Sandra Vandorpe : Vice President Human Resources, Belgacom Wim Van de Voorde: Change manager Human Resources, Belgacom Laurence Hamer: Belgacom Employee Solutions Marketing Manager, Belgacom Belgacom : Scope today Homeworkingin Phase 1 aantalNew •TowersHet nieuwe werken een stellingen : resto Ambassador plan 1. Stelling 2. Stemmen Q3/2012 30/5 16/5 05/4 18/4 3. Discussie Social media Diversified 4. Belgacom’s view Corporate laptop Homeworking Phase 2 16/9 01/10 Cafetaria plan devices offer Homeworking Phase 3 All 24/10 Lync 2013 Full collaboration 2014 Lync 2013 Soft phone+ integr mobile Doc Mgt • Conclusie Launch Flex Sensitivity : "Unrestricted" Flexibility works Flexdesk pilot Lync 2013 client Share point 2013 / social Time saving account Flexdesk Towers Stelling 1 : Het Nieuwe Werken is een modeverschijnsel 3/25/2014 3 Once….. Stelling 2 : Het Nieuwe Werken is vooral een kost 3/25/2014 6 Our journey so far 2014 2013 wings 2012 Flexibility works 2011 march CAO 2013-2014 KSQ people Customer is king Digital natives & IT consumerisation 2010 Haasrode move Flexdesk Document mgt Aurora Digital natives Social collaboration blueprint State of the art tools Engaging workplace Q4 DWP digital work place program We tell it our customers We sell it to our customers Rethink within Belgacom: 5 corporate key drivers/benefits selected Revenue growth Practice what we preach Customers Use what we Sell Dynamic & empowered place to work (& to buy from) Image & Reputation Operational efficiency Real estate optimisation Mobility cost reduction Productivity of workforce Employee engagement Capacity to innovate Open, driven collaborative work force Work any time, anywhere, any device Enable a culture of trust, empowerment & accountability Support ambassadorship Stelling 3 : Het Nieuwe Werken is Thuiswerken 3/25/2014 9 FLEX is more than homeworking! in the office We rethink the way we work as a workplace independent from time, place and technology. Flex embraces at home at customers on the go Technology People DW P all employees, to benefit from the initiative. Workplace NWOW@Belgacom: by leveraging on our own technology make Belgacom a better place to work for and to do business with External social media mobile printing Trust CYOD Responsiblity Lync for all Social enterprise ( based G2G Efficiency Collaboration, , Work-life balance On sharepoint2013) AnyDocs Self-reliance Mgt by objectives TECH-NOLOGY Ambassador plan (FR) PEOPLE DWP Agile Customer centricity Engagement WORK-PLACE Technology = optimising means /tools Mobility plan (FR) Connect, collaborate, communicate differently & better Homeworking Flex desk Workplace = organising the physical environment, but also working conditions ( e.g. flexible reward) People = working together , culture 11 Time savings account (FR Towers restaurant But homeworking is an important aspect of NWOW! Results presented 18th of March 2014 Slide 12 Homeworking policy • This Homeworking Policy will allow employees with the appropriate job role and personal competencies, who have an internet connection at home and an Ambassador Plan subscription, to work up to 40% of their work time from home, on a voluntary basis and based on a principle agreement between manager and employee. • Eligible population: level 1, Sales and 2b (provided the adoption of an appropriate performance management system). • Each time the employee (with a Homeworking Agreement) wants to work from home, the N+1 has to agree upfront. Registration in Outlook Calendar and e-absences. • Homeworking is not a right for the employee and it cannot be enforced by the N+1. The N+1 can define days on which the employee can not work remotely. Homeworking can be combined with late arrival to/early departure from the office. • Homeworker has to open outlook calendar and professional contact details to all colleagues. Use of Lync mandatory when working from home. • All regulations and policies remain applicable. Working time remains unchanged (no more, no less – working time regulation as a guideline) • Working from home will not change anything to the employee’s remuneration (e.g. no change to the calculation of meal vouchers, no additional premium or allowance) • Homeworking is covered by the work accidents insurance. Homeworking results Effects of Homeworking • • • 97% perceives a productivity boost 90% feels a positive effect on company image 73% is a better Ambassador • 68% of teamleaders confirm that homeworking has a positive impact on results 79% of employees say to have clear discussions about when they can (or not) do homeworking • No 40% Yes 60% Average of homeworking per week 9% 8% 23% < half day 1 half day 1 whole day 20% 40% 1,5 day 2 whole days 3/25/2014 14 Stelling 4 : Het Nieuwe Werken is enkel voor grote organisaties 3/25/2014 15 Stelling 5 : Het Nieuwe Werken is een HR aangelegenheid 3/25/2014 16 FLEX is a X-company journey! in the office at home We rethink the way we work as a workplace independent from time, place and technology. Flex embraces at customers on the go Technology People DW P all employees, to benefit from the initiative. Connect – Collaborate – Communicate Workplace Technology 3/25/2014 Manage your “user adoption” pays off Lync adoption Sessions per month IM Chat KPI Baseline (04/13) result November November increase 710.000 630.000 -11% Videochat 1.117 3.100 +178% Videoconferencing 2.096 6.700 +220% Workplace – Facilities translated our dream: Introduction of FlexDesk Basic business case principle: Balance between investment in interior design versus investment in people and IT. Principles: • Activity Based Working • Desks, Lockers & Food: mutual respect • Gradually new IT tools With Activity Based Workplaces And a new backpack of office tools. optional Laptop Keyboard Laptop support Screen bag headset Locker: yes/paper: no Homeworking Ambassador plan HR translated the dream: Flexible rewards Mobility Time saving Ambassador Plan in 2013 Internet Everywhere Maxi Smart Ambassador Unlimited national calls Unlimited SMS/MMS Proxi Comfort Proximus Call to All Countries No Limit National No Limit Fix to Mobile Happy Time International Device every 2 years Belgacom TV TV Everywhere + 1GB Internet Mobile + 1 GB Internet on GSM 5 GB 30 Mbps Unlimited Wi-Fi (Home + Fon) 98% of all employees has at least 1 product Slide 24 Mobility Plan Slide 25 Time Saving Account To offer additional flexibility in end-of-career arrangement by saving time trough out your career Conversion Selection • • • For all employees with undefined term contract Max 20 days per year Choice in January for the concerned year incentive Years X Use of days 1) Individual bonus or Sales Bonus • 2) 13th month or End-year premium • • X+1 10 years before legal pension (from 55 years) Approval from N+1 Unused days are reimbursed X+2 Years Belgacom offer Slide 27 Belgacom employee solutions offer Creative remuneration & NWOW’s implementation mean 1 2 Belgacom Packs for Employee for the connectivity to be mobile Belgacom Mobile for Employee for the mobile communication 3 4 Belgacom Devices Belgacom Employee for Employee for the Privilege Program tools to be mobile extra advantages Slide 28 [email protected] Example: Belgacom • Monthly subscription: € 46,20 (incl. VAT) (€ 38,18 excl. VAT) (incl. VAT) • Net value per year: 12 x € 46,20 of € 554,40: Employer costs Employee costs € 554,40 Salary increase for the employee + € 401,46 + Payroll tax and additional charges (42%) = Taxable basis (€ 955,86 ) + € 143,71 + Employee's social security contribution (13.07%) = Gross salary increase + Employer's social security contribution (35%) offered by employer: Internet Everywhere Maxi subscription: 12 x € 38,18 (excl. VAT) Benefit in kind at the charge of the employee * Employer costs € 458,16 € 60 - € 60 (€ 1.099,58 ) € 384,85 * If the benefit in kind is declared on tax slips, social security contributions are due. This benefit in kind includes VAT which 25/03/2014 Slide 29 the employer has to transfer to the Belgian State. Stelling 6 : Medewerkers wachten op het nieuwe werken, er zal geen weerstand zijn 3/25/2014 30 Manage ‘Change’ change management = making the “user adoption” happen 5 building blocks: Change Impacts Overall story line • • Set, brand and promote the aspiration Explicit the “WIFM” Population impact analysis (PIA) Executive alignment • • Know and manage your key stakeholders Role model Communication plan • • Education plan • • Risk& Change Enablement What, why, when, how Appropriate tone voice, transparent & repetitive, build coherence Increase the knowledge & literacy Make people capable Stelling 7: Goede afspraken maken goede vrienden. Alles moet duidelijk beschreven worden in regels en policies. 3/25/2014 32 The New Way of Working for Belgacom The new way of working is about organizing your business around your people (employees, customers & partners) Trust your employees with result A new way of working will fit to the oriented objectives, resulting in more activity needs of flexibility, productivity & efficiency, your people at any time & any place, while your people become more thanks to the right collaboration engaged. tools, independently from the work environment. [email protected] 3/25/2014 Stelling 8 : In mijn bedrijf zijn we al gestart met het nieuwe werken of plannen we binnenkort te starten 3/25/2014 37 Belgacom Engage is the start of a journey, we will guide you through.
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