APPLICATION FORM 2015 to be returned by 31 January 2015 TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW Villa Erba - Cernobbio - Como - Italy Ragione Sociale/Corporate Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Via/Address_____________________________________________Città/Town_______________________________________________________________________ Telefono/Telephone:______________________________________Telefax:_________________________________________________________________________ Web:___________________________________________________E-mail:_________________________________________________________________________ P.IVA /VAT Number:____________________________________Iscrizione C.C.I.A.A. N°/Registration N° to C.C.I.A.A. ________________________________________ richiede l’adesione a/ asks to partecipate to 54^Edition 30/31 march 2015 COMOCREA TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW Con la presente, il firmatario prenota uno stand fieristico formato da n° moduli With the present application form, the undersigned reserves an exhibition area consisting of Module € 2.550,00 each x n. _____modules €_____________(Iva/VAT 22%VAT) __________ Total € _____________ (transaction not subject to VAT for EU customers not resident in Italy) La quota comprende l’arredamento base e l’assicurazione./The price includes the basic furnishing of the stand and the insurance fee. Prenotazione/Booking Acconto del/Deposit of 30% entro il 31-01.2015 € Saldo 70% entro il 28 febbraio 2015 € Balance by 28 february 2015 _____________ _____________ (Iva 22%/VAT) (Iva 22%/VAT) __________ __________ Totale acconto/Deposit €_____________ Totale saldo/ Balance € _____________ Le domande non accompagnate dall’acconto non saranno considerate valide agli effetti dell’ammissione Applications without the deposit statement of effected bank transfer attached will not be considered valid for admission. attestazione di pagamento con bonifico bancario intestato a/ bank transfer addressed to: COMOCREA – Viale Roosevelt, 15 – 22100 COMO P.IVA 01903010138 Bonifico bancario presso: BANCA INTESA SAN PAOLO– Filiale n.2390 – Como C/C n. 000031412180 IBAN: IT75 K030 6910 9100 0003 1412 180 BIC: BCITITMM ABI: 03069 CAB: 10910 CIN: K Data/Date_________________________________________ Firma/Signature Timbro e Firma Rubber Stamp and Signature Inviare la domanda di ammissione via fax a - Please send the application form by fax to: COMOCREA – Viale Roosevelt, 15 – 22100 COMO ITALY – tel. +39 031 316.432 - fax +39 031 278.342 email: [email protected] in collaborazione con/in collaboration with:
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