CALL FOR ADMISSION TO THE PHD PROGRAMS AT THE POLITECNICO DI TORINO (30th CYCLE) – 01.11.2014 / 31.10.2017 Decree No. 286 THE RECTOR • In consideration of Law No. 168 of May 9, 1989; • In consideration of Law No. 210 of July 3, 1998, with special reference to art. 4; • In consideration of Legislative Decree No. 276 of September 10, 2003, art. 50; • In consideration of D.M. No. 270 of October 22, 2004; • In consideration of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010; • In consideration of the Statute of Politecnico di Torino, issued with the Decree No. 418 of November 29, 2011; • In consideration of Director’s Decree No. 257 of May 30, 2012 “Avviso per lo sviluppo e il potenziamento di Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali” subsequently complemented by Director’s Decree No. 414, of July 12, 2012; • In consideration of the training programs belonging to projects approved and financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), instituted within the National Technology Cluster project in which the Athenaeum is involved and whose educational plan includes, together with joint Master’s Degree with other universities, the allocation of 31 Doctorate positions at Politecnico di Torino, for which 31 scholarships are made available; • In consideration of the deliberation of the governing body of the Politecnico di Torino of November 22, 2013, which deemed it favourable to organise activities linked to the training programs planned by the Clusters; • In consideration of D.M. No. 45 of February 8, 2013; • The Regulations on Doctoral Programs of Politecnico di Torino issued with Decree No. 254 of July 5, 2013 and subsequent amendments; • In consideration of the international agreements activated by Politecnico di Torino, with special reference to Research Doctorate Programs; • In consideration of the guidelines for PhD programs accreditation issued by MIUR on March 24, 2014 Pagina 1 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: • In consideration of the deliberation of May 30, 2014 by the governing body of Politecnico di Torino, which approved the XXX cycle Doctoral Programs and the assignment and allocation of the scholarships; • In consideration of the deliberation of June 13, 2014 by the Council of the Doctoral School DECREES Art.1 (Available Positions) 1. Public competitive examinations are announced for admission to the 30th Cycle of doctoral programs at the Politecnico di Torino. Competitive examinations will award a total of 235 positions and 165 scholarships, distributed as in the table below. PhD in “Architecture. History and Project” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships n. 8 n. 6 PhD in “Architectural and Landscape Heritage” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 n. 8 n. 5 n. 1 PhD in “Energetics” Ordinary positions n. 16 Positions covered by scholarship Pagina 2 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project “gomma CRF” (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project “ITS”, Intelligent Transport System (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “TIVANO” project, innovative technologies for new generation general aviation vehicles, (see appendix 2) - Scholarships funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarship funded by General Motors PowertrainEurope S.r.l. n. 5 n. 1 n. 1 n. 1 n. 3 n. 1 Supernumerary position - Position reserved to students selected under specific international agreements in which the Politecnico di Torino is involved (see appendix 3) n. 1 n. 1 PhD in “Physics” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded by the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) - Scholarships funded by the Italian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) (see appendix 1) n. 11 n. 5 n. 1 n. 2 Supernumerary positions - Position reserved to recipients of a scholarship funded by governmental, national or international bodies - Positions reserved to students selected under specific international agreements in which the Politecnico di Torino is involved (see appendix 3) n. 3 n. 1 n. 2 Pagina 3 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: PhD in “Management, Production and Design” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - University scholarship related to Safety: “Aspects of technical and managerial prevention in high-risk-forSecurity ATECO sectors” - Scholarship funded by AVL List GmbH - Scholarship funded by IVECO S.p.A. - Scholarships funded by Telecom Italia S.p.A. n. 13 n. 5 n. 1 n. 1 n. 1 n. 2 PhD in “Aerospace Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “TIVANO” project, innovative technologies for new generation general aviation vehicles (see appendix 2) - Scholarships funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “SAPERE” project, Space Advanced Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise, (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “Greening the Propulsion” project (see appendix 2) - Scholarships funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 n. 15 n. 6 n. 1 n. 2 n. 1 n. 2 PhD in “Environmental Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarship funded by the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering n. 8 n. 4 n. 1 n. 1 Pagina 4 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: PhD in “Chemical Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded by the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) - Scholarship funded by the Italian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) (see appendix 1) - Scholarship funded by the Petroleum Institute n. 11 n. 5 n. 1 n. 1 n. 1 Supernumerary positions: - Positions reserved to recipients of a scholarship funded by governmental, national or international bodies - Positions reserved to students selected under specific international agreements in which the Politecnico di Torino is involved (see appendix 3) n. 6 n. 4 n. 2 PhD in “Structural Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships n. 5 n. 4 PhD in “Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering” with curriculum in “Electronic Devices” in convention with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - University scholarship for the specialism in Electrical n. 45 n. 14 n. 1 Pagina 5 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: - - - Engineering in the frame of the agreement with the JRC of European Commission (see appendix 1) Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster Italy 2020 project “gomma CRF” (see appendix 2) Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “TIVANO” project, innovative technologies for new generation general aviation vehicles (see appendix 2) Scholarships funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 Scholarship funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2012 Scholarships financed by Telecom Italia S.p.A. Scholarship funded by Eurecom Scholarships funded by the “Italian Institute of Technology” (IIT) (see appendix 1) Scholarship in convention with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) for the curriculum in “Electronic Devices” Scholarship in convention with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) for the curriculum in “Electronic Devices”, reserved to Chinese students who joined the 5-year combined Master-Doctor program of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing (see appendix 1) n. 1 n. 1 n. 7 n. 1 n. 4 n. 1 n. 2 n. 2 n. 1 Supernumerary positions: - Positions reserved to recipients of a scholarship funded by governmental, national or international bodies - Positions reserved to students selected under specific international agreements in which the Politecnico di Torino is involved (see appendix 3) n. 7 n. 5 n. 2 PhD in “Computer and Control Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster Italy 2020 project “gomma CRF” (see appendix 2) n. 24 n. 6 n. 1 Pagina 6 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster Italy 2020 project “ITS”, Intelligent Transport System (see appendix 2) - Scholarships funded within the TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES Cluster - project “zero energy consumption buildings in smart urban districts” (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES Cluster - project “MIE”, smart and sustainable mobility (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarships funded by Telecom Italia S.p.A. n. 1 n. 2 n. 1 n. 1 n. 7 PhD in “Mechanical Engineering” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster Italy 2020 project “gomma CRF” (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the MOBILITY Cluster Italy 2020 project “ITS”, Intelligent Transport System (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “TIVANO” project, innovative technologies for new generation general aviation vehicles (see appendix 2) - Scholarship funded within the AEROSPACE Cluster “Greening the Propulsion” project (see appendix 2) - Scholarships funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarship funded by FIAT S.p.A. n. 24 n. 7 n. 1 n. 1 n. 1 n. 2 n. 6 n. 1 Supernumerary positions - Positions reserved to recipients of a scholarship funded by governmental, national or international bodies n. 2 n. 2 Pagina 7 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: PhD in “Metrology” in convention with the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (I.N.Ri.M.) Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University scholarships - Scholarship funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarships funded by Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca metrologica (I.N.Ri.M) n. 12 n. 4 n. 1 n. 4 Supernumerary position - Position reserved to students selected under specific international agreements in which the Politecnico di Torino is involved (see appendix 3) n. 1 n. 1 PhD in “Materials Science and Technology” Ordinary positions Positions covered by scholarship - University Scholarships - Scholarships funded within the Ministerial Project “Fund for students’ financial aid” 2013 - Scholarships funded by the “Italian Institute of Technology” (IIT) (see appendix 1) - Scholarship funded by the Petroleum Institute n. 14 n. 5 n. 3 n. 2 n. 1 Supernumerary position - Position reserved to recipients of a scholarship funded by governmental, national or international bodies n. 1 n. 1 2. In accordance with DM 45/2013, the doctoral programs will be activated upon Ministerial accreditation. Successful candidates will therefore be able to enrol only if the abovementioned accreditation has taken place. Pagina 8 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: 3. The number of positions may be increased before the completion of the relative competitive examinations without prejudice to the application deadline expressed in article 2, paragraph 1. In case any further funding becomes available after the issue of this notification and before the completion of the related competitive examinations, the number of scholarships may be increased. In both cases, applicants will find timely communication about these modifications on the Doctoral School website. 4. If, as a result of the competition or at the end of the selection process, any scholarship remains available because of non-allocation, these may be redistributed by the Doctoral School upon consultation with the Executive Committee. Non-awarded scholarships funded by external bodies, may be re-awarded on the basis of specific agreements with the funding body. 5. Supernumerary positions reserved to foreign students recipients of a scholarship, will be allocated according to the ranking criteria expressed in art. 9, while positions reserved to students participating to specific programs of international mobility are being announced as a consequence of the signature of agreements (described in appendix 3) between Politecnico di Torino and important foreign institutions and universities aimed at developing cooperation and mobility in the field of higher education. As regulated by the above-mentioned agreements, foreign students will be selected by specific commissions. Art. 2 (Eligibility Requirements) 1. Any Italian or foreign citizen meeting the admission requirements as listed below by the application deadline, which is August, 28 2014, may participate to the selection process for the PhD research programs described in Art.1 of this call. Admission requirements are the following: a) Master Degree or other equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad and recognized as valid. Only candidates who obtained a Master Degree in Italy with a minimum mark of 95/110 or those who obtained other equivalent academic qualification abroad recognized as valid (according to criteria expressed below, in paragraph 2) and with the minimum average grade 1 (as expressed in appendix 4, integrant part of this call) will be able to apply. 1 Minimum average grade means: the average mark weighted on the credits achieved with the exams for those countries using ECTS System; the GPA final score for countries employing the Grade Point Average (GPA) certification; - the arithmetic average for any other country. Pagina 9 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: The participation to competitive examination is also open to those who will obtain their Master Degree by and no later than October 31, 2014. In this case, conditional admission shall be granted as long as the candidate’s average grade1 meets the threshold expressed in appendix 4 and, for titles obtained in Italy, if the final mark is higher than 95/100. The Administration will check these requirements at the time of enrolment: failure to meet these requisites will result in the irrevocable loss of the right to enrol. b) One of the following certificates establishing the candidate’s proficiency in English language: - IELTS with a minimum score of 5.0; - TOEFL Internet based test with a minimum score of 77, or Computer-based test with a minimum score of 210, or Paper-based test with a minimum score of 547; - Cambridge ESOL examinations – General English exams with minimum level PET pass with merit. (All of the above-mentioned certificates are considered as valid regardless of their date of attainment). Alternatively, candidates can prove they own a Bachelor degree and/or Master Degree obtained from a University providing training courses in English language, handing in an official declaration issued by the university stating that “The medium of instruction is English” Citizens from countries where one of the official languages is English are also exempted from submitting the English certificate. Certificates different from the above-listed ones will not be taken into consideration. Application is also open to candidates who obtain the English certificate by and no later than the deadline for enrolment to the PhD. In this case, conditional admission shall be granted as long as the candidate provides one of the above-mentioned documents at the time of enrolment (as per art. 11, paragraph 5); failure to do this will result in the irrevocable loss of the right to enrol. Failure to meet any of the above-mentioned requisites will lead to the exclusion from the selection process. 2. Candidates holding an academic qualification obtained abroad can be admitted to a doctoral program only if they hold a second level academic title (in accordance with the Bologna process) or a Master Degree which would allow access to PhD in their country of origin, issued by an officially recognized academic institution. The evaluation of the academic qualifications obtained abroad will be carried out by an internal commission, which will decide whether or not they are suitable to participate to the selection process. Pagina 10 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: In order to request for this evaluation, candidates must attach to their application: - second level degree certificate with mark, if already obtained; - transcripts of exams taken during the II level academic career, with related marks; - any other document which can be useful to obtain the declaration of suitability (i.e. diploma supplement, declaration of value). Whether edited in a language different from Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or German, the above-mentioned documents must be translated into one of these languages and certified as authenticated copy either from the university issuing them or from the Italian delegation in charge, according to the regulations in force. Candidates already holding a certificate of equivalence - issued by an Italian University - of a foreign Academic qualification must attach the self-certification to their application. 3. Limitations on PhD enrolment: - those who are already enrolled to a doctoral program without scholarship can access a different doctoral program, after participating to the selection process, as long as they withdraw from the former program and start from the first year; - those who are already enrolled to a doctoral program with scholarship can access a different doctoral program without scholarship, after participating to the selection process, as long as they withdraw from the former program and start from the first year; - those who have already enrolled to a PhD research program can participate to the selection process pertaining to the same program; however, if admitted to the PhD, they will not be able to receive the scholarship; - those who have already been awarded the title of Research Doctor can be admitted without scholarship to another doctoral program, after passing the selection process. Please note: with reference to the first three items of the list above, will not be considered as ‘enrolled’ all those PhD candidates who withdrew within a month after enrolment. Art. 3 (Application Requirements) 1. By August, 28 2014, all applicants must submit the application form, duly filled in, exclusively through the online procedure [email protected], accessible both from the homepage of the Politecnico di Torino website: and also from the “call for admission” page: Applicants who have graduated or are about to graduate at the Politecnico must access the procedure through the Portale della Didattica (, using their credentials (user: Sidnumber – password: date of birth, in “ddmmyy” format, or customised password). Pagina 11 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: The application deadline is mandatory, failure to comply will result in exclusion from the competition. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure the online procedure has worked well as no claims about the IT system will be accepted. Any further notice/information will be sent to candidates exclusively by email on the address mentioned in the application form. 2. Candidates are required to attach the following documents to the application form: a) A double-sided copy of a valid ID document bearing the applicant’s photo and signature; b) A certificate or self-declaration certificate 2 testifying: - achievement of the Bachelor degree (level I), with final grade, date and place of award; - achievement of the Master Degree (level II) or equivalent second-level title (as per art. 2, par.1, section a), with final grade, date and place of award, if already obtained; - transcript of the exams passed during the whole academic career, with related marks, date and place of award; In case candidates have been awarded two (or more) second level degrees, they must choose in the section “Second-level degree (Master degree) to be used for the evaluation requirements” of the application, only the one they want the commission to evaluate. Every other academic title and certificate must be attached to the “other documents” section, as specified in section h). c) certificate or self-declaration3 attesting the applicant’s proficiency in English language, with grade, date and place of award (as per art. 2, paragraph 1, section b), if already obtained; d) abstract of Master Degree thesis: the paper must be written in English and have a maximum length of two pages (4,000 characters); e) short report on the scientific interests of the candidate and his/her motivations to carry out the PhD: the report must be written in English and have a maximum length of two pages (4,000 characters). The report shall be related to the research areas and projects of the PhD program in question, if published. The research areas available for each PhD program are displayed on related program 2 Extra-EU students can take advantage of self-certification only for facts and figures that can be attested by Italian public administration and only if in possession of a valid residence permit, which must be attached to the self-certification. 3 Extra-EU students can take advantage of self-certification only for facts and figures that can be attested by Italian public administration and only if in possession of a valid residence permit, which must be attached to the self-certification. Pagina 12 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: introducing page of the Doctoral School Website, under the menu entry “research projects”; f) name and email address of a Professor from Politecnico di Torino and of a Professor from another Italian or foreign University, which the commission can contact in order to collect information relevant to the evaluation of the candidate; g) certificate with GRE results (General Test or Subject Test related to the PhD), GMAT or equivalents, if available; h) any other document the applicant considers useful to support his/her application (other I or II level academic title, awards, professional activities, publications, and any other document useful for the assessing the suitability of the applicant, etc.); Whether edited in a language different from Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or German, documents mentioned in b), must be translated into one of these languages and certified as authenticated copy either from the University or from the Italian delegation in charge, according to the regulations in force. Documents mentioned in d) and e) must be in English. After completion of the application form, it will not be possible to upload any other document; therefore, for what concerns candidates applying for conditional admission the commission will evaluate the exams average mark rather than the final MA grade. At the time of enrolment, the award of the degree will be verified: failure to having reached the threshold envisaged in art. 2, paragraph 1, section a), will result in the irrevocable loss of the right to enrol. 3. The candidate has to pay a 30,00€ non-refundable fee for each doctoral program he/she applies for. The payment must be made on-line by credit card (VISA, MasterCard) at the end of the application procedure: guidelines are available at The procedure will be completed only after the payment, following which candidates will not be able to edit their application. Art. 4 (Doctorate program within the frame of Nation Technological Cluster Projects) 1. The Italian Ministry of Education, of University and Research has promoted the activation of National Technological Cluster in order to carry out a policy of actions and interventions in line with the Community strategic agenda, so as to enable an active participation in and convergence with the objectives of HORIZON 2020. The aforementioned Clusters consist of organised networks of companies, universities, other public or private research authorities and other bodies, also of financial kind, all active in Pagina 13 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: the field of innovation. These are structured in various public and private sub-networks led, coordinated and managed by a specific authority. Each Cluster can manage up to four research projects together with the related specific training activities for researchers and/or research technicians, relating to the research topics of the project and broadened to innovation management skills, new entrepreneurship and management of complex structures and programmes. As a partner, the Politecnico di Torino is involved in 10 research projects and in 8 training projects, split between six Clusters. 2. The application requirements for the Cluster Doctoral programs are the ones specified in art. 2, par. 1 of this call for admission. Additional titles, as specified in detail in appendix 2, may be required for each single PhD Cluster project. 3. Candidates may not have nor have had any kind of work-related relationship with the organisations involved in the project. 4. Research Fellows can apply for a PhD Cluster program as long as they reject the research grant upon gaining admittance to one of the above mentioned doctorate position. 5. The annual amount of the scholarship is 16.038,47 €, which includes social welfare charges. It is financed by means of funds made available by the Italian Ministry of Education, of University and Research within the frame of the project for the development and enhancement of National Technology Clusters. The scholarship is exempt from the income tax payment (IRPEF) but it is subject to the deposit of INPS “gestione separata” social welfare taxes, two thirds of which are paid by the administration and one third by the scholarship recipient. 6. The income deriving from the scholarship will be officially recognised by means of an assignment letter or a contract containing the information about the training activities, the way in which these are carried out, the length of the educational plan, and the gross revenue. The contract will also regulate the post-dated monthly payment, which is subject to regular attendance of the training courses. 7. Scholarship holders are exempted from the payment of the tuition fees, except for a fixed charge of € 160,84, which includes accident insurance, SIAE contribution, revenue stamp and EDISU contribution. 8. The scholarship can be revoked in case of nonattendance or behaviour inconsistent with the objectives of the educational plan. Any scholarship renounce or revocation will result in a withdrawal of the student from the doctorate program. 9. PhD students will have to follow the specific educational training as outlined by the Clusters training project; to this purpose, they shall carry out training or research activities at other Italian or international universities, research bodies, centres and laboratories. Pagina 14 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Art. 5 (Apprenticeship PhD) 1. Under Article 50 of Legislative Decree No. 276 of September 10, 2003, Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010 and D.M. 45/2013, it is possible to be awarded the title of Research Doctor by carrying out a course of higher education in exercise of apprenticeship simultaneously with the apprenticeship contract with an enterprise. 2. Selected candidates are admitted to PhD without scholarship and simultaneously hired by the enterprise with an apprenticeship contract, whose duration is equivalent to the one defined for the training course. In order to provide training activities and tutoring, the enterprise and the Politecnico di Torino shall adopt appropriate forms of coordination and integration throughout the entire duration of the contract. 3. The apprenticeship contract stipulated in compliance with art. 50 of Legislative Decree No. 276/2003, shall terminate after the award of university degree title and/or at the end of the training path. 4. Any Apprentice PhD project, subject to the application deadlines provided for in art. 2, par. 1, will be published on the website of the Doctoral School before the above-mentioned deadline. Those candidates fulfilling all the requirements illustrated in art. 2 and aged under 30 at the time of appointment by the company, may apply for an Apprenticeship PhD. 5. The assessment of candidates and the publication of results will be carried out by a dedicated examining Board on the basis of the documents listed in art. 3. Art. 6 (Recipients of research grants) 1. Participation to the competitive examination for admission to PhD programs, as expressed in art. 1 above, is open to recipients of research grants provided they are able to prove they are carrying out their activity at the Politecnico di Torino or in another University or research institution. If awarded a scholarship, recipients of research grants, can decide whether to renounce to the research grant and attend a PhD program with scholarship, or to keep the research grant and attend the chosen PhD program without scholarship. 2. The object of study of the research grant must coincide with that covered by the PhD research program. Admission to PhD can be subjected to the ratification by the board of professors, which is required to express an opinion on the compatibility of the two activities. Moreover, in case the candidate receives a research grant from an external institution, this would have to give its authorization to the PhD, too. Pagina 15 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: 3. Applicants recipients of a research grant achieving a sufficiently high rank to access a PhD program may ask for enrolment in a supernumerary position in compliance with regulations described in art. 10, paragraph 7 below. Following the order of the admission ranking list, supernumerary admission is allowed to the extent of half the limit of ordinary places available for each course, rounded half up. Art. 7 (Pre-admission screening) 1. A dedicated University Commission, appointed by the Rector, will check the applications to verify the eligibility requirements specified in art. 2. The outcomes of said pre-admission screening will be published on the Doctoral School website ( 2. Candidates who do not fulfil the above-mentioned requirements will not be admitted to further merit review, as in art. 8. Art. 8 (Comparative Assessment) 1. Candidates’ comparative assessment for each PhD program will be carried out by a Examining Board appointed by the Rector; these commissions will be composed by a minimum of three members chosen among professors and senior researchers in the competent scientific areas and it may be integrated with experts of high repute, be they Italian or international, chosen among academic or non-academic, public or private, research institutions. 2. The evaluation will be based on the candidate’s motivations, skills and competence; these will be inferred both from the documents attached to the application form, see art. 3, and from an interview. The interview will focus on qualifications and publications submitted by candidates, their professional and academic resume, as well as their scientific and cultural interests, with reference to the PhD chosen. It will also serve the purpose of verifying that the candidate possesses the basic knowledge needed to attend the PhD program chosen. The interview may also be carried out remotely, in order to allow candidates living abroad to take part to the selection process; date, time and conditions of the interview will be published at least 5 days in advance on the Doctoral School website In accordance with the criteria employed in the first session, at the end of the interview, the Commission will express a joint evaluation on each candidate, confer them a score and Pagina 16 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: prepare the related report. The maximum score the Commission will be able to confer is 100, divided as follows: − Titles (art. 3, par. 2, sections b, c, d, g and h): maximum 40 points (publications are evaluated up to a maximum of 10 points); − Candidate’s report about his/her scientific interests and about his/her motivations for attending a PhD program (art. 3, par. 2, section e), and any evaluation expressed by reported professors (art. 3, par. 2, section f), up to a maximum of 20 points; − Interview: up to a maximum of 40 points. Art. 9 (Rankings) 1. At the end of the comparative evaluation the Examining Board prepares a merit list on the basis of the total score obtained by each candidate. 2. In case of equal merit, preference will be given to younger applicants. In case of further tie, preference will be given to the candidate whose economic situation is less favourable. The economic situation assessment is regulated by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 9, 2001. In this case, the competent administrative office will ask for documentary evidence of the economic situation of the candidate. 3. The Commission then allocates scholarships according to the order of the admission ranking list, the number of scholarships and the candidates’ scientific and cultural interests. 4. In order to be considered eligible, candidates need to achieve a minimum score of 60/100). 5. Successful candidates who have not obtained their second level title yet (as envisaged in art. 2, par. 1, section a), and/or do not have the English certificate yet (as envisaged in art. 2, par. 1, section b), will be admitted with a reservation. In case the above-mentioned candidates are not able to submit the certificates by the deadline, this will result in the irrevocable loss of the right to enrol. 6. The acts of the competition and the rankings for the admission to the doctorate programs, together with the indication of the scholarships allocated to each candidate are approved by the Rector. 7. The above-mentioned rankings, displaying name, surname, final score and position of each candidate, will be published online at by October, 31st 2014. There will be no personal communication: the publication of final Pagina 17 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: ranking lists and, subsequently, of takeovers are to be considered as official communication. When the ranking lists expire, the list of candidates eligible to takeover - due to any successful candidate’s renunciation or failure to enrolment - will be published. Art. 10 (PhD Scholarships) 1. Based on the comparative evaluation carried out by the Examining Board, scholarships referred to in art. 1 of this call are allocated according to the criteria described in art. 9, within the limits of the announced positions. 2. Doctoral scholarships last one year and they get annually renewed for the duration of the entire cycle, upon verification by the Board of Professors that the PhD student has completed all the activities scheduled for the previous year. 3. The annual amount of the scholarship is € 16,038.47, which includes social welfare charges. The scholarship is exempt from the income tax payment (IRPEF) but it is subject to the deposit of INPS “gestione separata” social welfare taxes, two thirds of which are paid by the administration and one third by the scholarship recipient. 4. This amount is proportionately increased by 50% for study abroad periods. Throughout the three years of their program, PhD students are allowed to spend a maximum of 18 months abroad. 5. Scholarship holders are exempted from the payment of tuition fees, except for a fixed charge, as provided for in art. 13 below. Art. 11 (Registration to PhD Programs) 1. Applicants achieving a sufficiently high rank to be admitted to the program in relation to the available positions, must enrol within 15 days from the publication of the relevant ranking, or they will jeopardize their right of admission. In case applicants cannot finalize the enrolment procedure at Politecnico within the established deadlines because of documentable reasons beyond their control, they can, by the same deadline, secure their position. To do so, they have to make an early payment of the fixed charge of 160,84€ (for accident insurance, SIAE contribution, duty and EDISU taxes) and send (via fax at the number: 0039 011 0906098): - Statement justifying the inability to proceed with the enrolment within the abovementioned deadline and including the expected arrival date (candidates are Pagina 18 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: - required to employ the facsimile form available at: Documents listed in par. 5 below, sections a), b), c), d), e), g). Proof of payment of the above-mentioned fixed charge. At the time of enrolment, this sum will be deducted from further tuition fees the candidate may owe. In case the candidate does not proceed with the enrolment, the sum shall not be returned. Either way, the candidate will have to proceed with the enrolment procedure by December, 15 2014. 2. In case of sufficiently high rank to be admitted to more than one program in relation to the available positions, candidates must opt for one PhD program. The decision must be notified in written form to the Doctoral School. 3. Deadlines to enrol are final and absolute. Applicants who do not complete their enrolment by the deadlines and following the procedures mentioned in paragraph 1, will be considered as ‘renouncer’ and will lose their right of admission to the PhD program. If any of the candidates admitted withdraws from the PhD before the beginning of the program, the next candidate(s) in the ranking shall take his/her place. Upon expiry of the enrolment deadline, the list of the positions available after withdrawals along with the names of applicants eligible for takeover will be published at There will be only two takeover sessions. In case some positions are still available after the second takeover session, no further takeover will be possible. 4. Procedures of position acceptance and enrolment different from the above-mentioned ones will not be accepted. 5. In order to enrol, admitted candidates shall submit the following documents to the 3rd Level Educational Unit: a) application form and summary page containing all the data inserted in the application form (both printable from [email protected], duly filled in and signed; b) signed copy of a valid ID; c) copy of the Italian Social Security Number (Codice Fiscale); d) certificate of English proficiency, according to the provisions of art. 2, par. 1, section b); e) students who have obtained their II level qualification abroad must also submit the degree certificate and the transcript of examinations referred to in art. 2, par. 2. These documents must be originals or certified as authenticated copies either from the University which issued them, or from the Italian delegation in charge, in accordance with the regulations in force; f) proof of payment of tuition fees (see art. 13). g) candidates who are being awarded their Master Degree in Italy after the deadline of this public call and by October, 31st 2014 (as in art. 2, par. 1, section a) must also submit a Pagina 19 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: certificate or self-declaration 4 attesting the award of Master Degree, with grade, date and place of obtainment. 6. The administrative office reserves the right to inspect documents and application forms submitted and to exclude candidates whose certificates or declarations prove to be false or forged. 7. Candidates willing to apply for reserved positions must request the enrolment to reserved positions no later than 15 days from the publication of the ranking. 8. Enrolment procedures for both Italian and foreign candidates will formally close by December, 15th 2014. Art. 12 (Obligations and Rights of PhD Students) 1. Admission to PhD implicates exclusive and full time involvement. The board of Professors of each PhD program may authorise remunerated activities upon verification of the compatibility of such jobs with a productive handling of the PhD program educational and research activities. 2. PhD enrolment is incompatible with enrolment to PhD in other Italian or international Universities or research institutes (apart from co-tutelle agreements), with other Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, I or II lever Master course and Specialization Schools. 3. PhD students can carry out training or research activities at other Italian or international universities, research institutes, centres and laboratories. 4. In compliance with what provided for by art. 16 and 20 of Legislative Decree no. 151/2001 and subsequent amendments, maternity leave is mandatory for a period of five months following two schedules: two months before the expected date of delivery and three months after it or one month before the expected date of delivery and four months after it. During the period of maternity leave the scholarship is suspended and the duration of the program is extended of five months. 5. In accordance with current regulations, public administration workers who result successful in the selection process of a PhD call for admission, can be admitted and, from the beginning and throughout the whole duration of the program, compatibly with the administration’s needs, they can be on extraordinary leave for study reasons, with no working grant, but with the chance to benefit from a scholarship, where applicable. If they are admitted to a PhD program without scholarship or if they renounce to it, candidates on extraordinary leave will retain their compensation, social security and 4 Extra-EU students can take advantage of self-certification only for facts and figures that can be attested by Italian public administration and only if in possession of a valid residence permit, which must be attached to the self-certification. Pagina 20 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: retirement pension bestowed by the public administration they work for. In case they willingly resign in the two years following the award of the title of research doctor, however, the above-mentioned workers will have to return the amounts received. Public administration workers who have already been awarded the title of research doctor and those who have been enrolled for at least one academic year profiting from the extraordinary leave, do not have the right to take extraordinary leave neither with nor without working grant. 6. At the end of every academic year, PhD students must hand in a detailed report on the academic and research activities they have carried out to the board of professors; Upon an assessment of the candidate’s actual competences and credits acquired, the board decides whether or not the student can be admitted to the following year or, when at the end of the third year, to the final examination. In the event of a negative evaluation, the student will lose his/her status as PhD student. 7. The title of research doctor is awarded after passing a final exam, consisting in the public defence of the thesis written throughout the three-year program. The thesis, and its summary, have to be written in Italian or in English or in another language, upon authorisation by the board of professors. Art. 13 (Tuition Fees and Courses Attendance) 1. PhD students must pay the tuition fees established by the Institution; for what concerns the academic year 2015, the above-mentioned tuition fees may reach up to a maximum of € 2,530.42. Students who have been granted scholarships are exempted from the payment of tuition fees, except for a fixed charge of 160,84€, which includes accident insurance, SIAE contribution, revenue stamp and EDISU contribution. 2. PhD students can apply for an income-based reduction of enrolment fees and/or for exemption from the payment of regional taxes. Detailed information on eligibility requirements are available on the 2014/2015 Tax Regulations document available on Politecnico di Torino website. Art. 14 (Legal Ownership of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights resulting from PhD students’ activities of research) 1. Unless otherwise envisaged in agreements with third parties, all industrial and intellectual property rights arising from activities in which PhD students participate in various ways, are exclusive property of the Politecnico di Torino. Pagina 21 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: 2. Except for what is provided for by copyright law and for the inventor’s moral rights recognised to the students who have achieved an invention, the Politecnico di Torino also owns exclusive rights to assets arising from inventions. In case of exploitation of the invention asset, the PhD student will be recognised a one-off payment to be defined on the basis of his/her contribution provided to the attainment of the invention. Art. 15 (Compliance with ethical code) PhD Students are required to abide by the provisions of the code of ethics of the University community, available on: Art. 16 (Personal Data Processing) 1. According to D. Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, personal data supplied by applicants will be collected by the Politecnico di Torino and processed for the only purpose of organizing the contest and the winners’ academic career. Candidates are required to communicate such data in order to enable the assessment of the participation requirements. Candidates who do not provide these data, will be excluded from the competition. 2. These data are used by the Politecnico di Torino only internally and only for the purposes of the institution; data may be supplied to the different structures of the Politecnico di Torino to carry out their duties without sending the person further notice. Art. 17 (Other Standards) 1. All matters not provided for in this document shall be governed by the applicable standards in force. 2. This notification shall be notified to European website Euraxess and it shall be published on the Ministry of University and Research website. 3. The Person in Charge for the process is the Person in Charge of the Servizio Formazione Superiore – Area Gestione Didattica of Politecnico di Torino Pagina 22 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Torino, July 10, 2014 THE RECTOR (Prof. Marco Gilli) CL/cg Pagina 23 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Appendix 1 Subject areas of I.I.T. Scholarships PhD POSITION at IIT@POLITO “CENTER FOR SPACE HUMAN ROBOTICS” - “Fabrication and characterization of neuromorphic devices for robotics” Memristors are memory resistors that promise the efficient implementation of synaptic weights in artificial neural networks, whose role is that of sorting and clustering an information feed, giving as output elaborated signals. Yet, there is the evidence that potassium and sodium ion-channels distributed over the entire length of the axons of human neurons are locally active memristors. Aim of the PhD thesis activity will be the fabrication and characterization of memristive systems based on ZnO nanostructures in photo-curable methacrylic resins, the study of memristive systems based on PANI and PANI composites, the fabrication of inkjet-printed memristive cross-bar array circuits. - "Electron and ion beam lithographies for advanced characterization and processing" The activity will be focused on the design and optimization of innovative tools for the morphological, structural and functional characterization of materials through electron and ion beam lithographies. Part of the activity will be also spent for the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and for the Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization of materials, thus validating the quality of the developed tools. - “Design and fabrication of new smart structures through additive manufacturing, and in particular through Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)” To design and fabricate innovative and smart architectures, it is necessary to know how a Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) machine works. Through this technology it is possible to transform metal powder into a solid part by melting it locally using a focused highpowered 200 Watt Yb-fiber optic laser. Parts are built up additively layer by layer, with a typical thickness of 30 µm. The process involves use of a 3D CAD model, usually generated by SolidWorks; then a .stl file must be created with a dedicated software, and sent to the machine’s software. Once this ‘build file’ has been completed, it is ‘sliced’ into the layer thickness the machine will build it and downloaded to the machine allowing the build to begin. - “From powders to dense metal parts: study, development and characterization of innovative materials for additive manufacturing” The main objective of the research project is to study and develop new materials powders to be processed through a Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) machine for different Pagina 24 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: applications, from heat-exchangers to structural parts for automotive and aerospace. Two main trends will be considered: structural materials with high specific strength and stiffness, like light metal composites and nanocomposites; smart materials like shape memory alloys able to behave as structural parts and as actuators themselves. Till now very few studies were reported on the fabrication of MMCs and SMAs by DMLS process. This means that efforts will be devoted to the complete powder preparation and characterization (flowability, grain size and shape, chemical composition) followed by a deep study to set the correct parameters (such as layer thickness, hatching distance, laser pulse energy) to obtain parts with the highest density and the desired qualities. Moreover, a strong accent will be put also on the DMLS machine preparation and use, and on the final DMLS parts characterization, i.e. from the mechanical point of view (microhardness, tensile and Charpy tests) to the comprehension of the very fine microstructures typical of this process, by means of different techniques like electron microscopy and nanoindentation. - “Full body sEMG monitoring” Human motion capture (MoCap) finds applications ranging from entertainment (movies and games) to rehabilitation and sport activity monitoring. Standard marker-based technologies have been recently replaced in several applications with innovative markerless systems. The main limitation of these systems is that they provide only kinematic measurements, typically position, velocities and accelerations. Starting from a technology previously developed and tested on the iCub, this research proposal aims at developing a prototype of a force and motion capture system for humans. In order to overcome the limitations of available technologies, the system will be based on multiple sensor modalities (e.g. vision, touch, force, gyro, accelerometers, electromyography) fused in a Bayesian sense. The project is highly interdisciplinary and technological. - "Innovative approaches for fast portable polymeric 3D printing" Prototypes play a strategic role in the product design process, since they allow exploring several designs, testing different theories, and validating the behaviour of structures before starting an industrial production. The fabrication quality achievable by polymer prototyping technology has significantly increased during the last decade, opening new opportunities of use. This PhD proposal focuses on the development of a new procedure for fast and reliable printing of polymeric 3D structures with high aspect ratio. Emphasis will be given to both the design and optimization of a new portable equipment, as well as the optimization of new UV sensitive resins. - "Biotechnology for Energy: from living systems to living devices" Bioelectrochemical Fuel Cells typically use bio-catalysts and biodegradable fuels. The inner volume of the cell is filled with an aqueous solution acting as the source of the organic fuel (as glucose, ethanol or wastewater). A cation exchange membrane separates the two compartments, leaving protons free to move from the anode to the cathode. Typical organic catalyst are enzymes or whole bacteria in mixed populations. This Pagina 25 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: technology is not sufficiently mature and economically attractive to compete with traditional Fuel Cells yet. An effective transversal scientific approach among different disciplines, in particular with microbiology and biotechnology, is needed in order to achieve optimized bio-films. The aim of this PhD thesis is to investigate the bio-film spontaneously generated into the device, gaining a better understanding of the bio-film features related to the device performances in terms of power production. Reserved Scholarships University scholarship for the specialism in Electrical Engineering in the frame of the agreement with the JRC of European Commission Distributed Energy Sources in Emerging Electricty Distribution Systems (Smart Grids) Do you really want to impact on the energy challenges? The Joint Research Center (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport of the European Commission with its cutting edge research facilities is providing scientific support to Europe in the field of energy. Within a cooperation between Politecnico and JRC the fellowship will provide the candidate with the possibility to be involved in this process. Europe’s power system has to face major transformations in its evolution towards smarter grid architectures. A smart electricity grid can be defined as an upgraded electricity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all users connected to it in order to ensure more efficient, secure and sustainable power supply. One of the main drivers of smart grid deployment is the integration of distributed generation, distributed energy storage and demand side management. These three solutions/systems, often grouped under the name of distributed energy resources (DERs), entail a central role for technologies like renewable energy based power generation and electric vehicles (EV). Even if a certain amount of DER can be accommodated by today's power systems, their massive deployment calls for a new operation philosophy, revised design criteria and upgraded architecture concepts. In particular, Electric Vehicles can be used to flatten the load curve, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the system and can also be deployed as a storage medium in a concept commonly referred to as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). The massive roll out of electric mobility – with their inherent mobile storage device capability – can provide increased means for intelligently balancing the electricity network. In this area, several research questions need to be addressed: how could EVs be smartly coordinated with the production of DERs to reduce the peak load on the power grid? How can we achieve maximum benefit from the charging and discharging of EVs in future electricity networks? Is the smart integration of EVs feasible in technical and economic terms? What are the recommendations for optimal charging infrastructure in terms of type/number and grid enhancement costs? Pagina 26 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Website For any further information, please contact doctor Fulli ([email protected]) IHEP-INFN Project IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics) and INFN (The National Institute for Nuclear Physics) have signed an agreement for the development of electronic devices to be employed in experimental activities of common interest. To this end, the Politecnico di Torino – PhD program in Electronics Engineering – has made available one doctorate position covered by scholarship for a research activity in the field of electronic devices design, development and application. Such scholarship is funded by INFN and reserved to Chinese students who joined the 5-year combined Master-Doctor program of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing. HOW TO APPLY Candidates interested in the IHEP-INFN scholarship, will have to select, on the application procedure (Apply) the PhD program “Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering- IHEP INFN Project”. Apart from the documents required in art. 3, par. 2 of this call, candidates will have to attach to the application: - - Certificate issued by the Institute of High Energy Physics attesting the candidate’s enrolment to the the 5-year combined Master-Doctor program. MsC (or equivalent) degree certificate, if obtained, with related mark; please note that the minimum mark for eligibility is 65/100. Alternatively, a certificate issued by the Institute of High Energy Physics attesting that the candidate has taken all the exams scheduled for his/her first and second years of the above-mentioned program and stating the related mark and average grade (please note that the minimum average grade for eligibility is 65/100) and/or a attesting that the candidate is eligible to apply for a PhD in the People’s Republic of China. Transcript of records with related mark and average grade (please note that the minimum average grade for eligibility is 65/100) Please note that, with reference to art. 3, par. 2, section f of the present call for admission, the “Professor from another Italian or foreign University” needs to be a staff member of IHEP. Pagina 27 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Appendix 2 MOBILITY CLUSTER ITALY 2020 Project “Gomma CRF” for the PhD Research Program in ENERGETICS Training Project Title Training of experts in technologies for high lightening, multi propulsion motor vehicles, with high contents for the users (edu) Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino CNR ENEA Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 ENERGETICS Doctorate Program Professional profiles to train Experts in ultra-efficient and clean technologies for internal-combustion engines, able to carry out, assess and organize applied research projects. They will be capable of working with reasonable autonomy on the basis of their previous experience in the technological and scientific fields. Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Degree LM 33 - Mechanical Engineering (as per D.M. 270/2004); Degree 36 S - Mechanical Engineering (as per D.M. 509/1999); Degree LM 30 (as per D.M. 270/2004) - Energy and Nuclear Engineering; Degree 33 S – (as per D.M. 509/1999) - Energy and Nuclear Engineering; Degree in Mechanical, Industrial or Nuclear Engineering, obtained in compliance with what provided for by didactic regulations prior to D.M. 509/1999. Other academic qualifications and previous knowledge on fuels and technologies for the reduction of CO2 emissions and of internalcombustion engine pollutions for cars and light and heavy commercial vehicles. Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Energetics - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project gomma CRF”. Pagina 28 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER Italy 2020 Project “ITS” (Intelligent Transport System) for the PhD Research Program in ENERGETICS Training Project Title ITS – ITALY 2020/Training Road-rail combined handling of freight transport: potentialities. energy consumption, technologies and market. Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano CNIT Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Doctorate Program ENERGETICS Professional profiles to train Research Doctor specialised in rail and intermodal transport systems Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Degree 33 S – (as per D.M. 509/1999) - Energy and Nuclear Engineering; Degree 28 S – (as per D.M. 509/1999) – Civil Engineering; Degree 36 S – (as per D.M. 509/1999) – Mechanical Engineering; Degree in Mechanical, Civil, Energy and Nuclear Engineering obtained in compliance with what provided for by didactic regulations prior to D.M. 509/1999, or equivalent foreign academic title. Documentable competences in the field of fixed transport systems and their performances and potentialities, of rail-traffic and related structures, of estimate of the quantity of energy used by the rolling stock, including the whole energy chain, possible indicators and economic aspects. Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Minimum of 250 A study abroad period is conceivable, as long as it is relevant to the research activities as described above PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Energetics - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project ITS”. Pagina 29 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER “TIVANO” Project – Innovative Technologies for Newgeneration General Aviation Vehicles for PhD Research Program in ENERGETICS Training Project Title Proposing Parties Innovative Technologies for New-generation General Aviation Vehicles (TIVANO) Alenia Aermacchi (AA) Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA) Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Doctorate Program Energetics Highly qualified researchers in the field of Enabling Technologies involved in the integration of the aircraft system for general aviation and UAS, able to deal with and manage the complexity of the products within the relevant industrial field. Master’s Degree in Mechanical or Automotive Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge in the field of internal-combustion engines. Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 6 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Energetics - AEROSPACE Cluster - TIVANO project”. Pagina 30 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER “TIVANO” Project – Innovative Technologies for Newgeneration General Aviation Vehicles for PhD Research Program in AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Training Project Title Proposing Parties Innovative Technologies for New-generation General Aviation Vehicles (TIVANO) Alenia Aermacchi (AA) Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA) Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Doctorate Program Aerospace Engineering Professional profiles to train Highly qualified researchers in the field of Enabling Technologies involved in the integration of the aircraft system, able to deal with and manage the complexity of the products within the relevant industrial field. Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Aerospace Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - TIVANO project”. Pagina 31 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER "SAPERE” Project - Space Advanced Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise for PhD Research Program in AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Training Project Title SAPERE EDU Education and training of researchers for space technologies, systems and services. Subproject SAPERE EDU STRONG (Systems, Technologies and Researches for the Global National Operativeness) Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 2 Doctorate Program Aerospace Engineering Professional profiles to train Highly qualified researchers for the industrial spatial field Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) No specific requirement other than those listed in art. 2, par. 1 of this call for admission Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Aerospace Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - SAPERE project”. Pagina 32 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER Greening the Propulsion Project for PhD Research Program in AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Training Project Title Greening the Propulsion Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Università di Genova Avio Aero S.p.A. Secondo Mona Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Doctorate Program Aerospace Engineering Professional profiles to train Experts in mechanical design and aircraft engines Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Aerospace Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - Greening the Propulsion project”. Pagina 33 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER ITALY 2020 Project “gomma CRF” for the PhD Research Program in ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Training Project Title Training of experts in technologies for high lightening, multi propulsion motor vehicles, with high contents for the users (edu) Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino CNR ENEA Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Professional profiles to train Specific requirement for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Doctorate Program Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering Experts in solutions for powertrain electrification of means and systems for surface transport - automotive Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project gomma CRF”. Pagina 34 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER “TIVANO” Project – Innovative Technologies for Newgeneration General Aviation Vehicles for PhD Research Program in ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Training Project Title Innovative Technologies for New-generation General Aviation Vehicles (TIVANO) Proposing Parties Alenia Aermacchi (AA) Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA) Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Doctorate Program Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering Highly qualified researchers in the field of electrical, electromechanical and electronic power technologies, involved in the development of aircrafts for general and UAS aviation Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - TIVANO project”. Pagina 35 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER ITALY 2020 Project “Gomma CRF” for the PhD Research Program in COMPUTER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Training of experts in information systems for high lightening, multi propulsion motor vehicles, with high contents for the users (edu) Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino CNR ENEA Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships Doctorate Program 1 Computer and Control Engineering Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Highly qualified researchers in the field of information system for automotive applications Master’s Degree in Computer, Electronics or Telecommunications Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Computer and Control Engineering - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project gomma CRF”. Pagina 36 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER Italy 2020 Project “ITS” (Intelligent Transport System) for the PhD Research Program in COMPUTER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Training Project Title ITS – ITALY 2020/Training Intermodal freight transportation optimization under uncertainty Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano CNIT Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Doctorate Program Computer and Control Engineering Professional profiles to train The research proposal originates within the activities of the “ITS Intermodality” Technological Cluster. The PhD Student will acquire a sepcific know-how in the field of design and optimisation of transport systems characterised by two distinctive factors: multiple transportation modes and uncertainty over the data. The PhD Student will also specialize in managing and optimising some transport-related realistic scenarios: - Parcel delivery; - Estimate of fleets capacity for long- and medium- term transportation and management of the freight transportation by means of contractors (3PL); - Real-time optimisation of the routes under uncertainty over travel times (urban transport) Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Industrial Production and Technological Innovation Engineering Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) Minimum of 250 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) It is possible to carry out a study abroad period for a maximum lentgh of 6 months. PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Computer and Control Engineering - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project ITS”. Pagina 37 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES CLUSTER Project Zero Energy Consumption Buildings in Smart Urban Districts for the PhD Program in COMPUTER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Zero Energy-Consumption Buildings in Smart Urban Districts Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Trento, Telecom Italia, STMicroelectronics, Selex Elsag, Finmeccanica Group Real Estate, Enel Distribuzione S.p.A., Enel Ingegneria e Ricerca S.p.A., Expert System, Labidee, Logical System, UMPI, Power Evolution, BMS impianti, Media Italy SRL, Metoda Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships Doctorate Program 2 Computer and Control Engineering Professional profiles to train A new category of engineers able to select, design, handle and optimise smart systems for the management of energy-efficiency and environmentally comfortable buildings. The professional profile trained will be able to design embedded networked systems, with a special attention to the design of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for environmental monitoring. They shall also be capable of developing the layer softwares necessary to guarantee data interoperability, integration and connections between heterogeneous data. Finally, they will also be able to design systems for the analysis of energy data and interfaces for their representation and visualization in order to maximise the involvement and interaction of the final user. Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Computer, Electronics, Telecommunications Engineering, Energetics, or Master of Science issued by an officially recognized Academic Institution and able to grant the candidate access to PhD Studies in the country where it was awarded. Compulsory training activities Activ Activities in a firm (hours) ities in a firm (hours) Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) 36 Months 12 Months Yes, Minimum of 6 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Computer and Control Engineering - TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES Cluster - project zero energy consumption buildings in smart urban districts”. Pagina 38 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES CLUSTER MIE Project – Smart and Sustainable Mobility for the PhD Program in COMPUTER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Training plan for smart and sustainable mobility (MIE) Proposing Parties Università di Genova Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano CNR Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships Doctorate Program 1 Computer and Control Engineering Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Highly qualified researchers in the field of information system for automotive applications Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 6 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Computer and Control Engineering - TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART COMMUNITIES Cluster - project MIE”. Pagina 39 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER ITALY 2020 Project “Gomma CRF” for the PhD Research Program in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Training of experts in technologies for high lightening, multi propulsion motor vehicles, with high contents for the users (edu) Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino CNR ENEA Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Doctorate Program Mechanical Engineering Highly qualified experts of consumption reduction and energy recovery in the automotive field Master’s Degree in Automotive or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Mechanical Engineering - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project gomma CRF”. Pagina 40 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: MOBILITY CLUSTER Italy 2020 Project “ITS” (Intelligent Transport System) for the PhD Research Program in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Training Project Title ITS – ITALY 2020/Training Training of experts for monitoring and diagnostics of railway carriage intermodal freight transportation Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano CNIT Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Professional profiles to train Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Doctorate Program Mechanical Engineering Highly qualified experts in the field of monitoring and diagnostics of railway carriage for capacity and security increase of intermodal freight transportation Master’s Degree in Automotive or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Knowledge of the English language Compulsory training activities (hours) 200 Activities in a firm (hours) Minimum of 250 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Mechanical Engineering - MOBILITY Cluster - Italy 2020 project ITS”. Pagina 41 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER “TIVANO” Project – Innovative Technologies for Newgeneration General Aviation Vehicles for PhD Research Program in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Innovative Technologies for New-generation General Aviation Vehicles (TIVANO) Proposing Parties Alenia Aermacchi (AA) Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA) Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 1 Doctorate Program Mechanical Engineering Professional profiles to train Highly qualified researchers in the field of Enabling Technologies involved in the integration of the aircraft system, able to deal with and manage the complexity of the products within the relevant industrial field. Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Mechanical Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - TIVANO project”. Pagina 42 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: AEROSPACE CLUSTER Greening the Propulsion Project for PhD Research Program in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Training Project Title Greening the Propulsion Proposing Parties Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Università di Genova Avio Aero S.p.A. Secondo Mona Positions to be activated within the XXX cycle No. of Scholarships 2 Doctorate Program Mechanical Engineering Professional profiles to train Experts in mechanical design and aircraft engines Specific requirements for the admission to the project (academic qualifications, other qualifications, prior knowledge) Master’s Degree in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering or equivalent foreign Master’s Degrees. Compulsory training activities (hours) 300 Activities in a firm (hours) 1500 Study abroad period (Yes/No, months) Yes, 2 Months PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING In order to apply for this Cluster Scholarship, candidates shall select the specific PhD program “Mechanical Engineering - AEROSPACE Cluster - Greening the Propulsion project”. Pagina 43 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Appendix 3 Supernumerary Positions reserved to Foreign Citizens within the Framework of the International Agreements activated by Politecnico di Torino CSC Project PARTNERSHIP POLITECNICO DI TORINO – CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL Ongoing cooperation activities between Politecnico di Torino and Harbin Institute of Technology, Southeast University, South China University of Technology led to the implementation and development of CSC Project, reserved to applicants from the abovementioned universities, selected according to the procedures and the regulations in force between the above-mentioned universities involved: - General agreement between the Politecnico di Torino and Southeast University, Nanjing, signed on September, 7th 2005; General agreement between Harbin Institute of Technology and the Politecnico di Torino, signed on September, 14th 2007; General agreement between the Politecnico di Torino and South China University of Technology signed on August, 24th 2009. The program is supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education so as to enhance international cooperation in the field of university studies. In the framework of the above-mentioned program, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position for academic year 2014/2015 in the PhD Research Program in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, for applicants from the abovementioned universities. Pagina 44 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Erasmus Mundus European Program (Action1) SELECT + PROJECT SELECT + is an institutional mobility project funded by the European Commission within the framework of Erasmus Mundus Action 1 program. The project is coordinated by the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and the Politecnico di Torino participates as partner institution. The objective of this project is to organise and manage a joint PhD program within the Erasmus Mundus project “Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Services”. Select + project is addressed to both European and Extra European students. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position in the PhD program in Energetics. SINCHEM PROJECT SINCHEM is a three year international joint Doctoral project in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry offered by a consortium of 26 partner institutions (7 full partners and 19 associated members). Strong industrial links to major companies in the field are a key part of the consortium. SINCHEM is an institutional project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 program. The project is coordinated by the University of Bologna (Italy) and the Politecnico di Torino participates as full partner institution. SINCHEM seeks to exploit fundamental knowledge for the development of collaborations between high level academic and industrial teams across Europe for practical purposes. The main mission is to transfer sustainable/green chemistry from idea to innovation. SINCHEM is addressed to both European and non-European students. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position in the PhD program in Chemical Engineering. Pagina 45 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: SMDTex PROJECT SMDTex is an institutional mobility project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 program. The project is coordinated by the ENSAIT (France) and the Politecnico di Torino participates as partner institution. The objective of this project is to organise and manage a joint PhD program within the “Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles” Erasmus Mundus project. SMDTex is addressed to both European and non-European students. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position in the PhD program in Chemical Engineering. Erasmus Mundus European Program (Action2) Erasmus Mundus Action 2 is an European institutional project funded by the European Commission for cooperation and mobility in the field of higher education. This program seeks to promote the image of the European Union across the world as a place of excellence in education and to strengthen the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education in non-EU countries. In the frame of this European program the Politecnico di Torino participates to the following institutional mobility projects, reserving doctoral-level positions for students and scholars interested in carrying out periods of study and research in European universities. AREASPLUS PROJECT AREASPLUS is a project is coordinated by Politecnico di Torino and funded by the European Commission in the frame of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 program. The project deals with the mobility of students (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate Students), scholars and administrative staff from Asia to Europe and vice-versa. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position in the PhD program in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering. Pagina 46 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Marie Curie European Program Initial Training Networks (Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, Implementation mode: Multi-ITN) Project acronym: WALL; Grant agreement no.: 608031 Project full title: Controlling Domain Wall dynamics for functional devices WALL is an European training network on the topic of domain walls in nanoscale magnetic structures, which will provide the next generation of researchers in this area with advanced technology. Domain walls (DWs) are the interfaces separating magnetic domains, their high speed manipulation in nanostructures will lead to the next generation of new and low power functional devices for computation and communication. The consortium that has come together to deliver this training is uniquely qualified to do so, consisting of worldleading experts on condensed matter physics (ISI Foundation - Torino, Univ. of Leeds, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Université Paris Sud, Univ. de Salamanca) and leading private companies (IBM, Sensitec GmbH, Singulus Technologies), along with a range of associated partners spanning basic research, instrumentation development, industrial and consumer electronic products, and research and technology policy. The consortium provides a rich training environment that is both international and multidisciplinary, where young fellows will both study the cutting edge of science and technology in depth, but also come to appreciate the breadth of the field in terms of its intellectual challenges, commercial concerns, and relationship to society’s need for ever more powerful information technologies with a reduced environmental footprint. This will enable them to contribute to the strengthening of both the European Research Area and the European Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, particularly for what concerns GreenIT, an especially important and growing sector for EU development. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 2 positions in the PhD program in Physics. Pagina 47 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Marie Curie European Program Initial Training Networks (Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, Implementation mode: Multi-ITN) Project acronym: FACT; Grant agreement no.: 607493 Project full title: Future Atomic Clocks Technology FACT is a training network on the topic of optical clocks which will train the next generation of researchers in this field. Optical clocks are now offering performances even better than Cesium clocks, presently used to realize the definition of the second. The unprecedented stability and accuracy of optical clocks, turn them into fundamental devices not only for time and frequency metrology but also for fundamental physics and relativistic geodesy. The Consortium FACT was born from a previous European project which aimed to improve the technologies of clocks towards the realization of an optical clock suitable for space application. The consortium delivering the training is composed of leading experts in this field, and offers a complete training with secondments in the main European metrological and academic institutions. The involved young researcher has the unique opportunity to be trained in the most skilled metrological istitutions and becoming an expert in the field. In the frame of this project, the Politecnico di Torino shall reserve 1 position for the PhD program in Metrology. Pagina 48 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url: Appendix 4 COUNTRIES Argentina Austria Belgium (local grading system) Bolivia Brazil Chile China Colombia Egypt Ethiopia European Countries (ECTS grading system) Finland France (local grading system) Germany (local grading system) Greece (local grading system) India Indonesia Iran Iraq Italia Jordan Lebanon Libya Malaysia Morocco Nigeria The Netherlands (local grading system) Pakistan Palestine Portugal (local grading system) Romania (local grading system) Russian Federation South Africa Spain (local grading system) Switzerland Syria Thailand Turkey United Kingdom (local grading system) Venezuela Vietnam MINIMUM AVERAGE GRADE 5/10 and higher 3 and lower 13/20 and higher 64/100 and higher 6.5/10 or 65/100 and higher 4.5/7 and higher 65/100 and higher 3.5/5 and higher 65/100 2.5/4 and higher C+ and higher 2/3 or 3/5 and higher 13/20 and higher 3 and lower on a scale (1-6) 5.5/10 and higher 50% and higher or 4.5/7 and higher 2.5/4 and higher 14/20 and higher 65/100 and higher 25/30 and higher 70/100 and higher 13/20 and higher or GPA 2.5 and higher 65% and higher 2.33/4 (CGPA) and higher 13/20 and higher 50/100 and higher 6.5/10 and higher GPA 2.5/4 and higher (other grading systems will be checked individually) 75/100 and higher 15/20 and higher 8/10 and higher 3.5/5 and higher 60% and higher 6.5/10 and higher 5.5/10 and higher 60% and higher 2.5/4 and higher 6/10 and higher (other grading systems will be checked individually) 65% and higher 13/20 and higher or 61% and higher 6/10 and higher Countries not listed in the table above: The Internal Commission will evaluate degrees and decide the minimum average grade provided for access, based on candidate’s enclosed qualifications. Pagina 49 di 49 AREA GESTIONE DIDATTICA SERVIZIO FORMAZIONE SUPERIORE Ufficio Formazione di III Livello Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italia email: [email protected] url:
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