Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo PUBLIC RELATION ACTIVITIES WITH INTERNATIONAL TOURISM INTERMEDIARIES IN SUPPORT OF REGIONAL TOURISM SERVICE PROVIDERS PARTICIPATING IN WORKSHOPS/TRADE FAIRS ORGANIZED BY PUGLIAPROMOZIONE - CALL FOR TENDERS It is the goal of this administration to proceed with the creation of a set of projects that include Public Relation activities to be carried out on the tourist market, with the aim of improving the match between demand and supply by recruiting Buyers (T.O. incoming) and international tourism intermediaries. To this purpose, we request that you submit your best tender for the required services. Pugliapromozione will assess and accept a tender on the basis of the evaluation grid and the selection criteria set out above, depending on budget availability. 1 – OPERATION’S AIMS Pugliapromozione – Regional Agency for Tourism is the operative tool of Puglia’s regional policies concerned with the promotion of a unified image of the Apulian territory. In carrying out its purposes and in the exercise of its functions, Pugliapromozione deals, among other things, with: Promotion and qualification of the tourism offer of the Apulian territory, fostering the competitiveness on the national and international market by underpinning public-private cooperation in sector-specific operations; Helping to bring together the regional tourism offer and international tourism intermediaries; Carrying out activities in support of local tourism providers, in cooperation with their representative bodies; Implementing promotion measures for the Apulian tourist product in cooperation with the Regional Department for Tourism and related bodies in order to improve accessibility; The implementation of an integrated marketing strategy for the different market segments in the framework of regional productions in the territory. The three-year tourism promotion project of Puglia’s regional government, spanning the years 2010-2014, involves a series of initiatives (co-financed by POFESR 2007/13, Linea 4.1. Azione 4.1.2.), whose implementation is entrusted to Pugliapromozione, with the aim of promoting Business-to-Business practice in intermediate markets in order to establish a unified image of Puglia as well as to favour the penetration of Puglia as a tourist destination into national and international markets. Among the promotion measures carried out on intermediate markets are: Trade fairs, workshops, events – Organization of/participation in B-to-B events and sector-specific initiatives at national and international level, devised for the promotion and marketing of Puglia’s 1 Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo tourism products on specific target markets and for grasping new sector trends through direct interaction with operators of the tourism demand; Educational tour and familiarization trip – carrying out hospitality initiatives and educational tours (for journalists, writers, photographers, opinion-leaders, film and television crews, tour operators and advertising agencies, participants in conference events of particular relevance etc), devised to promote the tourist attractors of the territory and the overall tourism offer. To this end, Pugliapromozione has drawn up a program that focuses on the organization of/participation in a series of B-to-B promotional events including workshops, trade exhibition and educational tours, which can be consulted on the website www.agenziapugliapromozione.it for further details. Among these events, a key role is played by BUY PUGLIA. Pugliapromozione – Regional Agency for Tourism in cooperation with the Regional Department for Culture, Tourism and the Mediterranean organize the second edition of Buy Puglia - Meeting & Travel Experience, to be held from 27 to 31 October 2014. This is an event that gives international Buyers the opportunity to become familiar with Puglia’s tourism offer and the different regional tourism products. The B-to-B event with international buyers will take place on 30 October at the Fiera del Levante in Bari, pavilion 18, an opportunity for Puglia businesses to present their tenders directly to international operators from the most important European and extra-European markets. In the framework of this well-structured B-to-B promotional initiative of the tourism offer, with particular reference to BUY PUGLIA, Pugliapromozione feels the urge to establish a network of agencies specialized in public relation activities with stakeholders of the tourist demand operative on different market segments, with particular regard to international markets. This is an initiative organized by Pugliapromozione which is specifically conceived with the aim of recruiting Buyers (T.O. incoming) for events in which to bring together supply and demand. Therefore, the public-relation activity is carried out as a service to regional tourism service suppliers that participate in the events. 2 – TYPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED By the present call for tender, Pugliapromozione intends to take contact with an adequate number of potential subjects providing public relation services on the tourist market, in support of regional tourism service providers that participate in B-to-B events organized by Pugliapromozione (with particular reference to Buy Puglia 2014), by recruiting Buyers (T.O. incoming and international tourism intermediaries) By way of example, such services can consist in: Sending information to qualified mailing lists; Selection and profiling Buyers (tour operators) interested in the tourist destination, to invite to events and to B-to-B workshops. 2 Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo Drawing up a calendar of business appointments; Providing consultancy services on event organization (location choice, dealing with local service providers etc.) Follow up for all B-to-B scheduled events; Producing lists of participants and profile data useful for the regional tourism service providers; Providing assistance to regional tourism service providers participating in the events. Public relation activities can be targeted to: Buyers (tour operators, travel agencies, event organizers) from different market sectors and countries; Specialized press dealing with several tourism segments and mainstream press. Proposed projects (service plans) can cover: One or more countries/markets; One or more tourism segments; Leisure/MICE tourism. 3 – TENDERING TERMS AND CONDITIONS All subjects interested in participating in the present call for tenders should put forward a project proposal bearing the following statement: ‘’ATTIVITA’ DI PUBBLICHE RELAZIONI – PARCO PROGETTI’’ (Public Relation Activities – Set of Projects). Proper documentation is to be submitted by PEC certified email at the following address [email protected] and [email protected] (for countries without PEC certified email), no later than 15.07.2014, 12.00pm. Document files shall be attached in pdf format digitally signed by the applicant’s legal representative. The project proposal must be signed, under penalty of rejection of same, by the tenderer’s legal representative. It must also contain the following: Detailed account of the activities to be carried out in order to meet the Agency’s objectives; Specific reference to the events that the required services have to be provided for, consulting for the purpose the calendar of events available on the web portal www.agenziapugliapromozione.it; Specific reference to the target markets and the markets for which to provide services; The requested price for the proposed activities. To the project proposal, under penalty of rejection of same, must be attached the following: 3 Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo 1. VAT number certificate (or alike in case of foreign enterprise); 2. Chamber of Commerce certificate/certificate of registration in the Register of Enterprises (or alike in case of foreign enterprise); 3. The company profile with specific record to previous experiences in similar activities. Proposals that are accompained by partly or totally incomplete documents will not be eligible for evaluation. Pugliapromozione reserves the right to proceed ex officio or carry out investigations, also random ones, in order to determine the veracity and the accuracy of the statements. Pursuant to Art. 13 of Law 196/2003, personal data provided shall be processed, also with IT systems, exclusively for the purpose of the present public call. 4 - BUDGET The total budget allocated for the awarded project amounts to € 40.000,00, plus VAT (for target Lisure) and € 40.000,00, plus VAT for target MICE (PO FESR Valorizzazione e potenziamento dell’offerta turistica regionale - CUP: B39B14000010007). The PP reserves the faculty to supplement the budget should further resources become available, or rather avoiding to use all the budget available prior to reaching a sufficient number of awarded projects. Pugliapromozione funds, earmarked for the implementing of each project, will not exceed the total amount of € 20.000,00 plus VAT. 5 – ELIGIBILITY FOR SUBMISSION Subjects eligible to submit project proposals are companies whose business objectives are consistent with the services requested. Applicant must meet the following GENERAL ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: Have a VAT registration number; Abide by the current legislation on labour relations and by National Collective Labour Agreements of the sector; Not to have any ongoing legal disputes with social security and welfare institutions and/or be subject to any ongoing enforceable judgments ordered by Italian or foreign authorities. 6 – ASSESSMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECTS 4 Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo Project proposals will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Quality of past experiences in relation to the objectives pursued by the Agency: max. 10 points; 2. Quality of the proposed initiatives in relation to their ability to meet the Agency’s needs: max. 10 points; 3. Effectiveness of the project in relation to its ability to develop public relations and promote the regional tourism offer to stakeholders and ‘’international tourist flow’’: max. 10 points In accordance with the assessment outcome, Pugliapromozione will adopt by means of legal act the set of projects, awarding the service contracts based on the type of target groups/market of each proposal, until the available budget is exhausted. Pugliapromozione funds, earmarked for the implementing of each project, will not exceed the total amount of € 20.000,00 plus VAT. During negotiations, Pugliapromozione reserves the faculty to make amendments and/or supplements to the proposed activities, in order to bring about improvements that should facilitate the achievements of the objects or cost savings due to activities subsidized directly by Pugliapromozione through other sources of funding. Furthermore, Pugliapromozione will make its own general coordination staff available to help applicants ensure the most efficient implementation possible. 5 Payment Tracking: The applicants that will be awarded the service contracts under this call for tenders undertake to comply with the current legislation on traceability of financial flows, provided for by Art. 3 of Law 136/2010, referred to herein as a whole. Pugliapromozione will undertake to communicate to the Applicant the CIG Bidding Codes, should the project be awarded. 8 – OTHER PROVISIONS The tenders submitted under this public notice shall in NO WAY BIND this administration. The present call for tenders is published on the Agency’s official (www.agenziapugliapromozione.it). Further information can be requested exclusively per email at: [email protected]. website Unione Europea PO FESR PUGLIA 2007 - 2013 Asse IV Linea 4.1 Azione 4.1.2 Regione Puglia Assessorato al Turismo Servizio Turismo PugliaPromozione Agenzia Regionale del Turismo P.M. Project Manager: Mr. Matteo Minchillo Bar, 2 June 2014 – prot. 4610/2014/BA Pugliapromozione Director General Giancarlo Piccirillo 6
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