AN EXTENSIVE NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS AND FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA: DIFFERENCES AND COMMON POINTS E. Alvisi1, V. Versiglia1, A. Costa2, E. Sinforiani3, S. Bernini3, C. Cereda4, G. Sandrini5, A. Moglia2, M. Ceroni2, E. Alfonsi1 1National Neurological Institute C. Mondino Foundation, Electromiography Department, University of Pavia; 2University of Pavia, National Neurological Institute C. Mondino 3National Neurological Institute C. Mondino Foundation, Neuropsycology Department; Experimental Neurobiology Laboratory, National Neurological Institute C.Mondino, 5Neurorehabilitation Unit, National Neurological Institute C. Mondino, University of Pavia. A) TIMELINE OF MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN ALS HISTORY Methods: each subject was clinically assessed with: - Neurological examination - ALSFRS-r scale - Disease progression rate (DPR) - Body mass index (BMI) - Forced vital capacity (FVC) - Neurophysiological study (electroneurography, electromiography with a multiMUAPs signal detection, magnetic stimulation). Difference between continous variable were calculated by t-Student test, between cathegorical variables by Pearson Chi-Square. Medelec Synergy SYNC5-C Objectives: To assess the differences and a possible clinical and instrumental link between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and ALS-FTD patients compared to healthy age-sex matched controls. Materials: we enrolled all consecutive ALS and FTD patients according to El -Escorial revised-Awaji /Neary criteria undergoing neurophysiological examination in our Electromiography Department from November 2013 to May 2014 (n=50, 27 ALS, 6 FTD, 4 ALS-FTD, 13 controls). Introduction: Although evidence of such an overlap at pathological and genetic levels is now substantial between frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and motorneuron disease (MND) (a), the frequency and severity of clinical and subclinical motor neuron dysfunction in FTD is unknown. In further support of commonality, patients who present with MND may develop cognitive symptoms and some may satisfy the diagnostic criteria for FTD diagnosis. Similarly patients with FTD may subsequently develop MND. B) AWAJI CRITERIA: CRITERIA FOR DETECTION OF NEUROGENIC CHANGE C) UNSTABLE MUP AND MULTIMUAPs analysis ENG - Conduzioni sensitive del nervo surale sx; conduzioni motorie del nervo sciatico popliteo interno (SPI) con studio onda F, conduzioni motorie del nervo ulnare con studio onda F Latenza motoria distale; ampiezza del potenziale d‟azione motoria composta (cMAPs); ampiezza del potenziale d‟azione sensitivo composto (SNAP); Velocità di conduzione motoria massima (MCVmax); Velocità di conduzione sensitiva antidromica massima (SCVmax); latenza minima dell‟onda F EMG Analisi MultiMUAPs: tibiale anteriore; primo - Studio con ago-elettrodo coassiale di interosseo dorsale, paravertebrali toracici medi; distretti muscolari in ambito spinale e genioglosso di sinistra. Registrazione di 20 PUM bulbare per ciascun distretto muscolare e loro valutazione di area e durata media TMS - Stimolazione magnetica transcranica Valutazione del tempo di conduzione centrale (TCMC) e periferico (TCMP), per derivazione dal primo interosseo dorsale e dall‟abduttore alluce di sin: valutazione area del PEM corticale e periferico (RATIO); SOGLIA CORTICALE; valutazione dell‟“hot spot” della corteccia motoria; RECLUTAMENTO PEM CORTICALI fino a 6 punti sovrasoglia D) ENG-EMG AND TMS STUDY E)BARS GRAPHS – UP: CLINICAL PARAMETERS ; DOWN: ENG PARAMETERS MultiMUAPs study: PUMs duration and area were significantly greater at tibialis anterior and first dorsal interosseous muscle in FTD and ALS patients (p = 0.001) Genioglossus muscle and thoracic paravertebral highlight PUM of longer duration in ALS. FTD shows increase in the PUM duration of borderline significance at the level of the thoracic paraspinal muscles. (p = 0.05) TCMC: increased bilaterally compared to the controls in the upper limbs. SOGLIA MEP CORTICALE: markedly lower in ALS patients compared to the controls. Primo (1) vs secondo (2) Spinale (0) vs Bulbare (1) RATIO TIB 1 SX 2 14 0,29 0,18 15 0,51 0,33 RATIO TIB 1 DX 2 14 0,25 0,2 15 0,44 0,3 0,04 0,06 MUAPs pvt sx 0 dur 1 25 12,4 2,97 6 10,52 1,44 MUAPs lin sx 0 dur 1 25 8,41 1,46 6 9,34 0,76 0,04 0,05 Bibliografia 1) M.De Carvalho, R.Dengler et al. Electrodiagnostic criteria for diagnosis of ALS-Clinical Neurophysiology 119 (2008) 497503 2) B Falck , E Stalberg. Multi-MUP EMG analysis in clincial routine-Neurol Neurochir Pol 1996; 30 3; 55-70 3) S.Vucic et al.Transcranial magnetic stimulation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: pathophysiological insights. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013 84: 1161-1170 XLV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE 11-14 OTTOBRE 201 – CAGLIARI Results: Almost all parameters considered to recognize specific and subclinical alterations and electroneurography, the central motor pathways study and multiMUAPs analysis seems to be very sensitive allowing a precise quantification of electromiographic parameters despite the apparent motor system stability in FTD patients. Conclusion: suggested by Awaji criteria it is important to perform an extensive neurophysiological examination in ALS suspected patients but it is to consider it also in frontotemporal dementia patients, considering „the indisputable overlap‟ between these two disorders. 8
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