DAY 2: 25 March 2015 09:00-10:00 Welcome by Ronald Dekker (Chair of the day) ROOM ICTOPEN Wake Up Session with Stand-up Comedy — Stadszaal Foyer 2nd balcony start parallel ProRISC tracks Panorama Lounge Room 1 Room 2 Foyer 1st balcony Stadszaal Room 4 SAFE PROGRESS ASCI IPA SIKS Business track Karel van der Veldt: ‘Characterizing the scalability of programs in manycore systems’ Daniel Kuehlwein, Sil van de Leemput, Frank Dorssers and Wouter Geraedts: ‘VanHElsing’ Kim Schouten, Flavius Frasincar and Franciska de Jong: ‘Detecting Implicit Aspects in Consumer Reviews for Sentiment Analysis’ Siqi Shen: ‘Statistical Characterization of Business-Critical Workloads Hosted in Cloud Datacenters’ Yaping Luo and Mark Van Den Brand: ‘Metric Development for Safety Assurance: A Model-driven Approach’ Jie Yang, Alessandro Bozzon and Geert-Jan Houben: ‘Crowdsourcing Knowledge Acceleration’ IPA SIKS Enno Ruijters and Mariëlle Stoelinga: ‘The state of the art in fault tree modeling: What can FTA do for system dependability today?’ Junchao Xu, Joost Broekens, Koen Hindriks and Mark Neerincx: ‘Robot Mood is Contagious: Effects of Meet & Greet: Robert-Jan Sips, IBM Robot Body Language in the Imitation Game’ 10:00-10:25 Invited speaker Hans Rijns: ‘Semiconductor challenges for a Securely Connected Smart World’ Invited speaker Harm Knoops: ‘Atomic Layer Deposition for MEMS & NEMS Applications’ 10:25-10:50 Invited speaker Jeroen Voeten and Ramon Schiffelers: ‘Model Driven Engineering for highperformacne servo control - from research to industrial practice’ 10:50-11:15 Coffee break parallel tracks continue ProRISC SAFE PROGRESS 11:15-11:40 Viviane Silva Teixeira: ‘Circuit Modelling of Action Potential Generation and Propagation in Damaged Nerve Cells’ Sten Vollebregt: ‘Schottky diodes made from molybdenum grown wafer-scale CVD graphene’ Waheed Ahmad: ‘Green Computing: Power Optimisation of VFI-based Multiprocessor Dataflow Applications’ 11:40-12:05 EKP award ceremony EKP award ceremony (foyer 2nd balcony) Invited speaker Anna Vilanova: ‘Medical Visualization: What Next?’ Poster flash presentation 12:30-13:30 Business track Meet & Greet: Powered by COMMIT Alain le Loux: ‘Valorisation: from science Steven Bosems and Marten van to industry’ Sinderen: ‘A Domain Specific Language Bart van den Ende: ‘Real time video for Context-Aware Well-Being Systems’ recommendation based on a live broadcast’ Arjan Mooij: ‘Facelift for old software’ Di Liu: ‘Energy-Efficient System Design of Heterogeneous’ EKP award ceremony (foyer 2nd balcony) ASCI Invited speaker Marko van Eekelen: ‘Full of Energy!’ 12:05-12:30 EKP award ceremony Opening track: Arend Rensink University of Twente ICT with Industry Saskia Robben (UvA - CBS): Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya (UvA - InTech) Stefan Holdermans (VectorFabrics) Maarten Verspoor (CCS) André Sobiecki: ‘Automatic Gap Restoration on 2D and 3D Digital Images’ Jeroen Linssen, Thomas de Groot, Thijs Ferket, Merijn Bruijnes, Mariet Theune, Rieks Op den Akker, Dirk Heylen, Johan de Heer, Daan Nusman and Steven Wijgerse: ‘LOITER: A prototype of a serious game for training social skills of police officers’ Masterclass Poster Design ROOM 3 11:45-12:30 Masterclass poster design Lunch: Poster & Meet the Demo session — Information stands: sponsor, NWO, STW and IPN parallel tracks continue ProRISC SAFE PROGRESS 13:30-13:55 Kuangyuan Ying: ‘Rectifier Modeling and Multiple Stages Rectifier Analysis for WirelessPowered Sensor Networks’ Y. Xin: ‘Detection of Anastomotic Leakage after Colon Surgery by Evanescent Waveguide’ Savvas Varsamopoulos and Xiang Fu: ‘First investigations for Intro track-chair a scalable quantum computer architecture’ Intro track-chair Intro track-chair Spin-off talk 13:55-14:00 Intro track-chair 14:00-14:15 Spin-off talk: Paul van Zeijl Spin-off talk ASCI IPA SIKS Business track Intro track-chair Intro track-chair ROOM 3 13:30-14:15 Masterclass poster design 13:35-13:55 Spin-off talk: Erik-Jan van der Linden and Roel 13:35-13:55 Spin-off talk: Vliegen: ‘The MagnaView story 2005Sandro Etalle 2015: lessons learned from developing business in Visual Analytics’ 13:35-13:55 Spin-off talk Willem van Hage: ‘Active Discovery with SynerScope’ 13:55-14:15 Spin-off talk: Frans Feldberg: ‘Bringing data science to small and medium sized enterprises: how entrepreneurs, computer scientists, mathematicians and business economists join forces to drive data-driven business model innovation.’ 13:55-14:15 Spin-off talk Elisa Constante: ‘Een Extra Zintuig Database Anomaly Detection’ 13:55-14:15 Spin-off talk 14:20-15:00 Keynote speaker - Bram Nauta (University of Twente) — Stadszaal 15:00-15:30 Award Ceremony & Closure — Stadszaal 15.30-16:30 Drinks — foyer Stadszaal
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