Visual interface design Ontwerpen van Interactieve Systemen Frans Wiering, 16 maart 2015 Mededeling Eindpresentaties projecten donderdag 16-4, waarschijnlijk 11-13 uur Groene Samenleving op vrijdag 17-4, 1-4 uur 2 Design twee betekenissen (college 1) ontwerpen: het proces waarin iets nieuws wordt bedacht ontwerp: de specificatie (‘representation’) van dat nieuwe vaak specifiek bedoeld: visueel ontwerp, stijl, artisticiteit design volgens Powerpoint 3 Design als ontwerp (hfst. 9) conceptueel ontwerp specifieert wat het systeem is metaforen objecten en relaties fysiek ontwerp specificeert hoe het systeem werkt operational design representational design interaction design design language interaction patterns Interface design: visual aspects hoe gaat je design language eruit zien? hoe ga je design language elementen combineren om je ontwerp te realiseren? representational design interaction design plan user interfaces en widgets ontwerpprincipes, perceptie en cognitie 5 Interface design: visual aspects plan user interfaces en widgets ontwerpprincipes, perceptie en cognitie zie ook de lange versie van de presentatie 6 User interface (UI) alles aan het systeem waarmee een mens in contact komt interactie verloopt fysiek: het apparaat wordt bediend door menselijk handelen: aanraken, toetsen indrukken perceptueel: mens ontvangt waarneembare signalen van apparaat conceptueel: het mentale model van het systeem: wat is het, hoe werkt het, wat kun je ermee doen vormen samen de experience 7 Command line interface user interacts with system via commands = set of words with associated syntax & arguments specifying an operation and related options traditional way of interacting with computers (& other devices), e.g. Unix shells, MS-DOS Voorbeeld: If Google were invented in the eighties 8 Command line interface still part of most systems, e.g. Windows command shell Google search: “user interfaces filetype:pdf” disadvantages users have to recall their names and syntax names and syntax can be obscure e.g. what does “grep –w –i apple fruits.txt > apples.txt” mean? cognition: design for recognition rather than recall (Long Term Memory) some advantages if you understand and recall them: very fast & powerful (expert mode) relatively easy to generate speech interface from (accessibility) do a case sensitive search for all lines in a text file containing the word “apple” (but not e.g. “pineapple” or “apples”) and write them in a file “apples.txt” 9 Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) – History April 1973: the first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC. June 1981: Xerox introduces the Star, the commercial successor to the Alto. January 1983: Apple introduces the Lisa. December 1983 (?): Microsoft announces their new "Windows" program for the IBM Source: 10 Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) – History January 1984: Apple introduces the Macintosh. July 1985: Commodore introduces the Amiga 1000 with the Amiga Workbench Version 1.0. August 1985: Microsoft finally releases the first version of Windows. March 1987: Apple introduces the Apple Macintosh II, the first color Macintosh. Source: 11 Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) – History May 1990: Windows 3.0 released by Microsoft August 1993: Windows 3.11 (doorbraak in Nederland) 1995: Microsoft introduces Windows 95 July 1997: Mac OS 8 is finally released. Selling 1.25 million copies in less than 2 weeks, it becomes the best-selling software in that period. July 12, 1998: KDE 1.0 released. Features: A very Windows 9x like environment for Linux. • Apple: Mac OS X (1999), Aqua (2000), Lion (2011) … • Windows: Windows NT, 98, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8… • Unix/Linux: GNOME 1.0 (1999), … Source: 12 Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) Originated in academia (Stanford, MIT) and research institutes (Xerox PARC) Often described as WIMP interfaces Key characteristic: Windows Icons Menus Pointers Direct manipulation (in contrast to, e.g. command line interfaces) voorbeeld uit 1980: Mockingbird op Xerox Dorado Douglas Engelbart: Mother of all Demos (9-12-1968) 13 Direct manipulation Ben Shneiderman, The future of interactive systems and the emergence of direct manipulation (1982) direct manipulation veronderstelt een interface met: nauw gerelateerd aan people-technology systeem (flow) anders dan Benyon suggereert veronderstelt dit geen GUI continue representatie van objecten fysieke acties i.p.v. commandos omkeerbare operaties op objecten auditory interfaces kennen ook direct manipulation game voorbeeld: Papa Sangre Shneiderman verder belangrijk voor: informatievisualisatie usability guidelines in interface design 14 WIMP interfaces – Windows windows screen divided into areas that act as separate input/output channels primary vs. secondary 15 WIMP interfaces – Icons used to represent features and functions considered useful to help people to recognize which feature they need to access design approaches: metaphor direct mapping transferring knowledge from one to another domain creating a more or less direct image of what the icon is intended to represent e.g. cut, copy & paste e.g. printer e.g. floppy disc for saving convention arbitrary design that has been accepted over time 16 Metafoor, direct mapping of conventie? 17 WIMP interfaces – Icons important design issues: legibility discriminating between icons interpretation understanding the meaning of the icon Brems & Whitten (1987) to avoid misinterpretations, label the icons Horton’s icon checklist: Understandable Unambiguous Informative Familiar Memorable Few Attractive Distinct Legible Attractive Compact Coherent Extensible 18 WIMP interfaces – Menus commands grouped into menu topics hierarchically organized (cascading) special cases: popup menu contextual menu cascading menus note: contextual menus alternatives exist (e.g. pie menus) keyboard shortcuts for experienced users (origin: pre-WIMP) keyboard shortcuts pie menu 19 WIMP interfaces – Pointers traditional alternatives remote control: track pad, joysticks, trackballs, … direct touch: pen/stylus, finger, … remote pointer: Wii controller, infrared mouse, … newer trends: mouse (or track pad on laptops) multitouch gesture interaction meer over alternatieven in gastcollege Peter Werkhoven 20 WIMP interfaces not only for desktop computing, but also, e.g. alternatives exist, e.g. mobile phones kiosk system (kaartjesautomaat interactive menus on your TV set … gestural input speech input interaction in virtual and augmented reality … meer over alternatieven in gastcollege Peter Werkhoven 21 WIMPs and widgets WIMP = Building blocks of modern GUIs but how to build intuitive, useful interfaces with these? Design guidelines (e.g. Benyon 4.5, 14.4) at smaller level of detail: widgets individual interactive components radio buttons, checkboxes, toolbars, list boxes, … each with their own specific function(s) 22 Parade van widgets zie lange versie presentatie (naslag) 23 A miscellany of widgets – buttons Command button Radio button Checkboxes 24 A miscellany of widgets – views List-view Tree-view Cell-view Canvas Images, diagrams, text…. Hierarchical 25 A miscellany of widgets – list boxes List-box Combo-box Drop-down list box Multiple-select list box Text box 26 26 A miscellany of widgets – value selection Drop-down list box Combo-box Spin box Slider For selecting continuous values Also for navigation (e.g. timeline!) 27 A miscellany of widgets – others Tab control Cues (Elements without interaction) 28 A miscellany of widgets - panels Overview panel With the functions that can be performed 29 A miscellany of widgets - panels Detailed panel 30 A miscellany of widgets - panels Commando panel (for commands and parameters) 31 A miscellany of widgets - panels Dialog panel 32 A miscellany of widgets - panels Navigation panel 33 WIMPs and widgets again: but how do we build larger interfaces with these? Interface design guidelines (style guides) questions: Widgets are basically building blocks on a small level of detail What are good design guidelines? How does s.o. come up with these? Etc. remember: A user interface is everything in the system that people come in contact with whether physically, perceptually, or conceptually 34 Design guidelines 1: Microsoft (start at 7 minutes) 5 principes pride in craftmanship be fast and fluid authentically digital do more with less win as one zie ook: bij voorbeeld 35 Design guidelines 2: TouchWonders uit: gastcollege Thijs van Schadewijk (2013) aim: magical experiences design for lean back natural user interface simplicity beauty … plus subguidelines 36 Guidelines: waarop gebaseerd? belangrijke bronnen van guidelines zijn richtlijnen van ontwikkelomgevingen en besturingssystemen esthetiek ergonomie psychologie: cognitie en perceptie dit college speciaal visuele perceptie 37 Algemene ontwerpprincipes Benyon hfst 3: 4 categorieën helping people access, learn and remember the system (1-4) giving them the sense of being in control, knowing what to do and how to do it (5-7) safely and securely (8-9) in a way that suits them (10-12) Ook Shneiderman heeft ontwerpprincipes opgesteld 8 Golden Rules zie lange versie presentatie (naslag) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. visibility consistency familiarity affordance navigation control feedback recovery constraints flexibility style conviviality 38 Shneiderman Golden Rules (1-4) 1 Strive for consistency. Consistent sequences of actions should be required in similar situations; identical terminology should be used in prompts, menus, and help screens; and consistent commands should be employed throughout. 2 Enable frequent users to use shortcuts. As the frequency of use increases, so do the user's desires to reduce the number of interactions and to increase the pace of interaction. Abbreviations, function keys, hidden commands, and macro facilities are very helpful to an expert user. 3 Offer informative feedback. For every operator action, there should be some system feedback. For frequent and minor actions, the response can be modest, while for infrequent and major actions, the response should be more substantial. 4 Design dialog to yield closure. Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end. The informative feedback at the completion of a group of actions gives the operators the satisfaction of accomplishment, a sense of relief, the signal to drop contingency plans and options from their minds, and an indication that the way is clear to prepare for the next group of actions. source: 39 Shneiderman Golden Rules (5-8) 5 Offer simple error handling. As much as possible, design the system so the user cannot make a serious error. If an error is made, the system should be able to detect the error and offer simple, comprehensible mechanisms for handling the error. 6 Permit easy reversal of actions. This feature relieves anxiety, since the user knows that errors can be undone; it thus encourages exploration of unfamiliar options. The units of reversibility may be a single action, a data entry, or a complete group of actions. 7 Support internal locus of control. Experienced operators strongly desire the sense that they are in charge of the system and that the system responds to their actions. Design the system to make users the initiators of actions rather than the responders. 8 Reduce short-term memory load. The limitation of human information processing in short-term memory requires that displays be kept simple, multiple page displays be consolidated, window-motion frequency be reduced, and sufficient training time be allotted for codes, mnemonics, and sequences of actions. source: 40 Perception how we come to know an environment through our senses different views/models on how perception works: ecological or direct perspective emphasizes contribution of sensory data bottom-up processing constructivist perspective emphasizes contribution of knowledge in memory top-down processing compares incoming sensory information with a mental representation of objects and events constructivist processing. Bron: Snyder (2000) 41 Waarneming van vormen 42 Waarneming van vormen Gestalt theorie (constructivistisch perspectief) ontwikkeld 1e helft 20e eeuw (Max Wertheimer) ordening waargenomen eenheden tot grotere gehelen “The whole is more than the sum of its parts” 43 Valencia, Lonja de la seda/ Llotja de la seda detail van de vloer bron foto’s: wikimedia 44 Gestalt principes voor- en achtergrond gelijkenis nabijheid 45 Gestalt principes continuïteit geslotenheid eenvoud (‘Prägnanz’) 46 Nabijheid in Interface design nabijheid = proximity Objects that appear close together in space or time tent to be perceived together Application in interface design, e.g. 47 Continuiteit in Interface design We tend to perceive continuous patterns rather than disjoint Application in interface design, e.g. 48 Gelijkenis in Interface design gelijkenis = similarity Similar figures tend to be grouped together Similarity can be shape, size, color, texture, orientation, … Application in interface design, e.g. 49 Anomalie in Interface design Note: when similarity occurs, an object can be emphasized if it is dissimilar to others. This is called anomaly. Example from interface design: 50 Geslotenheid geslotenheid = closure We tend to see complete figures even when part of the information is missing Application in interface design? Search one for yourself :) 51 Gestaltprincipes elders beweging, video geluid, muziek denk aan continuïteit groepering op basis van gelijkenis en nabijheid continuïteit en eenvoud (‘streaming’) Zie ook: Benyon 2e ed., pp 630-632 52 Color perception Light = portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye WAVELENGTH IN METERS 10-14 Gamma 10-12 10-10 X 10-8 ultraviolet 10-6 infrared 10-4 10-2 radar 1 FM-SW-TV 102 104 A-C circuits Visible spectrum Violet blue yellow orange WAVELENGTH IN NANOMETERS Adapted from Bailey (1996) 53 Dress Colour Debate 54 Dress Colour Debate guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking the fuck out 073818575/guys-please-help-meis-this-dress-white-and 55 De jurk zoals hij bedoeld is 56 Color perception Used in design to … [Butler et al., 2003] Attract attention Group elements Indicate meaning Enhance aesthetics Note: 6 to 10% of the male population have problems perceiving color (e.g. red‐ green blindness) Some color guidelines: Use compatible combinations (avoid red-green, blue-yellow, green-blue, red-blue) chromostereopsis Use colors with high contrast for text and background Limit the number of colors (4 for novices, 7 for experts) Use clear blue only as background 57 Chromostereopsis illusie van diepte veroorzaakt door kleurcontrast vaak hinderlijk soms nuttig voorbeelden (wikipedia) Stained glass in Sulkowski castle in Bielsko-Biała. Bron: wikipedia 58 Color conventions Table 5.1 Some Western color conventions. Source: Marcus, A. (1992) Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User Interfaces 59 Cultuur en kleur 60 Cultuur en kleur 61 62 David McCandless’ Colour Wheel ook goed voorbeeld van datavisualisatie (Benyon 14.5) A: Western /American B: Japanese C: Hindu D: Native American E: Chinese F: Asian G: Eastern European H: Muslim I: African J: South American 3:Authority 2: Art/Creativity 1: Anger 84: Wisdom 83: Warmth 82: Virtue 63 Geheugen (en cognitie) werkgeheugen, beperkte capaciteit chunking lange-termijngeheugen: vrijwel onbeperkte capaciteit herkennen (recognition) makkelijk, actief herinneren (retrieval) moeilijk leerbaarheid, consistentie zie ook college 3 (usability) 64 Working memory: capaciteit capaciteit is 4-5 items richtlijn voor ontwerp: vermijd overbelasting 65 Working memory: chunking capaciteit working memory wordt vergroot door chunking groeperen componenten, als in 030 997 4398 richtlijn voor ontwerp: groepeer verwante items bij elkaar, gebruik hiërarchische structuur Cascading menus 66 Lange-termijngeheugen design for recognition rather than recall computers are good at remembering, people are not Promote recognition over recall, e.g. menus (instead of command lines), choice dialog boxes, icons, … 67 Aandacht wat trekt aandacht aandacht algemeen: salience (opvallendheid) Weinschenk 2011: food, sex, movement, faces, stories is selectief duurt relatief kort (+/- 10 minuten) wordt beïnvloed door stress gebrek aan aandacht leidt tot fouten hoe trek je aandacht (niet teveel dingen tegelijk) fouten zijn onvermijdelijk hoe doe je goede foutafhandeling? goede waarschuwingen: persistent message, geluid 68 Welke ontwerpprincipes heb je herkend? helping people access, learn and remember the system 1. 2. 3. 4. visibility consistency familiarity affordance 2. 3. safely and securely 1. 2. recovery constraints in a way that suits them 1. 2. giving them the sense of being in control, knowing what to do and how to do it 1. 3. flexibility style conviviality navigation control feedback Benyon hoofdstuk 4.5 69 Hoofdpunten ook interaction design is geen exacte wetenschap user interface Benyon (12), Shneiderman (8) perceptie direct manipulation WIMP metaphor, direct mapping, convention widgets ontwerpprincipes interactie is fysiek, perceptueel, conceptueel command line interfaces, GUI probeer, evalueer, gebruik guidelines om tot oplossing te komen vorm: Gestalt principes; kleur design voor WM, LTM en aandacht 70
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