International conference SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE & LANGUAGE LEARNING IN MULTILINGUAL SETTINGS Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BRUSSELS 18-19 September 2014 Venue: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (KVAB) Paleis der Academiën Hertogsstraat 1, 1000 Brussel 18 September 2014 9:00 – 9:30 Registration 10:00– 10:30 Opening Ceremony 10:30– 12:00 Paper sessions Collewaert, Escandell Vidal & Vande Casteele Aspectos de cortesía en actos de habla de aprendientes de ELE Vicente Molinero & Horno Cheliz La influencia de la Transferencia Pragmatica en el Proceso de Adquisicion de ELE en aprendientes arabofonos. Un caso practico : los saludos Gajo & Serra Enseignement bilingue, representations du plurilinguisme et cultures d’alternance Lunch Alvarez Activating success in a second language: The importance of curricular and extracurricular activities at the secondary level Somers The culture of discourse in CLIL classrooms Evnitskaya Taking on the responsibilities of the FL classroom: Garibova & Uysal Politeness in group The impact of parental work in a CLIL Math input on child classroom discourse development Yin & Van de Craen The role of content Dudeva and language Politeness formulas in integrated learning in English used by nonsecond language native pharmacy acquisition students from different cultural backgrounds: a study 14:0015:00 15:0016:00 16:0016:30 16:3017:30 Keynote Prof. dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele (University of London): The acquisition of sociolinguistic, sociopragmatic and sociocultural competence in multilingual settings Paper sessions Gola & De Wilde Le multilinguisme au service de l’enseignement des langues a l’Universite : le cas du projet Multigram (grammaire multilingue en ligne) Wenchao Tu Audience-oriented university introductions: A practical realization of critical sociocultural awareness Malunga-Payet La representation semanticoconceptuelle et realisations linguistiques des actes menaçants dans les contextes français et tswana : les cas du « blamer » et « accuser » Struys Neural mechanisms behind cognitive advantages of bilingualism Ferrari Arabic diglossia: a key to developing sociocultural competence Bouzhmehrani ELT research trends in Iran Coffee Break Paper sessions Back Teaching symbolic competence in peer tutoring contexts Cetin Koroglu Intercultural communicative competence’s integration into textbooks: a case study 18:30 Guided Tour Brussels 20:00 Conference dinner Janczak Language learning and the institutional support of bilingual education in the multicultural society of German-Polish borderland Akin & Akin The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the social efficacy and social outcome expectations scale Karpava Second language acquisition in bidialectal setting Boukreris & Labed Overcoming Language Anxiety: The Case of Foreign Language Learners in a Multilingual Setting 19 September 2014 9:00 – 9:30 Registration 9:30 – 10:30 Keynote Em. Prof. dr. Hugo Baetens-Beardsmore (VUB/ULB): The Cultural Element in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Programmes. 10:30– 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00– 13:00 Paper sessions Xu & Huang The effects of intergeneration al and intercultural encounters on L2 learning: Socializing cultural competence in Australia’s multilingual society Rosiers & Eyckmans Multicultural Effectiveness in Advanced Language Learners Ceuleers,Woum ans, Duyck Cognition and sociocultural competence: the codeswitching effect Tang Learnability and teachability: Textbook and syllabus development for ESL Workshops English Nederlands AbendrothTimmer, Aguilar Río, Schneider La sensibilisation a l’interculturel en formation d’enseignants de langue: le projet Paris-SiegenBerlin Facke Les competences communicatives interculturelles – element constitutive des standards educatifs du baccalaureat allemand Michot L'acquisition de la morphologie TAM en FL2 Vanhalme Un etranger en ville. Proximite et eloignement des notions d’ethnicisation et de dynamiques urbaines entre la Rome classique et Bruxelles aujourd’hui Lochtman Error correction in foreign language teaching Escandell Vidal & Vande Casteele Learning (about) politeness: a skype-project with language learners and native speakers Surmont & Struys Dertien jaar CLIL in Brussel: resultaten, mechanismes en perspectieven Lochtman Foutencorrectie in de vreemdetaalklas Lunch 14:30-15:30 Paper sessions Hamza Managing Linguistically Diverse classrooms: engendering sociocultural competence through a framework for interculturally responsive practice De Groot & Lochtman Intercultural sensitivity in foreign language learning 15:30 Workshops in English Renaudin L’utilisation de strategies cognitives et sociales chez les apprenants de langues romanes LE⦥2 Castagne & Meulleman La méthode InterCompréhe nsion Européenne (ICE) ou comment élargir ses compétences linguistiques et acquérir simultanément des compétences interculturelles pour franchir les frontières Surmont & Struys Thirteen years of CLIL in Brussels: outcomes, mechanisms and perspectives in het Nederlands Escandell Vidal & Vande Casteele Learning (about) politeness: een skype-project met vreemdetaalleerder en moedertaalsprekers Keynote Prof. dr. Frank Boers (Victoria University of Wellington) Memory matters in language learning and textbook design 16:30 Closing remarks 17:00 Reception
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