Notices to Mariners OSTEND SEPTEMBER 11th 2014 NR. 19 + 1 >19/267 CORRECTION PUBLICATION Insert into the publication “Internationale Kaartserie – Kaart 1” (INT 1): New page 76b (in annex) in between pages 76 and 77. (pay attention when printing: use the correct printer settings) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 11 September 2014 No. 19 2 BELGIUM >19/268 (T) NIEUWPOORT - SEAWARD GUNNERY EXERCISES BaZ 2014-18/256 (T) is cancelled. During the period from 29/09/2014 until and including 10/10/2014, there will be gunnery exercises conducted by the artillery in the medium and large sectors. Date Day Period 29 September Monday 08.00 – 17.00 L 30 September Tuesday 08.00 – 17.00 L 01 October Wednesday 08.00 – 17.00 L 02 October Thursday 08.00 – 17.00 L 03 October Friday 08.00 – 17.00 L 06 October Monday 08.00 – 17.00 M 07 October Tuesday 08.00 – 17.00 M 08 October Wednesday 08.00 – 17.00 M 09 October Thursday 08.00 – 17.00 L 10 October Friday 08.00 – 17.00 M _(Source: Defensie Nieuwpoort Bn Aie-14-00326417 dated 07/07/2014) Sector 3 >19/269 IMO ROUTE - WESTHINDER - VICINITY BUOY WH S - BUOYS AND INSTRUMENTS REMOVED BaZ 2014-13/204 (T) is cancelled. The following light buoys are removed: - GPS-tide buoy aKust200 in position 51°22,92’N 002°26,26’E. - special marking buoy HD15 in position 51°22,88’N 002°26,19’E. - special marking buoy H15 in position 51°22,97’N 002°26,03’E. - special marking buoy H18 in position 51°22,97’N 002°26,40’E. _(Belg. charts: D11, 102 (INT1480)) _(Source: MRCC Oostende MSI 359/14 up to 362/14 dated 02/09/2014) >19/270 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - VAARWATER SCHEUR VICINITY BUOY S3 - BUOYS REMOVED BaZ 2014-18/259 (T) is cancelled. The following light buoys are removed: - special marking buoy H6 in position 51°24,15’N 003°03,16’E. - special marking buoy H12 in position 51°24,00’N 003°02,88’E. _(Belg. charts: D11, 101 (INT1474)) _(Source: MRCC Oostende MSI 357/14 dated 01/09/2014 and MSI 363/14 dated 03/09/2014) >19/271 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS VICINITY MOW 1 - REPLACEMENT WAVE RECORDER BUOY The wave recorder buoy with lettering aKust18 is replaced by the wave recorder buoy with lettering aKust17 in the same position: 51°21,58’N 003°07,19’E. (Belg. LL 0122.1) _(Belg. charts: D11, 101 (INT1474) - Belg. LL) _(Source: Flemish Hydrography dated 04/09/2014) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 11 September 2014 No. 19 4 >19/272 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS VICINITY MOW 3 - REPLACEMENT WAVE RECORDER BUOY The wave recorder buoy with lettering aKust25 is replaced by the wave recorder buoy with lettering aKust26 in the same position: 51°23,510’N 003°12,025’E. (Belg. LL 0130.2) _(Belg. charts: D11, 101 (INT1474) - Belg. LL) _(Source: Flemish Hydrography dated 09/09/2014) >19/273 (T) PORT OF ANTWERP - INDUSTRIEDOK 5e HAVENDOK - EXTENSION MOORING PROHIBITION BaZ 2013-13/206 (T) is cancelled. The mooring prohibition in force in the Industriedok - 5e Havendok, quay 393 from mooring post 71 up to and including quay 397 mooring post 2, is extended until and including Thursday 6 November 2014, longer or shorter in time in function of the progress of the works. The mooring prohibition applies for all shipping excepted for vessels of the contractor Besix nv. _(Belg. charts: 104/03, 104/04, 106 (INT1478)) _(Source: Port of Antwerp: Nautisch Persbericht: nr. 13/95 1th extension dated 01/09/2014) 5 THE NETHERLANDS >19/274 (T) WESTERN SCHELDT - GEUL VAN DE WALVISCHSTAART - MEASURING FRAMES REMOVED AND ESTABLISHED BaZ 2014-17/253 (T) is cancelled. Because of a measurement study, in the estuary of the Western Scheldt, the measuring frames with corresponding buoyage mentioned in BaZ 2014-17/253 (T) are removed. A measuring frame with corresponding buoyage is established in the following positions: BMM1 Frame 51°32,289’N 003°18,340’E BMM1A Spar - Yellow /Black/ Yellow - Topmark West 51°32,279’N 003°18,309’E BMM1B Spar - Black/ Yellow /Black - Topmark East 51°32,299’N 003°18,371’E _(Belg. charts: 104/10, D11, 101 (INT1474)) _(Source: Bass Vlissingen 100-2014 dated 05/09/2014) >19/275 (T) WESTERN SCHELDT - FAIRWAY LANGS HOOFDPLAAT Ref.: BaZ 2014-08/151. The buoyage of the sunk submarine pipeline in the schaar van “Vaarwater langs Hoofdplaat”, is modified in: Zinker West Conical yellow buoy with topmark in position: 51°22,766’N 003°38,139’E Zinker Oost Conical yellow buoy with topmark in position: 51°22,664’N 003°38,734’E _(Belg. charts: 104/10, D11, 101 (INT1474)) _(Source: Bass Vlissingen 099-2014 dated 02/09/2014) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 11 September 2014 No. 19 6 >19/276 WESTERN SCHELDT - EVERINGEN - MODIFICATION OF BUOYAGE - CORRECTION OF CHARTS AND LIST OF LIGHTS As a result of a shoal the following modification of buoyage is performed. Moved are: E 14 to position 51°22,339’N 003°52,320’E (Belg. LL nr.: 0633) E 16 to position 51°22,689’N 003°53,084’E (Belg. LL nr.: 0632.2) _(Belg. chart: 104/09 - Belg. LL) _(Source: Bass Vlissingen 098-2014 dated 02/09/2014) 7 >19/277 CANCELLED NOTICES NtoM nr. Cancelled Charts 2014-14/237 (T) Western Scheldt - Everingen - Pas van Terneuzen - Combined measurements Western Scheldt - Flushing Roads Swimming competition 104/09 2014-15/243 (T) 2014-16/249 (T) Notices to Mariners 104/10 D11 101 (INT1474) Western Scheldt - Honte - Dive investigation 104/10 101 (INT1474) OSTEND 11 September 2014 No. 19 8 MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION (MSI) Valid on 11/09/2014 (WGS84) > 14/187 COASTAL ROUTE - DE PANNE-OOSTENDE Special marking buoy 4 in position 51°13,38’N 002°52,75’E is temporarily removed. > 14/222 IMO ROUTE - WESTHINDER Wave recorder (aKust31) in position 51°21,00’N 002°42,35’E is 320 degrees, 150 metres off station. > 14/325 APPROACH OOSTENDE Nets lost by fishing vessel ARM-33 TEMPUS FUGIT in the vicinity of position 51°19,48’N 002°47,57’E. Shipping is requested to report sighting to Ostend coastguard on VHF 16 or 67. > 14/328 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - THORNTON ROUTE Fishing gear lost by fishing vessel O.13 - MORGENSTER in the vicinity of position 51°28,539’N 003°04,073’E. Shipping is requested fishing nor anchoring. > 14/343 IMO ROUTE / WESTHINDER Westhinder measuring pole in position 51°23,31’N 002°26,26’E is unlit. > 14/345 VLAAMSE BANKEN ROUTE Radar Tr Surveillance Station in position 51°16,49’N 002°26,85’E: RA: inactive. > 14/367 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS Lightbuoy A1 in position 51°22,37’N 002°53,34’E: light unreliable. > LB004/14 PORT OF NIEUWPOORT The red light in the port of Nieuwpoort in the vicinity of ‘Krommenhoek’ is out of order. Compiled by: afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie Administratief Centrum (1st floor) Vrijhavenstraat 3 8400 Oostende Published by: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Brussel 2014 © Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Price: Subscription fee n° 01 - n° 26: 30 euro a year (reference: BAZ2014/AL) Subscription fee n° 02 - n° 26: 15 euro a year (reference: BAZ2014) Price BaZ n° 01: 15 euro (reference: BAZ2014/1) Amount to be transferred with the corresponding reference on bank account number IBAN: BE29 0910 1286 5764, BIC: GKCCBEBB, in the name of: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken E.V. Flanders Hydraulics Berchemlei 115 2140 Borgerhout This is a free translation of the official “Berichten aan Zeevarenden”. In case of dispute the Dutch text is the only valid copy. Soundings are true directions from sea calculated for light sectors. Lengths are related to Greenwich. Copying information from this publication is only authorized with full source information: afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie Realisation: Goekint Graphics nv Photography: afdeling Kust NOTICES TO MARINERS OSTEND SEPTEMBER 11th 2014 NR. 19 Notices to Mariners Nr.19 — 2014 Navigatiehulpmiddelen/N avig a tio n A id s a n d S e r vic es 76b Bijlage bij BaZ 2014-19/267 voor de KAART 1 pagina 76b. Block to BE NM 2014-19/267 for INT 1 page 76b. S Radar, Radiostations, Satelliet navigatiesystemen Virtuele AIS (onbekende IALA functie) Virtual AIS (with unknown IALA-defined function) V-AIS 18.1 Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems V-AIS 18.2 V-AIS V-AIS Virtuele AIS, kardinaal Virtual AIS with cardinal IALA function V-AIS 18.3 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, stompe vorm Virtual AIS can shape 18.4 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, spitse vorm Virtual AIS conical shape 18.5 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, ter markering afzonderlijk gevaar Virtual AIS, Isolated danger mark 18.6 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, veilig vaarwater markering Virtual AIS, Safe water mark 18.7 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, speciale markering Virtual AIS, Special purpose 18.8 V-AIS Virtuele AIS, noodaanduiding wrak Virtual AIS, Emergency wreck indication 489,2
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