1 Introduction Kanji are ordered by frequency. This file uses information from several sources. 1.1 Kanjidic Meanings, Japanese pronounciations, frequency and grade of kanji are extracted from Kanjidic. Information about Kanjidic can be found here: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/ jwb/kanjidic.html 1.2 SKIP The SKIP (System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns) system for ordering kanji was developed by Jack Halpern (Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society at http://www.kanji.org/), and is used with his permission. 1.3 Unihan Database Meanings and Chinese pronounciations come from the Unihan Database: http://www.unicode.org/charts/unihan.html 1.4 Mnemonics The mnemonics have been developped by Reinaert Albrecht. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Mnemonics that have RS. in front of them derive from Chinese Etymology (http://www.chineseetymology.org) by Richard Sears and are used with kind permission. Mnemonics that have lit. in front of them derive from Shuowen Jiezi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuowen_Jiezi). 1.5 Kanjicafe Stroke order diagrams have been developped at Kanjicafe (http://www.kanjicafe.com/license.htm) 1.6 Hanazono font The information section uses the Hanazono font (http://fonts.jp/hanazono/) by kind permission of Koichi Kamichi). 1.7 Kanji Stroke Order Font The font used in the stroke order character is Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Ulrich Apel, the AAAA project and the Wadoku project All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 久久 久 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics long time, old story ひさ.しい / キュウ, ク . • person 人 having his head hanging 厂 against the bar: it has grown late in the evening, it’s been a long time since he said something reasonable • RS. one form of foot, to detain someone from walking: long time 久 支支 支 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65) ささ.える,. つか.える, か.う / シ • RS. hand 又 holding a branch 十 : used to disperse the crowds of birds eating the food from the fields thus allowing to earn one’s money, pay taxes and support one’s family 支 比比 比 Kanjidic Pronounciation compare, race, ratio, Philipines . くら.べる / ヒ Mnemonics • two men 匕 上 next to each other being compared 比 仏仏 佛 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:仏 Buddha, the dead, France . ほとけ / ブツ, フツ Mnemonics • not 弗 an average person 亻 /important individual 厶 person 亻 仏 圧圧 壓 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:压 A:圧 pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate . お.す, へ.す, おさ.える, お.さえる / アツ, エン, オウ Mnemonics • the weight of cliffs 厭 /厂 and ground 土 crushes everything 圧 永永 永 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics A:𣱵 eternity, long, lengthy なが.い / エイ . • man 丶 crossing a large body of water 水: it seems like ages before he reaches the other side; water 水 with cover aquifer with water that has been there forever 𣱵 亠 : old 永 可可 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 可 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics can, passable, mustn’t, should not, do not -べ.き, -べ.し / カ, コク . • → 可 : it is good not to talk 口 too much 丂 ; approval is given by nodding one’s head, not by talking; what can possibly go wrong when everything is good? 1 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 可 刊刊 刊 Kanjidic Pronounciation publish, carve, engrave . / カン Mnemonics • words engraved with tools 干 刂 in wood 刊 旧旧 臼 Kanjidic Pronounciation A:旧 old times, old things, old friend, former, ex. ふる.い, もと / キュウ Mnemonics • → 臼→旧 旧 句句 句 Kanjidic Pronounciation phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku . /ク Mnemonics • uttered by an open 勹 mouth 口 句 示示 示 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics A:𥘅 礻 show, indicate, point out, express, display しめ.す / ジ, シ . • something 一 shown on an altar 𥘅 : → 示 or 礻 (do not confuse with 衤 ) • con. altar, worship 示 犯犯 犯 Kanjidic Pronounciation crime, sin, .offense おか.す / ハン, ボン Mnemonics • act like a stooped 㔾 dog 犭 ready to commit a crime 犯 布布 布 Kanjidic Pronounciation linen, cloth, spread, distribute ぬの / フ . Mnemonics • clothes 巾 workable by hand 𠂇 distributed to the poor and needy after a public announcement 布 弁弁 弁 Kanjidic Pronounciation valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distin. guish わきま.える, わ.ける, はなびら, あらそ.う / ベン, ヘン Mnemonics • RS. hands 廾 placing a hat on the head: → 弁 弁 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 2 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 因因 因 Kanjidic Pronounciation cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to . よ.る, ちな.む / イン Mnemonics • person 大 locked up • con. prisoner 囗: usually with good reason 因 仮仮 假 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:仮 sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal かり, かり- / カ, ケ . • false 叚 person 亻 • /something against 反 a person 反 something temporary 亻: a lie; person 亻 reverting 仮 件件 件 Kanjidic Pronounciation affair, case,. matter, item くだん / ケン Mnemonics • person 亻 dealing with his cows 牛 : important matter and article 件 再再 再 Kanjidic Pronounciation again, twice, second time ふたた.び ./ サイ, サ Mnemonics • RS. two fish on a line again and again → → 再: the fisher catches fish 再 在在 在 Kanjidic Pronounciation exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in あ.る / ザイ . Mnemonics • something pierced through →在 才 stays at the same place 土 : 在 舌舌 舌 Kanjidic Pronounciation tongue, reed, clapper した / ゼツ . Mnemonics • tongue sticking out of the mouth tongue invades 干 the mouth 口 → → 舌 ; lit. the 舌 団団 団 Kanjidic Pronounciation group, association . かたまり, まる.い / ダン, トン Mnemonics • small 寸 enclosure 囗 (of people 口 ) 団 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 3 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 任任 任 Kanjidic Pronounciation responsibility, . duty, term, entrust to, appoint まか.せる, まか.す / ニン Mnemonics • load 壬 entrusted to a person 亻 : his duty is to bear it 任 応応 應 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:应 A:応 apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept あた.る, まさに, こた.える / オウ, ヨウ, -ノウ . • mind 心 ready to respond like a falcon 䧹 • /mind → 心 wide 广 open with a attention: ready to respond 応 应 応 快快 快 Kanjidic Pronounciation cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, comfortable . / カイ こころよ.い Mnemonics • rapid heart 忄 beat when chasing with arrows activity for the rich 夬 : cheerful 快 技技 技 Kanjidic Pronounciation A:伎 skill, art, craft, ability, feat, performance, vocation, arts . わざ / ギ Mnemonics • (person 亻 ) with hand 扌 supporting 支 skill and talent 技 均均 均 Kanjidic Pronounciation level, average . なら.す / キン Mnemonics • equal 勻 ground 土 均 災災 災 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:灾 disaster, calamity, woe, curse, evil わざわ.い ./ サイ Mnemonics • overflowing rivers 巛 and fires 火 provoke the greatest disasters/a roof 宀 on fire 火 災 志志 志 Kanjidic Pronounciation intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling シリング, .こころざ.す, こころざし / シ Mnemonics • the mind 心 of the master moves according to his will 士 is purposeful, determined and 志 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 4 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 似似 似 Kanjidic Pronounciation becoming, .resemble, counterfeit, imitate, suitable に.る, ひ.る / ジ Mnemonics • individual person 以 resembling another person 亻 似 序序 序 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally つい.で, ついで / ジョ . • RS. shuttle going back and forth 予 indicating the series or sequence book 广: → 序; the preface sums up the order of the 序 条条 條 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:条 article, clause, item, stripe, streak えだ, すじ / ジョウ, チョウ, デキ . • RS. wooden 木 sticks hitting 攸 the water • /hand hitting 攵 with a wooden stick 木 to determine and measure the condition of something or impose the law in the article 条 状状 狀 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:状 status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance / ジョウ . • dog 犬 seen from a different angle: 爿 /丬 : a different form, appearance but the dog remains in the same condition 状 判判 判 Kanjidic Pronounciation judgement, signature, stamp, seal わか.る / .ハン, バン Mnemonics • RS. function of a knife cow 刂 to discriminate parts of (to divide) the 半 判 防防 防 Kanjidic Pronounciation ward off, defend, protect, resist . ふせ.ぐ / ボウ Mnemonics • using a slope 阝 to defend in one direction 方 防 余余 余 Kanjidic Pronounciation too much, myself, surplus, other, remainder あま.る, あま.り, あま.す, あんま.り / ヨ . Mnemonics • person wearing a hat holding something under his arms → 余: → he tries to carry the remainder of a battle away 余 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 5 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 易易 易 Kanjidic Pronounciation easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination . やさ.しい, やす.い / エキ, イ Mnemonics • RS. pour water from one container into another → 易 易 往往 往 Kanjidic Pronounciation journey, travel, chase away, let go, going, before, formerly . い.く, いにしえ, さき.に, ゆ.く / オウ Mnemonics • leader 主 going 彳 forward on the road (now a thing of the past) 往 価価 價 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:价 A:価 value, price あたい / カ, ケ . • merchant 賈 selling something for a price to a person 亻 介 men 亻 into different classes • person 亻 paying a high price for a rare bird 覀 species • /price separates 価 河河 河 Kanjidic Pronounciation river . かわ / カ Mnemonics • constantly speaking 可 water 氵 ; good 可 water 氵 河 居居 居 Kanjidic Pronounciation reside, to be, exist, live with い.る, -い,. お.る / キョ, コ Mnemonics • old 古 body 尸 sits where it is and doesn’t move • RS. baby 古 falling from a mother 尸 : original dwelling place 居 券券 券 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics ticket . / ケン • scroll � cut/carved with a knife 刀 券 効効 効 Kanjidic Pronounciation merit, efficacy, efficiency, benefit . き.く, ききめ, なら.う / コウ Mnemonics • forces 力 being joined 交 in order to be efficacious 効 妻妻 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 妻 Kanjidic Pronounciation wife, spouse . つま / サイ Mnemonics • RS. hand ⺕ grabbing the hair 屮 of ones woman 女 6 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 妻 枝枝 枝 Kanjidic Pronounciation bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches . えだ / シ Mnemonics • branches 支 of a tree 木 枝 舎舎 舍 Kanjidic Pronounciation A:舎 cottage, inn, hut, house, mansion やど.る / .シャ, セキ Mnemonics • where tongues 舌 chatter together 亼 under the roof 𠆢 ; place 土 with roof 𠆢 and talking mouths 口 舎 述述 述 Kanjidic Pronounciation mention, state, speak, relate の.べる / .ジュツ Mnemonics • plant crop 术 being walked ⻌ next to: one can continue almost endlessly giving time to tell many tales 述 承承 承 Kanjidic Pronounciation acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive うけたまわ.る, う.ける, ささ.げる, とど.める, . こ.らす, つい.で, すく.う / ショウ, ジョウ Mnemonics • RS. three hands 手 holding a person 子 : support and hearing his stories たす.ける, → 承 : receiving 承 招招 招 Kanjidic Pronounciation beckon, invite, summon, engage . まね.く / ショウ Mnemonics • hand 扌 summoning 召 someone: beckon 招 制制 制 Kanjidic Pronounciation A:𠝁 system, law, . rule / セイ Mnemonics • people 𠂉 from the city 市 controlled by a knife 刂 制 性性 性 Kanjidic Pronounciation sex, gender, . nature さが / セイ, ショウ Mnemonics • related to the heart 忄 of living 生 beings 性 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 7 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 版版 版 Kanjidic Pronounciation printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label . / ハン Mnemonics • slice 片 of wood which is hit against 反 paper 版 肥肥 肥 Kanjidic Pronounciation fertilizer, get . fat, fertile, manure, pamper こ.える, こえ, こ.やす, こ.やし, ふと.る / ヒ Mnemonics • meat 月 that is greatly desired 巴 : fat 肥 非非 非 Kanjidic Pronounciation un-, mistake, negative, injustice, nonあら.ず / .ヒ Mnemonics • outward turned (not flapping) wings: function; the wings oppose the air → 非: they do not 非 武武 武 Kanjidic Pronounciation warrior, military, chivalry, arms . たけ.し / ブ, ム Mnemonics • to stop 止 with a 一 weapon 弋 : military 武 逆逆 逆 Kanjidic Pronounciation inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked . さか, さか.さ, さか.らう / ギャク, ゲキ Mnemonics • disobedient 屰 going ⻌ : rebel or traitor 逆 限限 限 Kanjidic Pronounciation limit, restrict, . to best of ability かぎ.る, かぎ.り, -かぎ.り / ゲン Mnemonics • good 艮 slope 阝 stopping 艮 people 限 故故 故 Kanjidic Pronounciation happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, . the late, therefore, consequently ゆえ, ふる.い, もと / コ Mnemonics • old 古 hand 攵 doing things nobody remembers reason for 故 厚厚 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 厚 Kanjidic Pronounciation thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless . あつ.い, あか / コウ Mnemonics • thick 㫗 cliff friendship 厂 8 : having substantial weight, just like a good http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 厚 査査 査 Kanjidic Pronounciation investigate. /サ Mnemonics • find out the kind of tree 木 of which a table is made 且 査 政政 政 Kanjidic Pronounciation politics, government . まん / セイ, ショウ まつりごと, Mnemonics • hand 攵 moving the country in the correct 正 direction • RS. correct 正 action with the hand 攵 政 祖祖 祖 Kanjidic Pronounciation ancestor, pioneer, founder . /ソ Mnemonics • venerated at the table 且 of the altar 礻 祖 則則 則 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:则 rule, follow, based on, model after のっと.る ./ ソク Mnemonics • the law or rules is instated by sword 刂 but circumvented by money 貝 則 退退 退 Kanjidic Pronounciation retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject しりぞ.く,. しりぞ.ける, ひ.く, の.く, の.ける, ど.く / タイ Mnemonics • RS. on the road ⻌ walk away 夊 from the sun of defeat it’s good 艮 to walk ⻌ away 日 ; in the face 退 独独 獨 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:独 single, alone, . spontaneously, Germany ひと.り / ドク, トク Mnemonics • a dog 犭 alone with his insects 蜀 /虫 独 保保 保 Kanjidic Pronounciation protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support たも.つ / .ホ, ホウ Mnemonics • RS. woman 木 ): 亻 holding her baby 子 → 呆 (head 口 and feet protect 保 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 9 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 迷迷 迷 Kanjidic Pronounciation astray, be perplexed, in doubt, lost, err, illusion . まよ.う / メイ Mnemonics • walking 辶 rice 米 : it must be bewitched 迷 益益 益 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics benefit, gain, profit, advantage ま.す / エキ, ヤク . • RS. water 氺 (sideways) in a bowl 皿 → 益 : used to everyone’s advantage; looks like a house: having your own house is a huge benefit 益 恩恩 恩 Kanjidic Pronounciation grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit . / オン Mnemonics • merciful heart 心 for the prisoner 因 恩 格格 格 Kanjidic Pronounciation status, rank, capacity, character, case (law, grammar) . キャク, ゴウ / カク, コウ, Mnemonics • individual status 各 style of patterns carved in wood 木 reflecting one’s 格 個個 個 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:个 individual, counter for articles / コ, カ . • single person 亻 with individual stories • /person | having his own roof 𠆢 固 個 耕耕 耕 Kanjidic Pronounciation till, plow, cultivate . たがや.す / コウ Mnemonics • plow 耒 and irrigate with water from the well 井 耕 財財 財 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:财 property, money, wealth, assets . たから / ザイ, サイ, ゾク • having the talent rich 才 to amass money 貝 : end up wealthy and 財 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 10 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 桜桜 櫻 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:樱 A:桜 cherry . さくら / オウ, ヨウ Mnemonics • tree 木 producing beautiful babies 嬰 (cherry blossoms); 櫻 → 桜 桜 師師 師 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:师 expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army (incl. counter), war もろもろ, なら.う / シ, ス . • irritable individual storing 𠂤 his one 一 flag 巾 carrying his family’s emblem very carefully • /master swordsman carrying his one 一 sword 刂 and his flag 巾 師 修修 修 Kanjidic Pronounciation discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master おさ.める,. おさ.まる / シュウ, シュ Mnemonics • relaxed cultivated 攸 person with a long beard 彡 : he is studied and 修 素素 素 Kanjidic Pronounciation elementary, principle, naked, uncovered もと / ソ,. ス Mnemonics • threads 糸 made from a living 龶 thing: white silk: normal thing to be seen on the silk road and elementary for it’s trade 素 造造 造 Kanjidic Pronounciation create, make, structure, physique . つく.る, つく.り, -づく.り / ゾウ Mnemonics • mouth with horns telling struct or make something 告 everyone that he’s going 辶 to con- 造 能能 能 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics ability, talent, skill, capacity よ.く / ノウ . • many individual 厶 people 匕 匕 ⺼ together are able to do great things; one needs many abilities to perform on stage • RS. A bear with four feet and meat in its mouth: → → → 能 能 破破 破 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics rend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate やぶ.る, やぶ.れる, わ.れる / ハ . • a stone 石 hidden in a hide 皮 : looks not dangerous but can destroy many things • hand Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 皮 with a stone 石 rock destroying something 11 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 破 俵俵 俵 Kanjidic Pronounciation bag, bale, sack, counter for bags . たわら / ヒョウ Mnemonics • person 亻 showing 表 things from bags and distributing them: divide between persons 俵 容容 容 Kanjidic Pronounciation contain, form, looks い.れる / .ヨウ Mnemonics • RS. a house 宀 that can contain that which is released form is essential 谷 ; it’s 容 留留 留 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:畄 A:畱 留 detain, fasten, halt, stop . と.める, と.まる, とど.める, とど.まる, るうぶる / リュウ, ル • stop the work on the fields at something small ⺌ 田 to look at two moons 卯 /丣 or 留 移移 移 Kanjidic Pronounciation shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into . うつ.る, うつ.す /イ Mnemonics • when you are drunk time 多 plants 禾 seem to change place all the 移 液液 液 Kanjidic Pronounciation fluid, liquid, . juice, sap, secretion / エキ Mnemonics • juicy liquid 氵 consumed during the night 夜 液 眼眼 眼 Kanjidic Pronounciation eyeball まなこ, め. / ガン, ゲン Mnemonics • good 艮 eye 目 ; twice eye 艮 目 ; hole remaining after the eye 目 has been removed with a knife 艮 眼 基基 基 Kanjidic Pronounciation fundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation . もと, もとい / キ Mnemonics • ground 土 on which the table 其 stands: foundation 基 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 12 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 寄寄 寄 Kanjidic Pronounciation draw near,. stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward よ.る, -よ.り, よ.せる / キ Mnemonics • big unusual thing 奇 sent to or collected in the house 宀 寄 規規 規 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:规 standard, measure . /キ • person 夫 seeing 見 to it that the rules are being implemented so everything happens according to law and standards 規 許許 許 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:许 permit, approve . ゆる.す, もと / キョ • words permit 言 spoken when many people 午 are together: allow or 許 經 経経 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:经 A:経 sutra, longitude, pass thru, expire, warp へ.る, た.つ, たていと, はか.る, のり / ケイ, キョウ • streams under ground 巠 passing through the bedrock like a thread 糸 passing. through a bound book with classic works, plans or regulations 纟 binding a crafted 工 book by entering 入 it • holy 圣 silk 糸 cloth with sutras: reading them one passes through • /a thread various stages of enlightenment 経 険険 險 Pronounciation S:险 A:険 precipitous, inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes . けわ.しい / ケン Mnemonics • place surrounded by slopes 阝 defended with arrows 僉 /佥 /㑒 Kanjidic 険 現現 現 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:现 present, existing, actual . あらわ.す, うつつ, うつ.つ / ゲン あらわ.れる, • the king ance 王 is seen 見 by everyone in public: a manifest appear- 現 混混 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 混 Kanjidic Pronounciation mix, blend, confuse . ま.じる, -ま.じり, ま.ざる, ま.ぜる, こ.む / コン Mnemonics • two men under the sun the sun 13 昆 mixing liquids 氵 : beach party under http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 混 採採 採 Kanjidic Pronounciation pick, take, .fetch, take up と.る / サイ Mnemonics • gathering 采 things by hand 扌 採 授授 授 Kanjidic Pronounciation impart, instruct, grant, confer . さず.ける, さず.かる / ジュ Mnemonics • hand 扌 receiving 受 something that was given to it 授 術術 術 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:术 art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic . すべ / ジュツ Mnemonics • skillfully walking 行 through the millet 术 field with left 彳 and right foot 亍 without trampling the cereals 术 術 常常 常 Kanjidic Pronounciation usual, ordinary, normal, regular . / ジョウ つね, とこ- Mnemonics • RS. common activity: house/factory making clothes 巾 in a decorated 尚 常 情情 情 Kanjidic Pronounciation feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, circumstances, facts . なさ.け / ジョウ, セイ Mnemonics • heart 忄 feeling blue 青 情 責責 責 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:责 blame, condemn, censure せ.める / .セキ • RS. the thorny 朿 part of owing money 貝 : debt - responsibility: one is blamed for all kinds of stuff 責 接接 接 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics touch, contact, adjoin, piece together つ.ぐ / セツ, . ショウ • hand 扌 of a woman ready to please 妾 : she will receive you and continue to care for you connecting with your inner feelings while touching you 接 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 14 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 設設 設 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:设 establishment, provision, prepare もう.ける ./ セツ • words things 言 urging a weapon 殳 to be used to build and establish 設 断断 斷 Pronounciation S:断 severance, decline, refuse, apologize, warn, dismiss, prohibit, decision, judgement, cutting . た.つ, ことわ.る, さだ.める / ダン Mnemonics • RS. axe Kanjidic 斤 with several thread cutting knives 㡭 (used in sewing machines) →斷→断 断 張張 張 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:张 lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent) . は.る, -は.り, -ば.り / チョウ • long 長 string of a bow sheet of paper with marks 弓 being stretched before shooting at a 張 貧貧 貧 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:贫 poverty, poor . まず.しい / ヒン, ビン Mnemonics • RS. separated from 分 money 貝 貧 婦婦 婦 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:妇 lady, woman, wife, bride よめ / フ . 女 carrying a broom 帚 : 女 held under hand ⺕ • woman she’s a married wife/woman 婦 務務 務 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:务 task, duties つと.める / ム . • a lance 矛 hitting bussiness • /tap 攵 with force 力 : doing one’s work, serious 攵 using force 力 務 率率 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 率 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics ratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor ひき.いる ./ ソツ, リツ, シュツ • RS. a vibrating string: → → 率 : frequency with certain ratios limited by the length of the string, one’s plucked, it leads it’s own life 15 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 率 略略 略 Kanjidic Pronounciation abbreviation, omission, outline, shorten, capture, plunder ほぼ, おか.す, おさ.める, はかりごと, はか.る, . りゃく.す, りゃく.する / リャク Mnemonics • RS. to walk and talk 各 around the field 田 : survey boundaries approximately in order to be ready to invade はぶ.く, 略 営営 営 Kanjidic Pronounciation occupation,. camp, perform, build, conduct (business) いとな.む, いとな.み / エイ Mnemonics • place where mouths 呂 recite studied words 龸 営 過過 過 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:过 overdo, exceed, go beyond, error す.ぎる, -す.ぎる, -す.ぎ, す.ごす, あやま.つ, あやま.ち, よ.ぎる . /カ Mnemonics • go ⻌ through a deformed opening 咼 : pass through/go ⻌ through a small 寸 opening: pass through; it doesn’t leave room for error 過 賀賀 賀 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:贺 congratulations, joy . /ガ • increase 加 somebody’s self image by using money a present as a way of congratulation 貝: sending 賀 検検 檢 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:检 A:検 examination, investigate しら.べる ./ ケン Mnemonics • people gathered 僉 to check on the health of a tree 木 ; 檢 → 検 ; drive an arrow 僉 into a tree 木 to check it’s health 検 減減 減 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:减 dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry . へ.る, へ.らす / ゲン • water 氵 used in defending a fortress 咸 : it decreases the chance of the fortress being taken 減 証証 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 證 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:证 A:証 evidence, proof, certificate . あかし / ショウ Mnemonics • truth of words 言 rises 登 after it has been verified or proven • /correct 正 words 言 16 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 証 税税 税 Kanjidic Pronounciation tax, duty . / ゼイ Mnemonics • grain 禾 taken by big brother 兑 : taxes 税 絶絶 絕 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:绝 A:絶 discontinue, beyond, sever, cut off, abstain, interrupt, suppress た.える, た.やす, た.つ / ゼツ . • hand desiring 巴 to cut the thread 糸 /纟 with force 力 • people with open mouth ⺈ desiring 巴 a coloured 色 thread 糸 want to cut it 絶 測測 測 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:测 fathom, plan, . scheme, measure はか.る / ソク Mnemonics • regulating 則 water 氵 flow: the amount is measured or estimated 測 属属 屬 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:属 belong, genus, subordinate official, affiliated さかん, つく, やから / ゾク, ショク • different .classes or categories of insects 蜀 : some living in water 氺 others feeding on corpses 尸 • /different corpses 尸 of insects 禹 : all ordered according to class and category to which they belong 属 貸貸 貸 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:贷 lend . か.す, か.し-, かし- / タイ Mnemonics • soldier 代 borrowing money 貝 貸 提提 提 Kanjidic Pronounciation propose, take . along, carry in hand さ.げる / テイ, チョウ, ダイ Mnemonics • hand 扌 holding things proposing them in broad daylight 是 提 程程 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 程 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount ほど, -ほど . / テイ • speak to the ruler 呈 about the grain 禾 harvest: pattern that is repeated every year, the degree of failure determines the extent of governance 17 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 程 統統 統 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:统 overall, relationship, ruling, governing . す.べる, ほび.る / トウ • mature person govern 充 holding the reigns 糸 of power: unite and 統 備備 備 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:备 equip, provision, preparation そな.える, そな.わる, つぶさ.に / ビ . prepared for harvesting the crop for the food factory • person 亻 𤰇: the crop is ready to be harvested • /go 夂 on the fields 田 : makes sense only when you are prepared and the crops are ready to harvest 備 評評 評 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:评 evaluate, criticism, comment . / ヒョウ Mnemonics • levelling 平 words 言 評 富富 富 Kanjidic Pronounciation wealth, enrich, abundant . と.む, とみ / フ, フウ Mnemonics • house 宀 with many filled pots 畐 : house of a wealthy family 富 復復 復 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:复 restore, return to, revert, resume . また / フク • person 𠂉 (coming 彳 ) and coming 日 : he keeps on returning 夂 repeatedly during a day 復 報報 報 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:报 report, news, reward, retribution むく.いる ./ ホウ Mnemonics • wrapped • /hand 𠬝 fortune 幸 扌 wrapped 𠬝 news or money 報 貿貿 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 貿 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:贸 A:𧶻 𧶝 trade, exchange . / ボウ Mnemonics • money 貝 moving from one moon to another moon 卯 /丣 18 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 貿 解解 解 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute . と.く, と.かす, と.ける, ほど.く, ほど.ける, わか.る, さと.る / カイ, ゲ • RS. knife 刀 separating the horn tion is unravelling of the truth 角 from the cow 牛 ; explana- 解 幹幹 幹 Kanjidic Pronounciation tree trunk . みき / カン Mnemonics • farmer 人 holding his tool 干 watching the sun 日 rise 倝 behind a tree trunk 十 (tree 木 without branches) 幹 義義 義 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:义 righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning /ギ . • person guarding 我 his sheep ⺷ and being generous to strangers roaming the land • /hand 乂 giving things 丶 義 禁禁 禁 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics prohibition, ban, forbid / キン . • don’t plant trees 林 on the altar 示! • not all trees 林 can be used for making religious objects put on the altar 示 : restricted use 禁 群群 群 Kanjidic Pronounciation flock, group, . crowd, herd, swarm, cluster む.れる, む.れ, むら, むら.がる / グン Mnemonics • group of sheep 羊 led 君 by the herder 群 鉱鉱 鉱 Kanjidic Pronounciation mineral, ore . あらがね / コウ Mnemonics • broad place 広 used for extracting metal 金 : open mine 鉱 罪罪 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 罪 Kanjidic Pronounciation guilt, sin, crime, fault, blame, offense . つみ / ザイ Mnemonics • if your bag 罒 is no 非 longer there a crime has been committed 19 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 罪 資資 資 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:资 assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to . /シ Mnemonics • people ranked 次 according to money 貝 : wealth 資 飼飼 飼 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:饲 domesticate, . raise, keep, feed か.う / シ Mnemonics • take charge 司 of the food 飠 飼 準準 準 Kanjidic Pronounciation semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate . じゅん.じる, じゅん.ずる, なぞら.える, のり, ひと.しい, みずもり / ジュン Mnemonics • water 氵 level serves as a guideline for many 十 birds 隹 準 勢勢 勢 Kanjidic Pronounciation forces, energy, military strength . いきお.い, はずみ / セイ, ゼイ Mnemonics • artful 埶 display of force 力 勢 損損 損 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:损 damage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure そこ.なう,. そこな.う, -そこ.なう, そこ.ねる, -そこ.ねる / ソン • hand aged 扌 of personnel 員 lets something fall to the ground dam- 損 墓墓 墓 Kanjidic Pronounciation grave, tomb . はか / ボ Mnemonics • made in clay 土 and not visible under the grass 莫 墓 豊豊 豐 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:丰 A:豊 bountiful, excellent, rich . ゆた.か, とよ / ホウ, ブ Mnemonics • RS. a container 豆 full of flowers 丰 : → 豐→豊 豊 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 20 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 夢夢 夢 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:梦 dream, vision, illusion ゆめ, ゆめ.みる, くら.い / ム, ボウ . • RS. an eye ⺲ with eye lid 艹 (top) and man moon 夕 (bottom): dream/dreaming 儿 (→ 冖 ) and of a moon 夕 in the woods 林 夢 預預 預 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:预 deposit, custody, leave with, entrust to あず.ける,. あず.かる / ヨ • what is before 予 in the head to be taken care of 頁: preparation; one deposits it 預 演演 演 Kanjidic Pronounciation performance, . act, play, render, stage / エン Mnemonics • respectfully 寅 perform a religious ceremony with holy water 氵 演 慣慣 慣 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:惯 accustomed, . get used to, become experienced な.れる, な.らす / カン Mnemonics • that which pierces 貫 the mind 忄 without one thinking about it 慣 境境 境 Kanjidic Pronounciation boundary, .border, region さかい / キョウ, ケイ Mnemonics • where the ground 土 of one country comes to an end 竟 境 構構 構 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:构 posture, build, pretend かま.える, かま.う / コウ . • interweaved 冓 pieces of wood ture/pieces of wood building structure 木 hooked 木 : frame or building struc勾 together forming a frame or 構 際際 際 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:际 occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when . きわ, -ぎわ / サイ • slope 阝 of the altar 祭 /示 : border which nobody is to cross, if you do you risk punishment (dangerous behaviour) 際 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 21 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 雑雑 雑 Kanjidic Pronounciation miscellaneous まじ.える,. まじ.る / ザツ, ゾウ Mnemonics • differing types birds each other 隹 in many trees 杂 : they mix amongst 雑 酸酸 酸 Kanjidic Pronounciation acid, bitterness, sour, tart . す.い / サン Mnemonics • jar 酉 containing a liquid that makes the spoiling process go slowly 夋: acid 酸 精精 精 Kanjidic Pronounciation refined, ghost, fairy, energy, vitality, semen, excellence, purity, skill . / セイ, ショウ, シヤウ Mnemonics • the essence of farm life are the green 青 rice 米 plants 精 製製 製 Kanjidic Pronounciation made in...,. manufacture / セイ Mnemonics • city 市 people 𠂉 using a knife 刂 (制 ) for making clothes 衣 製 銭銭 錢 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:钱 A:銭 coin, .01 yen, money ぜに, すき. / セン, ゼン Mnemonics • a small amount 戔 /㦮 of gold or metal 金 serves as currency • metal 金 used to pay soldiers 戔 /㦮 銭 総総 總 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:总 A:総 捴 摠 總 𢵃 𢷝 揔 惣 general, whole, all, full, total す.べて, すべ.て, ふさ / ソウ . together with thread 糸 in an agitated • bind things 悤 /忩 way 扌 and transported by cow 牜 • /many things 丷 collected in the heart 心 are told by the mouth 口 or by hand 総 像像 像 Kanjidic Pronounciation statue, picture, image, figure, portrait . / ゾウ Mnemonics • picture resembling the image 象 of a man 亻 像 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 22 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 増増 增 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics A:増 increase, add, augment, gain, promote . ふ.える, ふ.やす / ゾウ ま.す, ま.し, • things growing the time 曾 on the ground 土 of the field 田 increase all 増 態態 態 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:态 attitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs) わざ.と / .タイ Mnemonics • a heart 心 standing up to many people 能 • /having a fat 太 heart 心 態 適適 適 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:适 suitable, occasional, rare, qualified, capable かな.う / テキ . rows of stalks 啇 going on ⻌ : they match the same • rows upon line: comfortable to harvest • /tongue other’s ear 舌 going on ⻌ with comfortable talk matching the 適 銅銅 銅 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:铜 copper . あかがね / ドウ Mnemonics • metal 金 having the same 同 colour as gold 金 銅 徳徳 德 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:徳 benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect / トク . • RS. walk 彳 a straight 𢛳 road 德→徳 • walk 彳 with an honest heart 𢛳 • modf. 徳 複複 複 Kanjidic Pronounciation duplicate, double, compound, multiple . / フク Mnemonics • repeated 复 clothes 衤 : overlap 複 綿綿 綿 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:绵 cotton . わた / メン Mnemonics • RS. cotton 帛 used to make thread 糸 綿 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 23 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 領領 領 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:领 jurisdiction,. dominion, territory, fief, reign えり / リョウ Mnemonics • commanding 令 part of the head 頁 : a straight neck 領 確確 確 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:确 assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident たし.か, たし.かめる / カク, コウ . • a bird flying so high 隺 it’s sure it can’t be hit by a stone 石 • /one is certain to be remarked when blowing a horn 角 and playing stone chimes 石 確 潔潔 潔 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:洁 undefiled, pure, clean, righteous, gallant . / ケツ いさぎよ.い Mnemonics • water 氵 with measured 絜 quality is clean and pure • /speech of the sage 吉 confirms water 氵 is clean 潔 賛賛 賛 Kanjidic Pronounciation approve, praise, title or inscription on picture, assist, agree with たす.ける,. たた.える / サン Mnemonics • two men 㚘 helping each other earning money of their own ways 貝 , they approve 賛 質質 質 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:质 substance, quality, matter, temperament . たち, ただ.す, もと, わりふ / シツ, シチ, チ • at the entrance of the city one’s materials are axed control for quality and one has to pay taxes 貝 /贝 斤斤 to 質 敵敵 敵 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:敌 enemy, foe, opponent . かたき, あだ, かな.う / テキ Mnemonics • hand knocking 攵 out enemies like stalks in the country side 啇 • /hand puling 攵 the tongue 舌 of the enemy 敵 導導 導 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:导 guidance, leading, conduct, usher みちび.く ./ ドウ Mnemonics • RS. guide with the hand 寸 along the road 道 /guide someone 巳 with the hand 寸 導 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 24 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 編編 編 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:编 compilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book . あ.む, -あ.み / ヘン • tablet threads) 扁 with threads 糸 on top: ready to weave (compiling 編 暴暴 暴 Kanjidic Pronounciation A:㬥 曓 暴 outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage . あば.く, あば.れる / ボウ, バク Mnemonics • RS. the savage attack (two hands 廾 going out 出 ) of a buck 米 in clear daylight 日 : 㬥 → 暴 暴 衛衛 衛 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:卫 defense, protection / エイ, エ. • person walking 行 around something 韋 guarding it • /image of a standing person waving his arm 衛 興興 興 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:兴 entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure おこ.る, おこ.す / コウ, キョウ . • RS. hands lifting 舁 together 同 : the group rises, thrives and is prosperous • /modf. 興→兴 興 築築 築 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:筑 fabricate, build, construct きず.く / .チク • something strong building 巩 built from wood 木 and bamboo 竹 : a 築 燃燃 燃 Kanjidic Pronounciation burn, blaze, . glow も.える, も.やす, も.す / ネン Mnemonics • certainly 然 burns in the fire 火 燃 輸輸 輸 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:输 transport, .send, be inferior / ユ, シュ Mnemonics • consenting 俞 to be moved be car 車 輸 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 25 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 講講 講 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:讲 lecture, club, association . / コウ Mnemonics • weaved 冓 words 言 • /words 讠 poking holes 井 in an argument 講 謝謝 謝 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:谢 apologize, .thank, refuse あやま.る / シャ Mnemonics • words 言 /讠 being sent out 射 to somebody 謝 績績 績 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:绩 exploits, achievements, unreeling cocoons . / セキ Mnemonics • one’s duty 責 to spin the thread 糸 of the silk cocoons 績 額額 額 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:额 forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume . ひたい / ガク Mnemonics • what can be found on the head 頁 of guests 客 or used to recognise guests; there’s a fixed amount of heads 頁 per guest 客 額 織織 織 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:织 weave, fabric . おり, -おり, -お.り / ショク, シキ お.る, お.り, Mnemonics • sound of the loom (like a spear) 戠 going up and down weaving thread 糸 /person 只 weaving threads 纟 織 職職 職 Kanjidic Pronounciation S:职 post, employment, work / ショク, .ソク Mnemonics • hearing 耳 the potter 戠 work from a distance: • /hear 耳 the mouth 只 of the professional profession 職 識 識識 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:识 discriminating, know, write し.る, しる.す / シキ . swordsman handles his sword 戈 without saying a word • the master 言 nor uttering a sound 音 • /only 只 words 讠 allow us to know what others know • a person who has gathered 戠 a lot of words 言 knows a lot 識 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 26 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 護護 護 Kanjidic Pronounciation Mnemonics S:护 safeguard, protect まも.る / ゴ . • (hand holding an) owl defense • /hand 蒦 and words 言 used for protection and 扌 keeping the door 户 shut in defense 護 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 27 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 2 SKIP-index 1-1-4 • • 旧: 2 1-1-7 • 1-2-2 • • • • 比: 1 仏: 1 件: 3 仮: 3 任: 4 1-2-5 • 似: 5 価: 6 保: 9 • • 個: 10 俵: 12 修: 11 1-2-10 • 備: 18 1-2-12 • 像: 22 • 刊: 2 犯: 2 1-3-4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 均: 4 技: 4 状: 5 防: 5 快: 4 混: 13 接: 14 授: 14 張: 15 婦: 15 情: 14 採: 14 術: 14 液: 12 険: 13 提: 17 減: 16 測: 17 復: 18 損: 20 1-3-11 • • • • 境: 21 徳: 23 慣: 21 際: 21 増: 23 演: 21 1-3-12 • 潔: 24 1-3-13 • 衛: 25 1-4-4 河: 6 往: 6 招: 7 • • • 版: 8 • • 祖: 9 1-4-6 • • 桜: 11 格: 10 1-4-7 • • • • 規: 13 現: 13 • 検: 16 1-4-9 • 預: 21 • • • 構: 21 • • • • Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 • 判: 5 故: 8 政: 9 • 破: 11 • • • • 略: 16 眼: 12 務: 15 移: 12 • • • 税: 17 程: 17 • 領: 24 複: 23 1-5-10 • 編: 25 績: 26 職: 26 織: 26 • • 則: 9 • 1-6-2 • 28 輸: 25 識: 26 1-7-13 • • • 護: 27 • 財: 10 報: 18 鉱: 19 幹: 19 飼: 20 銭: 22 銅: 23 額: 26 敵: 24 2-1-4 • • 解: 19 群: 19 富: 18 • • • 夢: 21 義: 19 墓: 20 2-4-4 • 易: 6 2-4-5 • 査: 9 • 素: 11 • 責: 14 2-4-11 暴: 25 妻: 6 2-5-5 支: 1 • 留: 12 2-5-6 • 弁: 2 常: 14 2-5-7 • 余: 5 • • 舎: 7 • 2-2-9 • • • 2-2-6 • 寄: 13 2-5-3 2-2-5 評: 18 証: 16 • • 示: 2 永: 1 2-2-3 • • 益: 10 容: 12 2-4-7 2-2-2 断: 15 許: 13 設: 15 • 2-4-6 1-11-4 • 2-3-7 2-3-10 1-9-9 • • 2-3-9 1-8-6 • • 条: 5 災: 4 志: 4 2-3-8 1-8-5 • 舌: 3 2-3-4 • 謝: 26 講: 26 貧: 15 2-3-3 • 1-7-12 • 1-7-6 確: 24 • • 1-7-5 1-5-9 • • 酸: 22 1-7-10 • 1-7-4 1-5-7 • 精: 22 綿: 23 総: 22 雑: 22 1-7-3 • • 1-8-4 1-7-2 1-5-6 • 絶: 17 統: 18 1-6-12 • • • 1-6-11 1-5-5 • 経: 13 1-6-9 1-5-4 • 非: 8 肥: 8 枝: 7 燃: 25 1-5-2 • • • • 1-6-8 1-4-10 • 耕: 10 師: 11 能: 11 1-6-6 • 1-7-7 1-7-9 1-6-5 1-4-8 • 効: 6 制: 7 1-6-4 1-4-12 1-3-10 • • • 1-3-9 • 1-3-5 • • • 1-3-2 • • • 1-2-8 • • • 1-2-7 • • • 1-2-6 • 独: 9 限: 8 1-3-8 1-2-4 • • • 1-4-5 1-3-6 • 承: 7 性: 7 貿: 18 貸: 17 賀: 16 営: 16 2-5-8 率: 15 • 罪: 19 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 2-6-2 • 2-8-5 券: 6 2-6-4 • 恩: 10 2-6-5 • 基: 12 • 資: 20 豊: 20 2-6-10 • 築: 25 禁: 19 2-8-6 • • 製: 22 • 導: 24 2-14-2 質: 24 賛: 24 2-10-4 • • 勢: 20 準: 20 • 態: 23 2-11-2 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 • 興: 25 • • • • 圧: 1 句: 2 布: 2 在: 3 • 厚: 8 • 29 • • 因: 3 団: 3 3-3-4 • • • 述: 7 居: 6 • • 応: 4 序: 5 迷: 10 退: 9 逆: 8 3-3-7 • 造: 11 適: 23 3-4-4 • 武: 8 4-3-1 • 久: 1 4-6-1 3-3-9 • 過: 16 3-3-11 3-3-6 3-3-3 • 3-3-5 • 3-2-7 3-2-3 • 可: 1 3-2-4 2-12-3 2-8-7 • 2-6-7 • • • 属: 17 • 再: 3 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 3 Stroke-index 3 • • 久: 1 • 4 • • • 支: 1 比: 1 仏: 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 圧: 1 永: 1 可: 1 刊: 2 旧: 2 句: 2 示: 2 犯: 2 布: 2 弁: 2 • • • • • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • 因: 3 仮: 3 件: 3 再: 3 在: 3 舌: 3 団: 3 任: 4 • • • • • • • • 易: 6 往: 6 価: 6 河: 6 居: 6 券: 6 効: 6 妻: 6 枝: 7 舎: 7 述: 7 承: 7 招: 7 制: 7 性: 7 版: 8 肥: 8 非: 8 武: 8 • • • • • • • • 応: 4 快: 4 技: 4 均: 4 災: 4 志: 4 似: 5 序: 5 • • • • • • • • • • 逆: 8 限: 8 故: 8 厚: 8 査: 9 政: 9 祖: 9 則: 9 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 退: 9 独: 9 保: 9 迷: 10 • • • • 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 益: 10 恩: 10 格: 10 個: 10 耕: 10 財: 10 桜: 11 師: 11 修: 11 素: 11 造: 11 能: 11 破: 11 俵: 12 容: 12 留: 12 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 授: 14 術: 14 常: 14 情: 14 責: 14 接: 14 設: 15 断: 15 張: 15 貧: 15 婦: 15 務: 15 率: 15 略: 16 • 移: 12 液: 12 眼: 12 基: 12 寄: 13 規: 13 許: 13 経: 13 険: 13 現: 13 混: 13 採: 14 • • • • • • • • • • • • 30 営: 16 過: 16 賀: 16 検: 16 減: 16 証: 16 税: 17 絶: 17 測: 17 属: 17 貸: 17 提: 17 程: 17 統: 18 備: 18 評: 18 富: 18 復: 18 報: 18 貿: 18 • 13 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 11 • 9 7 • • • • • 8 5 • 条: 5 状: 5 判: 5 防: 5 余: 5 • • • • 解: 19 幹: 19 義: 19 禁: 19 群: 19 鉱: 19 罪: 19 資: 20 飼: 20 準: 20 勢: 20 損: 20 墓: 20 豊: 20 夢: 21 預: 21 • • • • 15 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 演: 21 慣: 21 境: 21 構: 21 際: 21 雑: 22 酸: 22 精: 22 製: 22 銭: 22 総: 22 像: 22 増: 23 態: 23 確: 24 潔: 24 賛: 24 質: 24 敵: 24 導: 24 編: 25 暴: 25 16 14 • 適: 23 銅: 23 徳: 23 複: 23 綿: 23 領: 24 • • 衛: 25 興: 25 築: 25 燃: 25 輸: 25 17 • • • 講: 26 謝: 26 績: 26 18 • 額: 26 織: 26 職: 26 • 識: 26 • 護: 27 • • 19 20 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 4 Kanjidic Meaning-index • abbreviation, omission, shorten, capture, plunder: 16 outline, 略: • ability, talent, skill, capacity: 11 能: • accustomed, get used to, become experienced: 慣: 21 • acid, bitterness, sour, tart: 22 酸: 承: 7 件: 3 再: 3 祖: 9 謝: 26 • again, twice, second time: • ancestor, pioneer, founder: • apologize, thank, refuse: • apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept: 応: 4 • approve, praise, title or inscription on picture, assist, agree with: 24 賛: • art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic: 術: 14 • article, clause, item, stripe, streak: 条: 5 • assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to: 資: 20 • assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident: 確: 24 • astray, be perplexed, in doubt, lost, err, illusion: 迷: 10 態: 23 • bag, bale, sack, counter for bags: 俵: 12 • becoming, resemble, counterfeit, imitate, suitable: 似: 5 • belong, genus, subordinate official, affiliated: 属: 17 益: 10 境: 21 豊: 20 • boundary, border, region: • branch, support, sustain, branch rad- 支: 1 仏: 1 • Buddha, the dead, France: 燃: 25 • burn, blaze, glow: • can, passable, mustn’t, should not, do not: 可: 1 • cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to: 因: 3 • cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, comfortable: 快: 4 • cherry: 桜: 11 銭: 22 • coin, .01 yen, money: • compare, 比: 1 race, ratio, Philipines: • compilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book: 編: 25 • congratulations, joy: • contain, form, looks: • copper: 賀: 16 容: 12 銅: 23 舎: 7 • cotton: gain, profit, Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 advantage: 災: 4 • discipline, conduct oneself 修: 11 study, master: well, • discontinue, beyond, sever, cut off, 絶: abstain, interrupt, suppress: 17 識: • discriminating, know, write: 26 • domesticate, 飼: 20 raise, keep, feed: • draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward: 寄: 13 • dream, vision, illusion: 夢: 21 • duplicate, double, compound, multiple: 複: 23 • dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry: 減: 16 • easy, ready to, simple, fortunetelling, divination: 易: 6 犯: 2 • damage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure: 損: 20 • defense, protection: • enemy, foe, opponent: 敵: 24 • entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure: 興: 25 • equip, provision, preparation: 18 • establishment, 設: 15 provision, • eternity, long, lengthy: • evaluate, 評: 18 criticism, • examination, investigate: • create, make, structure, physique: • crime, sin, offense: 素: 11 ered: 衛: 25 • deposit, custody, leave with, entrust to: 預: 21 • detain, fasten, halt, stop: 留: 12 備: prepare: 永: 1 comment: • evidence, proof, certificate: 16 綿: 23 31 • disaster, calamity, woe, curse, evil: • elementary, principle, naked, uncov- 造: 11 • beckon, invite, summon, engage: 招: 7 • benefit, • bough, branch, twig, limb, counter for branches: 枝: 7 • cottage, inn, hut, house, mansion: • attitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs): 責: • blame, condemn, censure: 14 ical (no. 65): • affair, case, matter, item: 徳: 23 manding respect: • bountiful, excellent, rich: • acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive: • benevolence, virtue, goodness, com- 証: 検: 16 • exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in: 在: 3 • expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army (incl. counter), war: 師: 11 • exploits, achievements, unreeling cocoons: 績: 26 • extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount: 程: 17 • eyeball: 眼: 12 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ 築: • fabricate, build, construct: 25 • journey, travel, chase away, let go, going, before, formerly: 往: 6 • fathom, plan, scheme, measure: 測: 17 • judgement, signature, stamp, seal: 判: 5 • feelings, emotion, passion, sympa- • jurisdiction, dominion, territory, fief, reign: 領: 24 情: thy, circumstances, facts: 14 • fertilizer, get fat, fertile, manure, pamper: 肥: 8 • flock, group, crowd, herd, swarm, 群: 19 cluster: • fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion: 液: 12 • forces, energy, military strength: 勢: 20 • forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume: 額: 26 • fundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation: 基: 12 総: • general, whole, all, full, total: 22 • lecture, club, association: • lend: 貸: 17 • lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent): 張: 15 • level, average: 均: 4 • limit, restrict, to best of ability: 限: 8 • linen, 布: 2 cloth, spread, • long time, old story: distribute: 久: 1 製: 22 mention, state, speak, relate: 述: • made in..., manufacture: • • grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit: 恩: 10 婦: 15 講: 26 • lady, woman, wife, bride: 7 • grave, tomb: • merit, efficacy, efficiency, benefit: 効: 6 • • mineral, ore: 墓: 20 group, association: 団: 3 • guidance, leading, conduct, usher: 導: 24 • • • guilt, sin, crime, fault, blame, offense: 罪: 19 • happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently: 故: 8 鉱: 19 miscellaneous: 雑: 22 mix, blend, confuse: 混: 13 • occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when: 際: 21 • occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business): 営: 16 confer: • old times, old things, old friend, former, ex-: 旧: 2 • increase, add, augment, gain, pro- • outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage: 暴: 25 • impart, 授: 14 mote: instruct, grant, 増: 23 • individual, 個: 10 counter for articles: • intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling: 志: 4 • inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked: 逆: 8 • investigate: 査: 9 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 • overall, relationship, ruling, governing: 統: 18 • overdo, exceed, go beyond, error: 過: 16 • performance, act, play, render, stage: 演: 21 • permit, approve: 32 許: 13 • phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku: 2 句: 採: 14 • pick, take, fetch, take up: 政: 9 post, employment, work: 職: 26 posture, build, pretend: 構: 21 poverty, poor: 貧: 15 • politics, government: • • • • precipitous, inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes: 険: 13 • preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally: 序: 5 • present, existing, actual: 現: 13 • pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate: 圧: 1 • printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label: 版: 8 • prohibition, ban, forbid: 禁: 19 • property, money, wealth, assets: 財: 10 • propose, take along, carry in hand: 提: 17 • protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support: 保: 9 • publish, carve, engrave: 刊: 2 • ratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor: 率: 15 • refined, ghost, fairy, energy, vitality, semen, excellence, purity, skill: 精: 22 • rend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate: 破: 11 • report, news, reward, retribution: 報: 18 • reside, to be, exist, live with: 6 居: • responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint: 任: 4 • restore, return to, revert, resume: 復: 18 • retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject: 退: 9 • righteousness, justice, honor, loyalty, meaning: 19 morality, 義: http://www.rtega.be/chmn/ • river: 河: 6 • rule, follow, based on, model after: 則: 9 • safeguard, protect: 護: 27 • semi-, correspond to, proportionate • status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance: 状: 5 • status, rank, capacity, character, case (law, grammar): 格: 10 • substance, quality, matter, tempera- 準: 20 to, conform, imitate: • severance, decline, refuse, apologize, warn, dismiss, prohibit, decision, judgement, cutting: 断: 15 性: 7 • sex, gender, nature: • sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal: 仮: 3 • shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into: 移: 12 • show, indicate, point out, express, display: 示: 2 ment: 質: 24 適: 23 • sutra, longitude, pass thru, expire, warp: 経: 13 • system, law, rule: • task, duties: • tax, duty: 制: 7 務: 15 税: 17 • thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless: 厚: 8 • ticket: 耕: 10 tongue, reed, clapper: 舌: 3 • till, plow, cultivate: • skill, art, craft, ability, feat, perfor- • too much, myself, surplus, other, re- 技: 4 mance, vocation, arts: • standard, measure: 規: 13 • statue, picture, image, figure, portrait: 像: 22 Kanji mnemonics for kentei6 mainder: 余: 5 • touch, contact, adjoin, piece together: 接: 14 • trade, exchange: 33 幹: 19 • tree trunk: • un-, mistake, negative, injustice, 非: 8 non-: 潔: 24 lant: • unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, 解: 19 minute: • usual, 常: 14 ordinary, • value, price: regular: 価: 6 弁: 2 • ward off, defend, protect, resist: 防: 5 • warrior, 武: 8 military, chivalry, • wealth, enrich, abundant: • weave, fabric: 貿: 18 normal, • valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distinguish: 券: 6 • single, alone, spontaneously, Germany: 独: 9 • 輸: • undefiled, pure, clean, righteous, gal- • suitable, occasional, rare, qualified, capable: • transport, send, be inferior: 25 • wife, spouse: arms: 富: 18 織: 26 妻: 6 http://www.rtega.be/chmn/
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