2014 年 6 月 キャンペーン期間:2014年6月2日~6月30日 ® Sigma-Aldrich 今月のお買い得品 ■ 6 月号の目次 今月のお買い得品 製品特集 1 製品特集 2 免疫染色 50% off! 代謝物アッセイキット 新製品 代謝物ライブラリー(小容量試薬) 50% off !! ★ 今月のお買い得品 免疫染色 バッファー関連 PBS (リン酸緩衝生理食塩水) TBS-T (TWEEN® 20含有Trisバッファー) 製品情報 粉末。溶解後 pH 7.4 錠剤。溶解後 pH 7.4 錠剤。溶解後 pH 7.6, 0.05% TWEEN 20 TWEEN 20 抗体賦活化 トリプシン ブタ膵臓由来 製品情報 錠剤。バッファー成分含有のため 脱イオン水1 mLで調製可能 プロテアーゼ 固定・透過 製品情報 BioXtraグレード(生化学用) Triton™ X-100 パラホルムアルデヒド 中性緩衝10%ホルマリン (4%ホルムアルデヒド溶液) 組織固定用 色素 ヘキスト33258 (bisBenzimide H 33258) 製品情報 核の蛍光染色に使用される蛍光色素 DAPI 核の蛍光染色に使用される蛍光色素 FITC 標識キットFluoroTag™ タンパク質の FITC 標識に必要な試薬と カラムのキット PI(ヨウ化プロピジウム)溶液 1.0 mg/mL 水溶液 エオシンB Biological Stain Commission 認定品 エオシンY Biological Stain Commission 認定品 エオシンY 溶液 ニュートラルレッド 5% 水溶液 Biological Stain Commission 認定品 メチル緑(メチルグリーン) Biological Stain Commission 認定品 ブロッキング 製品情報 容量 CAT.NO. 10袋(1袋1 L用) 5×10袋(1袋1 L用) 50錠(1錠200 mL用) 100錠(1錠200 mL用) 10錠(1錠500 mL用) 100錠(1錠500 mL用) 100 mL 500 mL P3813-10PAK P3813-5X10PAK P4417-50TAB P4417-100TAB 91414-10TAB 91414-100TAB0 P1379-100ML P1379-500ML 容量 CAT.NO. 20錠(トリプシン1 mg/錠) 50錠(トリプシン1 mg/錠) 100 mg 1g 5g T7168-20TAB T7168-50TAB P5147-100MG P5147-1G P5147-5G 容量 CAT.NO. 100 mL 500 mL 500g 1 kg 15 mL x 48本 60 mL x 24本 4L T9284-100ML T9284-500ML P6148-500G P6148-1KG HT5011-1CS HT5012-1CS HT501128-4L 容量 100 mg 500 mg 1g 10 mg 50 mg 1 キット5 回分 10 mL 25 g 100 g 25 g 100 g 500 mL 25 g 10 g 50 g 容量 5 mL 10 mL 5 mL 10 mL 5 mL 10 mL 5 mL 10 mL ウサギ血清 マウス血清 ヤギ血清 ラット血清 封入 製品情報 p-フェニレンジアミン 封入剤に添加される退色防止剤 グリセロールゼラチン 水性の封入剤 水性封入剤 Fluoromount™ そのまま使える蛍光染色用封入剤 プロトコール紹介はこちら Sigma.com/recipe-jp 容量 50 g 100 g 15 mL 15 mL x 10 本 25 mL CAT.NO. 通常価格 ¥9,600 ¥35,000 ¥12,000 ¥20,100 ¥22,200 ¥111,800 ¥4,700 ¥8,400 通常価格 ¥6,200 ¥11,300 ¥7,300 ¥20,900 ¥72,200 通常価格 ¥10,400 ¥14,400 ¥3,500 ¥6,500 ¥14,900 ¥14,900 ¥7,800 通常価格 キャンペーン価格 ¥4,800 ¥17,500 ¥6,000 ¥10,000 ¥11,100 ¥55,900 ¥2,300 ¥4,200 キャンペーン価格 ¥3,100 ¥5,600 ¥3,600 ¥10,400 ¥36,100 キャンペーン価格 ¥5,200 ¥7,200 ¥1,700 ¥3,200 ¥7,400 ¥7,400 ¥3,900 キャンペーン価格 B2883-100MG B2883-500MG B2883-1G D9542-10MG D9542-50MG ¥13,600 ¥55,200 ¥86,800 ¥16,400 ¥51,900 ¥6,800 ¥27,600 ¥43,400 ¥8,200 ¥25,900 FITC1-1KT ¥64,400 ¥32,200 P4864-10ML 861006-25G 861006-100G E4382-25G E4382-100G 318906-500ML 861251-25G 198080-10G 198080-50G ¥12,400 ¥12,800 ¥34,300 ¥6,900 ¥17,700 ¥13,600 ¥13,200 ¥15,700 ¥62,000 ¥6,200 ¥6,400 ¥17,100 ¥3,400 ¥8,800 ¥6,800 ¥6,600 ¥7,800 ¥31,000 CAT.NO. R9133-5ML R9133-10ML M5905-5ML M5905-10ML G9023-5ML G9023-10ML R9759-5ML R9759-10ML CAT.NO. P6001-50G P6001-100G GG1-15ML GG1-10X15ML F4680-25ML 通常価格 ¥4,400 ¥7,400 ¥10,700 ¥18,400 ¥3,800 ¥6,400 ¥9,600 ¥15,500 通常価格 ¥6,000 ¥6,500 ¥7,400 ¥20,700 ¥14,300 キャンペーン価格 ¥2,200 ¥3,700 ¥5,300 ¥9,200 ¥1,900 ¥3,200 ¥4,800 ¥7,700 キャンペーン価格 ¥3,000 ¥3,200 ¥3,700 ¥10,300 ¥7,100 SAJ1727 bionavigate 新製品紹介 代謝物アッセイキット 以前から好評のグルコースやデンプンなどの定量キットに加え、糖、アミノ酸、脂質など代謝物の定量用キットを販売開始 します。この機会に、Sigma® のキットをまとめてご紹介します! 3 ステップで簡単測定! サンプルの準備 反応液でインキュベート 吸光度測定 キットに付属している標準品で検量線を作り、 目的のサンプルの吸光度から定量を行います。 sigma.com/metabokit-jp 【検出法について】*なし:比色法、 *:蛍光法、 **:比色法または蛍光法、 ***:その他の検出法 アミノ酸・タンパク質 製品名 回数 CAT.NO. Hexokinase Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK091-1KT 82,100 価格 Lactose Assay Kit** 100 MAK017-1KT 65,500 100 MAK018-1KT 73,000 100 MAK019-1KT 65,500 100 MAK093-1KT 119,000 100 MAK105-1KT 93,000 100 MAK103-1KT 79,000 100 MAK104-1KT 79,000 回数 CAT.NO. Acetyl-Coenzyme A Assay Kit* 100 MAK039-1KT 71,000 ADP Colorimetric Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK081-1KT 75,000 価格 ADP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit** 100 MAK033-1KT 75,000 Alanine Assay Kit** 100 MAK001-1KT 65,000 Maltose and Glucose Assay Kit** Asparaginase Activity Assay Kit** 100 MAK007-1KT 79,000 Maltose Assay Kit** Aspartate Assay Kit** 100 MAK095-1KT 65,000 Branched Chain Amino Acid Kit 100 MAK003-1KT 69,000 Glutamate Assay Kit 100 MAK004-1KT 71,000 Glutamine and Glutamate Determination Kit* 50 GLN1-1KT 66,800 Hydroxyproline Assay Kit 100 MAK008-1KT 79,000 L-Amino Acid Quantitation Kits** 100 MAK002-1KT 65,500 Phenylalanine Assay Kit* 100 MAK005-1KT 65,000 Urea Assay Kit 100 MAK006-1KT 71,000 炭水化物・糖 製品名 Phosphofructokinase (PFK) Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucomutase Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucose Isomerase Colorimetric Assay Kit Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit 補酵素・補因子 製品名 価格 回数 CAT.NO. Acetate Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK086-1KT 69,000 Coenzyme A Assay Kit** 100 MAK034-1KT 65,500 Amylase Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK009-1KT 49,000 FAD Assay Kit** 100 MAK035-1KT 69,000 D-Mannitol Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK096-1KT 79,000 Hemin Assay Kit 100 MAK036-1KT 65,500 D-Sorbitol Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK010-1KT 79,000 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK037-1KT 82,500 Fructose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK020-1KT 80,000 NADP/NADPH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK038-1KT 82,100 G6PDH Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK015-1KT 67,000 解糖系回路 Galactose and Lactose Assay Kit** 100 MAK011-1KT 73,000 回数 CAT.NO. Galactose Assay Kit** 100 MAK012-1KT 65,500 ADP Colorimetric Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK081-1KT 75,000 Glucose and Sucrose Assay Kit** 100 MAK013-1KT 73,000 Glucose Uptake Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK083-1KT 165,200 ADP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit** 100 MAK033-1KT 75,000 100 MAK084-1KT 165,200 ADP/ATP RATIO ASSAY KIT 100 MAK135-1KT 53,800 Fructose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK020-1KT 80,000 100 MAK098-1KT 77,000 Galactose and Lactose Assay Kit** 100 MAK011-1KT 73,000 100 MAK012-1KT 65,500 Glucose Uptake Fluorometric Assay Kit* Glucose-1-Phosphate (G1P) Colorimetric Assay Kit 製品名 価格 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit 100 MAK014-1KT 69,700 Galactose Assay Kit** Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK021-1KT 80,000 Glucose (GO) Assay Kit 20 GAGO20-1KT 9,000 81,000 Glucose (HK) Assay Kit 20 GAHK20-1KT 9,600 Glycogen Assay Kit** 100 MAK016-1KT 解糖系回路 つづき 製品名 Glucose and Sucrose Assay Kit** Glucose Uptake Colorimetric Assay Kit 回数 CAT.NO. 100 MAK013-1KT Formate Assay Kit 100 MAK059-1KT 79,000 価格 Fructose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK020-1KT 80,000 73,000 Fumarate Assay Kit 100 MAK060-1KT 65,000 G6PDH Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK015-1KT 67,000 Glucose and Sucrose Assay Kit** 100 MAK013-1KT 73,000 Glucose Oxidase Activity Assay Kit** 100 MAK097-1KT 73,000 Glucose-1-Phosphate (G1P) Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK098-1KT 77,000 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit 100 MAK014-1KT 69,700 100 MAK099-1KT 65,400 100 MAK083-1KT 165,200 100 MAK084-1KT 165,200 100 MAK098-1KT 77,000 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit 100 MAK014-1KT 69,700 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK021-1KT 80,000 Glycogen Assay Kit** 100 MAK016-1KT 81,000 Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH) Activity Assay Kit Hexokinase Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK091-1KT 82,100 IDH Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK062-1KT 65,500 Lactate Assay Kit** 100 MAK064-1KT 80,400 Isocitrate Assay Kit 100 MAK061-1KT 65,500 100 MAK064-1KT 80,400 Glucose Uptake Fluorometric Assay Kit* Glucose-1-Phosphate (G1P) Colorimetric Assay Kit Lactate Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK065-1KT 80,200 Lactate Assay Kit** Lactose Assay Kit** 100 MAK017-1KT 65,500 Lactate Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK065-1KT 80,200 500 MAK066-1KT 69,000 Maltose and Glucose Assay Kit** 100 MAK018-1KT 73,000 Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity Assay Kit Maltose Assay Kit** 100 MAK019-1KT 65,500 L-Carnitine Assay Kit** 100 MAK063-1KT 81,000 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK037-1KT 82,500 Lipase Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK046-1KT 67,000 100 MAK102-1KT 93,000 Lipase Activity Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK047-1KT 71,700 Lipase Activity Assay Kit Ⅲ * 100 MAK048-1KT 77,000 PEP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit** Phosphofructokinase (PFK) Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucomutase Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucose Isomerase Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK093-1KT 119,000 Malate Assay Kit 100 MAK067-1KT 65,500 100 MAK105-1KT 93,000 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK037-1KT 82,500 100 MAK103-1KT 79,000 NADP/NADPH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK038-1KT 82,100 Oxaloacetate Assay Kit** 100 MAK070-1KT 65,500 100 MAK093-1KT 119,000 100 MAK105-1KT 93,000 100 MAK103-1KT 79,000 Pyruvate Assay Kit** 100 MAK071-1KT 80,400 Pyruvate Kinase Activity Assay Kit** 500 MAK072-1KT 82,500 Sarcosine Assay Kit** 100 MAK073-1KT 65,500 Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit 100 MAK104-1KT 79,000 回数 CAT.NO. Acetate Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK086-1KT 69,000 Adipogenesis Kit** 100 MAK040-1KT 57,000 100 MAK082-1KT 79,000 Pyruvate Assay Kit** 100 MAK071-1KT 80,400 Pyruvate Kinase Activity Assay Kit** 100 MAK072-1KT 82,500 Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit 100 MAK104-1KT 79,000 回数 CAT.NO. Ammonia Assay Kitsufficient 100 AA0100-1KT 44,800 Calcium Colorimetric Assay 250 MAK022-1KT 55,000 Chloride Assay Kit 100 MAK023-1KT 44,800 Cobalt Assay 100 MAK024-1KT 65,500 Iron Assay Kit 100 MAK025-1KT 71,000 Magnesium Assay Kit 100 MAK026-1KT 65,500 Nickel Assay Kit 100 MAK027-1KT 65,000 無機イオン 製品名 Nitrite/Nitrate Assay Kit* 50 06239-1KT 価格 112,600 Phosphofructokinase (PFK) Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucomutase Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphoglucose Isomerase Colorimetric Assay Kit 脂質代謝物 製品名 価格 Nitrite/Nitrate Assay Kit, colorimetric used for detection of nitric oxide metabolites 100 23479-1KT-F 84,400 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Phosphate Colorimetric Kit 500 MAK030-1KT 35,000 Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Assay Kit 100 MAK041-1KT 71,000 100 MAK043-1KT 71,000 Phosphate Fluorometric Kit* 100 MAK031-1KT 44,800 Cholesterol Quantitation Kit** Zinc Assay Kit 100 MAK032-1KT 65,500 Free Fatty Acid Quantitation Kit** 100 MAK044-1KT 81,000 Free Glycerol Determination Kit 1000 FG0100-1KT 375,500 HDL and LDL/VLDL Quantitation Kit** 100 MAK045-1KT 92,400 Lipase Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK046-1KT 67,000 Lipase Activity Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK047-1KT 71,700 Lipase Activity Assay Kit Ⅲ* 100 MAK048-1KT 77,000 Phosphatidylcholine Assay Kit** 100 MAK049-1KT 65,500 250 TR0100-1KT 276,100 回数 CAT.NO. 価格 中間代謝物 製品名 回数 CAT.NO. Acetate Colorimetric Assay Kit 100 MAK086-1KT 69,000 Acetyl-Coenzyme A Assay Kit* 100 MAK039-1KT 71,000 100 MAK053-1KT 73,000 100 MAK082-1KT 79,000 Serum Triglyceride Determination Kit Alpha-Ketoglutarate Assay Kit** 100 MAK054-1KT 71,000 酸化ストレス Amylase Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK009-1KT 49,000 AST Activity Assay Kit 50 MAK055-1KT 67,000 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit** 100 MAK074-1KT 65,500 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK075-1KT 73,000 100 EPI001-1KT 77,200 100 EPI003-1KT 75,200 Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity Assay Kit Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit 価格 Choline/Acetylcholine Quantification Kit** 100 MAK056-1KT 77,000 Coenzyme A Assay Kit** 500 MAK034-1KT 65,500 D-Lactate Colorimetric Assay 100 MAK058-1KT 69,000 製品名 Histone Acetyltransferase (HAT) Activity Assay Kit In Situ Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit* 酸化ストレス つづき 製品名 回数 CAT.NO. 価格 Inosine Assay Kit* 100 MAK100-1KT 73,000 Lipid Peroxidation (MDA) Kit** 100 MAK085-1KT 77,000 MPO Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit* 100 MAK069-1KT 75,900 Peroxidase Activity Assay Kit** 100 MAK092-1KT 48,800 Uric Acid Assay Kit** 100 MAK077-1KT 73,000 Xanthine Oxidase Activity Assay Kit** 100 MAK078-1KT 53,000 血液成分 製品名 回数 CAT.NO. 500 MAK087-1KT 44,700 100 AP0100-1KT 57,000 BCG ALBUMIN ASSAY KIT 250 MAK124-1KT 51,800 Cholesterol Quantitation Kit** 100 MAK043-1KT 71,000 Creatine Assay Kit** 100 MAK079-1KT 65,500 CREATINE KINASE ACTIVITY ASSAY KIT 100 MAK116-1KT 77,800 Creatinine Assay Kit** 100 MAK080-1KT 57,000 D-Lactate Colorimetric Assay 100 MAK058-1KT 69,000 Formate Assay Kit 100 MAK059-1KT 79,000 Fructose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK020-1KT 80,000 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit 100 MAK014-1KT 69,700 Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit* 100 MAK021-1KT 80,000 HDL and LDL/VLDL Quantitation Kit** 100 MAK045-1KT 92,400 Inosine Assay Kit* 100 MAK100-1KT 73,000 Iron Assay Kit 100 MAK025-1KT 71,000 Lactate Assay Kit** 100 MAK064-1KT 80,400 Lactate Assay Kit Ⅱ 100 MAK065-1KT 80,200 Lipase Activity Assay Kit Ⅲ * 100 MAK048-1KT 77,000 回数 CAT.NO. Acetyl-Coenzyme A Assay Kit* 100 MAK039-1KT 71,000 Alpha-Ketoglutarate Assay Kit** 100 MAK054-1KT 71,000 Fumarate Assay Kit 100 MAK060-1KT 65,000 IDH Activity Assay Kit 100 MAK062-1KT 65,500 Isocitrate Assay Kit 100 MAK061-1KT 65,500 Malate Assay Kit 100 MAK067-1KT 65,500 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit 100 MAK037-1KT 82,500 Oxaloacetate Assay Kit** 100 MAK070-1KT 65,500 Pyruvate Assay Kit** 100 MAK071-1KT 80,400 回数 CAT.NO. Acid Phosphatase Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit* Alkaline Phosphatase Diethanolamine Activity Kitsufficient for 100 tests 価格 Histone Deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) Activity Assay Kit* Histone Deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) Inhibitor Screening Kit* Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) Activity Assay Kit* Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) Inhibitor Screening Kit* 100 EPI004-1KT 79,300 100 EPI005-1KT 99,900 100 EPI006-1KT 79,300 100 EPI007-1KT 99,900 HMG-CoA Reductase Assay Kit 100 CS1090-1KT 109,700 Lipid Peroxidation (MDA) Kit** 100 MAK085-1KT 77,000 Lysozyme Activity Kit 100 LY0100-1KT 57,000 PAH (p-Aminohippuric Acid) Assay Kit 100 MAK101-1KT 79,000 100 MAK102-1KT 93,000 200 PF0100-1KT 70,700 Protein Carbonyl Content Assay Kit 100 MAK094-1KT 55,000 Ribonuclease A Activity Kit 100 RN0100-1KT 57,000 PEP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit** Protease Fluorescent Detection Kithigh sensitivity assay* 期間限定企画 2 0 1 4 年 6 月∼ 8 月末 本紙掲載アッセイキットをご購入の方(希望者)へ 代謝パスウェイマップ特大ポスター (M3907-1EA 2,300 円相当 130 × 90cm) プレゼント! TCA 回路 製品名 ★特徴★ 価格 ・ 糖、 ア ミ ノ 酸、 脂 質、 核 酸、 ス テロイド、ビタミン代謝な ど、幅広い代謝経路が、一枚の 画像に色分けされて描かれて います。 ・ 約 550 反応の EC 番号を表記! 研究室の壁に貼ったり、お仕事 でのディスカッションなどにお役 立てください! 栄養成分 製品名 お申し込み方法は、お届けする製品の箱に 添付されているシールをご参照ください♪ 先着 200 名様とさせていただきます。 価格 Fructose Assay Kit 20 FA20-1KT 19,600 Starch (GO/P) Assay Kit 20 STA20-1KT 21,400 Starch (HK) Assay Kit 20 SA20-1KT 17,800 Sucrose Assay Kit 20 SCA20-1KT 19,500 ADP Total Dietary Fiber Assay Kit*** 100 TDF100A-1KT 69,000 COPPER MTP その他アッセイ 製品名 CAT.NO. DPP4 Activity Assay Kit* 100 MAK088-1KT 73,000 Formate Assay Kit 100 MAK059-1KT 79,000 COMING SOON! 100 MAK089-1KT 73,000 記載製品の他、各種ターゲットのアッセイキットも順次発売予定です! 100 MAK090-1KT 73,000 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit* 価格 NEURAMINIDASE 回数 PLTP など 製品 Pick Up! 代謝物ライブラリー Sigma®は3種類の代謝物(アミノ酸・炭水化物・脂質)を充実させました。 少量の使用に便利な10 mg容量から販売しています(一部製品を除く)。 カスタムでお客様独自のライブラリーを構築することも可能です。 アミノ酸 代謝物ライブラリー 代謝物 CAT. NO. 最小容量 O-Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride O-Acetyl-L-serine hydrochloride A6706 A6262 Adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate sodium salt A5508 5 mg S-(5'-Adenosyl)-L-homocysteine A9384 10 mg L-Alanine A7469 10 mg β-Alanine A9920 A5835 10 mg 10 mg 5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride A7793 10 mg Anthranilic acid A89855 25 g L-Arginine A8094 10 mg Argininosuccinic acid disodium salt hydrate A5707 10 mg L-Asparagine A0884 10 mg L-Aspartic acid A8949 10 mg γ-Aminobutyric acid 1g 10 mg Betaine aldehyde chloride B3650 2 mg L-Carnitine hydrochloride C0283 10 mg L-Carnosine C9625 10 mg Choline chloride C7017 10 mg Chorismic acid C1761 5 mg L-Citrulline C7629 10 mg Creatine C0780 10 mg Creatinine C4255 10 mg L-Cystathionine C7505 10 mg Cysteamine M9768 5g L-Cysteine C7352 10 mg L-Cystine C7602 10 mg N ,N -Dimethylglycine N-Formyl-L-methionine L-Glutamic acid L-Glutamine L-Glutathione reduced Glycine Histamine dihydrochloride L-Histidine L-Histidinol dihydrochloride DL-Homocysteine DL-Homocystine D1156 10 mg F3377 10 mg G8415 10 mg G8540 10 mg G4251 10 mg G7126 10 mg H7250 10 mg H6034 10 mg H6647 10 mg H4628 10 mg H0501 10 g 代謝物 CAT. NO. 最小容量 Homogentisic acid L-Homoserine H0751 H6515 100 mg 10 mg cis -4-Hydroxy-D-proline trans -4-Hydroxy-L-proline Hypotaurine L-Isoleucine α-Keto-γ-(methylthio)butyric acid sodium salt L-Leucine Lithium carbamoylphosphate dibasic hydrate L-Lysine L-Methionine L-Methionine sulfoxide L-Ornithine monohydrochloride L-Phenylalanine Phosphocholine chloride calcium salt tetrahydrate Phosphocreatine disodium salt hydrate O-Phospho-L-serine Prephenic acid barium salt L-Proline Sarcosine L-Serine Shikimic acid Sodium 2-oxobutyrate Sodium phenylpyruvate O-Succinyl-L-homoserine Taurine L-Threonine Nε,Nε,Nε-Trimethyllysine hydrochloride L-Tryptophan Tyramine hydrochloride L-Tyrosine L-Valine H5877 250 mg H5534 10 mg H1384 10 mg I7403 K6000 10 mg 10 mg L8912 10 mg C5625 10 mg L5501 10 mg M5308 10 mg M1126 1g O2375 10 mg P5482 10 mg P0378 10 mg P7936 10 mg P0878 P2384 10 mg 10 mg P0380 10 mg S7672 10 mg S4500 1g S5375 10 mg K0875 5g P8001 5g S7129 25 mg T0625 10 mg T8441 10 mg T1660 25 mg T8941 10 mg T2879 T8566 10 mg 10 mg V0513 10 mg bionavigate 脂質 代謝物ライブラリー 炭水化物 代謝物ライブラリー 代謝物 CAT. NO. 最小容量 N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine A2795 A8625 10 mg 10 mg N-Acetylneuraminic acid A2388 10 mg β-D-Allose A6390 10 mg L-(+)-Arabinose A3256 10 mg L-(-)-Arabitol A3506 10 mg L-Ascorbic acid A5960 10 mg D-(+)-Cellobiose C7252 10 mg 2-Deoxy-D-glucose D8375 10 mg 6-Deoxy-D-glucose D9761 100 mg 2-Deoxy-D-ribose D5899 10 mg 2-Deoxyribose 5-phosphate sodium salt D3126 25 mg Dihydroxyacetone phosphate hemimagnesium salt hydrate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate lithium salt 51269 D7137 100 mg 5 mg 2,3-Diphospho-D-glyceric acid pentasodium salt D5764 25 mg Dulcitol D0256 10 mg D-Xylulose X4625 25 mg D-Erythrose 4-phosphate sodium salt E0377 5 mg D-(-)-Fructose F0127 10 mg D-Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate trisodium salt hydrate F6803 10 mg D-Fructose 6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate F3627 10 mg L-(-)-Fucose F2252 10 mg α-D-Galactosamine 1-phosphate G5134 25 mg D-(+)-Galactosamine hydrochloride G0500 10 mg D-(+)-Galactose G0750 10 mg pentahydrate G0380 10 mg D-Gluconic acid sodium salt G9005 10 mg D-Glucosamine 6-phosphate G5509 10 mg D-(+)-Glucosamine hydrochloride G4875 10 mg α-D-Galactose 1-phosphate dipotassium salt 代謝物 D-(+)-Glucose α-D-Glucose 1-phosphate disodium salt hydrate CAT. NO. 最小容量 G7528 10 mg G7018 10 mg D-Glucose 6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate G7250 10 mg D-Glucuronic acid G5269 10 mg Guanosine 5'-diphosphoglucose sodium salt G7502 10 mg Isomaltose I7253 100 mg α-Lactose monohydrate L8783 10 mg D-(-)-Lyxose 220477 5g D-(+)-Maltose monohydrate M9171 10 mg D-Mannitol M4125 10 mg D-Mannosamine hydrochloride M4670 10 mg D-Mannose 6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate M6876 10 mg Melibiose M5500 10 mg myo -Inositol Palatinose hydrate Phospho(enol)pyruvic acid monopotassium salt 6-Phosphogluconic acid trisodium salt D-(-)-3-Phosphoglyceric acid disodium salt D-Psicose D-(+)-Raffinose pentahydrate L-Rhamnose monohydrate D-(-)-Ribose D-Ribose 5-phosphate disodium salt hydrate D-Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate sodium salt hydrate D-Ribulose 5-phosphate sodium salt Sodium pyruvate D-Sorbitol Stachyose hydrate Sucrose D-(-)-Tagatose Trehalose 6-phosphate dipotassium salt D-(+)-Trehalose dihydrate Uridine 5'-diphosphogalactose disodium salt Uridine 5'-diphosphoglucose disodium salt hydrate Uridine 5'-diphosphoglucuronic acid trisodium salt Xylitol D-(+)-Xylose I5125 10 mg P2007 10 mg P7127 100 mg P6888 P8877 10 mg 10 mg P8043 10 mg R0514 10 mg R3875 10 mg R7500 10 mg R7750 10 mg R0878 10 mg R9875 5 mg P2256 10 mg S1876 10 mg S4001 10 mg S9378 10 mg T2751 10 mg T4272 10 mg T9531 10 mg U4500 5 mg U4625 10 mg U6751 X3375 25 mg 10 mg X1500 10 mg bionavigate 脂質 代謝物ライブラリー 脂質 代謝物ライブラリー 代謝物 CAT. NO. 最小容量 Acetoacetyl Coenzyme A sodium salt hydrate Acetyl Coenzyme A lithium salt A1625 A2181 5 mg 1 mg Acetyl Coenzyme A sodium salt A2056 1 mg Acetylcholine chloride A6625 10 mg O-Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride A6706 1g Arachidonic acid A9673 10 mg Arachidonoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt A5837 5 mg Benzoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt B1638 5 mg 2-Butenoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt C6146 5 mg Butyryl Coenzyme A lithium salt hydrate B1508 5 mg Cardiolipin solution C1649 10 mg Choline chloride C7017 10 mg Coenzyme A hydrate C4282 10 mg Coenzyme A sodium salt hydrate Coenzyme A trilithium salt C3144 C3019 10 mg 10 mg Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine sodium salt dihydrate C0256 100 mg Decanoyl Coenzyme A monohydrate D5269 5 mg 3'-DephosphoCoenzyme A D3385 5 mg Desmosterol D6513 5 mg triammonium salt solution Ethanolamine D4287 E9508 1VL (200µg) 10 µL Farnesyl pyrophosphate ammonium salt methanol:ammonia solution F6892 1VL (200µg) G6772 1VL (200µg) G6025 1VL (200µg) G7757 500 mL γ,γ-Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate Geranyl pyrophosphate ammonium salt solution Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate ammonium salt solution Glycerol rac -Glycerol 1-phosphate disodium salt hexahydrate Glycolaldehyde dimer, mixture of stereoisomers Glycolic acid Glyoxylic acid solution n-Heptadecanoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Hexanoyl Coenzyme A trilithium salt hydrate DL-3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A sodium salt trihydrate DL-β-Hydroxybutyryl Coenzyme A lithium salt G2138 10 mg G6805 1g G8284 10 mg G1134 25 µL H1385 5 mg H2012 5 mg H6132 5 mg H0261 10 mg 代謝物 Isobutyryl Coenzyme A lithium salt Isopentenyl pyrophosphate triammonium salt solution CAT. NO. I0383 最小容量 I0503 5 mg 1VL (200µg) Isovaleryl Coenzyme A lithium salt hydrate I9381 10 mg Lanosterol L5768 1 mg Lauroyl Coenzyme A lithium salt L2659 5 mg Leukotriene B4 solution L0517 10 µg Linoleic acid L1376 10 mg γ-Linolenic acid L2378 10 mg Linoleoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Lithium acetoacetate L9754 A8509 10 mg 10 mg L-α-Lysophosphatidylcholine L1381 5 mg Malonyl Coenzyme A lithium salt β-Methylcrotonyl Coenzyme A lithium salt M4263 M3013 5 mg 10 mg Methylmalonyl Coenzyme A tetralithium salt hydrate M1762 1 mg (±)-Mevalonolactone M4667 1g myo -Inositol Myristoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Octanoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt hydrate Oleoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Oxalic acid dihydrate Palmitoleoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Palmitoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt 3-sn -Phosphatidic acid sodium salt L-α-Phosphatidyl-DL-glycerol sodium salt 3-sn -Phosphatidylethanolamine 3-sn -Phosphatidyl-L-serine sodium salt Phosphocholine chloride calcium salt tetrahydrate O-Phosphorylethanolamine 5-Pregnen-3β-ol-20-one Progesterone n-Propionyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Prostaglandin E2 Psychosine L-Serine Squalene Stearoyl Coenzyme A lithium salt Succinyl Coenzyme A sodium salt Thromboxane B2 Uridine 5'-diphosphogalactose disodium salt I5125 10 mg M4414 5 mg O6877 5 mg O1012 5 mg O0376 P6775 10 mg 5 mg P9716 5 mg P9511 5 mg P8318 10 mg P7693 5 mg P5660 5 mg P0378 10 mg P0503 10 mg P9129 1g P0130 25 g P5397 5 mg P5640 1 mg P9256 1 mg S4500 1g S3626 10 mL S0802 5 mg S1129 5 mg T0516 0.5 mg U4500 5 mg キャンペーン期間:2014年6月30日まで じわじわ広まっています Duolink® トライアル 初めての方 1 セット限定 約 30%OFF キャンペーン実施中! すぐに実験を始められる Starter Set を 特別価格にてご提供中です。 名称(30 反応分) 通常セット価格 キャンペーンセット価格 Duolink In Situ Starter Set RED ¥186,000 ¥125,300 Duolink In Situ Starter Set ORANGE ¥186,000 ¥125,300 Duolink In Situ Starter Set GREEN ¥192,000 ¥129,700 Duolink In Situ Starter Set FAR RED ¥192,000 ¥129,700 Duolink In Situ Starter Set BLIGHTFIELD ¥193,500 ¥131,300 ご登録はコチラ sigma.com/tryduolink-jp Duolink を初めてお試しいただく方限定のトライアルキャンペーンとなっております。 ご購入履歴のある研究室はキャンペーン対象外とさせていただきます。 このあと博士に何が起こるのか? 続きはこちらへ▶▶▶ sigma.com/duolinkjapan (博士の研究日誌 Duolink 編) © 2014 Sigma-Aldrich Co. 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