Specifications AM Modulation range Accuracy Distortion Incidental FM AM/FM SG VP-8195T / 8196T 0 % to 100 % / 0.1 % step ± (setting×0.1+1)%(≦80 %, 0.4 to 1.7 MHz) ± (setting×0.1+2)%(≦80 %, 0.15 to 165 MHz) ≦0.5 %(AF 1 kHz, AM 30 %, 0.4 to 1.7 MHz) ≦1.5 %(AF 1 kHz, AM 60 %, 0.4 to 1.7 MHz) ≦3 %(AF 1 kHz, AM 80 %, 0.4 to 1.7 MHz) Demod. BW 50 Hz to 15 kHz, Except beat element ≦150 Hz(AM 30 %, 0.4 to 1.7 MHz) ≦300 Hz(AM 30 %, 0.15 to 165 MHz) AM source DDS frequency range 20 Hz to 10 kHz / 1 Hz step External frequency range 20 Hz to 10 kHz FM Deviation range Accuracy Distortion Incidental AM Pre-emphasis 0 kHz to 100 kHz / 0.1 kHz step (Max. ≦0.25 fc) ± (setting×0.1+0.5)kHz (9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) ± (setting×0.1+1)kHz(0.3 to 165 MHz) ≦0.05 %(AF 1 kHz, FM 75 kHz, 9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) ≦0.1 %(AF 1 kHz, FM 75 kHz, 0.3 to 165 MHz) Demod. BW 50 Hz to 15 kHz, De-emphasis 50 μs ≦0.5 %(AF 1 kHz, FM 75 kHz, 9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) OFF / 25 μs / 50 μs / 75 μs FM source DDS frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz / 1 Hz step External frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz FM stereo Modulation mode Modulation range Accuracy L=R / L only / R only / L=−R 0 to 127 % / 1 % step ± (setting×0.1+1)% (9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) ± (setting×0.1+1.5)%(0.3 to 165 MHz) Stereo separation ≧55 dB(AF 1 kHz, Mod. 90 %, 76 to 108 MHz) Pre-emphasis OFF / 25 μs / 50 μs / 75 μs Pilot frequency / accuracy 19 kHz / ±1 Hz Pilot level range 0 % to 15 % / 0.1 % step Pilot level accuracy ± (setting×0.1+1)% (9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) FM stereo source DDS frequency range 20 Hz to 15 kHz / 1 Hz step External frequency range 20 Hz to 15 kHz FM-AM simultaneous modulation Modulation mode FM-AM / FM stereo-AM 信号発生器シリーズ RDS signal(VP-8196T only) RDS level range 0 to 10 % / 0.1 % step Accuracy ± (setting×0.1+0.5)% (9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) Spurious ≦−50 dB(≦53 kHz, Level 10 %) ≦−40 dB(≧61 kHz, Level 10 %) SC frequency / accuracy 57 kHz / ±6 Hz SC phase 0° or 90 ° ±10 (to ° the Pilot) SC leakage ≦−50 dB Output mode SC / Null / Int. Data Number of pattern Max. 100 Pattern length Max. 2,048 groups IN / OUT connectors RF output Ext. modulation input Ext. input level Ext. input impedance Composite output Comp. output level Comp. output impedance Pilot output Pilot output level Pilot output impedance SCA input SCA input level SCA frequency range SCA input impedance BNC BNC Approx. 1 V[peak] Approx. 10 kΩ BNC 5 V[p-p] ±10 % Approx. 600 Ω BNC 1 V[rms] ±10 % Approx. 1 kΩ BNC Approx. 0.56 V[p-p] (Equivalent to 10 % of modulation level) 20 kHz to 99 kHz Approx. 10 kΩ Signal Generator Series VP-8195T VP-8196T VP-8195T VP-8196T External equipment control interface Relay drive output RCA type (phono plug) Relay drive voltage Approx. 5V Relay drive current Max. 50 mA External control I/O 36 pin connector External control port 2 ports × 8 bits External control level TTL External key input ↑/↓/ CLR / Rotary switch Remote communication interface USB Version 2.0 / Type B connector Ethernet(LAN) 10/100 BASE-T RS-232-C 38,400 bps GP-IB Device mode OTHERS Power requirement Frequency Power consumption Dimension Weight AC 90 V to 250 V 50 Hz / 60 Hz Max. 35 W / Max. 70 VA 426(W) ×99(H) ×300(D)mm Approx. 6.5 kg ●本カタログの掲載の仕様、 デザイン等は性能改善のためやむなく変更させていただくことがあります。 Specifications are subject to change without notice for product improvement. トム通信工業株式会社 Tom Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. 1244, Nippa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan 223-0057 Phone:+81-45-541-5078 Fax:+81-45-541-5089 URL http://www.tomcom.co.jp/ E-mail: [email protected] このカタログ記載内容は2013 年 1月現在のものです。本カタログ掲載商品の仕様、 デザイン等は性能改善のため予告なく変更させていただくことがあります。 Specifications are subject to change without notice for product improvement. ●カタログと実際の商品・画面の色は印刷インキの関係で多少異なって見えることがありますのでご了承ください。 January. 2013 Printed in Japan Signal Generator Series NEW AM/FM SIGNAL GENERATOR SERIES VP-8195T/VP-8196T VP-8195T 特 徴 Main feature 業界のロングセラー、 VP-8193D/VP-8194D 後継モデル。 VP-8196T (RDS) 現行機の操作性・測定性能と互換性を意識したデザイン、 基本仕様。 100 kHz ∼165 MHz AM/FM 信号発生器の最新モデル。 レスポンス高速化(当社現行機比 2 倍)による検査効率アップ ※(注)。 パソコン用インタフェース多様化、USB、LAN 標準搭載。 ワールドワイド入力電源対応、AC 90 ∼ 250 V自動電圧切替。 高純度信号源、長寿命アッテネーター、DDS 標準搭載。 ※(注)RF 周波数切替時間の比較。右ページの比較表参照。 Designed to replace VP-8193D/VP-8194D, the industry’s favourite long-term sellers. VP-8195T / 8196T Rear Panel Compatibility-oriented designs and specifications to current models. New AM/FM signal generators for 100 kHz∼165 MHz. Higher response speeds (approximately twice as quick as current models) for efficient testing※. More versatile PC interfaces for USB and LAN (Ethernet). Universal automatic voltage for AC 90∼250 V. High purity signals, long life attenuator and DDS audio oscillator (standard feature) . ※Note: Responding time to change RF frequencies. See the comparison chart in right page. Specifications AM/FM SG VP-8195T / 8196T RF carrier frequency Frequency range 0.1 MHz to 165 MHz Resolution 100 Hz Accuracy ±5×10−6 Temperature coefficient ±5×10−6(10 ℃ to 35 ℃) RF carrier signal Harmonic spurious Non harmonics spurious Residual FM RF carrier output Level range Output impedance VSWR −20 dBμV to 126 dBμV[emf] −133 dBm to 13 dBm (50 Ω) −134.8 dBm to 11.2 dBm (75 Ω) 0.1 dB ±1.5 dB(≧0 dBμV[emf], 50 Ω) ±2 dB(<0 dBμV[emf], 50 Ω) 50 Ω/75 Ω ≦1.3(≦101 dBμV[emf], 50 Ω) Attenuator construction Semiconductor(Except 109.0 to 109.1 dB points) Resolution Accuracy Residual AM purity ≦−30 dBc(2nd/3rd) ≦−50 dBc(fc>45 MHz, except 120 MHz element) ≦−40 dBc(fc≦45 MHz, fs≦45 MHz) ≦−30 dBc(fc≦45 MHz, fs>45 MHz) ≧76 dB(9.7 to 11.7 MHz / 76 to 108 MHz) ≧73 dB(0.3 to 165 MHz) Mod. AF 1 kHz, FM 75 kHz Demod. BW 50 Hz to 15 kHz, De-emphasis 50 μs Except beat element ≧55 dB(0.4 to 1.7 MHz) ≧50 dB(0.15 to 165 MHz) Mod. AF 1 kHz, AM 30 % Demod. BW 50 Hz to 15 kHz, Except beat element 現行モデルとの主な相違点 その他の仕様比較 / Other specification comparison VP-8195T / 8196T VP-8193D / 8194D RF 周波数範囲 0.1 ∼ 165 MHz(連続) 0.1 ∼ 140 / 162 ∼ 163 MHz RF 周波数切替時間 約 300 ms 約 700 ms 標準搭載 変調信号用 DDS (分解能1 Hz 単位、オーディオ信号) (AM、FM 用に個別設定可能) オプション (AM・FM 共通設定) 現行機と同一機能 Same as current models VP-8195T / 8196T Dimensions W426 X H99 X D300 mm Display Design 16 or 18 digits LED GP-IB, RS232C I/F Commands levear original FM 偏移分解能 0.1 kHz ステップ 0.5 kHz ステップ AM 変調度分解能 0.1 % ステップ 0.5 % ステップ AM/FM Simultaneous Modulation available RDS パターンプリセット可能数 100 パターン *1 16 パターン *2 RF Output Level -20 ∼ +126 dBµV [emf] リモート制御用 I/F(標準搭載) GP-IB, RS-232C, USB, LAN GP-IB, RS-232C Distortion (AM/FM) as specified 出力インピーダンス 50 Ω/ 75 Ω切替スイッチ付 50 Ω固定(75 Ωは特注改造) Residual Modulation (AM/FM) as specified 電源電圧(AC) 90 ∼ 250 V自動切替 100 / 120 / 220 / 230 V 手動切替 ARI 信号(ラジオデータ伝送) 非対応 対応(VP-8194D) FM Stereo Separation as specified 消費電力 約 30 W / 約 65 VA 約 45 W / 約 60 VA Input / Output Connectors composite signal output, VP-8193D / 8194D same as VP-8195T, VP-8196T. pilot signal output, relay drive output, *1. RDS 機能は VP-8196Tのみ搭載。 *2. RDS 機能は VP-8194D のみ搭載。 SCA input, Main feature comparison with current models external I/O* VP-8195T / 8196T VP-8193D / 8194D RF frequency range 0.1~165 MHz (continuous) 0.1 140 / 162 163 MHz RF response to frequency changes Approximately 300 ms Approximately 700 ms DDS for audio oscillator (1 Hz step, audio signal source) Available as standard (individually set for AM/FM) Optional (commonly set for AM/FM) FM deviation resolution 0.1 kHz step 0.5 kHz step AM modulation resolution 0.1 % step 0.5 % step Preset for RDS patterns 100 patterns*1 16 patterns*2 Remote control I/F (standard) GP-IB, RS-232C, USB, LAN GP-IB, RS-232C Output impedance 50 / 75 ohm switchable 50 ohm *. without printer functions 現行機に追加機能 Additional to current models VP-8195T / 8196T external I/O** **. with printer functions VP-8193D / 8194D available (standard) USB, LAN Connection for PC using common commands to GP-IB/RS-232C none Output Level Setting dBµV [emf] & dBm dBµV [emf] only (75 ohm available for factory modification) Preset Memory Setting by PC available (standard) none Power voltage (AC) 90~250 V automatic 100 / 120 / 220 / 230 V manually selectable RDS Data Downloading via USB available (standard) none (via RS-232C) ARI signal (for radio data) Not available Available (VP-8194D) DDS Oscillator Frequency Setting Approx. 30 W / Approx. 65 VA Approx. 45 W / Approx. 60 VA frequencies individually set for AM and FM one frequency only Power consumption *1. The RDS function is available with VP-8196T. *2. The RDS function is available with VP-8194D. VP-8195T/VP-8196T使用例 Application 本製品は神奈川県横浜市のトム通信工業株式会社で DIO / RS-232C / I 2C etc. 開発および生産しております。 VP-8195T/8196T PC LAN / USB / RS-232C One of these cables is to be connected. GP-IB JIG RF どちらかの ケーブルを接続 Audio Analyzer AF Car Audio (DUT) POWER VP-8195T and VP-8196T are the products developed and produced by Tom Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. in Yokohama, Japan.
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