ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA Bologna Royal Hotel Carlton September 16-17, 2014 Follicular Lymphomas Workshop Presidents: Stefano A. Pileri Pier Luigi Zinzani Co-President: Michele Cavo Honorary President: Sante Tura PROGRAM ISTITUTO DI EMATOLOGIA “L. E A. SERÀGNOLI” Requested Auspices: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO-UNIVERSITARIA DI BOLOGNA AIL - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA CONTRO LE LEUCEMIE - LINFOMI E MIELOMA SEZIONE DI BOLOGNA SIE - SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI EMATOLOGIA Scientific Secretariat Pier Luigi Zinzani Istituto di Ematologia e di Oncologia Medica “Lorenzo e Ariosto Seràgnoli” Via Massarenti, 9 - 40138 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 6363680 - Fax +39 051 6364037 e-mail: [email protected] Organizing Secretariat Studio E.R. Congressi - Triumph Group Via Marconi, 36 - 40122 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 4210559 - Fax +39 051 4210174 e-mail: [email protected] Follicular Lymphomas Workshop Faculty Ranjana Kirit M. Angelo Michele Bruce D. Bertrand Paolo Riccardo Andrew Martin Jehan Massimo Nathan H. Randy D. Michele Andre Wolfgang Issa Robert Antonio Stefano A. Umberto David A. Mathias Elena Gilles A. Reiner Philippe Michele Anna Umberto Thomas E. Anas PierLuigi Advani Ardeshna Carella Cheson Coiffier Corradini Dalla Favera Davies Dreyling Dupuis Federico Fowler Gascoyne Ghielmini Goy Hiddemann Khouri Marcus Pezzutto Pileri Ricardi Roth Rummel Sabattini Salles Siebert Solal-Celigny Spina Sureda Vitolo Witzig Younes Zinzani Stanford, USA London, UK Genova, Italy Washington, USA Lyon, France Milano, Italy New York, USA Southampton, UK Munich, Germany Créteil, France Modena, Italy Houston,USA Vancouver, Canada Bellinzona, Switzerland Hackensack, USA Munich, Germany Houston, USA London, UK Berlin, Germany Bologna, Italy Torino, Italy Cambridge, USA Giessen, Germany Bologna, Italy Lyon, France Kiel, Germany Saint-Herblain Cedex, France Aviano, Italy Barcelona, Spain Torino, Italy Rochester, USA New York, USA Bologna, Italy 3 Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9.00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction Treatment of early stage and/or low tumor burden Histopathology and Biology Chairman: U. Vitolo Chairman: S.A. Pileri 9.15 a.m. 9.35 a.m. 9.55 a.m. 10.15 a.m. 10.35 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Histology - S.A. Pileri Microenvironment - R.D. Gascoyne Cytogenetics - R. Siebert Transformed Follicular Lymphomas - R. Dalla Favera Discussion Chairman: M. Federico 11.40 a.m. 11.55 a.m. 12.10 p.m. 12.30 p.m. 4 2.15 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 3.00 p.m. The long story of clinical prognostic factors in Follicular Lymphoma - P. Solal-Celigny Phenotypic markers - E. Sabattini Prognostic value of FDG-PET - J. Dupuis Discussion Lunch “Watch and Wait” and … - K.M. Ardeshna Rituximab role - A.M. Ghielmini Radiotherapy - U. Ricardi Discussion Coffee Break Advanced Stage – Front-line therapy Coffee Break Prognosis 11.15 a.m. 2.00 p.m. Chairmen: B.D. Cheson, B. Coiffier 3.15 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 5.15 p.m. CVP-R - R. Marcus CHOP-R - W. Hiddemann Bendamustine-R - M. Rummel CHVP-R - G. Salles FMR - P.L. Zinzani Radioimmunotherapy - T. Witzig R2 - N. Fowler Other new ongoing trials - A. Younes Discussion 5 Wednesday, September 17, 2014 8.30 a.m. 12.50 p.m. Anti-CD79/CD22 - R. Advani Ga-101 - G. Salles Discussion 1.30 p.m. Conclusions and “arrivederci” Lecture 12.20 p.m. Introduction: A.M. Carella New way of rituximab administration - A. Davies 12.35 p.m. Maintenance and Transplanty Chairman: P. Corradini 9.00 a.m. 9.15 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Do we need maintenance after front line therapy? No - B. Cheson Yes - G. Salles Role of transplant: Autologous - A. Sureda Allogeneic - I. Khouri Discussion Relapsed/Refractory Status: Old/New Agents Chairmen: M. Spina, P.L. Zinzani 10.20 a.m. 10.35 a.m. 10.50 a.m. 11.05 a.m. 11.20 a.m. 11.35 a.m. 11.50 a.m. 12.05 p.m. 6 Bendamustine - B.D. Cheson Lenalidomide - A. Goy Bortezomib - B. Coiffier Ibrutinib - N. Fowler Idelalisib - A. Younes Copanlisib - M. Dreyling IPI-145: A PI3K delta/gamma inhibitor for indolent NHL - D.A. Roth Zevalin - A. Pezzutto Follicular Lymphomas Workshop 7 GENERAL INFORMATION MEETING VENUE Royal Hotel Carlton Via Montebello, 8 - 40121 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 249361 - Fax +39 051 249724 HOW TO GET THERE By car : By taxi: By bus: By train: From the motorway, turn into the ring road ("Tangenziale") - Exit 7 “Fiera” and follow direction city center and railway station. From the airport about 30 minutes. Bus 91 and Aerobus from the airport. From the railway station walking distance. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English. REGISTRATION FEE Euro 250,00 (Italian VAT included) The registration fee includes: · Conference kit · Partecipation in the scientific sessions · Attendance Certificate · Coffee breaks · Lunch · Abstracts of the meeting REGISTRATION Registrations can be requested submitting the online registration form available on the website: 9 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR Pier Luigi Zinzani Istituto di Ematologia e di Oncologia Medica “Lorenzo e Ariosto Seràgnoli” Via Massarenti, 9 - 40138 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 6363680 - Fax +39 051 6364037 E-mail: [email protected] Slides Slides must be in English. Computer videoprojection will be available in Power Point. Other requirements should be communicated to the Organizing Secretariat as soon as possible. Slides should be handed to the slide center one hour before the beginning of the session and collected at the end. Badge All registered participants, speakers and exhibitors will be given a badge which they must wear to be admitted to the scientific sessions. Attendance certificate A certificate will be given to all participants at the end of the Meeting. CME Application for Italian and European CME credits will be made for physicians and biologists. Changes Parts of the program may be changed without notice. 10 Scientific Secretariat Pier Luigi Zinzani Istituto di Ematologia e di Oncologia Medica “Lorenzo e Ariosto Seràgnoli” Via Massarenti, 9 - 40138 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 6363680 - Fax +39 051 6364037 e-mail: [email protected] Organizing Secretariat Studio E.R. Congressi - Triumph Group Via Marconi, 36 - 40122 Bologna, Italy Phone +39 051 4210559 - Fax +39 051 4210174 e-mail: [email protected] Bologna, Royal Hotel Carlton September 16-17, 2014 Follicular Lymphomas Workshop
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