Blik op de toekomst: lopende en geplande DOCG studies - Med-Info

Dr. Hanneke W.M. van Laarhoven Medische Oncologie Academisch Medische Centrum Blik op de toekomst: lopende en geplande DOCG studies •  Neoadjuvante chemoradia1e: surgery when needed (preSANO) •  Neoadjuvante chemoradia1e: targeted treatment (TRAP) •  Neoadjuvante/defini1eve chemoradia1e: surgery if possible (TOR) •  Defini1eve chemoradia1e: dosisintensifica1e (ART-­‐DECO) •  Dataregistra1e (POCOP) preSANO pre-­‐ Surgery As Needed for Oesophageal carcinoma A single-­‐arm feasibility trial Primary endpoint •  Correla1on between the clinical response during CRE-­‐I and CRE-­‐II and the final pathological response in the resec1on specimen Secondary endpoints •  Serious complica1ons during endoscopic and endosonographic 1ssue sampling •  R0-­‐resec1on rates for all included pa1ents that undergo resec1on TRAP Chemoradia1on, TRAstuzumab and Pertuzumab in resectable HER2+ esophageal carcinoma A single arm feasibility study Primary endpoint •  Withdrawal rate from surgery Secondary endpoints •  pCR •  Toxicity •  Post-­‐opera1ve complica1ons TOR Chemoradiotherapy followed by resec1on for pa1ents with gevolgd a T4b oesofagus carcinoma Primary endpoint •  R0 resec1on (≥ 80% ) Secondary endpoints •  Post-­‐opera1ve complica1ons •  Mortality •  Quality of life ART-­‐DECO A Randomized Trial of Dose Escala1on in defini1ve Chemoradiotherapy for pa1ents with Oesophageal cancer Landelijk Pla[orm Radiotherapie voor Gastro Enterologische tumoren Primary endpoint •  Local recurrence rate (≥ 15% difference) Secondary endpoints •  Grade 3-­‐4 toxicity •  Survival POCOP Prospec1ve Observa1onal Cohort Study of Oesophageal-­‐gastric cancer Pa1ents Acknowledgments •  Joel Shapiro, Bas Wijnhoven, Jan van Lanschot (preSANO) •  Maarten Anderegg, Mark van Berge Henegouwen (TOR) •  Maarten Hulshof (ART-­‐DECO) •  Leonie Haverkamp, Jelle Ruurda (Oesofagus/maag parel)