Università degli Studi di Genova marine design research & education u n i v e r s i tà d e g l i s t u d i d i g e n o v a scuola politecnica-polo universitario la spezia www.unige.it Università degli Studi di Genova (University of Genoa) has been involved in nautical design disciplines since the 1990s. The current degree programs offered are: 1) Three-year Bachelor’s degree of design del prodotto e della nautica DESIGN D(Product and nautical design) based in Genoa. 2) Two-year Master’s degree of design navale nautico (Yacht and cruise vessel design) based in La Spezia. 3) Three-year Bachelor’s degree of ingegneria nautica (Product and nautical design) based in La Spezia. 4) Two-year Master’s degree of yacht design (engineering) based in La Spezia. 5) Three-year PhD program of DESIGN PER LA NAdesign della nautica e il prodotto sostenibile (Sustainable Nautical and Product Design), based in Genoa. Bachelor’s degree program in DESIGN DEL PRODOTTO E DELLA NAUTICA (Product and Nautical Design) (enrollment limited to 150 students) - tree years duration based in Genoa Chair: Prof. Carlo Vannicola [email protected] Educational objectives The goal of the degree program is to educate a designer in industrial design, advertising and publishing graphic design, and the design and construction processes of boats and related components. The training is focused on aspects of the technical and administrative management of the design process, with the end result of educate a professional who can work in collaboration with the various participants of the entire process, fully understanding and coordinating their respective areas of expertise. Graduates must know methods, tools, and techniques for the design of industrial products, styles of visual communication, and boats’ fundamentals and technologies. They must also understand the process experience of manufacturing and materials application, techniques of representation, and graphic and multimedia processing. Professional opportunities The areas of employment for graduates in Design del Prodotto e della Nautica are as freelance professionals or in positions in public and private agencies, design studios and firms, companies operating in the area of industrial design and visual or multimedia communication, naval and nautical shipyards, and companies that operate in sectors related to the boating industry. Educational activities The program has a duration of three years. The academic year is divided in two semesters: the first semester begins in October and ends in January, the second semester begins in March and ends in June. During the month of February there is a break between semesters while examinations are held. To obtain the degree the student must earn 180 credits (ECTS), 60 credits per year including an internship of approximately 300 hours. In order to facilitate the combination of educational and professional aspects, the School has made agreements with public and private companies to provide two types of internships: -Practical training called for by the didactic requirements, which awards credits stipulated as “other training” by the curricula of the degree programs; -Optional internships that allow undergraduates and recent graduates (within 18 months of graduation) to engage in a sustained period of professional activity of three months, six months or more, up to a maximum of twelve months. An international internship within the European community is also available. During the Course, an international students’ mobility experience is available according to the Erasmus European exchange program. First Year Semester Laboratorio di Design 1 (Design Studio 1) 2 10 ECTS Laboratorio di Disegno (Drawing Studio) 1-2 10 Matematica Applicata (Applied Mathematics) 1-2 8 Tecniche di Rappresentazione (Rapresentation Tecniques) 1 6 Materiali e componenti del Design (Materials and components for the Design) 1 8 Storia del Design (History of Design) 1 6 Fisica Tecnica (Physics) 2 6 Laboratorio di Design 2 (Design Studio 2) 2 10 Laboratorio di Grafica 1 (Graphics Studio 1) 1 10 Sociologia dell’ambiente e Comunicazione (Sociology and Communication) 2 6 Igiene applicata ed Ergonomia (Hygiene and Ergonomics) 2 8 Meccanica delle Strutture (Mechanical Structures) 1 6 Design Multimediale (Multimedia Design) 1-2 8 Storia dell’Architettura Contemporanea (History of Contemporary Architecture) 1 8 Laboratorio di Design 3 (Design Studio 3) 1 10 Laboratorio di Grafica 2 (Graphics Studio 2) 1 10 Psicologia generale (Psychology) 1-2 8 Architettura degli Interni (Interiors Design) 2 6 Infrastrutture e servizi (Infrastructure end Services) 1-2 6 Elective Unit - 12 Other educational Activities - 8 Foreign Language - 4 Final Exam - 6 Second Year Third Year Master’s Degree of DESIGN NAVALE E NAUTICO (Yacht and cruise vessel design) (enrollment limited of 40 students) - two years duration Inter-university Master’s Degree program between the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Genoa at the La Spezia campus Chair: Prof. Massimo Musio-Sale [email protected] Educational objectives Design Navale e Nautico is an Italian know-how worldwide very much appreciated because Italian Style is #1 in the world for pleasure craft construction and, in particular, for super yacht and cruise vessel productions. The degree course uses knowledge and skills of his partner faculties working together at the education program: scientific and technical knowhow of naval architecture, buildings and systems, fluid dynamics, and etc. are integrated with knowledge from the disciplines of representation, communication and history. Theoretical knowledge acquired is applied in the project workshop activities. Graduate skills include: - Integrated project skills concerning aesthetic, formal, functional qualities of nautical products. - Mass production and one off production project control skills. - Strategic project management skills thanks to the ability to foresee the evolution of the current market situation combined with project and product content communication skills. - Ability to operate in a wide range of sectors, from accessories for boats to interiors according to the field of application of the different products. Expertise in these areas is prized in the professional and business environment of the nautical design and construction sector. Professional opportunities for graduates This Mastered Designer can carry out: project direction and coordination, design management and production of pleasure boats and cruise ship interior designs. Graduates may find employment in shipyards, sub-contractors or design companies as for the following professional roles: Designer in the technical department of shipyards (design/ production connection). Design department of marine component suppliers. Free-lance designer for interiors and exteriors of ships and pleasure crafts. -Production coordinator in shipyards. -Designer for the recovery, refitting and maintaining of existing boats. -Expert in production processes (shipyards and production sites). -Expert in processes and quality systems. -Contract designer for cruise ships. In addition, graduates may aim at becoming entrepreneurs of the marine field. Educational activities The program has duration of two years. The academic year is divided in two semesters: the first semester begins in September and ends in December; the second semester begins in March and ends in June. Classes are suspended for the month of January and February while examinations are held. To obtain the degree, the student must acquire 120 credits (ECTS), 60 credits per year including an internship experience. In order to facilitate the combination of educational and professional aspects, the School has arranged agreements with public and private companies in order to offer two types of internships: Practical training provided by the teaching, aimed at earning credits required as “other training” by the curricula of degree courses; optional internship that allows graduates (within 18 months after graduation) to experience a sustained period of professional activity of three, six months or more, up to a maximum of twelve. An international internship experience is also available. During the Course, an international students’ mobility experience is available according to the Erasmus European exchange program.This Course is supplied both in Italian and English tongues in order to facilitate the international participation and to promote international relationships, as the Double Degree that this Course is going to promote with ISD Valenciennes (F). First Year Semester Laboratorio del Design 1 (Design Studio 1) 1-2 18 ECTS Modellazione e Architettura Navale (Modeling and Naval Architecture) 1-2 12 Aeroidrodinamica della vela (Aero Hydrodynamics of sailing) 2 6 Laboratorio di Design 2 (Design Studio 2) 1-2 12 Storia della Scienza e della Tecnica (History of Science and Technology) 1 6 Costruzioni e Materiali (Costruction and Materials) 1 6 Laboratorio del Design 3 (Design Studio 3) 1 18 Dimensionamento delle Strutture (Sizing Structures) 2 6 Storia dell’Arte moderna e contemporanea (History of modern and Contemporary Art) 1 6 Elective Unit 2 8 Internship - 13 Final Exam - 9 Second Year Bachelor’s degree program in INGEGNERIA NAUTICA (nautical engineering) tree years duration based in La Spezia Chair: Prof. Dario Boote Educational objectives The BEng course will supply you with the method of study and the basic scientific skills required to keep updated your training in time. This course will also provide you with the basic technical/professional skills for the working world, and will teach you to apply methods, techniques and tools which are today available, both as freelances and in the manufacturing and service companies, for: - production, - design, - planning and scheduling, In the meantime you will be acquainted with the professional and ethical responsibilities that your work will require Professional opportunities for graduates Particularly the occupational openings of the Ingegneria Nautica BEng graduated are: - Vessel and Yacht building and refitting yards (Building and Refitting Shipyards); - Pleasure craft sector operators; - Classification Registers and Surveying Boards; - Design and consultancy professional studios; may aim at becoming entrepreneurs. Educational activities To be an Ingegneria Nautica BEng you will be required to have both the necessary know how as well as the skills to put them into practice. The necessary know-how consists of really diversified elements belonging [email protected] to different disciplinary sectors. That it is why the offered lectures regards common basic disciplines especially in Industrial Engineering Class (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics), indispensable to deal with successive studies and ship science disciplines, which will enable you to acquire skills regarding: - Naval Architecture, that concerns hydrostatics (geometry, equilibrium, buoyancy) and hydrodynamics (motion resistance, propulsion, sea keeping); - Ship Structures, that concerns hull and structure scantlings, (loads, drawing and scantling, robustness testing) and building methodologies; - Marine Engineering, that concerns propulsion (engines compartment, shaft lines, propeller), boat services – particular installations and also auxiliary machineries; - Design, that concerns the distribution space criteria, ergonomics and aesthetics from the overall point of view and the individual yacht element as well. The final thesis will allow you to apply knowledge and skills achieved and will offer you the opportunity to produce your own preliminary design. Be advised that you can do a part of your study abroad, benefiting of specific athenaeum scholarship (Erasmus program) and agreement stipulated by the degree with many of the most prestigious European Universities. First Year Semester ECTS Mathematics + Geometry 1 12 Applied Industrial Design A 1 9 General Physics A 1 12 Chemistry A 1 12 Ship Strutcures A 1 9 English Language 1 3 Hull Geometry A 2 6 Computer Aided Design A 2 6 Mathematics + Mathematical physics 1 12 Naval Hydrodynamics A 1 6 Applied Physics + Machines A 1 12 Naval Architecture A 1 12 Structural Mechanics A 2 6 Fundamentals of Computer A 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 1-2 1-2 - 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Second Year Third Year Ship Strutcures B Applied Industrial Design B Marine Engineering A Ship Electrical Engineering A Ship Strutcures C Elective Unit Elective Unit Internship Final Exam Master’s Degree of YACHT DESIGN (engineering) two years duration based in La Spezia Chair: Prof. Dario Boote Educational objectives The MSc will supply you with the method of study and the basic scientific skills required to keep updated your training in time. This course will also provide you with the technical/professional skills for the working world, and will teach you to apply methods, techniques and tools which are today available, both as free-lances and in the manufacturing and service companies, for: - production, - advanced design, - planning and scheduling, - complex system management, In the meantime you will be acquainted with the professional and ethical responsibilities that your work will require. Particularly the occupational openings of the Yacht Design MSc graduated are: - Vessel and Yacht building and refitting yards (Building and Refitting Shipyards); - Pleasure craft sector operators; - Classification Registers and Surveying Boards; - Design and consultancy professional studios; - Research Institutes Professional opportunities for graduates The know-how necessary to the Yacht Designer consists of really diversified elements belonging to different disciplinary sectors. That it is why the offered lectures regards common basic disciplines especially in Industrial Engineering Class (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics), indispensable to deal with successive studies and ship science disciplines, which will enable you to acquire skills regarding: -Naval Architecture, that concerns hydrostatics (geometry, equilibrium, buoyancy) and hydrodynamics (motion resistance, propulsion, sea keeping); - Ship Structures, that concerns hull and structure scantlings, (loads, drawing and scantling, robustness testing) and building [email protected] methodologies; - Marine Engineering, that concerns propulsion (engines compartment, shaft lines, propeller), boat services – particular installations and also auxiliary machineries; - Design that concerns the distribution space criteria, ergonomics and aesthetics from the overall point of view and the individual yacht element as well. Educational activities As required by European guidelines, learning objectives relate to, indeed, the following: - Knowledge and understanding - Applying knowledge and understanding - Making judgments - Communication skills - Learning skills Skills required for access All that is necessary to be admitted in Yacht Design MSc: - Hold a Degree, a MSc by law MD 509/1999, a MSc by law MD 270/2004, achieved at an Italian University or a Five Year Degree (before MD 509/1999) achieved at an Italian University or an equivalent. - Hold at least 40 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, achieved at any academic course (Degree, MSc, first and second level Master) in scientific sectors suitable for base educational activities in three years degree fields about Industrial Engineering Class; (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Informatics, Statistics) Hold at least 45 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, achieved at any academic course (Degree, MSc, first and second level Master) in scientific sectors suitable for educational activities in Naval Engineering Class field; (Naval Architecture, Ship Hydrostatics, Ship Propulsion Systems, Ship Plants) First Year Semester ECTS Yacht Stability and Dynamics 1 12 Yacht Studio workshop A - 1st part 1 6 Motor Yacht Design 1 6 Elective Unit 1-2 6 Elective Unit 1-2 6 Structural Mechanics 2 6 Mathematical Physics 2 6 Yacht Construction Technologies 2 6 Yacht Design Studio Workshop A – 2nd part 2 6 Ship Structures 1 6 Ship Propulsion Plants 1 6 Yacht Design Studio Workshop B 1 12 Yacht Rigging 2 6 Marine Numerical Hydrodynamics 1 6 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning 2 6 Internship - 6 Thesis - 6 Second Year Elective Unit Interior Design Sailing Yacht Design Yacht Electronic Systems Terrestrial and Satellite Yacht Navigation Support Systems PhD course of DESIGN PER LA NAUTICA E IL PRODOTTO SOSTENIBILE (Sustainable nautical and product design) based in Genoa Chair: Prof. Massimo Musio-Sale The PhD program of Design per la Nautica e il Prodotto Sostenibile (Sustainable Nautical and Product Design) is part of the Ph.D. School of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa. Educational objectives The Ph.D. course of Sustainable Nautical and Product Design prepares a professional that has an advanced level of understanding of the specific subjects studied. The aim of the course is to gain experience and specific skills through participation in a number of activities organized in terms of research, educational and cultural activities, and in design management. The course aims to train individuals to: -Design and manage complex processes of industrial product design (especially for boating and sustainable products) playing a coordinating role in interdisciplinary teams. -Use the tools of design for the enhancement of individuals and / or contexts, with attention and respect to a local, national and international context; -Enter the industrial production in an environmentally conscious process, which respects the existing structures and cultural landscape and enhances economic development. -Manage processes of technological innovation and cultural development of idea-design planning, as well as the executive development of processes of quality control and evaluation. [email protected] Educational activities The course has a duration of three years. The curriculum is structured in different formats: lectures, study groups, participation in conferences, courses, seminars, workshops. To obtain the degree it is necessary to prepare and defend a thesis (written and illustrated). Each student will have one (or more) thesis supervisors. The curriculum requires earning the following: -18 credits (ECTS) for completing the three courses common to all the Graduate School; - 42 credits (ECTS) for internships, courses (of disciplinary knowledge and preparation of naval and nautical design), activities (conferences, seminars, etc.) to be agreed upon with the school’s college; -10 credits (ECTS) for passing the midterm (semi-annual) and final reviews of the first year (5 credits each); -60 credits (ECTS) for research activities in the second and third years (15 credits for each six-monthly and annual review). -50 credits for the preparation of the thesis research, which will occupy much of the third year, for a total of 180 credits (ECTS) in accordance with the University rules. During the Course, one or more international mobility experiences are available for any Ph.D. candidate, according to the international relationships of UniGE in his marine research and education, international network. The locations GENOA UNIGE -University of GenoaArchitecture Stradone S. Agostino 37 16123, Genoa, ITALY www.arch.unige.it The locations LA SPEZIA PROMOSTUDI - University of Genoa, placed in La Spezia - POLO MARCONI Via del Colli 90, 19121, La Spezia, ITALY www.unispezia.it INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSHIPS S.U.N.R.I.S.E. partnership DSA-UCINA www.ucina.net A new train for 2015 partnership DSA-Ansaldo Breda www.ansaldobreda.it Nautical accessories Recycled polymers for the YD partnership DSA-COREPLA partnership DSA-Azimut Yachts www.azimutyachts.com www.corepla.it Titanium and boating partnership DSA-Besenzoni www.besenzoni.it SWAD partnership DSA-OTO Melara www.besenzoni.it Innovative Bus partnership DSA-IVECO www.iveco.it Nautical accessories partnership DSA-Razeto Casareto www.razetocasareto.com Urban Mobility-City Mobil partnership DSA-CRFIAT www.crf.it Scooters and the individual mobility partnership DSA-PIAGGIO www.piaggio.it BOOKS YACHT DESIGN dal concept alla rappresentazione Massimo Musio-Sale Tecniche Nuove, Milano, Italy, 2009 pp. 414 ITA SUPERYACHTS yacht design studio workshop Musio-Sale, Zignego, Morozzo Dogma, Savona, Italy, 2010 pp. 203 ITA-ENG CRUISE VESSELS design Mario Ivan Zignego Dogma, Savona, Italy, 2010 pp. 318 ITA-ENG CHARTERYACHTS sustainable design studio workshop Musio-Sale, Zignego, Morozzo DeFerrari, Genova, Italy, 2011 pp. 204 ITA-ENG INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS FIU - Florida International UniversityMiami, USA www.fiu.edu WMG -Warwick International Manufacturing Centre-University of WarwickCoventry, UK www2.warwick.ac.uk ISD-Institut Supérieur de Design(Higher Institute of Design) Valenciennes, France www.design-valenciennes. com Università degli Studi di Genova (University of Genoa) Scuola Politecnica www.unige.it -DSA- Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Architettura (Department of Architectural Sciences) www.dsa.unige.it +39-010-2095910 -DITEN- Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni (Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering) www.ingegneria.unige.it/index.php/it/diten + 39-010-3532733 La Spezia, Polo Marconi (Polo Marconi, La Spezia) www.unispezia.it +39-0187751265 2012
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