, and they cannot tell the difference between the step of a soldier and that of a child. ④( many / injured / of / deaths / slow / by mines / those / die). Those who survive often live lives of ⑤( miserable ), ⑥( poor ), and ⑦ ( discriminate ).” 1. 2. 3. 4. (ア) ~(ウ) に適語を入れなさい。(1 点×3=3 点) ①,④の( )内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。(3 点×2=6 点) 下線部②,③を和訳しなさい。 (4 点×2=8 点) ⑤~⑦を正しい形にしなさい。 (1 点×3=3 点) 9 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (17 点) Sakamoto: I never dreamed that I would go with Chris to Mozambique, and to the very place where he ①( lose ) his arm and leg. Through Chris I learned that the landmine is a thing that “does not know peace,” and ②( how / damage / people’s / much / can / lives / it ). Redglare: How did this mine issue become ③( connect ) to your music? Sakamoto: First of all, I looked at the maps of countries where ④landmines are killing and injuring people. Korea, Cambodia, Bosnia, Angola, Mozambique. I became interested in ⑤( those / the music / was / that / being / countries / listened / in / to ). I searched the Internet. I read books. I just wondered how to put it all together in music. ⑥Of course, it would not do to destroy the native characteristics of the cultures no matter how serious you might be. But many of the ⑦( participate ) musicians shared the belief that ⑧ ( remove ) landmines is one step toward ending the old-fashioned idea that problems can be ⑨( solve ) by violence. 1. 2. 3. 4. ①,③,⑦,⑧,⑨を正しい形にしなさい。 (1 点×5=5 点) ②,⑤の( )内の語を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 (3 点×2=6 点) 下線部④をほぼ同じ内容になるように people を主語にして書きかえなさい。 (2 点) 下線部⑥を和訳しなさい。 (4 点) Lesson 8 評価問題 問題 B 1 第 1 アクセントの母音の発音が同じものを 5 組選びなさい。(5 点) ア poor イ musician ウ search エ expansion オ explode カ remain キ recognize ク evil ケ solve コ country サ landscape シ issue ス discourage セ soldier ソ decade 2 もっとも強く発音する部分を答えなさい。 (5 点) 1. dam-age 2. par-tic-i-pate ア イ 3. cul-ti-vate 4. ア イ ウ ア イ ウ エ mar-a-thon ア イ ウ 5. ar-ti-fi-cial ア イウ エ 3 次の語を指示された形にしなさい。(10 点) 1. discourage(反意語) 2. artificial(反意語) 3. participate(名詞形) 4. violence(形容詞形) 5. expansion(動詞形) 6. panic(過去形) 7. remove(名詞形) 8. connect(名詞形) 9. explode(名詞形) 10. solve(名詞形) 4 指定された文字で始めて,次の定義にあてはまる英語 1 語を書きなさい。 (12 点) 1. a very large animal with thick grey skin, large ears, two curved outer teeth called tusks and a long nose called a trunk (e) 2. everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country (l) 3. a bomb placed on or under the ground, which explodes when vehicles or people move over it (l) 4. a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim (c) 5. a situation or a period time in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area (p) 6. an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. (I) 5 日本文を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。ただし,1 語とは限らない。 (10 点) 1. これこそまさに私が探し求めていた本です。 This is ( ) book I have been looking for. 2. 彼は私よりずっと友だちの数が多い。 He has ( ) friends than I do. 3. 彼らは手に手を取って歩いていた。 They were walking ( ) with each other. 4. 彼らは激しく戦った。 They fought a fierce ( ). 5. 警察はその絵を持ち主に返した。 The police have ( ) the painting to its owner. 6 各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように( らない。 )に適語を入れなさい。ただし,1 語とは限 (16 点) 1. Over the past twenty years they have been at war. = Over the past two ( ) they have been at war. 2. I’ve bought twelve CDs as gifts for my friends. = I’ve bought ( ) CDs as gifts for my friends. 3. They heard several landmines explode. = Several landmines were ( ). 4. They are building a new station near my house. = A new station is ( ) near my house. 5. It is reported that the Prime Minister was assassinated. = The Prime Minister is reported ( ). 6. Since I hadn’t finished the work, I couldn’t go out to play baseball. = Not ( ) the work, I couldn’t go out to play baseball. 7. Try as you will, you cannot find a way out. =( ) how hard you try, you cannot find a way out. 8. Either is OK. = Either will ( ). 7 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (14 点) Redglare: Landmines! There may be ①as many as 120 million of these terrible weapons in ②more than 70 countries throughout the world. Most of these mines are under the ground and will explode when they are stepped ( ア ). But mines cannot see or hear. They cannot tell a soldier ( イ ) a child, a grand-mother, a cow, or an elephant. When anything touches them, they will explode. They remain active for a very long time, 50 years, maybe even a century. ③It is said that the movement to remove landmines started in the 1990s. Mine-clearing operations have begun, but no single government or agency can ④ possibly clear ⑤that many mines. Large numbers of people must help. 1. 2. 3. 4. 下線部①を他の 3 語で書きかえなさい。 (3 点) 下線部②を他の 1 語で書きかえなさい。 (3 点) (ア) (イ) に適語を入れなさい。 (1 点×2=2 点) 下線部③を The movement to remove landmines を主語にして書きかえなさい。 (4 点) 5. 下線部④,⑤と同じ意味で使われているものをそれぞれ選びなさい。 (1 点×2=2 点) ④ 1 A:Do you think he will come? B:Possibly. 2 How can I possibly do that? 3 Could you possibly lend me the camera? 4 I can’t possibly go there alone. ⑤ 1 I can’t go that far. 2 What made her act that way? 3 Look at that boy over there. 4 He was still a student at that time. 8 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (28 点) Redglare: One person who is working to ①remove landmines is Sakamoto Ryuichi. He made a CD called Zero Landmine. (Turning to Sakamoto) When did you become interested in the landmine problem, Ryuichi? Sakamoto: Like everyone else, I had heard of the problem, but what really got me ア (think) about it was a TV program about Chris Moon. ②Having lost both his arm and his leg to a landmine in Africa, he had every reason to get discouraged, but he never gave up. He got an artificial arm and leg, and began to walk, finally to run. In the end, he was able to run a full marathon. Most イ(surprise) of all, Chris was chosen to be the torchbearer for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games. (Cut to video clip of Chris Moon running; Moon’s voice is heard) Moon: Landmines are evil. They ③remain active in the ground for years after the fighting has stopped, and they cannot tell ④(between / a soldier / and / of / the difference / a child / of / the step / that). Many of those injured by mines die slow ウ(die). Those who survive often live lives of エ(miserable), オ(poor), and カ (discriminate).” 1. 下線部①を他の 3 語で書きかえなさい。 (3 点) 2. ア~カを正しい形にしなさい。 (2 点×6=12 点) 3. 下線部②とほぼ同じ内容を表すように,次の文の( )に適語を入れなさい。 (前半 3 点,後半 3 点) ( )( )( )( ) both his arm and his leg to a landmine in Africa, it was ( ) that he should get discouraged, 4. 下線部③を他の 1 語で書きかえなさい。 (3 点) 5. ④の( )内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。(4 点) Lesson 8 評価問題 問題 A 解答 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. ア 2. ア 3. ア 4. ウ 5. イ 1. × 2. ○ 3. ○ 4. × 1. decade 2. issue 3. landscape 4. campaign 5. violence 1.explosion 2. shot 3. discourage 4. destruction 1. on 2. of[from] 3. from 4. in 5. on [解説] 1. step on ~「~を踏みつける」 2. hear of ~「~の消息を(噂に)聞く」, hear from ~「から便りをもらう」 3. tell A from B「A と B の区別をつける」 5. go on ~ing[with+名詞]「~を続ける」 1. many as 2. kept silent [quiet] 3. No single 4. numbers of 5. get 6. of all 7. those 8. do 9. how hard 10. fact that [解説] 1. 後に来る数を強調する。 3. 否定文中の single は「一人も,一つも」と強調した言い方。 4. large numbers of ~ =a large number of ~ 5. get+O+~ing「あることが進むように働きかける」 7. 反復の指示代名詞で,the wines の代わり。 8. do「間に合う」 10. that 節は fact の内容を具体的に表す。 1. The accident is reported to have happened because of the carelessness of the driver. 2. Having finished all his work, he left the office on time. 3. The bridge you [we] (can) see over there is now being built. 4. When I got home, I found (that) I had left my umbrella at the station. 5. This is the very bookstore where I found the book I had (long) been looking for. [解説] 1. is reported は現在だが,事故が起こったのはその前なので,to 不定詞は完了形とな る。 1. (ア) of (イ) In (ウ) of 2. ① what really got me thinking about it was ④ Many of those injured by mines die slow deaths 3. ② アフリカで地雷で腕も足も失い,希望を失っても不思議ではなかったが,彼は決 して諦めなかったのです。 ③ 戦闘が終わっても地雷は地中で何年も作動可能なままでいる。そして兵士だろう が,子どもだろうが,(地雷を踏んでしまえば,)そこに区別はないのである。 4. ⑤ misery ⑥ poverty ⑦ discrimination 1. ①(had)lost ③ connected ⑦ participating ⑧ removing ⑨ solved 2. ② how much it can damage people’s lives ⑤ the music that was being listened to in those countries 3. people are being killed and injured by landmines 4. もちろん,どんなに真面目な気持ちであったとしても,その文化に元々ある特徴を 壊してしまうのはよくないだろう。 [解説] 1. ⑨ 主語(problems)から受け身形になることが分かる。 2. ② 間接疑問文。 4. it は to~ cultures を受ける形式主語で,動詞 do は「充分である,間に合う」とい う意味の自動詞。 Lesson 8 評価問題 問題 B 解答 1 イとシ ウとス エとサ オとセ キとソ 2 1. ア 2. イ 3. ア 4. ア 5. ウ 3 1. encourage 2. natural 3. participation [participant] 4. violent 5. expand 6. panicked 7. removal 8. connection 9. explosion 10. solution 4 1. elephant 2. landscape 3. landmine 4. campaign 5. peace 6. Internet 5 1. the very 2. many [much, far, even] more 3. hand in hand 4. fight [battle] 5. restored [returned] 6 1. decades 2. a dozen 3. heard to explode 4. being built 5. to have been assassinated 6. having finished 7. No matter 8. do [解説] 1. 「彼らは過去 20 年間戦争状態にある」 2. 「友だちへのプレゼントに CD を 12 枚買った」 3. 「いくつかの地雷が爆発するのが聞こえた」 4. 「家の近くに新しい駅が建設中です」 be being + 過去分詞(進行形の受動態) 5. 「総理大臣が暗殺されたと報道されている」 6. 「仕事を終えていなかったので私は野球をしに外に出られなかった」 7. 「どんなにやっても出口は見つからない」 try as one will「どんなにやっても」 8. 「どっちでも結構です」 7 1. no less [fewer] than 2. over 3. (ア) on (イ) from 4. The movement to remove landmines is said to have started in the 1990s. 5. ④ 4 ⑤ 1 [解説] 5. ④ possibly は否定文で「どうしても(~ない)」の意味。 ⑤ that は副詞で so「そんなに」の意味。 8 1. get rid of 2. ア thinking イ surprising ウ deaths エ misery オ poverty カ discrimination 3. As [Since / Because] he had lost, natural 4. lie [keep] 5. [soldier] the difference between the step of a soldier [child] and that of a child
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