2009 年7月号 広報東広島 英語版 Population of Higashihiroshima ……………………. .182,335 Population of Foreign Residents ……………………...….4, 652 *as of the end of May 2009 This leaflet contains selected information from the Public Relations Newsletter “KOHO Higashihiroshima”. This newsletter is available at the City Office (1F, Main bldg. and Hachihonmatsu Branch Office), Communication Corner (1F Sunsquare Higashihiroshima), Fuji Grand Higashihiroshima, SHOJI (Hachihonmatsu-minami, R375Bypass & Saijo-higashi), GYOMU-YO SHOKUHIN SUPER SAIJO-TEN (業務用食品スーパー西条店), MANSO(万惣:Hachihonmatsu & Takaya) , BANKOK Store (Saijo-chuo 7-1-6) and MOTONAGA Hospital (本永病院). This version is also available on the Webpage of the City Office http://www.city.higashihiroshima.hiroshima.jp/eng/digital/pdf/newsletter_english.pdf . Free to Take Summer Festivals held around Higashihiroshima ひがしひろしまきんぺん かいさい なつまつり 東 広 島 近辺で開催される夏祭り Various festivals, traditional style ones and contemporary ones will take place around Higashihiroshima Area. Area Festival Name Date & Time Place Note th Gion Matsuri July 10 (Fri.) KAGURA (traditional mask dance), Mitate Shrine & Pre events 18:00~ Japanese Drum, Evening fair, etc. Saijo th Saijo Station Area Gion Matsuri July 11 (Sat.) Mikoshi (portable shrine) parade 11:00~15:00 Mikoshi Parade Takamigaoka Takamigaoka Goma July 25th(Sat.) Evening fair, Stage show, etc. Takaya Summer 15:00~ Kinrin Koen Festival Fureai Kurose Shiminbunka July 25th (Sat.) Kurose Natsumatsuri Evening fair & fireworks Center 16:00~21:00 2009 (Citizens Cultural Center) Riverside Kouchi-cho Shimin Festival July 26th (Sun) Ground (Municipal Catch fish with hands Competition Kouchi 9:30~15:30 Playground)& ¥500/person Riverside st Heso Matsuri Aug.1 (Sat.) Toyosaka Fureai HESO (belly button) Dancing, Toyosaka 17:30~22:00 Ground KAGURA, Evening Fair Mitsu July 11th (Sat.) 11th :Evening Fair Around JR Akitsu Akitsu Gion & 12th:15:30~18:00 Traditional Station Matsuri 12th (Sun.) costume parade Tadanoumi Takehara July 19th (Sun.) Around Mikoshi (portable shrine) Parade Gion City 6:00~22:00 JR Tadanoumi Station Matsuri Invitation to TANABATA CHAKAI (Tea Ceremony for the Star Festival) Admission Free たなばたちゃかい 七夕茶会 This event is planned for the purpose of introducing Japanese traditional culture to foreign people. Come join us and enjoy good old atmosphere! Date & Time: July 5th (Sun.) 12:00~16:00 Admission Free Place: Sunsquare Higashihiroshima 2F Japanese Style Room Applications & Inquiries: Communication Corner Tel: 082-424-3811 -1- 2009 年7月号 広報東広島 英語版 Health, Welfare and Child Rearing Notice from National Health Insurance and Pension Division Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Division (Kokuho-nenkinka 国保年金課) Location: 1F Main Bldg. City Office, Tel: 082-420-0933 About Premium Rise of National Health Insurance from Fiscal 2009 へいせい21 ね ん ど ぜいりつ 平成21年度の税率について The Higashihiroshima City has been leaving the premium rate unchanged since 2002. However, due to the recent economic crisis and the change in social structure, such as declining birthrate and a growing proportion of elderly people, the fiscal conditions of Higashihiroshima City have deteriorated seriously, and it’s getting very difficult for us to maintain National Health Insurance with the current premium rate. We earnestly hope that you will kindly understand the necessity for this increase. The average of the raising rate of the premium per person is approx. 4%. Please see Notice booklet on National Health Insurance Premium 2009 (April, 2009 ~ March, 2010), which is sent to the insured by mail around the middle of July. * National Health Insurance Premium for 2009 will become available to pay at convenience stores. Bar-coded statements for convenience store payment will be enclosed in the notice letter to those who pay by cash. Please be careful not to lose the statements, for they are separated from the booklet. Please pay in specific term. About Premium Reduction Reduction/Exemption eduction/Exemption System to LowLow-income Households Households ほ け ん ぜい けいげん げんめん 保険税の軽減・減免について If you have financial difficulties, please ask about Premium reduction system to low-income households (in Japanese: hokennzei-no-keigen 保険税の 保険税の軽減). 軽減 Premium reduction system is applied to households falling short of the government ordinance-designated income standards. Applicable households can receive 20%, 50%, or 70% reduction from the regular premium rate. Also, those who have severe difficulty in the premium payment because they lost their job, met with a natural disaster or other serious conditions, may apply for reduction or exemption. Please ask us for details. About Exemption from Contribution Payments of National Pension こくみんねんきんほけんりょう めんじょしんせい 国民年金保険料の免除申請 You can apply for the exemption from contribution payments if you satisfy certain conditions specified by law. You may also be exempt from contribution payment if the previous year’s income of you/your spouse/your home owner is low, and if your application is approved. For details, please access the English webpage of Social Insurance Agency . URL http://www.sia.go.jp/e/np.html#cov and see Exemption of the Contributions or ask Kokuho-Nenkin-ka. Notice from Children and Family Support Division Inquiries: Children and Family Support Division (Kodomo-katei-ka こども家庭課) Tel: 082-420-0407 Location 2F North Bldg. City Office Application for Medical Expense Assistance for Single Parent Families & Notice to Recipient of the above Assistance おや か て い とう いりょう こうしん さいしんせい ひとり親家庭等医療の更新および再申請 We will accept applications for the above assistance until July 31st (Fri.). Please ask us for details. To recipients of the assistance: Your current certificate will be expired on July 31st. As of August 1st, your qualification will be renewed after a review process, and those who eligible will receive a new certificate by mail. If your income exceeds the designated amount, you may lose the eligibility. In this case, we will send a notice letter instead of the certificate. -2- 2009 年7月号 広報東広島 英語版 Cash Handouts/Special Allowance for ChildChild-Rearing Distribution Schedule in July ていがくきゅうふきん こ そ だ て おうえんとくべつ て あ て がつ きゅうふ す け じ ゅ ー る ごあんない 定額給付金・子育て応援特別手当7月の給付スケジュールのご案内 Distribution by Account Transfer: July 17th (Fri.) Notice about account transfer distribution will be sent to applicants several days before the transfer date by postcard. Inquiries: Cash Handouts Promotion Office (Teigaku-kyufukin-suishinshitsu 定額給付金推進室) Tel:082-420-0411 Location: 1F Main Bldg. City Office July 31st (Fri.) is the Payment Deadline of Municipal Taxes Taxes. es. 7 がつ のうぜい のう き げ ん 7 がつ 31 にち きん 7月の納税・納期限は7月31日(金) Please pay National Health Insurance Premium (for 1st term) and Fixed Asset Tax / Urban Planning Tax (for 2nd term) by the above date. About TOKUSOKUJO (Access (Access Letter of Tax Nonpayment) An access letter of tax nonpayment (TOKUSOKUJO 督促状) is sent to residents who haven’t paid tax by the deadline. If you receive TOKUSOKUJO, please immediately pay the tax with the payment form enclosed. Caution: It takes about ten days that Tax Collection Division confirms tax payment. For this reason, TOKUSOKUJO may come after you complete payment. In such cases, please ignore the letter. To prevent the cross in the mail, please complete the payment by the deadline. Inquiries: Tax Collection Sec. (Shuno-ka 収納課) of the City Office082-420-0912 Location: 2F Second Bldg. City Office Protect Children from Water Accidents! Accidents! いけ す いろ みずあそび き けん ため池や水路での水遊びは危険です! We have a lot of farm ditch and small ponds in Higashihiroshima, and every year, several children fall victim to water accidents while they play around such a place. If you have a child, confirm him/her to keep away from water places. If you find children playing at a water place, please immediately stop them and give warning. Please keep the rules when playing with fireworks る ー る ま も っ て た の し い は なび ルールを守って楽しい花火 There are a lot of accidents and nuisance caused by fireworks every summer. When you play with fireworks, please keep the following rules to confirm the safety and not to disturb others. Read instructions of fireworks carefully before playing Choose an appropriate time and place. Keep away flammable materials. Be careful not to make noisy sound and billowing smoke. Please ask us for permission, if you are planning a firework event. Inquiries: Fire Prevention Division (Yobou-ka 予防課 of Fire Department) Tel: 082-422-6341 Summer Concert by Hiroshima University Orchestra ひろしまだいがくこうきょうがくだん さ ま ー こ ん さ ー と 広島大学 交 響 楽団サマーコンサート Date & Time: July 5th (Sun.) 1 5:00~ Place: Hiroshima University SATAKE Memorial Hall Ticket price ¥500 (Advance ticket: ¥400, available at COOP shop of Hiroshima University) Exhibition at the Municipal Art Museum “ Original Pictures Pictures of Contemporary Picture Book Book Illustration Illustration “ びじゅつかん もよおし げんだい え ほ ん さ っ か げ ん が て ん 美術館の催し~現代絵本作家原画展 rd Exhibition Period: July 3 (Fri.) ~ August 16th (Sun.) Closed on Mondays Open Hours: 10:00~17:00 * Reception closes at 16:30 Place: Higashihiroshima Municipal Art Museum (Tel: 082-428-5713) Admission Fee: ¥400/adult ¥200/ University Student Free of charge/ High school student or younger Address: Hachihonmatsu-minami 2-1-3 (near HJR Hachihonmatsu Station) -3- 2009 年7月号 広報東広島 英語版 Activities of of International Friendship Club in July こくさいこうりゅうかい がつ れいかい 国際 交 流 会 7月例会 Inquiries:Inquiries: Ms. Ishii: Tel:082-428-2085 Application is not required. Please come on time Activities Date Cooking Class rd Time Place Attendance Fee Misonou Kouminkan ¥500 (Community House) ¥100 Location: Back of Fuji Please bring needles Grand Shopping Center & scissors July 3 (Fri.) Craft Class ~Let’s s make a country doll!~ ~Let 9:30~ th July 10 (Fri.) Robby Concert at ChuoChuo-kominkan (Central Public Hall) ~ Soprano & Piano ~ Admission Free ろ び ー こ ん さ ー と ロビーふれあいコンサート Date & Time: July 16th (Thu.) 12:15~12:45 Place: Chuo-kominkan (Central Public Hall) Tel:082-423-8211 Seeking performer performers mers for Stage Show at Sake Matsuri Festival 2009 さ け ま つ り しゅつえんしゃぼしゅう 酒まつり 出 演 者 募集 Festival Dates: Oct. 10th (Sat.) & 11th (Sun.) Place: around Saijo Station Application & Inquiries: Higashihiroshima-shi Kankokyokai 観光協会 Tel: 082-420-0330 Application deadline: July 17th (Fri.) until 12:00 Webpage: http://sakematsuri.com/2009/boshu.html Seeking Stage Performers & Food Stand Tenants for ShogaiShogai-gakushu (Lifelonglearning) Festival 2009 しょうがいがくしゅう ふ ぇ す て ぃ ば る しゅってんしゃ しゅつえんしゃぼしゅう 生 涯 学 習 フェスティバル 出 展 者 ・出 演 者 募集 We are looking for volunteer staffs for the festival as follows. Stage performers of dance, instrumental music or chorus (performance time should be within 20minute) Food stand tenants: Main purpose of conducting our food court is to promote local products. Please use at least one ingredient produced in Higashihiroshima. Eligible participants: people living, working or studying in Higashihiroshima *Please note that we can’t accept professional food manufacturers. *Participants should attend the committee meetings. If you don’t understand Japanese, please come with someone who can communicate in Japanese. Festival Date: October 31st (Sat.) & November 1st (Sun.) Place: Higashihiroshima Undo (Sports) Park Application: & Inquiries: Lifelong Leaning Sec. (Shogaigakushuka 生涯学習課) Tel: 082-420-0979 Location: 2nd Bldg. City Office (Address: Saijo-kamiichi-cho 7-12) Application deadline: July 31st (Fri.). Summer Festival at Kid’s Kid s Plaza Higashihiroshima き っ ず ぷ ら ざ な つ ま つ り キッズプラザひがしひろしま夏まつり We provide various games, music show, storytelling and more…. Date & Time August 1st (Sat.) 10:00~12:00 Place: Kid’s Plaza Higashihiroshima (Free Space for Parents & Children ) Location: 1F Saijo Plaza Admission Free *Please receive a free ticket at Kid’s Plaza in advance. Inquiries:Hoiku-ka 保育課 (Child Care Division)Location: 3F North Bldg. City Office Tel: 082-420-0934 -4- 2009 年7月号 広報東広島 英語版 Rotation Table of NightNight-time & Holiday Doctor: Doctor: July, July, 2009 や か ん きゅうじつ と う ば ん い がつ 夜間 休 日 当番医 7月 ※ Before visiting, please call the doctor and make an appointment. ※ Open hours: On weekdays & Saturdays : from18:00 to 8:30 of the next morning On Sundays & National holidays: from 8:30 to 8:30 of the next morning (Marked ◎) ひがしひろしまいりょう せ ん た ー 東 広 島 医 療 センター(Higashihiroshima Iryo(Medical) Center) Tel:082-423-2499 Address: Saijo-cho Jike st th th th Date: 1 (Wed.), 8 (Wed.), 13 (Mon.), 15 (Wed.), th st 19th (Sun. ◎), 22nd (Wed.), 26th (Sun.◎ ◎), 29 (Wed.), 31 (Fri.), ※ Higashihiroshima Iryo (Medical) Center provides emergency pediatric treatment on duty days. However, please note that other emergency hospitals provide only first-aid about pediatrics on duty days. さいじょうちゅうおうびょういん 西 条 中 央 病 院 (Saijo Chuo Byoin(Hospital) Tel:082-423-3050 Address: Saijo showa-machi 12-40 rd th th th Date: 3 (Fri.), 6 (Mon.), 9 (Thu.), 11 th rd th (Sat.), 14th (Tue.), 17th (Fri.), 20 (Mon. ◎), 23 (Thu.), 28 (Tue.), いのくちびょういん 井野口病院 (Inokuchi Byoin(Hospital) Tel:082-422-3711 Address: Saijo-cho Doyomaru 6chome nd (Thu.), 4th (Sat.), 7th (Tue.), 12th Date: 2 th th th (Sun.◎ ◎), 16th (Thu.), 21st(Tue.), 25 (Sat.), 27 (Mon.), 30 (Thu.), もとながびょういん 本 永 病 院 (Motonaga Byoin(Hospital) Tel:082-423-2666 Address: Saijo Oka-machi 8-13 Date: 5th (Sun.◎ ◎), 10th (Fri.), 18th (Sat.), 24th(Fri.), きゅう じ つ しんりょうしょ 休 日診 療 所 (Kyujitu-shinryousho:Holiday Clinic) Tel:082-422-5400 Medical Services: Internal medicine, Pediatrics & Dentistry (First aid only) Open days: Sundays, National Holidays & New-year Holidays Open hours: 9:00~12:30 13:30~16:00 Address: Saijo-cho Doyomaru や く だ じょうほう 役立つ情報 Useful Information ● Kyukyu Iryo Net Hiroshima (救急医療 Net Hiroshima) * English version of Emergency Medical Treatment Information, including nighttime & Holiday doctors, is available on Internet. Please access: URL:http://www.qq.pref.hiroshima.jp/qq/qq34egmnlt.asp ● Kodomo-kyukyu-denwa-soudan(子供救急電話相談 Call Center for Emergency First-aid for Children) (only in Japanese) Tel: #8000 or 082-505-1399 (19:00 - 22:00) ● Social Welfare Division(Shakai-fukushi-ka 社会福祉課) Weekdays Daytime ☎082-420-0932 ● The City Office (Shiyakusho 市役所) ☎082-422-2111 (Night time & weekends) ● Higashihiroshima City Fire Dept. (Shoubou-kyoku 東広島市消防局) ☎082-422-0119 24 hours (Except Akitsu) ● Akitsu Fire Dept. (Shoubou-sho 安芸津消防署 ) ☎0846-45-0119 24 hours (Akitsu Area only) Edited & Published by Higashihiroshima City International Exchange Promotion Association へんしゅう はっこう ひがしひろしまし こ く さ い か すいしんきょう ぎ か い 編 集 ・発行 東広島市国際化 推 進 協 議会 Tel: 082-420-0917 -5-
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