The Fading of the Hero Erscheinen und Verschwinden von Helden Leuven 21.-23.03.2016 Conference Programme Tagungsprogramm 14.00-14.15 14.15-14.30 14.30-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-17.00 17.00-18.00 19.00 Monday / Montag 21.03 MSI 02.08 (Museumzaal) Welcome / Begrüßung Bart Philipsen Introduction / Einführung Oliver Kohns Die Demokratisierung des Heldentums im 19. Jahrhundert Arne De Winde Work Action Heroes. Ein meritokratisches Modell Coffee break / Kaffeepause Anke Gilleir Rosa Luxemburg und die Avantgarde Hanna Klessinger Die Diva als neue tragische Heldin. Schauspielerinnenstücke der Jahrhundertwende Christiane Hansen (Un)fading the hero in pre- and postmodern cultures of visual artifice Ulrike Zimmermann Ready to board! Appearances, Disappearances, and the Popularity of Pirates Dinner / Abendessen: restaurant Zarza (Bondgenotenlaan 92, 3000 Leuven) Tuesday / Dienstag 22.03 MSI 02.08 (Museumzaal) 9.15-10.15 Bart Philipsen Ansätze zu einer Dramaturgie des Posthumanen in aktuellen Inszenierungen von Hölderlins „Der Tod des Empedokles“ (Romeo Castellucci’s „Giudizio, Possibilità, Essere“ und Theater Zuidpool ‚Empedokles‘) 10.15-10.45 10.45-11.45 11.45-12.45 12.45-14.30 14.30-15.30 15.30-16.00 18.00-23.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.45 11.45-12.15 Michiel Rys Revolution – Messianismus – Imitation. Zur Umschrift einiger Motive der Robespierre-Rezeption in Otto Franz Gensichens Revolutionstrauerspielen Danton (1870) und Robespierre (1874) Coffee break / Kaffeepause Jochen Antoni (Dis)appearing heroes in animated television shows Elke Van Damme Hunting the visible. The representation of the hero’s journey in the change of time. Barbara Korte Fading Heroes and Serial Narration in Spooks Maria-Xenia Hardt Production, Performance, Perception: Intertwined Processes of the Fading In and Out of Doctor Who as a Heroic Figure Lunch: restaurant Mykene (Muntstraat 44, 3000 Leuven) Geert Kestens Shakespeare is dead! But it’s hard to get over it Sietse Remmers Lecture performance: „Once upon a time…“ Introduction / Einführung: „Het Geslacht Borgia, de trilogie“ Play / Aufführung „Het Geslacht Borgia, de trilogie“ in OPEK (Vaartkom 4, 3000 Leuven) – a simple meal is served during the break. Wednesday / Mittwoch 23.03 Faculty of Arts, LETT 08.16 (Justus Lipsiuszaal) Pieter Bergé Heroic and Anti-Heroic Traces in Dmitry Shostakovich Fifteenth Symphony (1971) Coffee break / Kaffeepause Podium discussion on heroism & art with Wouter Hillaert, theatre critic & public intellectual Closing remarks / Abschlussdiskussion Goodbye drinks / Abschiedsglas How to get where? Hotel Binnenhof is in the Maria Theresiastraat, that almost directly leads to the station. The address oft he Faculty of Arts is Blijde-Inkomststraat 21. It is a big, grey, concrete building and is very hard to miss. From hotel Binnenhof in the Maria Theresiastraat you can reach it as displayed on the map underneath. Thus, when you leave the hotel, you go to your right (away from the station). Room LETT 08.16, the “Justus Lipsiuszaal” is on the eight floor. The other important location is MSI (short for Mgr. Sencie-Instituut) is nearby the Faculty of Arts. Its address is Erasmusplein 2. You only have to walk across the parking of the faculty. The building has a white banner with “MSI” on it. MSI 02.08, the “Museumzaal”, is on the second floor.
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