Dott. Marco Bonfante Bruxelles More than 2000 consortia/companies with public/private sector 104 64 Arbitration Chambers Chambers of conciliation 27 Chemical-product Laboratories 50 Commodity 5 Depositories Exchanges 127 105 Chambers of Commerce, Infocamere Special Agencies 150 Industry, Craft and Agriculture Local branches Ecocerved Tecno Holding Tecnocamere Jobcamere 19 Regional Unions 75 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad 9 Foreign Trade Centres 32 EEN local points Assocamerestero ITF Filiera Moda Tecnoborsa Agroqualità ICOutsourcing Assonautica 33 Italian-Foreign Assicor Chambers of Commerce BMTI Brussels Office Isnart Indis Unioncamere Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce Guglielmo Tagliacarne Institute Universitas Mercatorum Mondimpresa Dintec Retecamere Uniontrasporti Tourism 5% Agriculture 10,1% Trade Unions 3,7% Craft 16,7% Commerce 17,4% Consumers 3,8% Industry 16,7% Transports 5,5% Services 10,8% Cooperatives 3,9% Credit 3,4% Other 2,9% 2014: a Proposal of Reform Improving efficiency through: Modification of the territorial competence of CCIs Consolidation of functions A work in progress on… Innovation Vocational Education and Training Legality Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Mantova, Monza/Brianza Pavia, Sondrio, Varese Bolzano,Trento Gorizia, Pordenone Trieste, Udine Belluno, Padova, Treviso Venezia, Verona, Vicenza Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Vercelli Bologna, Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia, Rimini Genova, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona Perugia, Terni Ancona, Ascoli Piceno Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro Arezzo, Firenze, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa, Carrara, Pistoia, Prato, Siena Chieti, L'Aquila Pescara , Teramo Frosinone, Rieti Viterbo, Latina Campobasso, Isernia Cagliari, Nuoro Oristano, Sassari Bari, Brindisi Foggia, Lecce, Taranto Avellino, Benevento, Caserta,Napoli,Salerno Matera, Potenza Agrigento,Caltanissetta, Catania, Messina Palermo, Siracusa, Trapani Catanzaro, Cosenza Crotone,Reggio Calabria 95 Chambers members of the network Issue of certificates Information on: laws and regulations, international agreements, certificates, visas and other documents; Issues of certificates/documents. First orientation Information and first assistance: foreign markets, international standards, analysis of the propensity to export. Added-value information Tailor-made assistance Legal formalities for setting up an import-export company, how to approach international markets, market potential analysis, EU and national funding in full collaboration and division of tasks with…. Regional antennas, Embassies, CCIs abroad and ICE offices. Launch of the info point at territorial level Completion of the technological platform as a tool to support the activities of the info points Identification of a pool of experts to advise on more complicated issues Certification of the standard model of services Full training program for info-desk responsible Development of communication tools and programs Pilot project 2011/2012: some figures 30 Chambers of Commerce with strong cooperation of the Chambers abroad network 60 Schools (2 per CCI) 1.200 students of the last class of technical or professional institutes and high schools: • 510 interns in companies abroad for 21 days • 690 interns in Italian companies having an international vocation for 21 days 180 tutors 12 months Investment: 1.800.000 EUR average cost: per student = 1.500 EUR per interniship in Italy 870 EUR per internship abroad 2.340 EUR 2013: enhanced cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare In this context: Memorandum of Understanding Signed in November 2012 between Unioncamere and DIHK it aims at: encouraging“transnational mobility by internship and work experience exchange programs, and the validation, certification and mutual recognition of formal, non formal and informal skills” In the last three years the Chambers of Commerce’s commitment on fighting crime has intensified and has become a systemic action through the following measures: at national level, within protocols operating between Unioncamere and the central government at territorial level, through projects and partnerships at provincial level coordinated by individual Chambers of Commerce Made up of the Chairmen of the Chambers of Commerce for Industry, Agriculture and Handicraft (IT. CCIAA) and of the Delegates of the Interior Ministry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economic Development, National Agency for Confiscated Property, Italian Bankers’ Association (IT. ABI). The Committee is promoting, in each Chamber of Commerce, the setting up of: ‘Local Committees for legality’, supported by the Chambers and composed of the Prefects, Judicial Authorities and Trade Associations – they act as a “place” for benchmmarking and planning of concrete projects ‘Legality Help-desks’, aimed at preventing, monitoring and assisting all those individuals/companies run into debts, experiencing a serious financial crisis or, more generally, those handling illegal cases. For 2012-13 a devoted funding line of the “Fondo di perequazione di Unioncamere” (the special development/solidarity fund managed by Uniocamere which yearly promote priority territorial projects run by Chambers of Commerce) is devoted to activate or to strengthen the “Legality Help-desks” to support the re-use of confiscated assets and to assist companies threatened by organised crime. Main activities: First assistance help desk (listening to, preliminary guidance) Information campaigns for local communities Training activities for entrepreneurs and unemployed young people Feasibility plans to support start-up and/or reinforcement of the business Definition of agreements to create “local services networks for legality” (Employers associations, local institutions, non-profit organisations, voluntary associations) Activation of networks/cooperation with professionals who are willing to support companies and institutions (attorneys, financial experts, business consultants, psychologists, …) Art. 1 – Company Name The name of the association is: « Staff Services in Brussels ». Art. 3 – Purpose of the association The association aims to organize in a stable manner the presence of its members and adherents in Brussels, in order to enable them to maintain effective relations with the EU institutions. No profit organization! KEY WORDS Trans-nationality European value THE ITALIAN INVOLVEMENT Today it accounts about 14% of the operations financed significantly positive in key areas such as research, energy, environment, training internationalization: decentralization as a barrier to participation Innovation CHAMBERS INVOLVEMENT 30 CCIAA 35 Special Business 13 Regional Unions 3 Foreign Centers 12 Bodies involved with the Chambers: 31 Enterprise Europe Network members About fifteen of them partecipate with continuity The participation rate is in line with other European Chambers systems: rewarding factors → Enhancement network effect → Divulgation of best practices → Chance to repeat the operations only if innovative problematic factors → Insufficient Quality Project → Real Impact on the territory / business → traditional operations - lack of innovation Information will continue to be considered, in 2014, as the first tool between members and the chamber system, and is mainly based on two monitoring tools daily implemented and updated by SSB asbl: -Spazio Europa, which constantly updates the legislative process of the measures and other proposals of the European Commission of interest to the Chambers system (accessible via ); - The database on funding opportunities "Monitoring calls for tender" published from European programs is available on the site and also contains information on national calls for proposal related to Structural Funds MONITORAGGIO BANDI INDICE aggiornato al: 8-lug-2014 COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE 53 APPALTI PUBBLICI DI SERVIZI 24 POLITICHE REGIONALI 0 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS 42 AGRICOLTURA, PESCA E AFFARI MARITTIMI 0 FISCALITA' E UNIONE ECONOMICA-MONETARIA 0 ALIMENTI E SICUREZZA 2 ISTRUZIONE, FORMAZIONE, CULTURA E GIOVENTU' 3 AMBIENTE AUDIOVISIVO E MEDIA, COMUNICAZIONE CONCORRENZA E CONSUMATORI 1 IMPRESA E INDUSTRIA 11 RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE SANITA' PUBBLICA 2 GIUSTIZIA E AFFARI INTERNI 1 SOCIETA' CIVILE E SPORT 2 0 MERCATO INTERNO 0 SOCIETA' DELL'INFORMAZIONE 1 ENERGIA 0 OCCUPAZIONE E AFFARI SOCIALI 5 TRASPORTI E SPAZIO 4 TOTALE 119 N.B. Gli inviti a presentare proposte pubblicati nell'ultima settimana sono evidenziati in rosso. 8 2 0 MONITORAGGIO LEGISLATIVO EUROPEO Accesso alla finanza e servizi finanziari Formazione e occupazione Politica industriale Relazioni esterne Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale Giustizia alternativa Politica marittima e pesca Responsabilità sociale d'impresa Aiuti di Stato e concorrenza Immigrazione economica Politica regionale Reti transeuropee Ambiente Imprenditorialità femminile Proprietà intellettuale ed industriale Ricerca e innovazione Consumatori e sicurezza alimentare Mercato interno Registro delle imprese ed egovernment Trasporti Diritto societario Politica d'impresa Regolazione del mercato Turismo Unione doganale e commercio extra UE Energia Priorità, programmi di Commissione e Presidenza del Consiglio, Trattato di Lisbona, Strategia Europa 2020 Governance economica e monetaria Programmazione finanziaria e bilancio UE Programmi di finanziamento a gestione diretta 2014/2020 NOTA: Le novità della settimana sono evidenziati in rosso sia nell'indice (rispetto ai dossiers) sia nei fogli dedicati (rispetto ai singoli documenti). Le anticipazioni sulle future proposte e risoluzioni delle Istituzioni europee sono segnalate ponendo in nero i titoli. ►The consultation launched in late 2013 statesthe interest of recipients for the subjects and the approaches of the two tools. The SSB continues to provide, upon request of the members, these services created with the intent to spread the information on a local basis: in this context it is included the newsletter - info-service /news from particular sectors – available for Unioncamere Lazio and the daily news service sent to the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona. ►To all of these tools, an alert service is supported to report news on European calls to the Chambers of Commerce. In 2014, the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce can benefit of this service on the basis of the agreement signed with Assocamerestero. Activities such as training and updating on European issues, created for managers and officials from Chambers of Commerce, aim to strengthen, in 2014, the diversification of the instruments used: The test on the webinars initiatives, successfully concluded in 2013 and developed with the support of the platform of Universitas Mercatorum, demonstrates the growing will of the managers of the Chambers of Commerce to take part to research online programme s. This activity will be extended in 2014 to all representatives interested in the themes, and it will become the main channel of communication between Brussels and the locale basis. This activity, which will see SSB engaged in the design and definition of the packages offered, in collaboration with Universitas and Eurochambres for the development of a Master's degree in European Business which should be soon activated. The annual meeting with the leaders of the European Chambers on eu direct funding programmes confirmed for 2014 in Brussels. For this edition it is also expected the involvement of members of the Chamber of the Enterprise Europe Network and the network of Chambers of Italian trade abroad. The training "on the job" through the project "Esperienza Europa", saw a very interesting beginning phase in 2013 with the first group of representatives of Chambers of Commerce of the Marche Region with turns in Brussels of 3 months. In 2014 this “channel” of collaboration will be re-launched with the chamber system. The collaboration established in 2014 by the Presidency of CLENAD Italia, representative entity of the Italian National experts within the European institutions, will be further strengthened. SSB intends to expand the activities of the working groups in collaboration with the main business assosications in Brussels (Confcommercio, Confindustria, Confartigianato and CNA). In 2014 SSB asbl will organize several events in particular during the semester of Italian Presidency: After the first two successful editions of 2008 and 2010, the third edition of the European Parliament of Enterprises, will be organized in collaboration with Eurochambres in October 16, 2014, at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussel More than 800 entrepreneurs will take part at the EPE: 28 coming from the European chamber systems, 73 of them are from Italy. As in previous editions, for the selection of the Italian SMEs pool the main brokering actotr will be the members of the National Chambers, instructing the regional unions to coordinate recruitment activities in the area. Meeting Unioncamere Presidency office - Leaders of the European institutions, such as following an initiative that has seen this in Brussels, in June 2011, the Executive Committee of the Union for European institutional political explore the themes of greatest interest to the the system. An event aimed to enhance the experience and the competence of the Italian chamber system during the period of EU Presidency. Support to the organisation of the XIV Forum of the Adriatic-Ionian Chambers of Commerce, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona: the 2014 edition will take place in May in Corfu, Greece. Support to the organisation of a major event in Rome in collaboration with Unioncamere Lazio: "Entrepreneurship 2020 International Conference on entrepreneurial learning - Creativity Knowledge Resources. " Activities for 2014: Assistance to Unioncamere and CAMCOM for the implementation of the Initiative of the system "Control room for the programming of the Structural Funds 2014-2020," aimed to involve the Chamber system in the process of negotiation at local level for the definition of projects to be implemented in next seven years. A task force of experts located in Rome and Brussels will assist the chamber system in the delicate phase of the negotiations with the regions. The pilot phase of the project ELENA that involves collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce and the “municipal government”, under the Agreement of Mayors, will soon end. The Chamber of Commerce of Foggia will define the work plan with the European Investment Bank so to initiate the technical assistance to give to the municipalities for the implementation and the improvement of the energy efficiency plan. The cooperation with the Region Marche and the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona, offers to SMEs from this region a support on European opportunities from Brussels and it will continue in 2014 to strengthen the update service on European issues started in 2013. The collaboration with Eurochambres and the support of the European Commission aims to promote the modeling of the European Chambers of some Balkan countries acceding to the "ATM legality" service, currently being developed by the Italian chamber system. Assistance to the members of the Enterprise Europe Network that intend to participate in the new call for the activities starting from 2014 until 2017. The call have been published in January. SSB asbl participates, on behalf of the chamber system, to the European consortium for the establishment of the first platform for the promotion of innovation in the food sector KIC Food. In 2014 the complex development of the work program will continue and it will be submitted to the Commission later this year. At the same time there is the intention to candidate the chamber system in the European consortium for the innovation in manufacturing platform, the so-called KIC Added Value Manufacturing. Unioncamere will be part of the technical committees ASCAME and INSULEUR, responsible for the definition of planned initiatives within their respective work programs. Particular attention will be devoted to strengthen the management of the European projects in the interest of Eurochambre, due to the creation of the "Local Chamber Platform" with the aim of coordinate the participation of the local Chambers of Commerce to the european project management State aid in agriculture: a summary report, to be submitted to the Commission, will be prepared and it will concern the application of the new Unioncamere aid regime in agriculture, adopted in December 2010, also giving assistance to those Chambers which have been granted aid in this sector, in the preparation of their individual reports. It will be ensured general assistance in other areas for which it is possible to provide State aid in particular training, following the introduction of the new "umbrella" regime. Year 2014 marks the beginning of the new Presidency of Eurochambres: Richard Weber DIHK. Italy will convey from this year with Michl Ebner,the Vice President, who was appointed in Istanbul during the Eurochambres Assembly in October. SSB will continue to assist the Italian representatives and participate in 10 thematic working groups, that from 2014 will change their structure and organization among a greater commitment to the national delegations. The collaboration with the French, German, Austrian and Spanish systems will be intensified as well as the coordination with the Italian associative systems in Brussels (in particular Confcommercio, Confindustria, CNA and Confartigianato) to best coordinate the positions in Eurochambres with those of the Italian system The relation between other European Chambers systems of public law will remain a priority for 2014. The cooperation will be intensified among issues such as lobby actions and European project management, and also with the participation of SSB to the many working groups of the 13 national systems. The increasing awareness of the Italian Chambers of Commerce on programs and activities of the European network is at the core of the Vice-President of Eurochambres, Ebner, and this will focus on the activity of SSB in 2014. •Previous Intelligent Energy Europe: 2 projects on energy efficiency •Mentoring system on Women Entrepreneurship •Under the new Competitiveness Programme for SMEs (COSME) call on sustainable tourism
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