Mem. Fac. Educ., No.33 p.p.37-41,1983 Shiga Univ., Nat. Sci., 37 Notulae Mycologicae(18) Auctore Tsuguo HONGO ABSTRACT Five species these,11御 of Agaricales of Japan ρ56掘o搬970nata is new 伽f如 鷹 η汝1うπ3and L6㏄1:num intusrubens(comb. g()us flora. Remaining ly collected Trichol∂ma Bot. Bull. Brux.33:442.1963;Pegler& Fiard, Kew fir〃tus Berk.&Br., Bull.32:300.1978-Hygア Trans. Soc. Brit. Hygrophorus Bull. 149.1963;Hongo, Sci. Mus.16:539.1973. cm plane surface moist squamulose, scarlet broad, and rather none. especially with adnate thick, long,3-4 tapering cap above, deep red, slightly Flesh thin, reddish edges even. thick, smooth, paler odor distant(L= broad, mm below, scurfy mild, to decurrent, edges, the moist. concolorous;taste 2.5-5.5cm slightly minutely at times when then umbilicate; on the disc, 20-25;Z=0-1),±3mm yellowish slightly red, striate Gills 〈Fig.68:1-5) but not viscid, soft, Sp. Natn. at first convex often or yellowish translucent Basidia spored, the larger spores toward dimorphous, with Stem equal or 3.5-5μ;all spores inamyloid;gill smooth, 受理 ovoid 5-7.5× to broadly trama ellip- subparal一 議 Fig.68. concolorous Hygrocybe usually carpophores(×1/2);2, 4・ small 4, large basidium basidium(×500).7「 carpophores smaller fi㎜:1, large spores('×1000);3, the base, 45-63×11-13/1,bearing 11-17(19)×75-10(11)μ;the 1983年9月1日 a new. spores soid, 1000); hollow. from Soc. N. Am. 1-2.5 is redescribed Bot.11: Mycol. 20:176.1936;Hesler&Smith, becoming fun- to the Japanese ψ 乃orμ5 Journ.Linn, 563.1871;Corner, Cap new nov.)are maculatipes Among ρ≠)π5 23-35×6.5-7.5u,bearing firma(Berk.&Br.)Sing., 11:355.1957;Heinemann, Jard. and illustrated. 砺9γoの,う θ ノ7rη α,夏yみ specimen. 131)Hygrocybe Sydowia one, are described to science;。 spores(× 5, small 冠`乃oZo〃is maculatipes:6, (×1/2);7, pileal surface(×250). (×500); spores (×1000);8, 38 Tsuguo lel;clamp connections Hab. On present・ the ground HONGO woven, in both deciduous rufous hyphae and brown 2.5-5 P to thick, nearly the walls hyaline gelatinized evergreen oak (Shiga), forests, Sotohata, Otsu・city and Nara・city(Nara), with connections Sept.25,1958(no.1882◎):Kasuga- yama, often June 19,1962(no. Hab. 2491). pigment absent. Gregarious, forest(Pinus Distr. Widespread Japan(Nara, The than first met this beautiful in Papua ten years Probably to tropical New ago(Hongo it is widely western New The 132)Tricholoma 1973,1. distributed c.), in south・ maculatipes 8-10 slight Hongo broadly broad, convex viscid wet, toward breaking especially when on young. slight mm the the wide, white, more or more slightly surface apex pruinose, what concolorous body Stem thick with young, becoming cm first, later current, or at times one large, inamyloid;basidia trama re・ regular, Stem(2.5)6-9 thick, equal, of par- brown when in age, glabrous by minute on the disc. at scurfy Flesh not distinctive. thin, Gills cm with the edges mm densely cap'but paler, Spores broadly smooth,1・guttulate, broad, long,(2)4-7 surface at the base. de・ more mm hollow, in deposit, ovoid, incurved;sur・ distant(L=28-40;Z=3), even. white and convex・ to funnel- to sooty intervenose,2-6 tomentose broad, remaining brownish white, less ed.289. (Fig.69:1-3) expanded smoky and odor concolorous 23- or more especially white・taste , with Lloydia Taxon,2nd covered squamules, sub・ some- cheilocystidia none;gill the margin age, solid, Mod. not viscid, with 5.5-7×3.5-4,5μ, smooth, inside, face 5:207. α(Murr.)Sing. cm 4.5-5,5 scaly ed。400.1975Mycologia at first, soon shaped, Stirps 22;228.1951). depressed at the middle, Genuina, atrialba(Murr.) Cap(1.5)3-7 odor or at times the cap, Spores 28×5.5-6.5μ,4・spored; pleurocystidia mild, atrialろ Agaricales 1962. brown・ at first, becoming with hollow. Sing., at well respects. atrialbus(Murr.)Sing,, 1913-Fayodia incurved spotted Lilloa Murr., crowded,5-7 fibrillosely white to ell五psoid, fractive cm downward to Sect. atrialろa scales, white, sinuate, rufous long,±2.3 enlarged becoming firm, or less eroded. ventricose, ovoid Gills belongs few specimen 5:127.1942-Clitocybula smooth Except in all other Clitocybe ∼ margin thick, species collected above type Taxon.3rd slimy coarse wormholes;taste or none. edges into margin, Flesh ish around nearly up the the Mod. the center, the・margin, first, often with Agaricales to orange(6C8韓 6D8)(``chestnut'"帥to``hazel")at paler Oct. Yamagata). in 1956. 133)Hydropus expanding plane;surface brownish Shiga, Pessundatum(Singer, convex to nearly when (Shiga), specimen(no.1556)was differences This & Jap. Bot.37:369.1962. cm Otsu・city in Hiroshima-prefecture (Fig.68:6-8) Cap Odorii, Japan(Hiroshima, type agrees Journ. Quercus ハ ハ etc.), Distr. Guinea Japan. Matsuda, in pine-oak P. pa吻`lora, 29,1978(no.5856). in highlands more tropics. Shiga). writer fungus in the on the ground densiflora, serrata, incrustations;clamp scurfy, white。 8-11×6-8μ, ellipsoid to broadly amyloid;basidia ロ allel hyphae 4.5-1011 thick;cuticle 33-53×7.5-8.5μ,2・spored;pleurocystidia of inter一 * The collections cited are all deposited in the writer's .H, Wanscher, refers to plate 6, color block C8. ***Color names given in quotations (1912). are those herbarium at Otsu. Methuen of R. Ridgway, Color Handbook Standards of Colour(1967):e. and Color g.6C8** Color notations are from A. Kornerup&J Nomenclature Notulae and cheilocystidia clamp none; all hyphae with griseo・pruinoso, 4-6cm connections. Hab. Single caying wood 39 Mycologicae(18) or sometimes 1n groups, of broad・leaved Kasuga-yams, on de・ trees(Quercus), Nara-city(Nara), May mm apice crasso, attenuato, 30,1963' lamellulis longo, truncatis;stipite 5-6 mm, basi 10-14 submarg孟nato-bulb。SO, exannulato, albo, sursum deorsum griseo,{locculoso層squamuloso, pallide apice pruino・ ハ (no.2704):in city campus 〈Shiga), June of Shiga 5,1981 Univ., Otsu・ (no.6246, Coll. SO, e farcto adnata, Kim&且ashiya). pite Distr. sporis areas). North New Easily brown, America (Paci{is to Japan(Nara, recognizable scurfy coastal by the smoky cap and stem, limbo basi griseola, gills, Cap cm .誰 carpophores(×1/2);2, (×1000);3, basidia(×500)・Amanita ρ5α励 ㎜9ゴ π4如 : 4, carpophores spores(×1000);6, crushed and the this species volval remnants amyloid spores. is said on・decaying above 134)Amanita In North found Pileo 3.5-5 convexo, in cm margine griseo, centro magnis vel parvis to;lamellis lato, convexo sulcato・striato, obscuriore, liberis, griseis sp. (Fig.69;4-7) dein fragmentis subdistantibus, patches afaint mm pruinose;short long,5-6 mm base, submarginate, squamulose, Volva base o正stem, limb. Flesh cap and odor upward, in the base Spores μ , broadly piano・ sicco, volvae orna・ albis, acie forest, smooth, cells free of mild, of volva on ellipsoid terminal hyaline, 12-15 P , 4・ 20-35×12.5-20 hyaline, the interwoven,4.5-12 (no.6134層ho∼ wide cuticle of stem;taste 40-58× to pyriform, Along to the mm below ellipsoid, Ikenoo, to hollow. 8.5-11,5(12.5)×7-9(9.5) basidia ×17-391 flocculose- attached a 2-4 at exannulate, stuffed grayish cm subglobose, below, entirely only 4-6 mm base, pruinose, in・ grayish Stem with grayish with free(with the edge at apex,10-14 white, also none. loosely broad, nearly b(ミaring somewhat truncate. apex gray, Gills gills pale dark・ often white, bulbous above, surface drab-gray")mem・ thick attenuated white the center, subdistant, tervenose,4-6 the皿plano. Ecru・drab", of the volva. tooth), Hab. membranaceis 40- convex grayish("pale and globose, on that of oak. branous remnants of the Hongo nullo; at the margin, )in or small subglobose frequently both pseudovaginata large spored;marginal America, most But odore ellip・ drab・gray"to``pale nonamyloid; from cap(×250). of alder. were (× 1〆2); 5, cells(×500);7, to occur wood specimens nov. marginal alba, in sti・ miti, broad, sulcate-striate er(near``fuscous spores omnino non・amyloideis;basidiis 3,5-5 dry,"pale ψ π54痂1うus:1, lato;carne sapore levibus, convex, Fig.69.断 mm fere 58×12-15μ,tetrasporls. to sooty the white 2-4 grisea, 8.5-11.5(12.5)×7-9(9.5)μ,late soideis, Shiga). cavo;volva cap P or clavate or in short road・cuts in, P, thin・walled; consisting thick of hyphae cells,25-60 chains. Pinus-Quercus Aug.4,1980 と)り望 り6), Distr. Japan(Kyoto). Superficially Vitt.. especially resembling in color, A, but vaginata(Fr.) differs in the . 40 Tsuguo stem with which bulbous the ellipsoid lated of broadly re・ 135)Leccinum but tus in Malaysia mm subventricose in reddish blond(5C3), lowish, with and ellipsoid spores. pl.・16(1). (Fig.70) 5-8 cm broad, convex, less expanded;suface not viscid, dark brown(6E5∼6E4), with darker least quickly mild, patches. turning slowly Flesh saffron becoming odor in age often slight. Tubes mm deep, stem,10-15 ("chamois"to"honey or punctate blue-greenish thick, red grayish or cut, then to blackish;taste depressed grayish yellow"), the yellow(4B5) m五ddle), solid;sur- the cinnamon.buff in lower blackish when (16.5)×4.5-5.5 μ f' long,7 inequilateral with in face view, depression in profile, smooth, ochraceous 32-40× 7.5-9.5p,4・spored;pleurocystidia 23-50× with thin.walled, trama edge ventricose heteromorphous, bilateral cystidia;hyme・ of the Boletus・type; a trichodermium, cylindric abun. the end to clavate, sap;surface 董 a disrupted cells subventri・ OT attenuated,26-55×7-15.5 umbrinous by the some of the hyphae cose, thin・walled, making cuticle an elongate scattered;cheilocystidia 17-43×6.5-12P,clavate, pileal a sub・ under KOH);basidia 8.5-13P,fusoid・ventricose nophoral in・ up to 21.5 fusoid with scurfy ridges;in・ spores suprahilar and yel。 present), also broad mixed color to pale to black, on then 7-8 ground whitish 9.5-15 giant broad dant on 拶 τ Spores neck, around reddening 夢'r often the microscope(in whitish,・ when u base, fuscous reddish (occasional more subpruinate, mottled colors, in later apex especially half, staining the attenuate coarse, CornerBoletus , terior Bole・ whitish. , to small, Stem thick(at rugulose, ornamentation, figs.34,35, minute compound. longitudinally jured. Cap with volva, 1972。 at long,11-17 face intusrubens 104, sometimes of intusrubens(Corner)Hongo nov.一LBoletus cm concolorous, mm, the absence from and more bruising;pores 1-2per closely of the cap, derived the larger comb. part the It is undoubtedly ring having and 如(Mass.)Corner&Bas in the color aspurious to greater attaches, spores. to A.ぬ differs base volva Hoxco Ju with of the stem hymenium covered of clavate cells, 拷'"-'" ・■i冨' ・ス隻 ventricose, often appendaged (29-75×10-17P), 1 ∠2 、1 ,f , 一㌔ ㌔ ー 、 ーノ マ 一 , 曝 一 '⋮ \ /1 - 1竃、 、 .ノ 機 、、、 白墨 獲 腰 む 輿 6 2-4-spored cauloba・ sidia(20-33×7.5-11f);clamp connections not present。 Hab. In Castanopsis forest, Kyoto・city(Kyoto), o・ Kiyomizu・temple, Aug.29,1976(no,5507); Sept.5,1982(no.6405). P 3 亀舜 4 Distr. Malaya. This し、 辱■ , F ﹁曳 、 ' \ fungus brown cap ・し 9 亀﹄一 flesh. The 5 fers from or less Fig.70. and caulocystidia Leccinum intusrubens:1, is characterized a皿d the Japanese intense by specimen the original ventricose and of the somewhat description stem its dark reddening dif- in the more the presence caulobasidia, So it may represent pleurocystidia(×500); 4,cheilocystidia(×500);5, 250);6,elements to Japan(Kyoto). of carpophores(×1/2); fertile 2,spores(×1000);3, New pileal surface(× from surface of stem(×500). new Sing. geographic much variant.五.9η resembles 誘θμ㎜(Quel・) this species as Corner a Notulae mentions, weak but the red staining or absent, the spores (12.5-19.5×5-6μ),and of the flesh are usually the pileal Mycologicae(18) is larger cuticle 41 で あ る が 、 数 年 前 大 津 市 田 上 山(大 立 派 な 標 本 を 採 集 し得 た の で 、 こ こ で ふ た た び is cellular. と りあ げ て原 記 載 の 不 備 を補 う こ とに した 。 133)Hydropus atrialbus(Murr.)Sing.ヒ ダ タ ケ モ ドキ(新 Faculty of Education, Shiga University ]日[iratsu 2-5-1,0tsu,520 菌 類 鳥 居 町)で , ロ ヒ 称)。 灰 褐 色 ∼ 暗 褐 色 の 中 形 種 で 、 ひ だ は 白 色 、 胞 子 は ア ミ ロ イ ド(糊 性)、 北 米 西 部 と日本 に分 布 。北 米 で はハ ン ノキ 類 の Japan. 枯 木 に 発 生 す る と い う が 、 筆 者 の 標 本(奈 記 ㈹ 及 び 大 津 市 産)は この 報 文 に は 日本 産 ハ ラ タケ 目菌 類5種 を と り.あげ たが 、 う ち1種 は新 種 、3種 は 日本 新 産 種 で あ る。 本 文 に引 用 した 標本 は す べ て 滋 賀 大 良市 い ず れ もナ ラ類 の枯 木 上 で 採 集 さ れ た もの で あ る。 134)Amanita ツ ル タ ケ(新 pseudovaginata且ongoカ ブ ラ 種)。 ツ ル タ ケ 五.vaginataに 外観 学教 育 学 部 生 物学 研究 室 の筆 者 の手 も とに 保 存 が似 るが 、 茎 の 基 部 が塊 茎 状 にふ く らむ こ と と され て い る 。 広 楕 円 形 の 胞 子 を有 す る点 に お い て 区 別 さ れ 131) Hygrocybe firma(Berk.&Br.)Sing. る 。 つ ぼ は 塊 茎 部 に 癒 着 し、 上 端 が わ ず か に 遊 ネ ッ タ イ ベ ニ ヒ ガ サ(新 離 す る だ け で 、さ や 状 ま た は 袋 状 に は な ら な い 。 称)。 赤 ∼ 黄 赤 色 の 美 し い 菌 で 、 世 界 の 熱 帯 に 広 く分 布 す る 。 筆 者 は 大 津 市 及 び奈 良 市 で こ れ を採 集 して い る が 、 お 宇 治 市 池 ノ尾 で 採 集 。 135) Leccinum intusrubens (Corner) Hongo そ ら く 日本 西 南 部 に広 く み ら れ る か も知 れ な イ ロ ガ ワ リ ヤ マ イ グ チ(新 い 。 担 子 器 及 び胞 子 に そ れ ぞ れ 大 小2型 ス ミ ゾ メ ヤ マ イ グ チL.griseumに が あ り 称 、 新 組 合 わ せ)。 似 るが、肉 大 胞 子 は 大 担 子 器 に 、小 胞 子 は 小 担 子 器 に 付 く。 が 強 く赤 変 し の ち 黒 変 す る こ と 、 胞 子 が や や 小 132)Tricholoma maculatipes Hongo&Matsudaア ザ シ メ ジ(本 郷 ・松 田)。1962年 形 な こと 、及 び傘 の 表 皮 が毛 状 被 で あ る こ と な に広 島県 産 の 標本 を も とに新 種 と して記 載 した もの ど で 区別 さ れ る。 京 都市 清水 寺 の シイ林 で採 っ た。
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