RainGain: Slim meten in de stad Sprekers Nut en noodzaak van nauwkeurig meten John Jacobs Radartechnologie Herman Russchenberg Toepassingen van de radar Johan Verlinde 2 Wat is RainGain? 3 Voorkomen van wateroverlast 4 De Rotterdamse radar - Partners 5 De Rotterdamse Radar 6 RainGain Film 5 11/10/14 Kivi Congres - RainGain Steden schuilen niet wanneer het regent… John Jacobs – strategisch adviseur Water 8 Rotterdam Waterstad LEVEN MET WATER 9 Rotterdam Waterstad BIEDT KANSEN VOOR ROTTERDAM 10 Rotterdam Waterstad De opgave: Water komt van 4 kanten! Grondwater Neerslag 11 Rotterdam Waterstad Klimaatverandering Klimaatverandering: ‘extreme’ gebeurtenissen zullen kuststeden frequenter raken 12 Rotterdam Waterstad Urgentie! 13 Rotterdam Waterstad Rotterdam kenmerken stedelijk watersysteem Extreme regenval 15 Rotterdam Waterstad CLOUDBURST KOPENHAGEN 17 Risk assessment *projected inundation in 2100 85 cm sea level rise 1:1000 probability 18 Rotterdam Waterstad Klimaatverandering 19 Rotterdam Waterstad Veilige, leefbare stad met meerwaarde 20 Rotterdam Waterstad Rotterdamse adaptatiestrategie (RAS) Kern van de RAS Robuust systeem: behouden en versterken Adaptatie: benutten van de stedelijke ruimte door gebiedsgericht maatwerk Samenwerken + meekoppelen met het ‘ritme’ van de stad Focus op meerwaarde 21 Rotterdam Waterstad MEER RUIMTE VOOR WATER ONDERGRONDSE WATERBERGING GROENE DAKEN 22 WATERPLEINEN Rotterdam Waterstad Verbindingen met regio 23 Rotterdam Waterstad Gebiedsgericht 24 Rotterdam Waterstad Betrokkenheid van bewoners en belanghebbenden 25 Rotterdam Waterstad Ook internationaal 26 Rotterdam Waterstad Waterstad… …met meerwaarde! 27 Rotterdam Waterstad Rainfall observation strategies in The Netherlands Herman Russchenberg, Ricardo Reinoso Rondinel, Marie-Claire Ten Veldhuis Challenge the future 28 Our Earth is slowly warming The world population is moving into the cities and gets prone to … severe weather and gets prone to … congestion and gets prone to … heat and gets prone to … pollution ‘Gets prone’ … does not have to mean ‘will experience’ The challenge is … to make cities a nice place to live … for 60 % of the world population … summer, spring, autumn and winter What to expect in The Netherlands? Source: KNMI Rainfall in a changing climate Higher temperature > more water vapour More rainfall and severe weather Observations during the 20th century: an increase of 20 % Predictions for the 21st century: more extreme rainfall in the summer more rainfall in the winter Extreme rainfall in a metropolis Larger vulnerability modern society Accurate information needed Better understanding rainfall formation Detailed observations of what’s going on in the clouds needed Integrated model-observation warning systems A wet start of January 2012 Local flooding High sea level Casualties Leaking dams and dikes Challenge the future 40 Case study: January 3, 2012 12:00 UTC L H Front parallel to coastline Challenge the future 41 Case study: January 3, 2012 Challenge the future 42 ASCAT wind scatterometer observations Challenge the future 43 Pressure variations: meteotsunami Sea level variations Data: Rijkswaterstaat Passage of front Challenge the future 44 Composite KNMI C-band Radar 17:30 14:30 12:30 13:30 UTC 16:30 15:30 Radar position Challenge the future 45 Composite KNMI C-band Radar 14:30 UTC Radar position Challenge the future 46 Cesar Observatory Groeten uit Cabauw Delft University of Technology, KNMI, Wageningen University and Research Utrecht University, RIVM, ECN, TNO , European Space Agency Challenge the future 47 IDRA – TU Delft IRCTR Drizzle radar Specifications CESAR – Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research A T M O S • • • • • • • • 9.475 GHz central frequency FMCW with sawtooth modulation transmitting alternately horizontal and vertical polarisation, receiving simultaneously the coand the cross-polarised component 20 W transmission power 102.4 µs – 3276.8 µs sweep time 2.5 MHz – 50 MHz Tx bandwidth 60 m – 3 m range resolution 1.8° antenna half-power beamwidth Reference J. Figueras i Ventura: “Design of a High Resolution X-band Doppler Polarimetric Weather Radar”, PhD Thesis, TU Delft, 2009. (online available at http://repository.tudelft.nl) IDRA is mounted on top of the 213 m high meteorological tower. Delft University of Technology Near real-time display: http://ftp.tudelft.nl/TUDelft/irctr-rse/idra Processed and raw data available at: http://data.3tu.nl/repository/collection:cabauw TU Delft Climate Institute Remote Sensing of the Environment Surface measurements at CESAR 10 minutes averages Temperature Specific Humidity Pressure Relative Humidity Wind speed Short Wave Downward Radiation (Wm-2) Wind direction Rainfall Rate Courtesy KNMI Challenge the future 49 IDRA (X-band) & TARA (S-band) Courtesy of Tobias Otto, Yann Dufournet, Christine Unal Challenge the future 50 Supercell model Schematic Diagram Storm Motion V-notch B Rear flank downdraft Hook Echo Front flank downdraft UD Inflow (warm moist air) A Bounded weak echo Updraft and Downdraft Coupled BWER A Challenge the future B 51 Rainfall Accumulation C-BAND NWP HARMONIE X-BAND 15 km Over 3 hr and 40 min 52 Rainfall Accumulation C-BAND NWP HARMONIE X-BAND 15 km PDF C-BAND NWP HARMONIE X-BAND 53 Rainfall accumulation (mm) High resolution rain observations DR= 30 m DR= 1 km File name: R2008-4-15/7-30-0Par Number of blocks: 143 Central Frequency: 9.475000 GHz Frequency Sweep: 5.000000 MHz Sweep time: 409.600006 us Transmitted power: 20.000000 W Polarization: Polarimetric Derived rainfall; impact of resolution 10 GHz; 30 m 5 GHz; 1000 m Rainfall: variability in 1 km Spatial variability in 1 km^2 30 m Variability: cumulative rainfall 30 m, location 1 30 m, location 2 1000 m, total A T M O S Rx vs Rc in one lo-res cell; time lapse Delft University of Technology TU Delft Climate Institute Remote Sensing of the Environment A T M O S Rx vs Rc in one lo-res cell; time lapse Delft University of Technology TU Delft Climate Institute Remote Sensing of the Environment The future Composite networks: - Small range radars - Large scale radars - Satellites - Forecast models RainGain High resolution radar rainfall estimates for urban hydrological modelling Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis Herman Russchenberg TU Delft Will rainfall radar work in urban area with high rise? What spatial and time resolutions do we need ? Interaction between rainfall and runoff processes ? High resolution data on flood occurrence ? Forecast of heavy rainfall ? Use of social media in collection of rainfall and flood data ? Toepassingen van de Regenradar 1 11/10/14 RainGain Project Meeting Exeter Weten wat er gaat vallen - Slim sturen 65 Weten wat er gaat gevallen - Inzet bergingen 66 Weten wat er gaat gevallen - Inzet bergingen 67 Weten wat er gaat vallen - Strooien 68 Weten wat er gaat vallen - Strooien 69 Weten wat er gevallen is - Analyse 70 Weten wat er gevallen is - Locatie keuze 71 Weten wat er gevallen is - Asset management 72 Weten wat er gevallen is - Klachtenafhandeling 73 RainGain: Slim meten in de stad
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