Toelatingsnummer 14643 N HET COLLEGE VOOR DE TOELATING VAN GEWASBESCHERMINGSMIDDELEN EN BIOCIDEN 1 WEDERZIJDSE ERKENNING Gelet op de aanvraag d.d. 15 november 2011 (20111015 NLWERG) van Sharda Europe b.v.b.a. Jozef Mertensstraat 142 B-1702 DILBEEK BELGIË tot verkrijging van een wederzijdse erkenning van de toelating in het Verenigd Koninkrijk van het gewasbeschermingsmiddel op basis van de werkzame stof glyfosaat, Shyfo gelet op artikel 40, lid 1 van de Verordening (EG) 1107/2009, BESLUIT HET COLLEGE als volgt: 1.1 Toelating 1. Het middel Shyfo is toegelaten voor de in bijlage I genoemde toepassingen onder nummer 14643 N met ingang van datum dezes. Voor de gronden van dit besluit wordt verwezen naar bijlage II bij dit besluit. 2. De toelating geldt tot 31 december 2016. 1.2 Samenstelling, vorm en verpakking De toelating geldt uitsluitend voor het middel in de samenstelling, vorm en de verpakking als waarvoor de toelating is verleend. 1.3 Gebruik Het middel mag slechts worden gebruikt met inachtneming van hetgeen in bijlage I bij dit besluit is voorgeschreven. 1.4 Classificatie en etikettering Gelet op artikel 31 en artikel 65 van de Verordening EG/1107/2009 worden voorschriften gegeven. Shyfo 14643 N 1 Dit leidt tot de volgende voorschriften: De aanduidingen, welke moeten worden vermeld, worden hierbij vastgesteld als volgt: aard van het preparaat: Met water mengbaar concentraat werkzame stof: glyfosaat gehalte: 360 g/l de identiteit van alle stoffen in het mengsel die bijdragen tot de indeling van het mengsel: geethoxyleerde talkvet alkylamines PICTOGRAM(MEN) pictogram: GHS05-corrosief GHS07-schadelijk SIGNAALWOORD Gevaar Gevarenaanduidingen H318 H332 Veroorzaakt ernstig oogletsel Schadelijk bij inademing. Voorzorgsmaatregelen SP 1 -Zorg ervoor dat u met het product of zijn verpakking geen water verontreinigt. P261 Inademing van stof/rook/gas/nevel/damp/spuitnevel vermijden. P273 Voorkom lozing in het milieu. P280 Beschermende handschoenen/beschermende kleding/oogbescherming/gelaatsbescherming dragen. P305 + P351 + P338 BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk. Blijven spoelen. P310 Onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM/arts/... raadplegen. P391 Gelekte/gemorste stof opruimen. P501 Inhoud/verpakking afvoeren naar inzamelpunt voor gevaarlijk of bijzonder afval. Aanvullende etiketelementen EUH401 Shyfo 14643 N Volg de gebruiksaanwijzing om gevaar voor de menselijke gezondheid en het milieu te voorkomen. 2 Behalve de voorgeschreven aanduidingen en vermeldingen moet op de verpakking voorkomen: a. letterlijk en zonder enige aanvulling: het wettelijk gebruiksvoorschrift De tekst van het wettelijk gebruiksvoorschrift is opgenomen in Bijlage I. 2 DETAILS VAN DE AANVRAAG Het betreft een aanvraag tot verkrijging van een toelating van het middel Shyfo (14643 N), een middel op basis van de werkzame stof glyfosaat. Het middel wordt aangevraagd als onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel, doodspuitmiddel en middel voor de behandeling van stobben van afgezaagde bomen en struiken. 2.2 Informatie met betrekking tot de stof Er zijn in Nederland reeds andere middelen op basis van de werkzame stof glyfosaat toegelaten. De werkzame stof glyfosaat is op 1 juli 2002 opgenomen in bijlage I van Richtlijn 91/414/EEG (03/31/EG). De stof is goedgekeurd krachtens Verordening (EG) No 1107/2009 (Uitvoeringsverordening (EU) No 540/2011 d.d. 25 mei 2011) en geplaatst als stof 25 in de bijlage. 2.3 Karakterisering van het middel Het middel Shyfo bevat de werkzame stof glyfosaat. Glyfosaat behoort tot de chemische groep van glycines en is geformuleerd als glyfosaat-trimesium- of glyfosaat-ammonium-zout. Het werkingsmechanisme van glyfosaat, na opname via de bladeren en transport in de plant, bestaat uit het verhinderen van de biosynthese van essentiële aromatische aminozuren zoals phenylalanine, tyrosine en tryptofaan. De eiwitsynthese wordt hierdoor geremd met als gevolg dat de aminozuren glutamine en glutaminezuur zich ophopen in de plant. De plant sterft binnen enkele weken volledig af. Zodra glyfosaat in contact komt met de bodem, wordt de werkzame stof geïnactiveerd. Opname door de wortels via de grond vindt niet plaats. Wel kan bij direct wortelcontact (vergroeiing van de wortels), het middel van de ene plant naar de andere plant getransporteerd worden. 2.4 Voorgeschiedenis De aanvraag is op 30 november 2011 ontvangen; op 28 november 2011 zijn de verschuldigde aanvraagkosten ontvangen. Bij brief d.d. 18 september 2012 is de aanvraag in behandeling genomen. 3 RISICOBEOORDELINGEN De aanvraag is beoordeeld conform Rgb d.d. 13 juni 2011 en Evaluation Manual 1.1. 3.1 Inleiding Gezien de aard van de wederzijdse erkenning wordt ervan uitgegaan dat de beoordeling door het Verenigd Koninkrijk is uitgevoerd conform de Uniforme Beginselen (annex VI bij richtlijn 91/414/EEG). Voor de beoordeling van de aspecten fysische en chemische eigenschappen, analysemethoden, werkzaamheid en delen van de aspecten risico voor de mens en risico voor het milieu refereert het Ctgb aan het toelatingsbesluit in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Op een aantal hieronder weergegeven voor de Nederlandse situatie specifieke punten, toetst het Ctgb zelf inhoudelijk. Shyfo 14643 N 3 3.2 Risico voor de mens De volgende aspecten worden nationaal ingevuld: • Arbeidsomstandigheden - nationale modellen en arbeidshygiënische strategie • Volksgezondheid - de criteria voor residuen in volggewassen. Het middel voldoet aan de voorwaarde dat het, rekening houdend met alle normale omstandigheden waaronder het middel kan worden gebruikt en de gevolgen van het gebruik, geen directe of indirecte schadelijke uitwerking heeft op de gezondheid van de mens. De beoordeling van het risico voor de toepasser staat beschreven in Hoofdstuk 4 Mammalian Toxicology, van Bijlage II bij dit besluit. 3.3 Risico voor het milieu De volgende aspecten worden nationaal ingevuld: • Uitspoeling naar grondwater • Drift naar oppervlaktewater; van toepassing op: Waterorganismen, vogels, zoogdieren, nietdoelwitplanten, niet-doelwitarthropoden en oppervlaktewater bestemd voor de bereiding van drinkwater • Drinkwatercriterium oppervlaktewater. Het middel voldoet aan de voorwaarde dat het, rekening houdend met alle normale omstandigheden waaronder het middel kan worden gebruikt en de gevolgen van het gebruik, geen voor het milieu onaanvaardbaar effect heeft, waarbij in het bijzonder rekening wordt gehouden met de volgende aspecten: • de plaats waar het middel in het milieu terechtkomt en wordt verspreid, met name voor wat betreft besmetting van het water, waaronder drinkwater en grondwater, • de gevolgen voor niet-doelsoorten. (artikel 28, eerste lid, sub b, onderdeel 4 en 5, Wet gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden). De beoordeling van het risico voor het milieu staat beschreven in Hoofdstuk 6, Environmental Fate and Behaviour, en Hoofdstuk 7, Ecotoxicology, in Bijlage II bij dit besluit. 3.4 Eindconclusie Bij gebruik volgens het Wettelijk Gebruiksvoorschrift is het middel Shyfo op basis van de werkzame stof glyfosaat voldoende werkzaam en heeft het geen schadelijke uitwerking op de gezondheid van de mens en het milieu. Bezwaarmogelijkheid Degene wiens belang rechtstreeks bij dit besluit is betrokken kan gelet op artikel 4 van Bijlage 2 bij de Algemene wet bestuursrecht en artikel 7:1, eerste lid, van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht, binnen zes weken na de dag waarop dit besluit bekend is gemaakt een bezwaarschrift indienen bij: het College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden (Ctgb), Postbus 217, 6700 AE WAGENINGEN. Het Ctgb heeft niet de mogelijkheid van het elektronisch indienen van een bezwaarschrift opengesteld. Wageningen, 7 november 2014 HET COLLEGE VOOR DE TOELATING VAN GEWASBESCHERMINGSMIDDELEN EN BIOCIDEN, ir. J.F. de Leeuw voorzitter Shyfo 14643 N 4 HET COLLEGE VOOR DE TOELATING VAN GEWASBESCHERMINGSMIDDELEN EN BIOCIDEN BIJLAGE I bij het besluit d.d. 7 november 2014 tot toelating van het middel Shyfo, toelatingnummer 14643 N Wettelijk Gebruiksvoorschrift Toegestaan is uitsluitend het professionele gebruik als: - onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel, - doodspuitmiddel, - middel voor de behandeling van stobben van afgezaagde bomen en struiken, in de volgende toepassingsgebieden (volgens Definitielijst toepassingsgebieden versie 2.0, Ctgb juni 2011) onder de vermelde toepassingsvoorwaarden Toepassingsgebied Type behandeling Te bestrijden organisme Dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximale dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximaal aantal behandelingen per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Maximaal aantal liter middel per ha per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Veiligheidstermijn in dagen of uiterst gewasstadium waarop toegepast mag worden Suikerbiet Voor opkomst Eenjarige onkruiden 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus - Wintertarwe Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Eenjarige onkruiden Kweek 1 1,5 l/ha 2-4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1.5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha Wintergerst Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Zomertarwe Zomergerst Shyfo 14643 N Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Kweek 1 2-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 2-4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 2-4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 7 7 7 7 5 Toepassingsgebied Type behandeling Te bestrijden organisme Dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximale dosering (middel) per toepassing Haver Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Eenjarige onkruiden Kweek 1 1,5 l/ha 2-4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Kweek 1 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha Overige overblijvende onkruiden Gras en onkruiden 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 3-6 l/ha 6 l/ha Droog te oogsten erwten Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Lijnzaad Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Mosterd Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Koolzaad Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Veldboon (voor Ensilage) Voor opkomst Voor de oogst (BBCH 89, rijping volledig) Voedergrasland Shyfo 14643 N Doodspuiten Maximaal aantal behandelingen per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Maximaal aantal liter middel per ha per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus Veiligheidstermijn in dagen of uiterst gewasstadium waarop toegepast mag worden 7 7 14 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 8 1 per teeltcyclus 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 14 1 per teeltcyclus 1 per 12 maanden 4 l/ha per teeltcyclus 6 l/ha per 12 maanden 7 5 dagen tussen toepassing en beweiden en/of maaien 6 Toepassingsgebied Type behandeling Te bestrijden organisme Dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximale dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximaal aantal behandelingen per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Maximaal aantal liter middel per ha per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Veiligheidstermijn in dagen of uiterst gewasstadium waarop toegepast mag worden Appel Tussen het gewas Meerjarige onkruiden en wortelopslag 5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 5 l/ha per 12 maanden Peer Tussen het gewas Meerjarige onkruiden en wortelopslag 5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 5 l/ha per 12 maanden Kers (onbedekte teelt) Tussen het gewas Meerjarige onkruiden en wortelopslag 5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 5 l/ha per 12 maanden Pruim (onbedekte teelt) Tussen het gewas Meerjarige onkruiden en wortelopslag 5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 5 l/ha per 12 maanden Erwt zonder peul Voor opkomst 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus Knolraap Voor opkomst 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus Koolraap Voor opkomst 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus Uien Voor opkomst 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus Asperge (onbedekte teelt) Prei (onbedekte teelt) Voor opkomst 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 1 per teeltcyclus Boomkwekerijgewassen (onbedekte teelt), bosbouw Voor uitplanten Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Eenjarige onkruiden en graanopslag Onkruiden 4-5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 1,5 l/ha per teeltcyclus 5 l/ha per 12 maanden Gesloten bloemknoppen zichtbaar (BBCH 55) Gesloten bloemknoppen zichtbaar (BBCH 55) Gesloten bloemknoppen zichtbaar (BBCH 55) Gesloten bloemknoppen zichtbaar (BBCH 55) - Voor opkomst Shyfo 14643 N - Tussen het gewas Alleen met handspuitapparatuur Onkruiden 3-6 l/ha 6 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 6 l/ha per 12 maanden - Behandeling van stobben Stobben van afgezaagde bomen en struiken Chemisch dunnen van bomen en struiken Onkruiden 20% (1 liter middel in 4 liter water) 2 ml per 10cm diameter boom 1,5-3 l/ha 8 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 8 l/ha per 12 maanden - 6 ml per boom 1 per 12 maanden 6 ml per boom - 3 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 3 l/ha per 12 maanden - Doodspuiten (Injecteren) Naaldhout - Over het gewas 7 Toepassingsgebied Type behandeling Te bestrijden organisme Dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximale dosering (middel) per toepassing Maximaal aantal behandelingen per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Maximaal aantal liter middel per ha per teeltcyclus of per 12 maanden Veiligheidstermijn in dagen of uiterst gewasstadium waarop toegepast mag worden Tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein Terrein behandeling voor zaaien of uitplanten Eenjarige onkruiden en granen3 1,5-3 l/ha 3 L/ha 1 per 12 maanden 4 l/ha per 12 maanden - Kweek1 Overige overblijvende grassen en aardappelopslag Overblijvende tweezaadlobbige onkruiden 3-4 l/ha 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 4 l/ha 4-5 l/ha 5 l/ha Doodspuiten Dekvruchten 3-6 l/ha 6 l/ha Permanent onbeteeld terrein Terrein behandeling Eenjarige onkruiden Overblijvende onkruiden 1,5 l/ha 4-5 l/ha 1,5 l/ha 5 l/ha 1 per 12 maanden 5 liter per ha per 12 maanden - Akkerbouw-gewassen, fruitgewassen, groenteteelt, kruidenteelt, sierteeltgewassen, cultuurgrasland, bosbouw en in openbaar groen Doodspuiten Gewassen uit fytosanitaire overweging 1,5 l/ha3 1,5 l/ha3 1 per 12 maanden 5 liter per ha per 12 maanden - 1,5-5,0 l/ha3 - 5,0 l/ha3 1 kweek (Elytrigia repens) met behulp van onkruidstrijkers, mits de toepassing zodanig plaatsvindt dat het gewas niet wordt geraakt met het middel, de apparatuur niet druipt en de vloeistof niet van de behandelde onkruiden afloopt 3 Na toepassing van Shyfo in een dosering van 1,5 l/ha op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein of voor doodspuiten van gewassen uit fytosanitaire overwegingen in akkerbouwgewassen, fruitgewassen, groenteteelt, kruidenteelt, sierteeltgewassen, cultuurgrasland, bosbouw en in openbaar groen, dient minimaal 2 dagen gewacht te worden met zaaien of uitplanten van nieuwe gewassen. Na toepassing van hogere doseringen dient 2 Shyfo 14643 N 8 minimaal 5 dagen gewacht te worden met zaaien of uitplanten van nieuwe gewassen. Graszaad kan 5 dagen na toepassing gezaaid worden. Voor de andere gebruiken geldt dat na toepassing minimaal 2 dagen moet worden gewacht met zaaien of uitplanten van nieuwe gewassen en 7 dagen met het uitplanten van bomen, struiken etc. Bij toepassing op een afgerijpt gewas in de teelt van granen, droog te oogsten erwten, veldboon (voor ensilage) en lijnzaad, en bij een behandeling over het gewas in naaldhout, het middel toepassen in 80-250 liter water per ha. Bij toepassing op een afgerijpt gewas in de teelt van mosterd en koolzaad het middel toepassen in 100-250 liter water per ha. Bij gebruik op grasland en bij het doodspuiten van dekvruchten het middel toepassen in 150-250 liter water per ha. Bij gebruik in de teelt van appel, peer, pruim en kers, het middel toepassen in 200-400 liter water per ha. Bij toepassing tussen het gewas in boomkwekerijgewassen, bosbouw of bij doodspuiten van gewassen uit fytosanitaire overwegingen, het middel toepassen in 200-250 liter water per ha. Bij een behandeling voor opkomst of uitplanten en bij een terrein behandeling op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein, het middel toepassen in 80-250 liter water per ha. Bij een toepassing op permanent onbeteeld terrein, het middel toepassen in 80-400 l/ha. Bij toepassing op een afgerijpt gewas in de teelt van granen, droog te oogsten erwten en lijnzaad, bij gebruik op grasland, bij het doodspuiten van dekvruchten en bij een behandeling voor zaaien of uitplanten op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein, kan bij gebruik van een schijfvernevelaar het middel worden toegepast in 40 liter water per ha. Toepassingsvoorwaarden Om niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten te beschermen is de toepassing van het product in de teelt van suikerbieten, gerst, haver, tarwe, droog te oogsten erwten, lijnzaad, mosterd, koolzaad, veldboon, voedergrasland, erwt zonder peul, knolraap, koolraap, uien, asperge, prei, groenbedekking op land niet gebruikt voor gewasproductie voor cultivatie (dekvrucht), tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein, permanent onbeteeld terrein, alle eetbare en niet-eetbare gewassen (stobben, voor het planten, doodspuiten) en boomkwekerijgewassen (bosbouw, onkruidbestrijding voor het planten) uitsluitend toegestaan indien gebruik wordt gemaakt van één van de volgende maatregelen: . lage spuitboomhoogte (30 cm boven de top van het gewas) in combinatie met een driftarme Venturidop en een kantdop, of, . sleepdoek in combinatie met minimaal 50% driftreducerende spuitdoppen en een kantdop; of . overkapte beddenspuit. Om niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten te beschermen is de toepassing van het product in de teelt van appel, peer, kers, pruim en boomkwekerijgewassen (bosbouw, tussen de gewassen) uitsluitend toegestaan indien gebruik wordt gemaakt van minimaal 50% driftreducerende spuitdoppen in combinatie met een kantdop. Shyfo 14643 N 9 In appel, peer, kers en pruim toepassen voor BBCH 55 (Gesloten bloemknoppen zichtbaar) of na de oogst. In de bosbouw mag het middel alleen worden toegepast mits niet op vruchtdragende bomen en struiken wordt gespoten en geen bramen en/of bosbessen worden geraakt. Toepassing van dit middel op half-open en gesloten verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ volgens de DOB- methode (Duurzaam OnkruidBeheer op verhardingen, zie Bij de toepassing op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein mogen sloottaluds niet gespoten worden. Bij gebruik van een spuitvernevelaar dient de diameter van de spuitdruppels tussen de 200 en 300 µm te liggen. Shyfo niet toepassen in gewassen bedoeld voor zaadteelt. Bij gebruik in de teelt van appel, peer, pruim en kers, dienen de bomen minstens 2 jaar oud te zijn. Resistentiemanagement Dit middel bevat de werkzame stof glyfosaat. Glyfosaat behoort tot de glycines. De Hrac code is G. Bij dit product bestaat er kans op resistentieontwikkeling. In het kader van resistentiemanagement dient u de adviezen die gegeven worden in de voorlichtingsboodschappen, op te volgen. Gewassen uit fytosanitaire overweging mogen alleen bestreden worden op aanwijzing van de hoofdinspecteur van de Divisie Landbouw en Natuur van de Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit. Shyfo 14643 N 10 HET COLLEGE VOOR DE TOELATING VAN GEWASBESCHERMINGSMIDDELEN EN BIOCIDEN BIJLAGE II bij het besluit d.d.7 november 2014 tot toelating van het middel Shyfo, toelatingnummer 14643 N Contents Page 1 Identity of the plant protection product 2 Physical and chemical properties 3 Methods of analysis 4 Mammalian toxicology 5 Residues 6 Environmental fate and behaviour 7 Ecotoxicology 8 Efficacy 9 Conclusion Classification and labelling Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Shyfo 14643 N 12 13 13 13 18 19 41 51 52 52 Table of authorised uses Reference List 11 1. Identity of the plant protection product 1.1 Applicant Sharda Europe b.v.b.a. Jozef Mertensstraat 142 B-1702 DILBEEK BELGIË 1.2 Identity of the active substance Common name Glyphosate Name in Dutch Glyfosaat Chemical name N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycin (IUPAC) CAS no 1071-83-6 EC no 213-997-4 The active substance was included in Annex I of Directive 91/414/EEC on 1 July 2002. From 14 June 2011 forward, according to Reg. (EU) No 540/2011 the substance is approved under Reg. (EC) No 1107/2009, repealing Directive 91/414/EEC. The active substance is formulated as its variant glyphosate, isopropylamine salt and is considered equivalent to the active substance as evaluated for inclusion in Annex I of Directive 91/414/EEC. 1.3 Identity of the plant protection product Name Shyfo Formulation type SL Content active substance 360 g/L pure active substance For the assessment of the formulation and its proposed use we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (United Kingdom). 1.4 Function Herbicide and desiccant. 1.5 Uses applied for See GAP (Appendix I). 1.6 Background to the application Application for mutual recognition of an authorisation of a plant protection product. The application for Shyfo is based on the authorisation for Shyfo in the United Kingdom (MAPP 15040). 1.7 Packaging details 1.7.1 Packaging description Material: PET Capacity: 1L Type of closure and size Screw cap with induction seal, diameter 45 mm. of opening: Other information ADR compliant and UN certified. 1.7.2 Detailed instructions for safe disposal No particular recommendations. Shyfo 14643 N 12 2. Physical and chemical properties For the assessment of the physical and chemical properties of Shyfo we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (United Kingdom). 3. Methods of analysis For the assessment of the methods of analysis required for Shyfo we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (United Kingdom). Supported shelf life of the formulation: two years in HDPE. 4. Mammalian toxicology 4.1 Toxicity of the formulated product (IIIA 7.1) For the evaluation of the toxicity of the formulated product Shyfo, we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). It should be noted that no toxicity studies of the formulated product are included in the original authorisation by the UK. 4.2 Dermal absorption (IIIA 7.3) In the original authorisation the UK did not perform any operator, bystander or worker exposure assessment. Instead the UK states this was not required as “formulation was comparable to the referenced products”. The referenced products were Glyphosate 360 and Glyphogan. As the current application requires an exposure assessment with the Dutch specific models a dermal absorption value of 3% will be used. This is the dermal absorption value that was derived for Roundup SL in the DAR for glyphosate and has also been used in the Netherlands for the authorisation of Glyphogan. 4.3 Available toxicological data relating to non-active substances (IIIA 7.4) For toxicological data relating to non-active substances we refer to the registration report written by the UK. 4.4 Exposure/risk assessments (Dutch specific aspect) Overview of the intended uses An application (request for mutual recognition) has been submitted for the authorisation of the plant protection product Shyfo, a herbicide based on the active substance glyphosate. Shyfo is a SL formulation and contains 485 g/L of the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate (= 360 g/L glyphosate). The formulation Shyfo is applied by mechanical downward spraying, manual downward spraying, brushing and injection. The formulation is applied in many crops during the whole year with a maximum dose of 8 L formulation / ha. Therefore, a chronic exposure duration is applicable for the operator (including contract workers). Shyfo 14643 N 13 4.4.1 Operator exposure/risk Calculation of the EU-AOEL / Tolerable Limit Value (TLV) For glyphosate no TLV has been set. In the EU, a semi-chronic AOEL is derived. For the current application, a chronic AOEL should be derived. The calculation of the systemic AOEL for chronic exposure is based on the NOAEL of 31 mg/kg bw/d in the 2-year study with the rat, and a safety factor of 100, corrected for an oral absorption of 30%. This results in a systemic AOEL of 0.093 mg/kg bw/day (= 6.5 mg/day for a 70-kg operator/worker). Exposure/risk Exposure to glyphosate during mixing and loading and application of Shyfo is estimated with models. The exposure is estimated for the unprotected operator. In general, mixing and loading and application is performed by the same person. Therefore, for the total exposure, the respiratory and dermal exposure during mixing/loading and application have to be combined. In the Table below the estimated internal exposure is compared with the systemic EU-AOEL. For manual downward spraying on tree nursery the actual area treated per day for manual downward spraying is lower than the default 1 ha; as only the area under the trees is sprayed, not the between the rows, hence the treated area is estimated to be 0.5 ha. For the patch treatment with a paintbrush (tree stump treatment), no exposure is expected during application. Therefore the exposure is estimated for mixing and loading only. For the application via injection operator exposure is expected to be negligible. For each application method, the exposure is only estimated with the highest dose. Table T.1 Internal operator exposure to glyphosphate and risk assessment for the use of Shyfo Route Estimated internal Systemic Risk-index b exposure a (mg /day) EU-AOEL (mg/day) Mechanical downward spraying on the intended crops, maximum dose 6 L/ha (uncovered) Mixing/ Loadingc c Application Respiratory 0.11 6.5 0.02 Dermal 12.96 6.5 1.99 Respiratory 0.17 6.5 0.03 Dermal 1.94 6.5 0.30 Total 15.18 6.5 2.34 Manual downward spraying on the tree nursery crops and forestry between crops, maximum dose 6 L/ha (uncovered) Mixing/ Respiratory <0.01 6.5 <0.01 Loadingd Dermal 4.21 6.5 0.65 Applicatione Respiratory 0.65 6.5 0.10 Dermal 16.52 6.5 2.54 Total 21.39 6.5 3.29 Application via paintbrush on tree stump, maximum dose 8 L/ha (uncovered) Mixing/ Loadingd Shyfo 14643 N Respiratory <0.01 6.5 <0.01 Dermal 1.12 6.5 0.17 Total 1.12 6.5 0.17 14 a b c d e Internal exposure was calculated with: • biological availability via the dermal route: 3% (concentrate) and 3% (spray dilution) (see 4.2) • biological availability via the respiratory route: 100% (worst case) The risk-index is calculated by dividing the internal exposure by the systemic AOEL. External exposure is estimated with EUROPOEM. External exposure is estimated with EUROPOEM (dermal) and NL-model (respiratory). External exposure is estimated with UK POEM. Since the EU-AOEL is exceeded without the use of PPE, a tier 2 assessment has to be performed using the NL-AOEL. Tier 2 Calculation of the NL-AOEL The risk index calculated with the EU-AOEL is >1. Therefore, the Plant Protection Products and Biocides Regulations (NL: Rgb) prescribes the calculation of the risk with an AOEL based on allometric extrapolation (known as the NL-AOEL). This method takes into account the caloric demand of the species studied and results in a more specific value than the EUAOEL for which a standard factor of 100 is applied. The calculation of the systemic AOEL for chronic exposure is based on the NOAEL of 31 mg/kg bw/day in the 2yr study with the rat. Calculations from other studies result in higher AOELs. Safety factors are used to compensate for the uncertainties, which arise, for example, from extrapolation from the tested species to humans and the differences between experimental circumstances, and to ensure that at the acceptable exposure level no adverse health effects will occur. Used factors are: • extrapolation rat → human on basis of caloric demand • other interspecies differences: • intraspecies differences: (professional use) • biological availability via oral route: • weight of professional operator/worker: 4 3 3 30%* 70 kg * If the absorbed dose is significantly lower (<80%) than the administered dose, this is adjusted by a correction factor equal to the percentage absorption. AOELsystemic: 31 x 0.3 x 70 / (4 x 3 x 3) = 18.1 mg/day Exposure/risk Table T.2 Internal operator exposure to glyphosate and risk assessment for the use of Shyfo Systemic Risk-index b NL-AOEL (mg/day) Mechanical downward spraying on the intended crops, maximum dose 6 L/ha (uncovered) Route Mixing/ Loadingc c Application Shyfo 14643 N Estimated internal exposure a (mg /day) Respiratory 0.11 18.1 0.01 Dermal 12.96 18.1 0.72 Respiratory 0.17 18.1 0.01 Dermal 1.94 18.1 0.11 Total 15.18 18.1 0.84 15 Systemic Risk-index b NL-AOEL (mg/day) Manual downward spraying on the tree nursery crops and forestry, maximum dose 6 L/ha (uncovered) Mixing/ Respiratory <0.01 18.1 <0.01 Loadingd Dermal 4.21 18.1 0.23 Route Applicatione a b c d e Estimated internal exposure a (mg /day) Respiratory 0.65 18.1 0.04 Dermal 16.52 18.1 0.91 Total 21.39 18.1 1.18 Internal exposure was calculated with: • biological availability via the dermal route: 3% (concentrate) and 3% (spray dilution) (see 4.2) • biological availability via the respiratory route: 100% (worst case) The risk-index is calculated by dividing the internal exposure by the systemic AOEL. External exposure is estimated with EUROPOEM. External exposure is estimated with EUROPOEM (dermal) and NL-model (respiratory). External exposure is estimated with UK POEM. Since the NL-AOEL is exceeded for the manual downward treatment without the use of PPE, a tier 3 assessment has to be performed. Tier 3 Since the results of acceptable dermal absorption studies were already used in tier 1 and 2, a further refinement with additional dermal absorption data is not considered relevant and a tier 4 assessment will be performed. Tier 4 The NL-AOEL is exceeded without the use of PPE and dermal absorption data have already been taken into account in the risk assessment. Therefore, in Tier 4 a risk assessment is performed with and without the use of PPE. Table T.3 Internal operator exposure to glyphosate and risk assessment for the use of Shyfo Route Estimated internal Systemic Risk-index b a exposure (mg /day) NL-AOEL (mg/day) without with without with PPE PPE PPE PPE Manual downward spraying on the tree nursery crops and forestry, maximum dose 6 L/ha (uncovered) Mixing/ Respiratory <0.01 (<0.01) 18.1 <0.01 (<0.01) Loadingc Dermal 4.21 (4.21) 18.1 0.23 (0.23) Applicationc/d a b c d e Respiratory 0.65 (0.65) 18.1 0.04 (0.04) Dermal 16.52 1.65 18.1 0.91 0.09 Total 21.39 6.52 18.1 1.18 0.36e Internal exposure was calculated with: • biological availability via the dermal route: 3% (concentrate) and 3% (spray dilution) (see 4.2) • biological availability via the respiratory route: 100% (worst case) The risk-index is calculated by dividing the internal exposure by the systemic AOEL. External exposure is estimated with EUROPOEM (dermal) and NL-model (respiratory). External exposure is estimated with UK POEM. PPE: gloves and coverall during application Shyfo 14643 N 16 4.4.2 Bystander exposure/risk The exposure is estimated for the unprotected bystander. In Table T.4 the estimated internal exposure is compared with the systemic EU-AOEL. Table T.4 Internal bystander exposure to glyphosate and risk assessment during application of Shyfo Route Estimated internal Risk-index b Systemic a exposure (mg /day) EU-AOEL (mg/day) Bystander exposure during application in the intended crops, maximum 6 L/ha. a b Respiratory 2.03 6.5 0.31 Dermal 0.07 6.5 0.1 Total 2.09 6.5 0.32 External exposure was estimated with EUROPOEM II. Internal exposure was calculated with: • biological availability via the dermal route: 3% (see 4.2) • biological availability via the respiratory route: 100% (worst case) The risk-index is calculated by dividing the internal exposure by the systemic AOEL. 4.4.3 Worker exposure/risk Tier 1 Shortly after application it is not necessary to perform any re-entry activities for most intended uses. However, after application on coniferous trees (over the crop) it is possible to perform re-entry activities during which intensive contact with the treated crop will occur. Therefore, worker exposure is calculated. The exposure is estimated for the unprotected worker. In Table T.5 the estimated internal exposure is compared with the systemic EU-AOEL. Table T.5 Internal worker exposure to glyphosate and risk assessment after application of Shyfo Route Estimated internal Systemic Risk-index b a exposure (mg /day) EU-AOEL (mg/day) Re-entry activities in coniferous trees, 3 L/ha Respiratory a b - - - Dermal 2.92 6.5 0.45 Total 2.92 6.5 0.45 External exposure was estimated with EUROPOEM II. Internal exposure was calculated with: • biological availability via the dermal route: 3% (see 4.2) The risk-index is calculated by dividing the internal exposure by the systemic AOEL. 4.4.4 Re-entry See 4.4.3 Worker exposure/risk. Overall conclusion of the exposure/risk assessments of operator, bystander, and worker The product complies with the Uniform Principles. Operator exposure Based on the risk assessment, it can be concluded that for mechanical downward application no adverse health effects are expected for the unprotected operator after dermal and respiratory exposure to glyphosate as a result of the application of Shyfo in the intended crops. Shyfo 14643 N 17 For the unprotected operator, adverse health effects after dermal/respiratory exposure to glyphosate as a result of the manual downward application of Shyfo in tree nursery and forestry cannot be excluded. Correct use of personal protective equipment will reduce the dermal exposure results in a sufficient reduction of the exposure to glyphosate for the application of Shyfo in the intended crops. Bystander exposure Based on the risk assessment, it can be concluded that no adverse health effects are expected for the unprotected bystander due to exposure to glyphosate during application of Shyfo in the intended crops. Worker exposure Based on the risk assessment, it can be concluded that no adverse health effects are expected for the unprotected worker after dermal and respiratory exposure during re-entry activities in the intended crops due to exposure to glyphosate after application of Shyfo. 4.5 Appropriate mammalian toxicology and operator exposure end-points relating to the product and approved uses See List of Endpoints. 4.6 Data requirements None. 4.7 Combination toxicology Shyfo contains only one active substance and it is not described that it should be used in combination with other formulations. 5. Residues For the aspect ‘Residues’, and risk for consumers we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK), except for the aspect ‘residues in succeeding crops’. 5.1 Summary of residue data 5.1.6 Residues in succeeding crops For rotational crop studies reference can be made to the Draft Assessment Report (DAR) prepared by the RMS Germany and the final List of Endpoints, d.d. October 2000. Rotational crop studies were conducted with carrots, lettuce and barley. Only very low levels of glyphosate and AMPA are present in the soil and plant tissues of rotational crops. Residues in emergency replant and rotational crops will be less than those found in the primary crop. Conclusion The product complies with the Uniform Principles. Data requirements None. Shyfo 14643 N 18 6. Environmental fate and behaviour Risk assessment is done in accordance with Chapter 2 of the RGB. Glyphosate was included on Annex I on July 1st, 2002 (2001/99/EG, 20-11-2001). On the basis of the proposed and supported uses, the following particular issues have been identified as requiring particular and short term attention from all Member States, in the framework of any authorisations to be granted, varied or withdrawn, as appropriate: - Groundwater: Member States must pay particular attention to the protection of the groundwater in vulnerable areas, in particular with respect to non-crop uses. The LoEP (d.d. May 11th, 2001) from the final review report (6511/VI/99-final, 21 January 2002) is used for the current assessment. The List of Endpoints contains both the endpoints for glyphosate as well as glyphosate trimesium. Only the endpoints for glyphosate are used since the amount of active substance in the formulation is expressed as pure glyphosate (formulated as potassium salt). For the sake of completeness the endpoints of glyphosate trimesium are listed as well. The final list of endpoints (final review report of January 2002) is used for risk assessment. Remarks and recalculations (based on LoEP data) by Ctgb are added to the LoEP in italics. The underlying risk assessment is based on the final list of endpoints for glyphosate and on the UK authorisation for Shyfo. For the Dutch specific aspects data from recent assessments is used. List of Endpoints Fate/behaviour (May 11th, 2001 as included in the final review report of January 2002) Fate and behaviour in soil Route of degradation Aerobic: Mineralization after different periods of time (%): Non-extractable residues after different periods of time (%): Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium 3 soils, 3 different 14C labels: 46.8 – 55.3 (28 d); 5.8 – 9.3 (112 d); 34.7 – 41.4 (84 d) 2 soils: 69.7 – 80.1 (150 d) 1 soil: 32.7 (112 d) 1 soil: 79.6 (100 d) 3 soils, 3 different 14C labels: 8.5 – 40.3 (28 d); 4.6 – 13.5 (112 d); 16.7 – 33.9 (84 d) 2 soils: 5.1 – 8.8 (150 d) 1 soil: 13.9 (112 d) 1 soil: 8.4 (100 d) Glyphosate 2 soils: 37 (21 d), 75 (150 d) TMS: 2 soils: 46 (9 d), 74 (150 d) Glyphosate 2 soils: 32 (21 d), 20 (150 d) TMS: 2 soils: 26 (9 d), 10 (150 d) Major metabolites above 10 % of applied, name and/or code, % of applied (range and maximum) Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) 26-29% after 14 days Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) 15.4% after 21 days (only in one study detected), no further degradation within 70 days. Supplemental studies Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium Shyfo 14643 N 19 Supplemental studies Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium Anaerobic degradation Mineralization after different periods of time (%): 3 soils, 3 different 14C labels: 33.5 – 51.4 (28 d); 1.4 – 5.0 (112 d); 24.2 – 38.6 (84 d) 1 soil, < 1 (120 d) Mineralization after different periods of time (%): Glyphosate: 43 (63 d) TMS: 57 (63d) Non-extractable residues after different periods of time (%): 3 soils, 3 different 14C-labels: 12.8 – 29.7 (28d); 0.4 – 12.0 (112 d); 15.1 – 31.6 (84d) 1 soil, 20 (120 d) Non-extractable residues after different periods of time (%): Glyphosate: 24 (63 d) TMS: 16 (63d) Soil photolysis: DT50: 96 (90 d dark); 101 d (1236 d dark) DT50 200 hours (50 ° N) AMPA: max. 24 % DT50 200 hours;No metabolites of TMS detected. Remarks: None. None. Laboratory studies Glyphosate DT50lab (20 °C, aerobic): DT50lab (20°C, aerobic): 4 – 180 d (20°C), mean 49 d, n=7 (first order kinetic) Ctgb: individual values 4, <7, 8, 9, 25, 110 and 180 days. Geometric mean = 19.3 (days) Glyphosate trimesium Glyphosate: 3- 62 d , mean 29 d, n=8 (first order kinetic) TMS: 3-15 d, mean 7 d, n=8 (first order kinetic) Rate of degradation DT90lab (20 °C, aerobic): DT90lab (20°C, aerobic): 40 – 280 d Glyphosate: 81- 207 d n= 4(first order (20°C), mean 159 d,n=4 (first order kinetic) TMS: 37-85 d (TMS anion), n= 4 (first kinetic) order kinetic) Glyphosate:67d DT50lab (10 °C, aerobic): DT50lab (10°C, aerobic): TMS: 70 d (8°C) not submitted (see field studies) No significant degradation. DT50lab (20°C, anaerobic): DT50lab (20°C, anaerobic): comparable to aerobic (study one); (waterphase) 3 d, (system) 1699 d (study two) Field studies (country or Glyphosate region) DT50f (best fit): DT50f from soil Germany 5 (Menslage); 12 (Bad dissipation studies: Krozingen) d; Switzerland 7 (Diegten); 21d (Egerkingen); USA: 1 d (Texas), 7 d (Ohio), 9 d (Georgia), 12 d (California), 17 d Shyfo 14643 N Glyphosate trimesium DT50f (best fit): Germany: 9, 15, 17, 23, 34,34d; USA: 1.5, 1.8, 15 and 17 d 20 Glyphosate trimesium Field studies (country or Glyphosate region) (Arizona), 31 d (Minnesota), 106 d (New York), 130 d (Iowa); Canada: 11 d (Manitoba), 16 d (Ontario), 63 d (Alberta) AMPA DT50f (first order kinetic) : AMPA DT50f (best fit): Germany: 134, 242, 316, 362, Germany 218 d (Menslage); 449, 875 d ; Switzerland 135; 139 d; USA: 13, 23, 37,147d . USA: 76 d (Ohio), 93 d (Texas), 103 d (Arizona), 145 d (New York), 170 d (Georgia), 174 d (Minnesota), 240 d (California); Canada: 128 d (Manitoba), 185 d (Ontario) Ctgb: the above endpoints for field degradation of glyphosate and AMPA cannot be traced back to the studies described in the DAR (due to recalculation/kinetic fitting?) For the assessment, the bold values from this final LoEP are relied on. not calculated; see DT50f DT90f from soil dissipation studies: DT90f: Germany: 76, 89, 113, 124, 166, 326 d; USA: 24, 48, 61, 68 d AMPA DT90f: Germany: 445, 804, 1050, 1203, 1491, 2907 d; USA: 42, 77, 124, 489d Soil accumulation and plateau concentation Remarks: e.g. effect of soil pH on degradation rate Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium Plateau concentration for AMPA: 5.62 mg/kg (mean DT50f: 697 d (first order kinetic)) Plateau concentration for AMPA: 0.91 mg/kg (mean DT50f (Germany): 396 d (first order kinetic)) None. None. Adsorption/desorption Glyphosate Kf / Koc: Kd Shyfo 14643 N soil type 1/n Koc Kd soil type 1/n Glyphosate trimesium Kd Koc Kd Koc 1/n 21 silty clay loam 1.16 60000 900 silt loam 0.98 25100 427 0.89 1179 20 silt loam 0.8 loam 0.93 2860 66 0.89 530 loamy sand 0.92 22300 245 sandy 0.88 7880 loam 39 0.84 1758 9 sand *) 32830 263 clay sand loam *) 50660 810 sandy clay *) loam 3598 50 3800 34 loamy sand *) 884 5.3 silt loam *) 3404 47 1.1 12 180000 2340 0.93 1659 22 *) 17819 510 loam (sediment) *)The advanced adsorption isotherm test wasn't conducted because in the screening test equilibrium was not reached after 72 hours No pH-dependence pH dependence: No pH dependence. AMPA Kf / Koc: Kd soil type 1/n Koc Kd clay loam 0.786 3640 76 sand 0.904 8310 1554 sand 0.752 1160 15 clay loam 0.791 3330 30 loamy sand 0.769 6920 111 sand 0.788 24800 74 No pH-dependence pH dependence: Mobility Column leaching: Aged residue leaching: Shyfo 14643 N Glyphosate 1. 0.12 – 1.45% as of applied in leachate (3 soils) 2. 0.03 – 6.56% as of applied in leachate (7 soils) 1.56, 0.22 and 0.02 % 14Cactivity in leachates 65.2, 59.0 and 2.1 % evolved as CO2 30.3, 40.4 and 97.5 % 14C in the Glyphosate trimesium < 2 % as in leachate (BBA standard soils) 14 C distribution after 30 days: Glyphosate-14C: 52 % extractable (AMPA 26 %), 12 % unextractable, 33 % CO2; TMS14 C: 10 % extractable, 21 % 22 Glyphosate upper 2 cm of columns Glyphosate trimesium unextractable, 57 % CO2 0.1 % Glyphosate and 0.5% TMS in leachate, total radioactivity in leachate not given. Lysimeter/Field leaching Not submitted. studies: Not submitted. Remarks: None. None. Fate and behaviour in water Abiotic degradation Hydrolytic degradation: Glyphosate pH__5____: stable (25°C) pH__7____: stable (25°C) pH__8____: stable (25°C) Photolytic degradation: Glyphosate trimesium pH___5___: stable; 25 and 40 °C (glyphosate and TMS) pH___7___: stable; 25 and 40 °C (glyphosate and TMS) pH___9___: stable; 25 and 40 °C (glyphosate and TMS) DT50: 33 d (pH 5), 69 d (pH 7), 77 d (pH 9). Glyphosate: DT50: 81 d (pH 7) 37°N TMS: stable Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium No. No. 1 and 4 days (Möllerfeld and Römbke) Glyphosate: 14 and 24 d; TMS: 4 and 3 d not calculated Glyphosate: 46 and 80 d; TMS: 13 and11 d Biological degradation Readily biodegradable: Water/sediment study: DT50 water: DT90 water: DT50 whole system: Shyfo 14643 N 27 and 146 days (Möllerfeld and Glyphosate: 21 and Römbke), 202 (extrapol.) d; Ctgb: recalculation to SFO with TMS: 5 and 7 d FOCUS Degradation Kinetics spreadsheet gives: DT50: 86.1 d chi2: 9.5 DT50: 37.7 d chi2: 11.7 23 Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium 31 and 124 days (Muttzall) Ctgb: recalculation to SFO with FOCUS Degradation Kinetics spreadsheet gives: DT50: 439.9 d chi2: 4.4 DT50: 52.6 d chi2: 7.1 Geomean 4 systems : 93.1 days, used in exposure assessment DT90 whole system: Not calculated Glyphosate: 69 d; TMS: 18 and 23 d Mineralization 18 and 24 % after 100 days (Möllerfeld and Römbke), 6 and 26 % after 91 days (Muttzall) Glyphosate: 48 and 6 % after 100 days; TMS: 67 and 68 % after 100 days Non-extractable residues 14 and 22 % after 100 days (Möllerfeld and Römbke), 31 and 35 % after 91 days (Muttzall) Glyphosate: 14 and 17 % after 100 days; TMS: 7 and 8 % after 100 days Distribution in water / sediment systems (active substance) after 1 day: 47-64% in water, 31- Glyphosate water: 1 and 5 %; 44% in sediment; sediment: 4 and 58 % after 100 days 3% in water, 29TMS water: < 1%; sediment: 2 44% in sediment. and 5 % In sediment: maximum 50-60% after 7 and 14 days, resp. and 30-50% after 100 days. Distribution in water / sediment systems (major metabolites) AMPA: if found, only in the water AMPA water: 4 and < 1 %: phase: maximum 16% after AMPA sediment: 18 and 3 % 14 days and 0.5 % after 100 days. Water/sediment studies with 14CAMPA (Knoch and Spirlet): 1 st system: waterphase: 101% day 0; 4% day 100; sediment: max. 41% day 59; 20% day 100; 2 nd system waterphase: 100% day 0; 1% day 59; sediment: max. 46% day 14; 32% day 100 Ctgb: no DT50 values were derived for AMPA. Based on the data presented in Addendum 2 (Knoch & Spirlet), the following SFO DT50 system values were calculated using the FOCUS Degradation Kinetics spreadsheet: Shyfo 14643 N 24 Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium - system 1: 47.8 d (chi2 5.9) - system 2: 32.8 d (chi2 11.6) geomean: 39.6 days Accumulation in water and/or sediment: No accumulation No accumulation Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium Not submitted. Not submitted. None. None. Degradation in the saturated zone Remarks: Fate and behaviour in air Volatility Vapour pressure: Glyphosate 1.31 ⋅ 10-5 Pa (25 °C, acid) Glyphosate trimesium Henry's law constant: 2.1 ⋅ 10-7 Pa m3 mol-1 < 1 ⋅ 10-11 Pa (20 °C) < 2 ⋅ 10-9 Pa m3 mol-1 Glyphosate No absorption for wavelengths > 290 nm. DT50 (water):33d (pH 5), 69 d (pH 7), 77 d (pH 9) Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium No absorption for wavelengths > 290 nm. DT50 (water): 81 d (pH 7) 37°N (stable for TMS) Glyphosate trimesium Photolytic degradation Direct photolysis in air: Photochemical oxidative DT50: 1.6 d (Atkinson estimation) degradation in air DT50: from plant surfaces: no Volatilisation: significant volatilization from soil: no significant volatilization from plant surfaces: negligible (glyphosate and TMS) Remarks: None. None. DT50: about 1.4 hours from soil: negligible (glyphosate and TMS) Appendix A: Metabolite names, codes and other relevant information of the pesticide Shyfo with a.s. glyphosate. The compounds shown below were found in one or more studies involving the metabolism and/or environmental fate of glyphosate. The parent compound structure of glyphosate is shown first in this list and followed by degradate or related compounds. Shyfo 14643 N 25 Compound IUPAC name name Structural formula Structure Glyphosate NC3H8NO5P (phosphonomethyl)glycin O NH HO AMPA 6.1 - O CH6NO3P CH2 OH Molecular Observed Weight in study (% [g/mol] of occurrence/ formation) 169.1 parent P CH2 OH 111.0 29 % in soil, 16 % in water Fate and behaviour in soil 6.1.1 Persistence in soil The risk assessment of persistence in soil is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorization (UK). 6.1.2 Leaching to shallow groundwater (Dutch specific aspect) Leaching to shallow ground water is a Dutch specific aspect. For the current application for mutual recognition this means that the UK risk assessment for leaching to ground water cannot be used for mutual recognition and a national risk assessment has to be performed. Article 2.9 of the Plant Protection Products and Biocides Regulations (RGB) describes the authorisation criterion leaching to groundwater. The leaching potential of the active substance (and metabolites) is calculated in the first tier using Pearl 4.4.4 and the FOCUS Kremsmünster scenario. Input variables are the actual worst-case application rate [0.18 -2.88 kg/ha], the crop [Oilseed rape, Linseed (scenario KREMoilseed is used), Field bean, Peas, Leek, Asparagus (scenario KREMfldbeans is used), Sugar beet, Mustard, Swede, Turnip, Fodder grassland (scenario KREMsugarbeet is used), Apple, Pear, Cherry, Plum (scenario KREMapples is used), Tree nursery (scenario KREM wcereals (worst case)), (un)cultivated land (scenario fallow soil), Cereals, Onion] and an interception value appropriate to the crop stage of 0 – 0.8 (depending on BBCH of use). Date of yearly application is May 25th for spring application and November 1st for autumn applications. For metabolites all available data concerning substance properties are regarded. Metabolite AMPA is included in the calculations. No other metabolites occurred above > 10 % of AR, > 5 % of AR at two consecutive sample points or had an increasing tendency. The following input data are used for the calculation: PEARL: Active substance glyphosate: Geometric mean DT50 for degradation in soil (20°C): 19.3 days (laboratory data, n=7). Arithmetic mean Kom (pH-independent): 12868 L/kg (n=8, excluding the sediment data) Arithmetic mean 1/n: 0.96 (n=3, only for studies in which a 1/n was determined) Saturated vapour pressure: 1.31 x 10-5 Pa (25 °C, acid, LoEP phys-chem properties) Solubility in water: 10.5 ± 0.2 g/l (pH 2, 20 °C, 9 95 g/kg, LoEP phys-chem properties) Molecular mass: 169.1 g/mol Q10: 2.2 Plant uptake factor: 0.5 (systemic active substance) Shyfo 14643 N 26 Metabolite AMPA: Geometric mean field DT50 for degradation in soil (20°C): 139.5 days (no lab data available, geomean of 7 acceptable field data points) Arithmetic mean Kom (pH-independent): 4,656 L/kg (n=6) Arithmetic mean 1/n: 0.80 (n=6) Maximum fraction of occurrence: 0.29 Saturated vapour pressure: 1.31 x 10-5 Pa (25°C; parent) Solubility in water: 10.5 ± 0.2 g/l (20°C; parent) Molecular mass: 111.0 g/mol Q10: 2.2 Plant uptake factor: 0.0 (default for metabolites) Other parameters: standard settings of PEARL 4.4.4 The following concentrations are predicted for the a.s. glyphosate and the metabolite AMPA following the realistic worst case GAP, see Table M.2 Table M.2 Leaching of active substance glyphosate and metabolite AMPA as predicted by PEARL 4.4.4 Frequency Fraction PEC Use Scenario Substance Rate substanc Interval Intercepted* groundwater used e [kg/ha] [days] [µ µg/L] spring autum n Cereals KREMGlyphosate 0.54 0 1/< < 0.001 wcereals AMPA ** 0.001 Linseed, KREMGlyphosate 0.54 0 1/< < 0.001 oilseed woilseed AMPA ** 0.001 Field beans, KREMGlyphosate 0.54 0 1/< < 0.001 pea without fldbeans AMPA ** 0.001 pod, asparagus, leek, dry harvested peas Sugarbeet, cereals, mustard, rape,swede, turnip, Onions Permanently uncultivated land (excluding (semi)hardene d surfaces) , All edible crops, (stubble, before Shyfo 14643 N KREMsugarbeet Glyphosate AMPA 0.54 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 KREMonions fallow soil Glyphosate AMPA Glyphosate AMPA 0.54 ** 0.54 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 27 Use planting, destruction) Coniferous trees (over the crop), Temporarily uncultivated land. Barley, Oats, Wheat, Dry harvested peas, field beans Linseed, oilseed rape, Mustard Scenario used Fraction Intercepted* PEC groundwater [µ µg/L] spring autum n Glyphosate AMPA 1.08 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 Glyphosate AMPA 1.08 ** 1.- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 KREMwcereals KREMfldbeans Glyphosate AMPA Glyphosate AMPA 1.44 ** 1.44 ** 1/- 0.9 < 0.001 1/- 0.7 < 0.001 < 0.001 KREMwoilseed KREMsugarbeet fallow soil Glyphosate AMPA Glyphosate AMPA Glyphosate AMPA 1.44 ** 1.44 ** 1.44 ** 1/- 0.8 1/- 0.9 1/- 0 KREMapples Glyphosate AMPA 1.80 ** 1/- KREM-vines Glyphosate AMPA Cherry, Plum, KREMGlyphosate Tree nursery wcereals AMPA crops, Forestry (default) Temporary fallow soil Glyphosate uncultivated AMPA land, Permanently uncultivated land (excluding (semi)hardene d surfaces), All edible crops (stubble before planting, destruction) Fodder KREMGlyphosate grassland, sugarbeet AMPA Tree nursery crops, Forestry, between crops, Green 1.80 ** 1.80 ** Temporary uncultivated land Apple, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Tree nurserry Crops, Forestry, All edible crops (stubble before planting, destruction) Shyfo 14643 N KREMwcereals (default) fallow soil Substance Rate Frequency substanc Interval e [kg/ha] [days] < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 1/- 0 < 0.001 1.- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 1.80 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 2.16 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 28 Use cover, on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht) Tree nursery crops, Forestry (stump application) – injection Tree nursery crops, Forestry, (chemical thinning)Brushing (Semi) hardened surfaces (spotwise treatment) Scenario used Substance Rate Frequency substanc Interval e [kg/ha] [days] Fraction Intercepted* PEC groundwater [µ µg/L] spring autum n Not relevant, no leaching from application method injection to tree stumps. fallow soil Glyphosate AMPA 2.88 ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 fallow soil Glyphosate AMPA 0.18*** ** 1/- 0 < 0.001 < 0.001 *interception values derived from Table 1.6 in “generic guidance for FOCUS groundwater scenarios”. Interception values were appropriate for respective BBCH codes; No interception for BBCH 00/ Application before planting, interception of 0.7-0.9 for applications from BBCH 89. ** calculated using transformation scheme *** based on spotwise treatment of 10 % of the acreage resulting in a factor 10 lower dose rate per hectare; the application rate of 0.18 kg a.s..ha covers the also proposed lower application for the same use (0.054 kg/ha). Results of Pearl 4.4.4 using the Kremsmünster scenario are examined against the standard of 0.01 µg/L. This is the standard of 0.1 µg/L with an additional safety factor of 10 for vulnerable groundwater protection areas (NL-specific situation). From Table M.2 it reads that the expected leaching based on the PEARL-model calculations for the a.s. glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA is smaller than 0.01 µg/L for all proposed applications. Hence, the applications meet the standards for leaching as laid down in the RGB. Non-relevant metabolites AMPA is the major metabolite of glyphosate in soil and water. For this metabolite it has been demonstrated that it is toxicologically non-relevant for the assessment for leaching to groundwater (refer to Decision of the Board of 12 June 2002). For AMPA the following applies: • Efficacy: The metabolite AMPA has no properties concerning efficacy. • Human toxicology: Regarding the results of the available tests the metabolite AMPA is considered toxicologically non-relevant. (For further details see the List of Endpoints for human toxicology). • Ecotoxicology: o Aquatic organisms: Shyfo 14643 N 29 Algae: NOEC = 79.7 mg/L (complies with criterion: NOEC >1 mg/L) Aquatic invertebrates: EC50 = 691 mg/L (complies with criterion: EC50 >100 mg/L) Fish: LC50 = 520 mg/L (complies with criterion: LC50 >100 mg/L) o Earthworms: There is no study available addressing the acute toxicity of AMPA to earthworms, but a 56-d chronic study is provided: NOEC ≥ 28.1 mg/kg. This value is approximately 40 times higher than the maximum PEC0 for AMPA in soil. Furthermore for glyphosate the acute 14-d LC50 >1000 mg/kg. In this study also considerable amounts of AMPA were formed (peak concentrations of AMPA are reached after 14 days in soil degradation studies). Consequently AMPA is assumed to be non-toxic to earthworms. o Soil micro-organisms: There is no study available addressing the toxicity of AMPA to soil microorganisms, but from studies with the active ingredient glyphosate it shows that at relevant concentrations following use there are no effects on soil micro-organisms. In this study also considerable amounts of AMPA were formed (peak concentrations of AMPA are reached after 14 days in soil degradation studies). Consequently AMPA is assumed to be non-toxic to soil micro-organisms at relevant concentrations following use. o Birds: There are acute and sub-acute studies addressing the acute toxicity of AMPA to birds submitted, which show that AMPA is very slightly toxic to birds. Based on the data listed above it can be concluded that the metabolite AMPA can be considered as non-relevant for leaching (although the more recent stepwise approach from the GD on non-relevant metabolites was not exactly followed). Only a first tier leaching assessment is performed. For the currently proposed uses, there was no exceeding of the trigger. Lysimeter/field leaching studies No lysimeter studies are available for glyphosate or its metabolite AMPA. Monitoring data The active substance glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA were observed in the groundwater of sampling points around a groundwater abstraction point [Bannink, 19991]. No residues of glyphosate or AMPA were found at the filter depth, which ranged from 6 to 32 m below soil surface. In Table M.3a observed concentrations in the shallow groundwater are presented. Table M.3a Monitoring data for glyphosate in groundwater (1999) Location/year Detection a/n* Mean conc. limit [µg/L] [µ µg/L] Groundwater protection area Helmond, 1999 0.05 0 / n** <0.05 Maximum conc. [µ µg/L] <0.05 * number of observations above detection limit (a)/total number observations (n). ** the total number of samples could not be retrieved. More recent data are presented in RIVM Rapport 607310001/2007. Monitoring data were collected in 2006 in the framework of groundwater monitoring for the WFD starting situation (so-called nulmeting) in the Dutch provinces Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht and Zeeland. See Table M.3b. 1 Bannink, A. (1999) Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het grondwaterbeschermingsgebied Helmond 1999. ’s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands: N.V. Waterleidingmaatschappij Oost-Brabant. Report no. WOB.BI2803, (in Dutch) 49pp. Shyfo 14643 N 30 Table M.3b Monitoring data for glyphosate in groundwater (2006) Location/year Detection a/n* Mean Maximum limit [µg/L] conc. conc. [µ µg/L] [µ µg/L] P90 conc. [µ µg/L] The Netherlands, 2006 < 0.20 Varies between 0.1 and 1.5 4/691 0.01 4.74 * number of observations above detection limit (a)/total number observations (n). It must be noted that (page 19 of the report, translated by Ctgb) “no check was performed on the measurements as is required for use of the data in registration assessment, as this was not included in the current project remit. Presented values can therefore not be used as such in registration procedures.” As the P90 value given is below the detection limit (which is 0.2 µg/L for the deep groundwater samples) and the data cannot be considered entirely suitable for use in the registration process, no consequences are drawn from the data. Conclusions The proposed applications of the product comply with the requirements laid down in the RGB concerning leaching to groundwater. 6.2 Fate and behaviour in water 6.2.1 Rate and route of degradation in surface water (Dutch specific aspect) Since the Netherlands has its own national drift values, the exposure concentrations of the active substance glyphosate and metabolite AMPA in surface water have been estimated for the various proposed uses using calculations of surface water concentrations (in a ditch of 30 cm depth), which originate from spray drift during application of the active substance. The spray drift percentage depends on the use. No drift reducing measures are proposed by the applicant. For the use on temporarily uncultivated land the applicant proposes the following restriction Bij de toepassing op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein mogen sloottaluds niet gespoten worden. However, it is never allowed to treat ditch slopes as laid down in other Dutch law and regulation (LOTV/Activiteitenbesluit). Hence in fact the restriction sentence is redundant. For glyphosate containing products it is nonetheless maintained on the labels since formerly (before 2006) there was an authorisation for use in dry ditches. The several uses are grouped and calculated by group. Because the application timing is variable within each group, both a spring and autumn scenario is calculated. Injection and brushing are no drift applications and are therefore not included in the calculations. The use on permanently uncultivated land may include hardened surfaces. However, because the emission route run-off from hardened surfaces is not an NL-specific route, this specific emission due to the use on hardened surfaces will not be taken into account. Concentrations in surface water are calculated using the model TOXSWA. The following input data are used for the calculation: TOXSWA: Active substance: Geometric mean DT50 for degradation in water at 20°C: 91.3 days (geomean of 4 SFO system values in the LoEP, endpoints recalculated by Ctgb using the study data in the DAR) DT50 for degradation in sediment at 20°C: 1000 days (default). Shyfo 14643 N 31 Arithmetic mean Kom for suspended organic matter: 12868 L/kg (n=8, excluding the sediment data) Arithmetic mean Kom for sediment: 12868 L/kg (n=8, excluding the sediment data) Arithmetic 1/n: 0.96 (n=3, only for studies in which a 1/n was determined) Saturated vapour pressure: 1.31 x 10-5 Pa (25°C, acid, LoEP phys-chem properties) Solubility in water: 10.5 ± 0.2 g/l (pH 2, 20°C, 99 5 g/kg, LoEP phys-chem properties) Molecular mass: 169.1 g/mol Q10: 2.2 Metabolite AMPA Geometric mean: DT50 for degradation in water at 20°C: 39.6 days (geomean of 2 systems, endpoints calculated by Ctgb from LoEP data) DT50 for degradation in sediment at 20°C: 1000 days (default). Arithmetic mean Kom for suspended organic matter: 4656 L/kg (n=6) Arithmetic mean Kom for sediment: 4656 L/kg (n=6) Arithmetic mean 1/n: 0.80 (n=6) Saturated vapour pressure: 1.31 x 10-5 Pa (25°C, parent) Solubility in water: 10.5 ± 0.2 g/l (20°C, parent) Molecular mass: 111.0 g/mol Correction factor: 0.16 (max. % observed) x 0.66 (relative molar ratio = M metabolite/ M parent) = 0.11 Q10: 2.2 Other parameters: standard settings TOXSWA When no separate degradation half-lives (DegT50 values) are available for the water and sediment compartment (accepted level P-II values), the system degradation half-life (DegT50-system, level P-I) is used as input for the degrading compartment and a default value of 1000 days is to be used for the compartment in which no degradation is assumed. This is in line with the recommendations in the FOCUS Guidance Document on Degradation Kinetics. For metabolites, the level M-I values are used (system DegT50 value) only, since level M-II criteria have not been fully developed under FOCUS Degradation Kinetics. In Table M.4, the drift percentages and calculated surface water concentrations for the active substance glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA for each intended use are presented. Metabolite AMPA is modelled as parent using the application rate of the parent multiplied by the the correction factor and the parameters for AMPA as described in the input box. Table M.4 Overview of surface water concentrations for active substance glyphosate and metabolite AMPA in the edge-of-field ditch following spring/autumn application Use* Substance Rate Freq./ Drift a.s. Interval [%] [kg/ha] Group 1 Glyphosate Shyfo 14643 N 0.54 1/- 1 PIEC ** [µ µg/L] PEC21 ** [µ µg/L] PEC28 ** [µ µg/L] Spring autumn spring autumn spring autumn 2.352 2.352 1.229 0.315 1.123 0.238 32 Use* Substance Rate Freq./ Drift a.s. Interval [%] [kg/ha] AMPA 0.06 Group 2 Glyphosate 1.08 AMPA 0.12 Group 3 Glyphosate 1.44 AMPA 0.16 Temporary Glyphosate 1.44 uncultivated AMPA 0.16 land Group 4 Glyphosate 1.8 AMPA 0.20 Group 5 Glyphosate 2.16 AMPA 0.24 Permanently Glyphosate 0.18*** uncultivated AMPA 0.02*** land; only (semi) hardened surfaces, 1/- 1 1/- 1 1/- 1 1/- 1 1/- 1 1/- 1 PIEC ** [µ µg/L] PEC21 ** [µ µg/L] PEC28 ** [µ µg/L] Spring autumn spring autumn spring autumn 0.273 0.273 0.151 0.036 0.138 0.027 4.715 4.715 2.476 0.632 2.265 0.478 0.545 0.545 0.312 0.073 0.286 0.055 6.293 6.293 3.312 0.844 3.029 0.638 0.735 0.735 0.422 0.098 0.387 0.074 6.293 6.293 3.312 0.844 3.029 0.638 0.735 0.735 0.422 0.098 0.387 0.074 7.872 0.911 9.452 1.105 0.781 0.090 7.872 0.911 9.452 1.105 0.781 0.0901 4.151 0.527 4.990 0.644 0.405 0.048 1.056 0.122 1.269 0.148 0.110 0.012 3.798 0.484 4.567 0.592 0.370 0.044 0.799 0.092 0.959 0.112 0.079 0.009 * Uses are grouped as follows: Group 1: Sugarbeet, barley, oats, wheat, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field beans, pea without pod, swede, turnip, onions, asparagus, leek, permanently uncultivated land (with the exception of (semi) hardenend surfaces), All edible crops, (stubble, before planting, destruction) Group 2: Coniferous trees (over the crop), temporarily uncultivated land. Group 3: Barley, oats, wheat, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field beans. Group 4: Apple, pear, cherry, Plum, tree nurserry crops, forestry, temporary uncultivated crops, Permanently uncultivated land (with the exception of (semi)hardenened surfaces), All edible crops (stubble before planting, destruction). Group 5: Fodder grassland, tree nursery crops, forestry, between crops, green cover, on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht) ** calculated according to TOXSWA *** based on spotwise treatment of 10% of the acreage resulting in a factor 10 lower dose rate per hectare; the application rate of 0.18 kg a.s..ha covers the also proposed lower application for the same use (0.054 kg/ha). ). The exposure concentrations in surface water are compared to the ecotoxicological threshold values in section 7.2. Monitoring data The Pesticide Atlas on internet (, is used to evaluate measured concentrations of pesticides in Dutch surface water, and to assess whether the observed concentrations exceed threshold values. Dutch water boards have a well-established programme for monitoring pesticide contamination of surface waters. In the Pesticide Atlas, these monitoring data are processed into a graphic format accessible on-line and aiming to provide an insight into measured pesticide contamination of Dutch surface waters against environmental standards. The current version 2.0 of the Pesticide Atlas does not contain a land use correlation analysis, which may indicate probable or causal relationships with land use. Instead a link to the land use analysis performed in version 1.0 is made, in which the analysis is made on the basis of data aggregation based on grid cells of either 5 x 5 km or 1 x 1 km. Data from the Pesticide Atlas are used to evaluate potential exceeding of the authorisation threshold and the MPC (ad-hoc or according to INS) threshold. Shyfo 14643 N 33 For examination against the drinking water criterion, another database (VEWIN) is used, since the drinking water criterion is only examined at drinking water abstraction points. For the assessment of the proposed applications regarding the drinking water criterion, see next section. Active substance glyphosate The active substance glyphosate was observed in the surface water (most recent data from 2009). In Table M.5a the number of observations in the surface water are presented. In the Pesticide Atlas, surface water concentrations are compared to the authorisation threshold value of 64 µg/L (27/07/2005, consisting of first or higher tier acute or chronic ecotoxicological threshold value, including relevant safety factors, which is used for risk assessment, in this case 0.1*EC50 algae) and to the indicative Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) of 77 µg/L as presented in the Pesticide Atlas Currently, this MPC value is not harmonised, which means that not all available ecotoxicological data for this substance are included in the threshold value. In the near future and in the framework of the Water Framework Directive, new quality criteria will be developed which will include both MPC data as well as authorisation data. The currently available MPC value is reported here for information purposes. Pending this policy development, however, no consequences can be drawn for the proposed applications. Table M.5a. Monitoring data in Dutch surface water (from, version 2.0) of glyphosate. n > indicative/ad hoc n > MPC-INS Total no of locations n> MPC threshold threshold * (2010) authorisation threshold 293 ** 0 0 n.a. * n.a.: no MPC-INS available. < : exceeding expected to be lower than with indicative/ad hoc MPC value; > : exceeding expected to be higher than with indicative/ad hoc MPC value ** the number of observations at each location varies between 1 and 30, total number of measurements is 1421 in 2010. As there are no exceedings of thresholds, the monitoring data have no consequences for the proposed uses of the product. AMPA (metabolite of glyphosate) The metabolite AMPA was observed in the surface water (most recent data from 2010). In Table M.5b the number of observations in the surface water are presented. In the Pesticide Atlas, surface water concentrations are compared to the authorisation threshold value of 8980 µg/L (27/06/2002, consisting of first or higher tier acute or chronic ecotoxicological threshold value, including relevant safety factors, which is used for risk assessment, in this case 0.1*EC50 algae) and to the indicative Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) of 79.7 µg/L as presented in the Pesticide Atlas. Currently, this MPC value is not harmonised, which means that not all available ecotoxicological data for this substance are included in the threshold value. In the near future and in the framework of the Water Framework Directive, new quality criteria will be developed which will include both MPC data as well as authorisation data. The currently available MPC value is reported here for information purposes. Pending this policy development, however, no consequences can be drawn for the proposed applications. Shyfo 14643 N 34 Table M.5b. Monitoring data in Dutch surface water (from, version 2.0) of AMPA. Total no of locations n> n > indicative/ad hoc n > MPC-INS (2010) authorisation MPC threshold threshold * threshold 293 ** 0 0 n.a. * n.a.: no MPC-INS available. < : exceeding expected to be lower than with indicative/ad hoc MPC value; > : exceeding expected to be higher than with indicative/ad hoc MPC value ** the number of observations at each location varies between 1 and 30, total number of measurements is 1374 in 2010. The correlation of exceedings with land use is derived from the 1.0 version of the Pesticide Atlas. Hence, the correlation is not based on the exact same monitoring data. However, this is the best available information and therefore it is used in this assessment. As there is no exceeding of the ad hoc MPC or the authorisation threshold, the monitoring data have no consequences for the proposed uses of the product. . Drinking water criterion Assessment of the drinking water criterion is in principle not a Dutch specific aspect however the interpretation is done in a Dutch specific way. It follows from the decision of the Court of Appeal on Trade and Industry of 19 August 2005 (Awb 04/37 (General Administrative Law Act)) that when considering an application, the Ctgb should, on the basis of the scientific and technical knowledge and taking into account the data submitted with the application, also judge the application according to the drinking water criterion ‘surface water intended for drinking water production’. The assessment methodology followed is developed by the WG implementation drinking water criterion and outlined in Alterra report 16352. Substances are categorized as new substances on the Dutch market (less than 3 years authorisation) or existing substances on the Dutch market (authorised for more than 3 years). - For new substances, a preregistration calculation is performed. - For existing substances, the assessment is based on monitoring data of VEWIN (drinking water board). o If for an existing substance based on monitoring data no problems are expected by VEWIN, Ctgb follows this VEWIN assessment. If for an existing substance based on monitoring data a potential problem is identified by VEWIN, Ctgb assesses whether the 90th percentile of the monitoring data meet the drinking water criterion at each individual drinking water abstraction point Glyphosate has been on the Dutch market for > 3 years (authorised since 25-02-1990). This period is sufficiently large to consider the market share to be established. The existing active substance glyphosate -and also its metabolite AMPA- is included in the most recent list of substances of concern due to its presence in surface water at drinking water abstraction points as established by VEWIN/Ctgb. Therefore, an adequate risk assessment is needed. 2 Adriaanse et al. (2008). Development of an assessment methodology to evaluate agricultural use ofplant protection products for drinking water production from surface waters - A proposal for the registration procedure in the Netherlands. Alterra-Report 1635 Shyfo 14643 N 35 There are monitoring data concerning the presence of glyphosate at drinking water abstraction points. In earlier assessments for re-registration of glyphosate-based products the monitoring data set of 2001-2004 was evaluated. The following was concluded: There are monitoring data concerning the presence of glyphosate in drinking water abstraction points located in the Rhine and Meuse river. Based on the fact that in almost one third of all samples the 0.1 µg/L threshold is exceeded and also the 90th percentile is above the threshold (overall 90th-percentile value: 0.192 µg/L), it is expected that there is concern for drinking water. In the re-registration of nine glyfosate-containing products this issue was addressed. The outcome is given below: Restriction to DOB on hardened surfaces will meet the threshold for drinking water. Therefore Ctgb decides to allow professional use on hardened surfaces only via DOB or a similar certified system. For formulations for which application on hardened surfaces is not applied for, no restrictions for the use on hardened surfaces have to be included on the label. In the assessment of the re-registration of Roundup Evolution (Decision of the Board d.d. 16 May 2008) this issue is completely assessed. Hence, the formulations based on glyphosate were allowed to stay on the market provided that for the professional uses on hardened surface restrictions in the use were included. At that time, the certification of the aimed application technique (DOB) was not yet possible and therefore the restriction could not be set very stringent yet (techniques in line with DOB or other certified techniques were put on the label). Several years have now passed since the implementation of the new label with restrictions and new monitoring data are available. There are indications from specific monitoring campaigns that the threshold value is not met yet. Recently therefore, an analysis was made of the available monitoring data after the entry into force of the restrictions for hardened surfaces, to evaluate whether this restricted use has led to meeting the standards (policy advice of Ctgb by decree of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Housing and the Environment, dated October 2009). On the basis of the monitoring campaign, which was the incentive for performing the above analysis, it has been decided (in February 2010) to restrict the professional uses on hardened surface to certified DOB practice, in order to achieve the expected improvement of the water quality at drinking water abstraction points. The certification became obligatory in February 2011. After the decision on appeal (June 2013), however, the demand for certification could not be maintained. In the mean time, the rules for applying in accordance with DOB have become more stringent (max 360 g a.s./ha per year, max. 216 gram a.s/ha per application, DOB version 2.0). As the applied for use of Shyfo falls within these boundaries there is no objection to the use of the same restriction as for Roundup Evolution. For Roundup Evolution the restriction currently is: Toepassing van dit middel op half-open en gesloten verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ volgens de DOBmethode (Duurzaam OnkruidBeheer op verhardingen, zie This same restriction is therefore valid for Shyfo. The currently available dataset of RIWA-Rhine/Meuse and Waterbedrijf Groningen (at the time of the original assessment of Shyfo these were the data from 2007- 2010) indicate that concentrations at drinking water abstraction points have decreased substantially on almost every abstraction point, but the 90th percentile of several abstraction points is still above 0.1 µg/L. See Table M.6a. Table M.6a Monitoring data for glyphosate at drinking water abstraction points from surface water in the period 2007 – 2010 (after implementing restrictions for professional use on hardened surfaces) Shyfo 14643 N 36 Abstraction point Andijk Nieuwegein Amsterdam-Rijn kanaal (Nieuwersluis) Brakel Heel Petrusplaat/Keizersveer Scheelhoek/Stellendam Drentsche Aa (De Punt) Number of measurements above detection limit/ Number of measurements [n/N] 19/92 60/118 67/117 25/87 61/70 92/124 31/59 21/122 Number of measurements above drinking water limit/ Number of measurements [n/N] 0/92 8/118 8/117 6/87 43/70 32/124 3/59 15/122 Overall 90percentile [µg/L] 0.060 0.080 0.090 0.080 0.191 0.160 0.072 0.109 For the appeal against the implementation of the certified DOB restriction for professional use on hardened surfaces (appeal no. 2010-08/09, date treated at Advisory Board 23 March 2011) it was again analysed if the monitoring data demonstrate an improvement of the water quality at drinking water abstraction points. It was concluded that for all abstraction points an improvement was found when comparing the 2007-2009 analysis with the 2007-2010 analysis. Furthermore, the exceeding at De Punt (Drentsche Aa catchment) can be fully attributed to one anomalous year (2008). This probably is caused by non-GAP application but it cannot be substantiated which use or user group is responsible (it seems likely that it is due to the use on pavements because of the observed relation with weather conditions, personal communication Waterbedrijf Groningen). Most proposed uses are not expected to contribute to the drinking water problem as they are not on paved areas. One of the proposed uses does imply professional treatment on permanently uncultivated land, including paved areas. Since it has been demonstrated that the exceeding of the drinking water criterion by glyphosate is due to the professional use on hardened surfaces, this use cannot be authorised as such. However, in an earlier assessment for professional use of glyphosate on paved areas Ctgb concluded that when complying to the DOB principles, the maximum amount of a.s. glyphosate is regulated. This does not depend on which formulation is used. Hence the total amount of the active substance glyphosate is not allowed to exceed the DOB instructions. This means that the authorisation of Shyfo will not lead to a higher overall use of glyphosate on hardened surfaces, since the use of DOB is legally binding by the inclusion on the instructions for use (WG). It is considered that –in view of earlier assessments that the overall use on paved areas will not increase, combined with the observed downward trend (data of 2010 show less exceeding than earlier years) - although the standards for surface water destined for the production of drinking water as laid down in the RGB are not met for glyphosate, the proposed applications can be authorised, provided that the following restriction sentence is included in the WG, to ensure that application takes place in accordance with DOB when treating hardenened surfaces: Toepassing van dit middel op half-open en gesloten verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ volgens de DOB- methode (Duurzaam OnkruidBeheer op verhardingen, zie Shyfo 14643 N 37 AMPA The VEWIN has included AMPA on the list of substances of concern for drinking water. The same new data set (after introduction of the restrictions for use on hardened surfaces) as available for glyphosate is also available for AMPA. An analysis of the data (2007-2010) shows that the 90th percentile is above the drinking water limit at all drinking water abstraction points. See Table M.6b. Table M.6b Monitoring data for AMPA at drinking water abstraction points from surface water in the period 2007 – 2010 (after implementing restrictions for professional use on hardened surfaces) Abstraction point Number of Number of 90measurements above measurements above percentile [µg/L] detection limit/ drinking water limit/ Number of Number of measurements measurements [n/N] [n/N] 0.310 Andijk 71/92 71/92 0.616 Nieuwegein 132/132 132/132 0.678 Amsterdam-Rijn kanaal 116/117 116/117 (Nieuwersluis) 1.200 Brakel 87/87 87/87 2.500 Heel 70/70 70/70 1.800 Petrusplaat/Keizersveer 103/104 103/104 0.772 Scheelhoek/Stellendam 59/59 57/59 Drentsche Aa (De Punt) 3/115 0/115 0.025 It must be noted that the detection limit for most abstraction points is 0.1 µg/L. Furthermore AMPA is known to have more sources than only glyphosate (e.g., detergents). Again, also for AMPA the exposure is governed almost entirely by the use of glyphosate on hardened surfaces, and it has been analysed that applications to crop and/or bare soil hardly contribute to the observed surface water concentrations at drinking water abstraction points. Additionally, the metabolite is declared non-relevant for groundwater. The groundwater assessment is in fact a drinking water assessment, hence the non-relevance could in principle be extrapolated to surface water destined for the production of drinking water. This is sustained by the Guidance Document (GD) on non-relevant metabolites where it is stated in the introduction that: “This guidance document focuses on groundwater, though the general approach may also be applicable for the regional management of surface water resources intended for the abstraction of drinking water in Member States.” For the proposed uses there is no exceeding of the “normal” groundwater limit of 0.1 µg/L (leaching assessment). In contrast, the monitoring data at abstraction points show that for surface water the 90th percentile concentration is 1.30 µg/L, which is above 0.75 µg/L and below 10 µg/L. The determination of non-relevance depends on the level of exposure concentrations. Several “threshold of concern values” are included in the step-wise procedure in the Guidance document for non-relevance of metabolites. These threshold values consist of a concentration of 0.75 µg/L (above which a full consumer exposure assessment has to be made) and a concentration of 10 µg/L (above which the decision for allowing the substance is a risk managers’ responsibility). This means that for AMPA a consumer risk assessment has to be made according to Step 5 of the GD: “Metabolites which have passed steps 1 to 3 and for which levels of estimated concentrations of metabolites in groundwater (as defined in Shyfo 14643 N 38 Step 2) lie between 0.75 µg/L (from Step 4) and 10 µg/L3 will require a refined assessment of their potential toxicological significance for consumers. [….] As provided [..] for step 4, also in step 5 the question must be addressed whether there are other sources of exposure for consumers but groundwater. The permissible exposure of consumers via water is calculated on the basis of a daily consumption of 2 L/day and taking into account exposure from all other routes, if appropriate.” The consumer exposure calculation for AMPA is based on the following input parameters: Weight adult population: 63 kg Weight child 1—6 years: 17 kg ADI for AMPA: 0.3 mg/kg BW day-1 (derived from glyphosate) Intake of drinking water: 2 L for adults, for children both a 1 L (realistic estimate) and a 2 L (extreme worst-case) assessment is made yields: - a TMDI (Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake) of 2.6 µg/adult a day, equivalent to 0.041 µg/kg BW day-1. This is 0.014 % of the ADI; - a TMDI (Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake) of 1.3 µg/child a day, equivalent to 0.076 µg/kg BW day-1. This is 0.025 % of the ADI; - a TMDI (Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake) of 2.6 µg/child a day, equivalent to 0.153 µg/kg BW day-1. This is 0.051 % of the ADI. The exposure is negligible. Hence there is no concern from a consumer exposure perspective. Based on the results of the consumer risk assessment, it can be concluded that metabolite AMPA is also non-relevant for surface water destined for the production of drinking water. On the basis of al the above arguments, the proposed uses meet the standards for drinking water with regard to AMPA. Conclusion drinking water criterion The original registration in UK was not assessed against the drinking water criterion. Conclusion risk assessment according to RGB: all proposed applications of the product comply with the RGB, provided that for the use on (half-open and closed) hardened surfaces a restriction sentence is included on the label. 6.3 Fate and behaviour in air Route and rate of degradation in air Assessment of fate and behaviour in air is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorization (UK). At present there is no framework to assess fate and behaviour in air of plant protection products. 3 This limit value of 10 µg/L is selected for pragmatic reasons. It is also the current limit value defined in the Drinking Water Directive for chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons such as trichlorethene. Some degradation products of pesticides may belong into this chemical category. Note that some other products may also belong to other defined categories in Drinking Water Directive and are, therefore, subject to a different limit. Shyfo 14643 N 39 6.4 Appropriate fate and behaviour end-points relating to the product and approved uses See List of End-points. 6.5 Data requirements None The following restriction sentences were proposed by the applicant: Toepassing van dit middel op verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan onder certificaat volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ van de Barometer duurzaam Terreinbeheer of een door het Ctgb vergelijkbaar verklaard certificatiesysteem. Bij de toepassing op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein mogen sloottaluds niet gespoten worden. Based on the current assessment, the following has to be stated in the GAP/legal instructions for use (WG): Toepassing van dit middel op half-open en gesloten verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ volgens de DOB- methode (Duurzaam OnkruidBeheer op verhardingen, zie Bij de toepassing op tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein mogen sloottaluds niet gespoten worden. 6.6 Overall conclusions fate and behaviour It can be concluded that: 1. all proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for leaching to the shallow groundwater as laid down in the RGB. 2. all proposed applications of metabolite AMPA meet the standards for leaching to shallow groundwater as laid down in the RGB. 3. UK did not assess the product with regard to the standards for surface water destined for the production of drinking water, however, the proposed applications of the product complies with the RGB with regard to the standards for surface water destined for the production of drinking water, in case a restriction sentence is placed on the label: Toepassing van dit middel op half-open en gesloten verhardingen is uitsluitend toegestaan volgens de ‘criteria voor toepassing van onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen op basis van glyfosaat op verhardingen’ volgens de DOB- methode (Duurzaam OnkruidBeheer op verhardingen, zie Shyfo 14643 N 40 7. Ecotoxicology The Plant Protection Products and Biocides Regulations (RGB) published in the Government Gazette (Staatscourant) 188 of 28 September 2007 came into effect on 17 October 2007, while repealing the Uniform Principles Decree on Plant Protection Products (BUBG) and the Regulation elaborating the uniform principles for plant protection products (RUUBG). Risk assessment is done in accordance with Chapter 2 of the RGB for products based on: - active substances which have already been placed on Annex I of directive 91/414/EEC - “new”active substances; This means that for the current application of mutual recognition of Shyfo, risk assessment is done in accordance with Chapter 2 of the RGB. The underlying risk assessment is based on the final list of endpoints for glyphosate and on the UK authorisation for Shyfo (MAPP 15040). For the Dutch specific aspects data from previous assessment is used. Glyphosate is an existing active substance, included in Annex I (2001/99/EG). List of Endpoints Ecotoxicology Glyphosate The environmental risk assessment is based on, the EU List of Endpoints from the EU review report Glyphosate 6511/VI/99-final d.d. 21 January 2002 and data from the monograph on Glyphosate. The List of Endpoints contains both the endpoints for glyphosate as well as glyphosate trimesium. This assessment is only based on the endpoints of glyphosate. For the sake of completeness also the endpoints of glyphosate trimesium are listed, but these remain unused. Sharda submitted acute toxicity studies in carp, daphnia and algae. These studies were evaluated and summarised by Ctgb in December 2012 and are included in the LoEP (in italics). Terrestrial Vertebrates Glyphosate Glyphosate-trimesium Acute toxicity to mammals: LD50 > 2000 mg/kg bw lowest LD50 748 mg/kg bw Acute toxicity to birds: LD50 > 2000 mg/kg bw AMPA > 2250 mg/kg bw lowest LD50 950 mg/kg bw Dietary toxicity to birds: LC50 >4640 ppm (1624 mg/kg bw/d)* AMPA >5620 ppm (1967 mg/kg bw/d)* LC50 > 5000 ppm Reproductive toxicity to birds: NOEC 200 ppm (30 mg/kg bw/d)* NOEC 712 ppm Short term oral toxicity to mammals: NOAEL/NOEL 150 mg/kg bw/d (90 d, rat) NOAEL/NOEL 25 mg/kg bw/d (90 d, rat) * Recalculated to daily dose based on default factors for dietary and reproduction studies of 0.35 and 0.15 resp. (based on EFSA-opinion on azinphos-methyl) Aquatic Organisms GlyphosateIPA Shyfo 14643 N Glyphosatetrimesium Glyphosate st acid (1 metabolite) (= a.s.) AMPA 41 Acute toxicity fish: EC50 >1000 mg /L 1800 mg/L 38 mg/L Long term toxicity fish: NOEC 917 mg /L 50 mg/L 25 mg/L Bioaccumulation fish: Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Acute toxicity invertebrate: EC50 930 mg /L 12 mg/L 40 mg/L Chronic toxicity invertebrate: NOEC 455 mg /L 1.1 mg/L 30 mg/L Chronic toxicity algae EC50 72.9 mg/L 0.72 mg/L 0.64 mg/L (168 h) Chronic toxicity sediment dwelling organism: Not tested Not tested Not tested Long-term toxicity aquatic plants: EC50 53.6 mg/L 1.0 mg/L 12 mg/L >180 >180 89.8 Honeybees Glyphosate Glyphosate-trimesium Acute oral toxicity: LD50: 100 µg as/bee LD50: > 400 µg as/bee Acute contact toxicity: LD50: > 100 µg as/bee LD50: > 400 µg as/bee Other arthropod species Test species Test method Glyphosate % Effect Glyphosate-trimesium % Effect Typhlodromus pyri Lab on inert substrate Lifecycle: 100 % mortality (3.6 kg as/ha) Lifecycle: 100 % mortality (5.760 kg as/ha) LR50: 0.211 kg as/ha Typhlodromus pyri Lab natural substrate on leaves Lifecycle: 89 % mortality (7.720 kg as/ha) LR50: 5.089 kg as/ha Typhlodromus pyri Lab natural substrate on plants Lifecycle: 30 % mortality; 0 % effect on fertility (3.708 kg as/ha) --- Aphidius rhopalosiphi Lab on inert substrate Adult: 100 % mortality Adults: 100 % mortality (5.76 kg as/ha) LR50: 0.043 kg as/ha Aphidius rhopalosiphi Lab natural substrate on plants Adult: 25 % mortality; 6 % effect on fertility (3.720 kg as/ha) --- Aphidius rhopalosiphi Lab natural substrate on leaves --- LR50:> 8.4 kg as/ha Orius insidiosus Lab on inert substrate --- Lifecycle: 95 % mortality (5.760 kg as/ha) Chrysoperla carnea Lab on inert substrate Larval stage: 53 % mortality (0.712 kg as/ha) --- Chrysoperla carnea Larval stage: 59 % mortality; 20 % --- Shyfo 14643 N 42 Test species Test method Lab on inert substrate Glyphosate % Effect Glyphosate-trimesium % Effect Drino inconspicua Lab on inert substrate --- Adults: 56 % mortality; 76 % effect on parasitization (2.4 kg as/ha) Pterostichus melaniarius Lab on inert substrate --- Adults: 26.7% mortality (3.6 kg as/ha) Adults: 10% mortality (7.2 kg as/ha) Aleochara bilineata Lab on inert substrate Lifecycle: 1% parasitation capacity (1.63 kg as/ha) --- Bembidion lampros Semifield Adult: 0% mortality (4,890 kg as/ha) --- Poecilus cupreus Lab on inert substrate Adult: 0% mortality; 31% effect on food uptake (3.6 kg as/ha) --- Trechus quadristriatus Lab on inert substrate Adult: 14% mortality (3.6 kg as/ha) --- Pardosa spp. Lab on inert substrate Earthworms Adult: 56% mortality (3.7 kg as/ha) Adults: 4 % mortality (3.6 kg as/ha) Adults: 0% mortality (7.2 kg as/ha) Glyphosate Glyphosate trimesium Acute toxicity: LC50 > 480 mg as/kg LC50 > 1000 mg as/kg Reproductive toxicity: Soil micro-organisms NOEC 28.79 mg/kg (IPA-salt) NOEC 28.79 mg/kg (IPA-salt) Glyphosate Glyphosate-trimesium Nitrogen mineralization: No effects up to 18 kg as/ha No effects up to 18 kg as/ha Carbon mineralization: No effects up to 18 kg as/ha No effects up to 18 kg as/ha effect on fertility (3.708 kg as/ha) Non-target organisms to believed at risk (Flora en fauna) No data available. Effects on waste water treatment Glyphosate has no effect on respiration of activated sludge, EC50 is > 100 mg/L. Effects on non target plants (taken from DAR) Seven dicotyl and 4 monocotyl weed species were tested according to UP EPA guidelines on seed germination and seedling emergence. Also a test on vegetative vigour was carried out on 10 species. In the seedling emergence test no effects > 50% were found at the highest dose tested. The EC50 is > 5.7 kg a.s./ha. In the vegetative vigour test, significant effects were found in plant height and plant weight at 5.1 kg a.s./ha. The lowest ER50 values in a vegetative vigour test after 21 days was observed for tomato plants and the endpoint was calculated to be 0.146 kg a.s./ha for dry weight. Shyfo 14643 N 43 Soil non-target micro-organisms (taken from DAR) Substance Medium type Duration pH T Species [h] [°C] Glyphosate growth medium 16 Effect Value Remarks [mg/L] n.a. 27 ± 5 Pseudomonas putida IC50 >100 NOEC 100 None Formulation Shyfo The applicant submitted a several new studies for the formulation Shyfo. These studies were summarized and evaluated by Ctgb in December 2012. Aquatic organisms Test substance Glyphosate 41% SL (41% glyphosate; 12.5% surfactant) Organism Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Endpoint 96-hour LC50 Daphnia magna 48-hour EC50 Pseudokircheneriella subcapitata 48-hour EbC50 (A) 48-hour ErC50 (A) 48-hour EyC50 (A) Value 18.5 mg product/L (7.59 mg a.s./L) 62.3 mg product/L (25.5 mg a.s./L) 15.9 mg product/L (6.52 mg a.s./L) 47.7 mg product/L (19.6 mg a.s./L) 17.2 mg product/L (7.05 mg a.s./L) (A) Endpoint based on 48-hour exposure period as validity criterion for control growth was met for 48 hours but not for 72 hours. It should be noted that 72-hour endpoints were slightly higher than 48-hour endpoints. 7.1 Effects on birds (Dutch specific aspect) The risk assessment for birds from exposure via sprayed natural food and secondary poisoning via earthworms is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). The risk assessment for birds via surface water (drinking water and secondary poisoning via fish) is a Dutch specific aspect, since surface water concentrations are calculated based on national drift values. Drinking water The risk from exposure through drinking surface water is calculated for a small bird with body weight 10 g and a DWI (daily water intake) of 2.7 g/d. Surface water concentrations are calculated using TOXSWA (see paragraph 6.2.1). In the first instance, acute exposure is taken into account. The highest PIECwater is 9.452 µg/L. It follows that the risk of drinking water is (LD50 * bw) / (PIEC*DWI) = (>2000 * 0.010) / (0.009452 * 0.0027) = >8E+05. Since TER ≥ 10, the risk is acceptable. 7.1.2 Secondary poisoning Since the log Pow of glyphosate < 3 (-2.8) the potential for bioaccumulation is considered low and no further assessment is deemed necessary. The logPow of metabolite AMPA is also low (<2) and no further risk assessment is necessary. Conclusions birds The application for mutual recognition of the product complies with the RGB for exposure of birds via surface water and secondary poisoning. Shyfo 14643 N 44 7.2 Effects on aquatic organisms (Dutch specific aspect) 7.2.1 Aquatic organisms Since the Netherlands have their own national drift values, the exposure concentrations in surface water have been estimated based on these drift values (see PECsw in section 6.2). The risk for aquatic organisms is assessed by comparing toxicity values with surface water exposure concentrations from section 6.2. Risk assessment is based on toxicity-exposure ratio’s (TERs). Toxicity data for aquatic organisms are presented in Table E.1. Because the application for authorisation concerns a herbicide, also the effects on macrophytes (aquatic plants) are evaluated . Table E.1 Overview toxicity endpoints for aquatic organisms Substance Organism Lowest Toxicity value L(E)C50 NOEC [µ µg/L] [mg/L] [mg/L] glyphosate Acute Algae 0.64 640 Invertebrates 40 40000 Fish 38 38000 Macrophytes 12 12000 Chronic Invertebrates 30 30000 Fish 25 25000 AMPA Shyfo (expressed as a.s.) Acute Algae Invertebrates Fish Macrophytes Acute Algae Invertebrates Fish 89.8 >180 >180 89800 >180 000 >180 000 6.52 25.5 7.59 6520 25500 7590 During the completeness check of the application for mutual recognition, the applicant was requested to address the long-term risk of the formulation to aquatic organisms, based on concern for long-term effects due to the co-formulant POEA (Polyoxyethylene amine (Berol 907), containing tallow alkylamine ethoxylate). The applicant submitted acute toxicity studies with the product Shyfo. For fish, daphnia and algae, the difference in endpoints for the active substance and the product Shyfo is less than a factor of 10, which is considered a trigger for requirement of long-term studies with the product. For fish, the difference may be higher than 10, since the study with the product was conducted with carp, which is generally a less sensitive species than trout. However, data for other glyphosate formulations (see e.g. 6483 N for Roundup) indicate comparable endpoints for fish as for Shyfo, when based on the active substance. As a consequence, long-term studies with the product are not required. The toxicity values are compared to the highest surface water concentrations calculated in section 6.2 (i.e. those for group 5: Fodder grassland, tree nursery crops, forestry, between crops, green cover, on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht)). Note that the use on hardened surfaces is not taken into account, as the emission route run-off from hardened surfaces is not an NL-specific route. Shyfo 14643 N 45 Trigger values for acute exposure are 100 for invertebrates and fish (0.01 times the lowest L(E)C50-value) and 10 for algae and macrophytes (0.1 times the lowest EC50-value). Trigger values for chronic exposure are 10 for invertebrates and fish (0.1 times the lowest NOECvalues). For acute and chronic risk, the initial concentration is used (PIEC). In table E.2 TER values for aquatic organisms are shown. Table E.2a TER values: acute TERst Use Substance PECsw TERst TERst TERst (trigger 10) (trigger 100) (trigger 100) (trigger 10) [µ µg a.s./L] Algae Invertebrates Fish Macrophytes Group Glyphosate 9.452 68 4232 4020 1270 5 (A) AMPA 1.105 8E+04 2E+05 2E+05 Group 5 : Fodder grassland, tree nursery crops, forestry, between crops, green cover, on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht) Table E.2b TER values: chronic Use Substance PECsw [µ µg a.s./L] TERlt TERlt (trigger 10) (trigger 10) Invertebrates Fish (A) Group 5 Glyphosate 9.452 3174 2645 Group 5: Fodder grassland, tree nursery crops, forestry, between crops, green cover, on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht) Taking the results in Table E.2a and b into account, the acute TERs for fish and invertebrates are above the relevant Annex VI triggers of 100 and the acute TERs for algae and Lemna are above the relevant Annex VI triggers of 10. The chronic TERs for fish and invertebrates are above the relevant Annex VI triggers of 10. Thus, it appears that the proposed uses meet the standards for aquatic organisms as laid down in the RGB. 7.2.2 Risk assessment for bioconcentration Since the log Kow value is –2.8, the risk for bioconcentration is small and is considered not relevant. Therefore the active substance meets the standards for bioconcentration. 7.2.3 Risk assessment for sediment organisms There are no data regarding the toxicity of glyphosate for sediment organisms. Since the NOEC for daphnids is over 0.1 mg/L the risk for sediment organisms is considered to be low. Therefore these data are not necessary. AMPA is acute less toxic than glyphosate. Since for glyphosate no risk for sediment organisms is expected, the risk for sediment organisms for metabolite AMPA is considered to be low as well. Therefore, the active substance meets the standards for sediment organisms. Conclusions aquatic organisms The proposed applications meet the standards for aquatic organisms. 7.3 Effects on terrestrial vertebrates other than birds (Dutch specific aspect) The risk assessment for mammals via natural food and secondary poisoning via earthworms is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). Shyfo 14643 N 46 The risk assessment for mammals via surface water (drinking water and secondary poisoning via fish) is a Dutch specific aspect, since surface water concentrations are calculated based on national drift values. Drinking water The risk from exposure through drinking from surface water is calculated for a small mammal with body weight 10 g and a DWI (daily water intake) of 1.57 g/d. Surface water concentrations are calculated using TOXSWA (see paragraph 6.2.1). In the first instance, acute exposure is taken into account. The highest PIECwater is 9.452 µg/L. It follows that the risk of drinking water is (LD50 * bw) / (PIEC*DWI) = (>2000* 0.010) / (0.009452 * 0.00157) = >1E+06. Since TER > 10, the risk is acceptable. 7.3.2 Secondary poisoning Since the log Pow of glyphosate < 3 (-2.8) the potential for bioaccumulation is considered low and no further assessment is deemed necessary. The logPow of metabolite AMPA is also low (<2) and no further risk assessment is necessary. Conclusions mammals The application for mutual recognition of the product complies with the RGB for exposure of mammals via surface water and secondary poisoning. 7.4 Effects on bees The risk assessment for bees is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorization (UK). 7.5 Effects on any other organisms (see annex IIIA 10.5-10.8) 7.5.1 Effects on non-target arthropods (Dutch specific aspect) In-field The in-field risk assessment for non-target arthropods in accordance with ESCORT2 is not based on drift values and is therefore not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). Off-field (Dutch specific aspect) For the off-field risk assessment on non-target arthropods in accordance with ESCORT2, drift values are used to estimate the off-crop risk for the two standard species A. rhopalosiphi and T. pyri. Since the Netherlands have their own national drift values, the off-field risk assessment is a national specific aspect. As the intended uses in tree nursery crops (forestry) as stump application and chemical thinning (by injection) do not result in off-field exposure, these uses are not considered. The risk for non-target arthropods is assessed by calculating Hazard Quotients. For this, Lethal Rate values (LR50) are needed. Based on LR50-values from studies with the two standard species Aphidius rhopalosiphi and Typhlodromus pyri an off-field Hazard Quotient (HQ) can be calculated according to the assessment method established in the SETAC/ESCORT 2 workshop and described in the HTB (v 1.0). Data for Shyfo have not been submitted. Therefore, the assessment is based on the data for glyphosate from the LoEP. In the LoEP, LR50 values are not provided for laboratory tests, but it can be concluded that they must be below the tested dose, which was 3.6 kg a.s./ha for T. pyri and probably also for A. rhopalosiphi. As the LR50 values are < values, the resulting HQ values will be > values and the risk assessment will not be conclusive. Therefore, the risk assessment is based on the data from extended studies on plants (LR50 values >3.708 kg a.s./ha for T. pyri and >3.720 kg a.s./ha for A. rhopalosiphi). Hazard Quotients should be below the trigger value of 1 to meet the standards. Shyfo 14643 N 47 The resulting Hazard Quotients are presented in Table E.3. Table E.3 HQ-values for A. rhopalosiphi and T. pyri Use* Application MAF(A) Drift rate fraction (kg a.s./ha) Off-field Group A. 2.16 1 0.10 (B) 1 rhopalosiphi T. pyri 2.16 1 0.10 (B) Group A. 1.8 1 0.022 (C) 2 rhopalosiphi T. pyri 1.8 1 0.022 (C) Group A. 2.16 1 0.063 (D) 3 rhopalosiphi T. pyri 2.16 1 0.063 (D) Group A. 1.8 1 0.10 (B) 4 rhopalosiphi T. pyri 1.8 1 0.10 (B) * Vegetation Safety LR50 HQ Factor (kg factor (E) (F) a.s./ha) 1 5 >3.720 <0.29 1 1 5 5 >3.708 <0.29 >3.720 <0.05 1 1 5 5 >3.708 <0.05 >3.720 <0.18 1 1 5 5 >3.708 <0.18 >3.720 <0.2 1 5 >3.708 <0.2 Uses are grouped as follows: Group 1: Sugar beet, barley, oats, wheat, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field bean, fodder grassland, pea without pod, swede, turnip, onions, asparagus, leek, green cover on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht), temporarily uncultivated land, permanently uncultivated land (open surfaces), all edible crops, all non edible crops (stubble, before planting, destruction), tree nursery crops (forestry, weed control before planting). Group 2: Apple, pear, cherry, plum Group 3: Tree nursery crops (forestry, between crops), coniferous trees (over the crop) Group 4: (Semi) hardened surfaces (A) Multiple Application Factor (B) Default value for field crops (C) Default value for herbicide spraying in large fruit, standard flat fan nozzle (D) Default value for tree nursery crops, widely spaced (E) Vegetation distribution factor is 1 when using results from extended studies on 3D structures (F) Safety factor is 5 when using results from extended studies As the above table shows, off-field HQ values are expected to be the trigger value of 1. The proposed application of the product therefore meets with the standards as laid down in the RGB. 7.5.2 Earthworms The risk assessment for earthworms is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 7.5.3 Effects on soil micro-organisms The risk assessment for soil micro-organisms is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 7.5.4 Effects on activated sludge The risk assessment for activated sludge is not a Dutch specific aspect. For the risk assessment we refer to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 7.5.5 Effects on non target-plants (Dutch specific aspect) According to the Terrestrial guidance document (Sanco/10329/2002) spray drift is considered to be the key exposure route for non-target plants in the off-field area. Since the Netherlands have their own national drift values, the risk assessment for non-target plants is a national specific aspect. The risk assessment for non-target plants is performed below. Shyfo 14643 N 48 The risk assessment for non-target plants is based on an off-crop situation with a drift percentage of 4.7% for field crops, 2.2% for herbicide spraying in large fruit (standard flat fan nozzle) and 1.4% for tree nursery crops (herbicide use). The exposure equals drift * application rate * MAF (in case of multiple application). MAF is 1 for single applications. A TER is calculated with the lowest ER50 value, based on the available data for the a.s. The lowest ER50 is 0.146 kg a.s./ha (tomato). See table E.4 for TER calculation. Table E.4 Overview of exposure concentrations and TERs for non target plants Use Dose MAF Drift% (offExposure EC50 TER Trigger [kg a.s. field (kg [kg value /ha] exposure) a.s./ha) a.s./ha] 1.5 Group 1 2.16 1 4.7 0.10 0.146 5 3.7 Group 2 1.8 1 2.2 0.040 0.146 5 4.8 Group 3 2.16 1 1.4 0.0302 0.146 5 1.7 Group 4 1.8 1 4.7 0.085 0.146 5 * Uses are grouped as follows: Group 1: Sugar beet, barley, oats, wheat, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field bean, fodder grassland, pea without pod, swede, turnip, onions, asparagus, leek, green cover on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht), temporarily uncultivated land, permanently uncultivated land (open surfaces), all edible crops, all non edible crops (stubble, before planting, destruction), tree nursery crops (forestry, weed control before planting). Group 2: Apple, pear, cherry, plum Group 3: Tree nursery crops (forestry, between crops), coniferous trees (over the crop) Group 4: (Semi) hardened surfaces From table E.4 it appears that a risk for non-target plants cannot be excluded for all groups. However, as studies have shown that the toxicity of formulations with glyphosate can be more toxic (typically about a factor of 3) to non-target terrestrial plants than the active substance as such, a study with the formulation Shyfo should be required. Because this study is not available the risk assessment will be based for the time being on the assumption that the toxicity is enhanced with a factor of 3. The TER values are presented in table E.6. Table E.6 Overview of exposure concentrations and TERs for non target plants, based on the lowest EC50 value with an additional safety factor of 3 Use Dose MAF Drift% (offExposure EC50/3 TER Trigger [kg a.s. field (kg [kg value /ha] exposure) a.s./ha) a.s./ha] 0.49 5 Group 1 2.16 1 4.7 0.10 0.049 1.23 5 Group 2 1.8 1 2.2 0.040 0.049 1.62 5 Group 3 2.16 1 1.4 0.0302 0.049 0.58 5 Group 4 1.8 1 4.7 0.085 0.049 * Uses are grouped as follows: Group 1: Sugar beet, barley, oats, wheat, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field bean, fodder grassland, pea without pod, swede, turnip, onions, asaparagus, leek, green cover on land not being used for crop production before cultivation (dekvrucht), temporarily uncultivated land, permanently uncultivated land (open surfaces), all edible crops, all non edible crops (stubble, before planting, destruction), tree nursery crops (forestry, weed control before planting). Group 2: Apple, pear, cherry, plum Group 3: Tree nursery crops (forestry, between crops), coniferous trees (over the crop) Group 4: (Semi) hardened surfaces From table E.6 it appears that a high risk is indicated for all groups. The risk can be reduced to an acceptable level by the following drift reduction measures (in Dutch): - Group 1: . lage spuitboomhoogte (30 cm boven de top van het gewas) in combinatie met een Shyfo 14643 N 49 driftarme Venturidop en een kantdop, of, . sleepdoek in combinatie met minimaal 50% driftreducerende spuitdoppen en een kantdop; óf . overkapte beddenspuit. -Group 2 and 3: . minimaal 50% drifreducerende spuitdoppen in combinatie met een kantdop. - Group 4: In the fate assessment for drinking water (see section 6.2.1) a restriction sentence is included to ensure that only DOB certified users are allowed to treat hardened surfaces. It is expected that the remaining drift percentage is so low that an acceptable risk is reached for terrestrial non-target plants (in some cases hand held equipment is used which will give higher drift, above 1%, but this will be very locally and no population effects on terrestrial non-target plants are expected). Conclusions any other organisms The proposed applications of the product comply with the RGB for the aspect non-target arthropods (off-field). The proposed applications of the product comply with the RGB for the aspect terrestrial non-target plants for all uses, provided that drift reduction measures are applied. 7.6 Appropriate ecotoxicological end-points relating to the product and approved uses See List of Endpoints. 7.7 Data requirements None. 7.8 Restriction sentences Based on the current assessment, the following has to be stated in the GAP/legal instructions for use: In the WG (legal instructions): (restrictiezin) Om niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten te beschermen is de toepassing van het product in de teelt van suikerbieten, gerst, haver, tarwe, droog te oogsten erwten, lijnzaad, mosterd, koolzaad, veldboon, voedergrasland, erwt zonder peul, knolraap, koolraap, uien, asperge, prei, groenbedekking op land niet gebruikt voor gewasproductie voor cultivatie (dekvrucht), tijdelijk onbeteeld terrein, permanent onbeteeld terrein, alle eetbare en niet-eetbare gewassen (stobben, voor het planten, doodspuiten) en boomkwekerijgewassen (bosbouw, onkruidbestrijding voor het planten) uitsluitend toegestaan indien gebruik wordt gemaakt van één van de volgende maatregelen: . lage spuitboomhoogte (30 cm boven de top van het gewas) in combinatie met een driftarme Venturidop en een kantdop, of, . sleepdoek in combinatie met minimaal 50% driftreducerende spuitdoppen en een kantdop; of . overkapte beddenspuit. Om niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten te beschermen is de toepassing van het product in de teelt van appel, peer, kers, pruim en boomkwekerijgewassen (bosbouw, tussen de gewassen) uitsluitend toegestaan indien gebruik wordt gemaakt van minimaal 50% driftreducerende spuitdoppen in combinatie met een kantdop. Shyfo 14643 N 50 7.9 Overall conclusions regarding the environment It can be concluded that: 1. for the risk assessment for birds via natural food and secondary poisoning via earthworms, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 2. all proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for birds (exposure via surface water; secondary poisoning via fish) as laid down in the RGB. 3. all proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for aquatic organisms as laid down in the RGB. 4. the active substance glyphosate meets the standards for bioconcentration as laid down in the RGB. 5. for the risk assessment for mammals via natural food and secondary poisoning via earthworms, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK) 6. all proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for mammals (exposure via surface water; secondary poisoning via fish) as laid down in the RGB. 7. for the risk assessment for bees, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 8. for the risk assessment for non-target arthropods in-field, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 9. all proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for non-target arthropods (off-field) as laid down in the RGB. 10. for the risk assessment for earthworms, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 11. for the risk assessment for soil micro-organisms, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 12. for the risk assessment for activated sludge, Ctgb refers to the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 13. The proposed applications of the active substance glyphosate meet the standards for non-target plants as laid down in the RGB, provided that drift reduction measures are applied. 8. Efficacy The product is authorised in the UK for the use in sugar beet, wheat, barley, oats, dry harvested peas, linseed, mustard, oilseed rape, field bean, fodder grassland, apple, pear, cherry, plum, pea without pod, swede, turnip, onions, asparagus, leek, tree nursery crops, forestry, coniferous crops, green cover on land not being used for crop production before cultivation, temporarily and permanently uncultivated land and all edible and non edible crops. Climatological and environmental circumstances relevant for the aspect efficacy in the claimed uses in The Netherlands are comparable to those in the UK. The cultivation method in claimed uses is similar in both countries and there are no country-specific situations for the use of Shyfo as a herbicide in the claimed uses. 8.1 Efficacy evaluation For the evaluation of the aspect ‘Efficacy’ we refer to the evaluation of the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 8.2 Harmful effects For the evaluation of the aspect ‘Harmful effects’ we refer to the evaluation of the member state of the original authorisation (UK). 8.3 Resistance Shyfo 14643 N 51 On the label for resistance management the following text is added: Resistentiemanagement Dit middel bevat de werkzame stof glyfosaat. Glyfosaat behoort tot de glycines. De Hrac code is G. Bij dit product bestaat er kans op resistentieontwikkeling. In het kader van resistentiemanagement dient u de adviezen die gegeven worden in de voorlichtingsboodschappen, op te volgen. 8.4 For vertebrate control agents: impact on target vertebrates Because no vertebrates are controlled, this point is not relevant. 8.5 Any other relevant data / information None. 9. Conclusion The authorisation of the product is based on mutual recognition of the authorisation in the United Kingdom of the product Shyfo approval number MAPP 15040. For the evaluation is referred to the original authorisation as the United Kingdom have adopted the Uniform Principles. The evaluation of the Dutch specific aspects is in accordance with the Uniform Principles laid down in appendix VI of Directive 91/414/EEC. The evaluation has been carried out on basis of a dossier that meets the criteria of appendix III of the Directive. The product is considered to comply with the Uniform Principles. Classification and labelling The identity of all substances in the mixture that contribute to the classification of the mixture *: glyphosate, tallow alkylamine ethoxylate Pictogram: GHS05 Signal word: danger GHS07 H-statements: H318 Causes serious eye damage. H332 Harmful if inhaled. P-statements: P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P273 Avoid release to the environment. P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/… P391 Collect spillage. P501 Dispose of contents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point. Supplemental Hazard EUH401 To avoid risks to human health and the information: environment, comply with the instructions for Shyfo 14643 N 52 SP1 statement SP1 (gewas) Child-resistant fastening obligatory? Tactile warning of danger obligatory? Explanation: Pictogram: use. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Not applicable Not applicable No GHS09 necessary as H411 is not applied H-statements: H411 does not need to be applied; classification according to Reg. (EC) 1272/2008 and based on: • acute ecotoxicity data for the formulation (lowest LC50 of 15.9 mg form/L for algae submitted by the applicant, M factor not applicable) • chronic data for the active substance (rapidly degradable, lowest NOEC of 25 mg/L for fish from EU List of Endpoints from the EU review report Glyphosate 6511/VI/99-final d.d. 21 January 2002 and data from the monograph on Glyphosate, M factor not applicable) • chronic data for one co-formulant (rapidly degradable, lowest NOEC of 7.5 mg/L for fish from EPA Ecotox database, M factor not applicable) P-statements: From the P-statements proposed by the applicant with respect to human toxicology only the highly recommended and recommended statements for professional use were selected (note that P280 also follows from the risk assessment) in order to reduce the number of P-satements. the P-statements proposed by the applicant with respect to ecotoxicology were accepted. Other: SP1 according to Reg. (EU) No 547/2011. * according to Reg. (EC) 1272/2008, Title III, article 18, 3 (b) Shyfo 14643 N 53 Appendix 1 Table of authorized uses Shyfo 14643 N 1 Shyfo 14643 N 2 Shyfo 14643 N 3 Appendix 2 Reference list This appendix serves only to give an indication of which data have been used for decision making for the first time; as a result of concurring applications for authorisations, the data mentioned here may have been used for an earlier decisions as well. Therefore, no rights can be derived from this overview. Deze appendix geeft een indicatief overzicht van de gegevens die voor het eerst gebruikt zijn ten behoeve van een besluit; het kan echter voorkomen dat (onder andere) door een samenloop van aanvragen, de hier opgenomen gegevens al eens eerder gebruikt zijn. Aan dit overzicht kunnen dan ook geen rechten ontleend worden. Shyfo 14643 N 4
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