7 – 12 September 2015 Leuven, Belgium

First International Summer School
Emotional Learning and Memory
Health and Psychopathology
From September 7-12, 2015, the Center for
Excellence on Generalization in Health and
Psychopathology will host an international summer
school on Emotional Learning and Memory in
Health and Psychopathology.
Participation Fee: 650€
Application Deadline: March 25, 2015
Contact: [email protected]
The summer school targets participants with a
profound interest in both the basic mechanisms of
emotional learning and memory as well as
anomalies associated with psychopathology.
Internationally renowned speakers will provide a
number of state of the art lectures on the
acquisition, extinction, reconsolidation, and
generalization of emotional memory.
In addition, the program will offer a variety of
clinical and practical workshops (e.g., on exposure
therapy and lab techniques) and small-group
discussions with the experts.
7 – 12 September 2015
Leuven, Belgium
Register now: http://ppw.kuleuven.be/ELMHP
Confirmed speakers
Tom Beckers – KULeuven and UvA
Marc Bouton – The University of Vermont
Luana Colloca – University of Maryland
Michelle Craske – UCLA
Tim Dalgleish – MRC-CBU Cambridge
Alfons Hamm – Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität
Dirk Hermans – KU Leuven
Filip Raes– KU Leuven
Ilse Van Diest– KU Leuven
Bram Vervliet – KU Leuven
Johan Vlaeyen – KU Leuven and Maastricht University
Organizational Committee
Dirk Hermans, Omer Van den Bergh, Riet Fonteyne, Ann Meulders & Yannick
Scientific Advisory Board:
Registration and more information:
Dermot Barnes-Holmes
Christopher Eccleston
Rob Honey
Irene Tracey
Michelle Craske
Alfons Hamm
Alicia Meuret
Ed Watkins
NUI Maynooth
University of Bath
Cardiff University
University of Oxford
Southern Methodist University
University of Exeter