City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 MANUAL EVA V2013 Manual EVA Page 1 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 INTRODUCTION The softwaretool EVA is developed to calculate clearance times for intersections with a Traffic Control Installation (TCI). This calculations are based on driving curves specified by the microsimulation program VISSIM. The last version of EVA calculates times as specified in CROWpublication 321 with Dutch title “Richtlijn ontruimingstijden verkeersregelinstallaties 2013” (English: Guidelines clearance times TCI 2013). Besides the input of a VISSIM file the softwaretool EVA does use a few parameters, necessarily to calculate the correct conflictpoints. This parameters are average speed for driving up and driving off (per traffic type), relation between number of direction and number of signalgroups, the width of de driving curves and the way of rounding the calculated times. EVA use the specified connectors (middle line) of VISSIM as base of the driving curves. The widht of the connectors have to be specified as parameter, and is not imported from VISSIM. By applying EVA you have to do 4 steps of the roadmap: 1. Specify driving curves in VISSIM; 2. Check and change parameters; 3. Check the calculated conflicts; 4. Save, export and documentation. Step 1 is done by VISSIM. The steps 2, 3 and 4 must be done by EVA. For step 3 EVA produce a VISSIM file that can be used to view the calculated driving curves and conflict-points. Therefor VISSIM must be started again for the second time. In step 4 you can also use other software applications, as COCON, CORA or another (CCOL) application generator. In the latest version of EVA (version 2013), calculations are based on the Dutch CROW-publication 321 (2013), but calculations on the previous CROW-publications 213 (2006) and 111 (1996) or otherwise (overseas publications ?) are also possible. Manual EVA Page 2 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 STEP 1: SPECIFICATION OF THE INTERSECTION IN VISSIM 1. Start VISSIM (version 3.7 or later can be handled by EVA, version 5.1 or later does have the preference because the possibility of using different background types). 2. Open a digital background of the intersection, and scale carefully. Save the background parameters, you have to need this again in step 3. If it is an existing VISSIM file: select the needed intersection and delete the rest, save it as a new VISSIM network file (extention .inp). 3. Specify links and connectors of the intersection, use displaytype for different traffictypes. 4. Specify for each direction the driving curve in a connector, and give NAME the number of the direction. EVA search in step 3 to this specific NAME of the connector !!! In comparing with a standaard VISSIM file, the next modifications have to be added: • The NAME of the connector gets the number of the direction. This number of direction is equal to the standard numbering used in the Netherlands (1 to 12 for cars, 21 to 28 for bikes, 31 to 38 for pedestrians and 41 tot 52 for public transport). Example: the turn right connector of signal group 2 gets the NAME “1” and the left turn connector of the next signal group 3 gets the NAME “3” (see figure below of intersection 307 in the town of Purmerend, this example is added and can be found in the directory MyDocuments\EVA). More than 1 connector with the same NAME is possible and is needed for pedestrian-crossings and in case of there are more driving curves possible. Manual EVA Page 3 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 • The startposition of the connector is situated on the stopline of the signal group. • The end position of the connector is situated behind all conflicts (including the bike and pedestrian crossings). • For the crossing of pedestrians connectors are added in 2 directions. In some cases extra modifications are required; • For signalgroups with more than one driving curves (for example an one lane signalgroup to a 2 lanes road). In that case connectors have to be replaced by single lane connectors with modified width. • For mixed traffic (e.g. cars and bikes) you have to specify extra connectors for each traffictype. 5. Save this VISSIM network (extention .inp) and use this as inputfile for EVA. As example is added the file “OT307.inp” in the subdirectory EVA of your MyDocuments. NB. For step 1 it is not needed to start EVA. Manual EVA Page 4 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 STEP 2: CHECK/CHANGE PARAMETERS 2.1 INPUTFILES Start EVA, open your VISSIM-file of step 1. Since version 1.6 settings can be saved and opened in an EVA project (extention .eva). An EVA project opens not only the input VISSIM-file, but also the used settings: • Rounding-settings (file see 2.2 • Settings per signalgroup (file see 2.3 • Conflict-settings (file see 2.4 By choosing the menu “Edit” or the extra buttons you can change the settings by your editor, for example Notepath or UltraEdit. 2.2 ROUNDING-SETTINGS With EVA it is possible to round the calculated (guaranteed) clearance time in different ways. Therefor 4 parameters are used: • Rounding degree clearance times (“graad O”); • Increasefactor clearance times (“ophoog O”); • Rounding degree guaranteed clearance times (“graad G”); • Increasefactor guaranteed clearance times (“ophoog G”). This 4 parameters are used as follow: the non-rounded value will be increased with the increasefactor. Then the calculated value is divided by the degree. The next value is rounded to the closed integer value. Then the value is multiply with the degree. For example: In the CROW-publication of 2006 values of 0,3 s are rounded to 1 s. The parameters are than: increasefactor (“ophoog O”) = 0,2, degree (“graad O”) = 1. If you wish to round on half seconds and round to above 0,1 s than use: increasefactor (“ophoog O”) = 0,15, degree (“graad O”) = 2. If you wish to calculate the times in 0,1 s exactly, round to above, than increasefactor (“ophoog O”) = 0,05, degree (“graad O”) = 10. Manual EVA Page 5 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 2.3 SETTINGS PER SIGNALGROUP Here you can change the (default) parameters per direction and/or signalgroup: Direction number (Dir): this is the number that is used in the VISSIM file. Signalgroup number (Signal): this is the related number of the signalgroup plus a letter for straight on (S), left-turn (L) or right-turn (R). For example if the signalgroup number “5R” is added to direction number 4, this means that the turn-right vehicles reacts on the signal head of signalgroup 5. The used letters are: R = right-turn S = straight L = left-turn TrafficType: e.g. car, HGV, bus, tram, bike or pedestrian Manual EVA Page 6 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 Width1: in meters. Width of the driving curve at the beginning of a connector Width2: in meters. Width of the driving curve at the end of a connector Stopline-correction (StpLine): in meters. Here the user gets the possibility to change the distances if the connector in VISSIM does not begin exactly at the stopline. This is very handy if (afterwards) the stopline on street has been moved. Both negative as positive corrections are possible. When you use a positive value the stopline is moved backwards. Speed up (SpeedUp): in m/s, speed for driving up traffic. A few standard values are: • car, straight on, 50 km/h: 14 m/s • car, straight on, 70 km/h: 20 m/s • car, turn left/right: 8 m/s • bike: 5 m/s • pedestrian: 1,5 m/s Speed Off (SpdOff): in m/s, speed for driving off traffic. A few standard values are: • car, straight on, 50 km/h: 12 m/s • car, straight on, 70 km/h: 15 m/s • car, turn left/right: 8 m/s • bike: 4 m/s • pedestrian: 1,2 m/s Acceleration (a): in m/s2 with foreknowledge 2 m/s 2 and without foreknowledge 1,5 m/s 2. In Amsterdam 2,5 m/s2 is used. Bikes and pedestrians who drives/walks directly with the specified speed, gets the value 999. In that case EVA does not calculate with the acceleration. Decleration (r): in m/s2, always -2 m/s2. Vehiclelength (VehLgth): in meters. A few standard values are: • car: 6 m (or 5 m) • bus: 12 m • bike: 2m • pedestrian: 0m Space: in meters. If the calculated distance for driving up (walking up) is smaller than this parameter than the measured distance driving up is changed to 0. In COCON 0 m is a default value for walking up pedestrians or driving up bikes. By this method pedestrian (or bikes) signalgroups get only then green light if the conflict area is free of conflicting traffic. Manual EVA Page 7 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 Since version 2 (or version 2013) the followed parameters are added: Speed slow vehicle (SpdSlow): in m/s for calculating the clearance time based on a slow vehicle driving up. Or a slow pedestrian who starts crossing on start green flashing. Acceleration slow vehicle (aSlow): in m/s2 for calculating the clearance time based on a slow vehicle driving up. Deltatime (DeltaT): in s. This is the value for calculating the clearance time based on a slow vehicle driving up and is equal to: Greentime + Ambertime (or Green flashing time) – Reactiontime at start green An few standard values are: • • • bike with a greentime of 4 s, ambertime of 2 s and reactiontime of 2 s: bike with a fixedgreentime of 6 s, ambertime of 3 s and a reaction of 1 s: pedestrian, who starts on start green flashing: 4s 8s 3s 2.4 CONFLICT-SETTINGS EVA calculates conflictpoints based on cutting lines of the calculated driving curves. EVA select the conflictpoint with the highest clearance time. Besides the input of the signalgroups-settings, EVA needs more information about the conflicts: • not a conflict (none) (for example direction 1 to direction 2); • converging conflict, as you follow the guidelines of CROW, there is an alternative method for converging car traffic (for example direction 1 to direction 9); • accepted conflict (Dutch: deelconflict) for example direction 1 (signal group 2R) to direction 28. Accepted conflicts are signal groups which can be green at the same time. Traffic have to give way conform the “normal” priority rules, for example a car who turns right (direction 1, signal group 2) have to give way to bikes (signalgroup 28) and pedestrians (signalgroup 38). With a double slash you can place text in comment. If you choose the defaults there are 4 accepted conflicts: 1-28, 1-38, 4-22 and 4-32. Manual EVA Page 8 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 Manual EVA Page 9 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 STEP 3: CALCULATE AND CHECK CONFLICT-POINTS 1. If not wanted, untick Turncorrection (see table 5 (page 20) in the Dutch CROW-publication 321); 2. If not wanted, untick Slowcorrection (see figures 6 and 7 (page 23) in the Dutch CROWpublication 321); 3. Select “Calculate” (or F9 or button with the arrow); 4. Select “Output – as VISSIM File”; 5. Save as VISSIM bestand, for example OT307output.inp; 6. Open this file in VISSIM, select (if possible) the correct background; 7. Ignore this message of VISSIM; 8. View the ‘Nodes’ by selecting the button ‘nodes’, and select afterthat the menu ‘Edit’ ‘Selection list’: for every conflictpoint the position of this point is viewed. The numbering is as follows: 138: means drive off by direction 1, drive up (walk) by direction 38. NB. this are numbers of (Dutch-way) directions, not the numbers of signalgroups ! In the example below 138 is an accepted conflict (Dutch: deelconflict) between the signalgroups 2 and 38. Manual EVA Page 10 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 The ‘Nodes’ are the by EVA calculated conflictpoints. The next facts have to be checked: • Width and position of the (left and right) driving curves; • Conflicts between slow traffic (bikes, pedestrians) and car traffic; • Converging conflictpoints; • Accepted conflicts (Dutch: deelconflicten). This are conflicting signalgroups who can have green at the same time. In the ‘Name’ of the ‘Node’ you can find extra information, such as the by EVA calculated distances and clearance times. (NB. samenkomend=converging, negatief=negative, deelconflict=accepted conflict). 9. If faults are detected, modify the VISSIM inputfile or parameters, and repeat step 2 and/or 3. Manual EVA Page 11 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 STEP 4: SAVE, EXPORT AND DOCUMENTATION 4. 1 OUTPUTFILES After checking the calculations of EVA, you can save this in different formats: • Textfile • CCOL file • Exportfile (CSV file) for COCON • VISSIM file 4.2 OUTPUT AS TEXTFILE The textfile includes: • calculation of every founded conflictpoint; • matrix of all clearance times per direction; • matrix of all clearance times per signalgroup; • matrix of all guaranteed clearance times per signalgroup. 4.3 OUTPUT AS CSV FILE The results of EVA can be used in COCON in 2 ways: • To type manually the distances of the textfile in COCON; • To import the calculated times by a CSV file. In the last option you can use the import function in COCON. Calculated times by EVA can be imported by COCON by the exported CSV file. The calculated distances by EVA can not be imported. Since EVA version 1.7 the lengths of the lanes and the accepted conflicts (Dutch: deelconflicten) can also be exported to COCON or CORA by a CSV file (or EVA file). The COCON input is than nearly ready, you only have to add COCON-parameters as fixed green times and amber times. Manual EVA Page 12 of 14 City Flow BV Wateringweg 111 NL - 2031 EG HAARLEM Website: BTW nr. NL821335558.B.01 4.4 OUTPUT AS VISSIM FILE After checking all the times and distances the export file of VISSIM can also be used to archive the calculations on paper, so the client (e.g. the road authorities) can also check the calculations. For this, an extra VISSIM link is added with a length of 50 m exactly. By using printscreen the figure can be print scaled on paper (A3 or A4), so distances can be measured by a straightedge. 4.5 LOGFILE All the intermediate and end results can be found in the logfile EVA.log (partly in Dutch). 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