JML: Advancing Specification Language

JML: Advancing Specification
Language Methodologies
Workshop: 23 - 27 March 2015, Leiden, the Netherlands
Daniel Bruns, KIT Karlsruhe
Marieke Huisman, U Twente
Gary T. Leavens, U Central Florida
Wojciech Mostowski, U Twente
Design of specification languages
Semantics of specification languages
Verification methods
Formal verification in education
Practical and sable tools
The Lorentz Center is an international
center in the sciences. Its aim is to
organize workshops for scientists in an
atmosphere that fosters collaborative
work, discussions and interactions.
For registration see:
The image reflects JML being the “brightest” specification
language for JAVA. Image CC BY-NC 2.0 by Thomas Hawk
Poster design: SuperNova Studios . NL